How to Get Results for SMMA Clients (A-Z for Beginners)

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the number one issue with starting an smma is not actually getting clients it's getting the confidence to deliver results to those clients i hear this over and over and over from you guys that there's so much info on how to sell the clients so much info on prospecting all this stuff but how do i actually get them results there's no gurus talking about this i even had a guy tell me he'd pay for multiple consultations with multiple sma coaches and everybody when he asked like okay how do i run the ads they just said i don't run the ads and look at them like they're a genius but that doesn't actually help him start his agency right so what's the solution here that's what i want to talk about in this video so in this video i'm hoping to fill that gap the gaping hole in this industry and do my best to show in a variety of different niches how you would go about getting results for people using facebook instagram and tick tock ads i'm not going to be covering google ads i'm not going to be covering um seo because i don't know how to do those just lead generation on facebook instagram and tick tock disclaimer i don't have a ton of tick tock experience but i do have a little bit and a lot of the principles are very similar to facebook and instagram so i just thought i'd include it here i won't be able to provide every single piece of advice you need for every single niche but i promise by the end of this video you will know what to do you will know how to get results for clients it's just a matter of gaining the confidence through practice and that's one thing i want to talk about just before we get into the actual meat of the presentation i just want to give me two minutes to talk about this because it's really important in one of my previous videos the evolution of a marketing agency i talked about how agency owners are going to start out as freelancers and then they're going to go to kind of this manager contractor relationship or hire somebody to do the ads and then they'll be getting the clients and kind of feeding them to that contractor and then eventually you'll scale up and you'll have a full-time employee or multiple full-time employees and you'll be the business owner overseeing the processes of what's happening inside of your company so with that said most people don't end up breaking past the initial freelancer stage for two reasons one they either try to skip it and go straight to the contractor but the contractor doesn't know what they're doing and the person doesn't know how to find a good one because they've never run ads before and they don't know how to vet that you know they'll believe anything anybody tells them and the second one is they start as a freelancer and they don't know what they're doing so they don't get results so it's kind of this cash 22 where you need experience to deliver results but you need to have delivered results to have experience so what does one to do there's two options number one you can go get a job and most people aren't going to do this but i think it's honestly underrated this is how i started i had eight months in a digital marketing job where i learned a ton about how to run ads i learned a ton about marketing i just studied as much as i could and actually got hands-on experience and got paid to get that experience really not a bad idea and there's tons of marketing agencies that will hire entry-level people second option here guys is to work for free or cheap with your first you know five ten clients so you can get as much experience as possible without you know having to deal with the pressure of needing to make money or needing to provide results for the people and without them having sky-high expectations and that's why i'm making this video so that if you're in that position where you don't know where to start you can start here use the principles in this video to go work for free or cheap get the experience and then eventually scale up your agency this is a long term thing guys it's taken me like three and a half years to get where i am today and that's just from when i started my agency if you count back it's almost four years now so you have to keep in mind that this is a long-term thing guys it's not a get-rich-quick scheme it's not a do no work and just get as much as you want you have to start by learning and i started four years ago and now i'm here so don't think it happens overnight awesome so now let's get into what i've prepared for you guys some nice looking slides here let's talk about the elements of lead generation service delivery i'm saying lead generation here because that's what the majority of you guys are going to start with we'll cover some other ways to get results for clients obviously but lead generation for local businesses is like where 90 of my audience lives so we're gonna start there but i will provide some other tips and tricks for other uh niches along the way so you guys understand so first of all there's the ad then there's the ad targeting then there's the lead capture how do we actually get the name phone email then there's the post lead capture nurturing so how do we turn that lead into a booked consult or into a sale depending on what it is that we're doing and then there's appointment scheduling and the reminders these two go together but most people most small businesses are going to follow this pattern where where they put the ad out then they capture the lead then they turn that lead into some kind of appointment or free consult or whatever it is and you want to get them not only to schedule that but to arrive at that console and that's why we have the reminders there so we'll talk about all these things in this video let's go ahead and start with ads what are the elements of the actual ads and something important to note here guys is most people just think like oh smma i'm starting an agency all i have to do is the ad like no that's not how it works a lot of people just end on on the third one too and just do the lead capture which is okay as a beginner but if you want to get advanced then you need to get into this post lead capture nurturing and then also the appointment scheduling and reminders so let's start at the very beginning which is ads what are the elements of a good ad or just an ad in general first of all the picture or the video the creative sometimes this is called the copy so you've got headlines and then you've got the body text and then call to action buttons where people actually click to go to the next part to the next stage of your marketing campaign so i want you to look at the examples here of three different types of placements of ads so we've got facebook ad here and we've got an instagram feed ad here which is different than a instagram story ad which i haven't included here and then we've also got a tick talk ad here look how different these are on the facebook side you've got this headline down here and you've got a lot more room to actually put some text up that people are going to be able to see and the name of the business is going to be a lot bigger on instagram look at this his name is super small and he's got about not even two lines uh to show what he's talking about so that's why the video the creative is much more important on instagram than it is on facebook i mean it's equally important but it's you have less to play with when it comes to text on on instagram so you have to really focus on the creative on tick tock it's almost all creative look at that i think like i can't remember the character limit is but this is pretty much all you can do uh when it comes to writing but this many words is pretty much all you can do there's no room for headlines there's nothing else it has to be a video so you know what are you gonna do so hopefully this gets the wheels turning in your head if i'm doing facebook ads versus instagram ads versus tick tock ads what is going to be involved in creating the actual ad for the client now let's look specifically at creative what do you notice about these what sticks out to you which one do you actually like let's look at this one two numbers one phone this is like perfect for instagram there's a lot of these on instagram where it's just like the words are on the picture because they have to be on the picture because there's no room for words like we saw here this one's cool this one not my favorite this one is also not my favorite um this one's quite cool you can see them they're smiling and then it says this is their their headline you know coaches make 30 000 with your facebook group in the next 90 days guarantee or we'll work with you one-on-one or for free until you do this is their offer right there very simple they put it in the picture i'm sure this does quite well for them because they're just stating what their offer is and they're putting it out there for everyone to see as as clearly and as blatantly as possible this one's quite cool as well i like the sorry let me take myself away so you can actually see this one um cole gordon you can see here he's saying our setter's performer you don't pay this is like an additional headline that he's putting within the creative so if this was running on facebook he'd have a headline here technically kind of a headline here this is the body copy but then he'd also have the headline here at the top of the video now let's look at a couple other options these are for more local business type ads this one's cool them standing in front of the office like hey people know you know i've noticed this works really well for like medical clinics and other things like that just team members standing outside the door smiling thumbs up or just saying like welcome that kind of thing kills it i have one of one of my doctors standing outside his practice just like with his hands by his side and you can see like the name of his practice behind him that one does really well uh here's another one not amazing stuck image it's got the name of the practice here and then says get an orthodontic screening by age seven okay like it's all right it's not great this one here give yourself a healthy smile it's okay she's you know pointing smiling it looks good but there's a little too much going on here i think this one is very cool because of the colors it's definitely going to stop people from scrolling this is for an escape room i believe and then this one is you can't see the full picture here but basically just like somebody looking down at somebody else you can't really see the faces i block the faces out just in case you know people don't want their faces out on my youtube video but um this one isn't great because no one's really looking at the camera but you know who knows maybe it would perform well and that's another thing is you just have to try different pieces of content a lot of times until you find something that works so as far as the principles and tricks that can help you to be successful when it comes to the creative on your ads no matter the platform is to think about stopping the scroll think about the average consumer that you're trying to reach what are they doing on whatever platform it is you're running the ad they're just scrolling through looking at pictures and so if they see an ad you know 99 of the time people are just gonna scroll right past that ad but what are they going to do with your ad how do you make it so that they don't scroll right past yours so that they click on it and they're interested and they submit their information they take time out of their day to actually do what your ad is asking them to do that's the first step in doing that is stopping the scroll so see how you can make things like this picture here eye catching next up try different color backgrounds anything that blends in with the facebook feed or the instagram feed you know like a completely white ad or something like that probably isn't gonna do super well because it's not gonna provide any visual contrast and therefore won't stop the scroll there's some people who will take their ad and even just photoshop a different color background into the ad so maybe one is red one is yellow and then they just test and see which one does better and believe it or not little stuff like that can actually make a big difference the third thing here is to think of it like a youtube thumbnail youtube thumbnails are so important because if it stops you from scrolling and then it gets you to click that's the first step in actually getting you to the youtube video and then watching the youtube videos which is what a youtuber wants you to do so this is where we go back to that instagram thing where you really don't have much text it's the same thing with a youtube title and thumbnail the thumbnail is like actually probably 60 to 70 percent of getting someone to click because it gets them to stop then they look at the title they're like oh that sounds interesting i'm going to click on it you have to think about it that same way and maybe add some extra headlines or text in the picture to make it so that people want to click next up here sometimes completely organic photos work well sometimes they don't by organic i mean like just pictures of you know if it's a dental clinic like the doctor taking a selfie with his team or a doctor or the doctor standing next to one of his patients sometimes things like that do really really well and then sometimes stock images actually perform better as a general rule i would say that organic looking photos do quite well much better than stock photos but in certain markets or for certain brands for some reason we found that stock images tend to work better for certain clients that we have or maybe just one of those organic photos that we've turned into kind of a text looking ad ends up performing well for some people you just have to test next up we've got sometimes videos work well sometimes they don't i've had a ton of people tell me oh you should turn you know your picture into like a three second video and then facebook thinks that it's doing really well because it's this three second video and people are watching it multiple times but i've never actually seen that work better than just a picture for my clients at least your niche might be different so you just have to you know figure it out on tick tock you have to use a video so what are you going to do when it comes to that and you'll have to think about what that when it comes to service delivery then the last point here is it's about getting them to click if you can just get them to click on the ad then you can get them to the next page and then you can focus on that page and getting them to the next page or the next step and that's pretty much all marketing is about it's just like how do i get them from step one step two step two to step three three to four and focusing on every single part of the process and getting them there super super important awesome now let's talk about headlines facebook is pretty much the only place where we have headlines so these are three facebook ad examples we've got here over 30 years of victory and then the trophy emoji a path to a healthy smile starts here exclamation mark and then houston texas atv rentals then you can also see there's this kind of sub headline here your number one priority our offices provide specialized services for your child to feel comfortable happy and safe atv rental service what do you think about these which one do we like the most um i think over 30 years of victory is quite cool but would it actually help somebody click i'm not actually sure this one houston texas atv rentals is very basic but i think it might actually perform better than this one because it's just super clear about what they do and then this one in the middle i would say is not really built to actually get people to book right away the path to a healthy smile starts here like it sounds nice but i don't think it would perform very well who knows i might be wrong it's all about testing uh let's look at some more headlines here we've got eating disorder treatment very basic very you know this is what we're doing which i actually quite like revamp your landscaping this fall same thing why not safer schools and safer neighborhoods pretty good as well this one's like somebody running for public office so you know it's it's uh tough to really measure results on that one but pretty good for i would say pretty good for what he's trying to do i don't love eating disorder treatment they could probably spice this up quite a bit revamp your landscaping this fall is good but you could add an emoji here you could add an exclamation mark to make things better i said we're not going to cover google ads in this presentation and that's right but if that's a service you want to provide this is the same concept so let's look at let's read all these and see which one we like the best watson orthodontics book your summer appointment number one dentist near you 89 new patients special dentist near me 29 emergency and pain official aspen dental schedule an appointment today which of these makes you want to click the most i think it depends what i'm actually searching for so if i search for orthodontics these two are not going to entice me at all because that's not what i'm searching for this one maybe but i would definitely do watson orthodontics book your summer appointment today this is the most enticing to me if i search that but if i searched dental office near me then i would probably click on one of these now let's look at these plumbing ones local plumbing contractor 24 7 emergency plumbers best plumbers in utah emergency plumbing available call now same day service recommended emergency plumber which of these do you like best i think i like this 24-7 emergency plumbers recommended emergency plumber is okay i like local call now same day service is pretty good as well so you can see you know why this might make me click or not click and google ads it's like literally all that you have you don't have creative at all all you have is the headline and some body text so now let's talk about some principles and tricks specific to ad headlines first of all you guessed it you're just trying to get people to click that's all it is when it comes to headlines are very important model what you see working so you can look at other industries one of my favorite things to do is just look up ads from other industries you can use facebook ad library to do that if you don't know what that is just go to forward slash ads forward slash library and then search for ads in your whatever niche and you can look and see oh that's a cool headline i liked that or just pay attention like you're walking down the street and you see a headline from something like oh that's really good i wonder if that would work for this client and you kind of spin that headline another way and see what happens use a headline analyzer generator these are actually really cool tools that can help you do this so so let's go check one out here headline generator let's say we're writing one about plumbing plumbing get headlines what plumbing has in common with drake that's hilarious best type of plumbing for every zodiac sign the best plumbing movies ranked what research says about plumbing the frightening effect of climate change on plumbing obviously none of these actually make sense right now um but you could kind of take the beginning of this the 15 best plumbing podcast of 2021 and change it into you know the 15 best plumbers in whatever area or six ways to these are kind of good for blog posts it looks like but play around with different tools one or i think they rebranded to jasper actually all of these tools will write copy for you and you can just use it to kind of get your brain flowing and see what might work or what might not and not have to rely wholly on yourself just coming up with every single good headline next up think of it like a youtube title same concept that i talked about before you've got to get people to click you have to explain the value proposition of what you're trying to sell in a very concise way so that they want to click and then you keep going from there don't be too wordy this is huge and then also don't overdo it people can tell when you're trying to oversell things facebook actually has like a ai that will go through and read if you're over promising or if you're being crazy so if you're saying something like you know this magical superfood helps you lose 10 pounds in minutes like a lot of people are gonna click on that but once they click they're going to be like oh no there's no way and and that's going to negatively affect your ads you want to promise what's actually happening but not over promise to the point where people aren't actually following through with the action that you want them to take some really cool headline examples i wanted to include here it's not soap it's dove this is a really famous one from ogilvy who's one of the like og marketers this is how he put dove into a categories of its own where it's you know it's moisturizer it's not just soap next up how to win friends and influence people one of the best-selling books of all time people want this and so it's explained very clearly and they want they bought the book for that reason is the life of a child worth one dollar to you very good headline very very good headline our setters perform or you don't pay that's the cole gordon one i thought that was quite good they laughed when i sat down at the piano but then i started to play makes you want to click right so think about how you can take these examples and apply them to whatever your niche is hey guys i apologize for the change of scenery and change of audio quality and all that but i wanted to pop in here because there's a super important point that i need to make and it's about headlines and the warmth of your audience so i'm going to put this quote up on the screen that really explains this quite well if your prospect is aware of your product and has realized it can satisfy their desire your headline starts with the product if he is not aware of your product but only has the desire itself your headline starts with the desire if he is not yet aware of what he really seeks but is concerned with the general problem your headline starts with the problem and crystallizes it into a specific need so that's by eugene schwartz who's like one of the godfathers of modern day advertising or just advertising in general and the reason that it's so important is that you have to realize who you're talking to every time that you're writing an ad if you're trying to attract people that are hot and like ready to buy right away they'll probably already know what it is they'll already want to do it and you have to make sure that your headline speaks like that in these cases you don't have to include as much context you don't have to include as much detail and it's just a lot easier to close somebody that's hot a lot of the time you'll probably be dealing with people who are warm but not hot so they're aware as eugene schwartz said of the solution to their problems but they don't yet know about your client or the fact that they can help them so you have to educate them on how good the client is and why the person should care about their specific business and then lastly you've got cold audiences these are the hardest to convert but you need to make sure that if you're running ads to a cold audience it explains it starts with the problem and says hey do you have this problem and then it starts to explain the solution to that problem so let's say i was writing ads for my coaching program the ad to the hot audience these are people that already know me would be like hey keaton walker just came out with a new coaching program click here to find out what it is people who know me like me and trust me don't need any more than that to click secondly people who are warm maybe they know about starting an agency or smma but they don't know about me i would start out with the headline maybe i thought about starting an smma but don't know where to start that's the they're aware of the solution but not the problem the cold audience doesn't even know about the opportunity of starting an agency or an sma and so i would say something like sick of your current job and looking for the next thing want to start a business but don't know where to start you can see how this targets different levels of that buyer funnel all right now let's talk about body copy again remember in instagram we have very little body copy to play with and no headline here's an example of rodizio grill super short copy we love celebrating birthdays as you know we sent out a coupon for one dollar birthday dinner to our club rhodesia subscribers sign up today one dollar birthday dinner that makes me want to click sam evans on the other hand likes writing novels in his facebook ads and people go through and read them if you don't think they will read it they actually will read it a lot of people will scan but this is kind of how you can provide value uh in the ad before they even click and make them want to click more because they're just like wow this is really cool here he's talking more about results rather than providing value you can read through this whole thing as much of it is available on the screen right now but you can also go to facebook ads library and read his ads a couple more examples here swim kids this is my family business just i think some really good copy here git air which is like a trampoline park welcome to get air pickerington where we bring the very best and largest trampoline park to the pickerington area um not great this doesn't make me want to click this one ceo of hyrus alex becker hi-ros ai plus print tracking is guaranteed to increase at roa but grandfather pricing ends may 24th act before it's too late he's basically said the entire thing that he's going to say and the rest of this in one sentence which is super helpful when it comes to body copy you have to make sure that you're putting as much as possible above the fold because not every like this whole thing isn't going to show up on the facebook feed just this first two lines is going to show up so principles and tricks when it comes to body copy the first one to two lines are like a second headline so you have to make sure that's packs as much of a punch as possible like i was showing with alex becker there pain agitate solve this is a copywriting framework where you talk about the pain somebody's in then you agitate that pain and say you know basically drive the knife in further and say this is a big problem then you say i have the solution for it makes people want to click hook story offer another copywriting framework you hook them with something that's just out of the ordinary or gets them to stop scrolling and then you tell them a story and then you pitch them on a small offer so an example of this is um there's this guy that did fit to fat to fit he was a personal trainer and he was super fit so he decided to gain like 50 to 80 pounds over six months and then lose it again over the next six months and using that as his hook and then telling the story of why he did it because he wanted to understand his clients who you know needed to lose weight he wanted to understand them better makes people like wow that's so cool and then when he says just click on this thing to get a free report or whatever it is then they definitely want to click on it next up we've got awareness interest desire action another copywriting framework you make people aware then you generate a little bit more interest about what's going to happen and then you make them desire that and then you get them to take action this is like you do this in the ad then once they click on the ad then you do this on the next thing that you have them do then you do it again it's like the process more than a copywriting framework it's the process that you should think every single person has to go through this process to click to the next stage of my marketing campaign next up learn to break the rules when you need to this one's really cool i think there's a sam evans ad that literally just like it was green and then it had the word ad on it and the first line was this is a paid ad its purpose is to get your attention like that breaks the typical rules of what's going on with ads because typically you're trying to get people to just not think about the fact that it's an ad but then he flipped that on his head and just said like hey this is what i'm doing if you want this thing click on this like just very direct which is ended up working for him for quite a while i think and i saw some other people copying that ad style and then lastly here write something that makes people feel like you understand them this one is huge if you don't understand what people want if you don't understand who they are that you don't understand they feel like you don't know their problems and this goes for everything whatever you're selling even if it's like laundry detergent that's going to be really probably quite a bit easier to sell than something that you have to explain because everybody already understands what it is but if you can help people you know realize like help busy moms realize that you care about them because of your laundry detergent being better than everybody else's and you know washing the clothes better so that they can save time that's huge same thing with orthodontics that's what we talk about a lot it's like hey we do same day starts so you can start the same day that you come in for your consultation saves you time we do um we have weekend and evening appointments so that you know you can come in and not have to disrupt your kids schedules that's super helpful as well because people really care about that kind of thing and when you can help on the other end there's like the coaching side so sam evans is really good at this he's just he's making people feel like he understands their problems intimately which he does and when they read their ad it's like wow this guy tore a page out of my diary i need to work with him because he obviously understands what i'm talking about you strike a chord whether you're doing it for the busy mom or you're doing it for the person that wants coaching you figure out how to strike a chord with them in a way that they feel understood hey guys popping in here again because i wanted to suggest something that i forgot to mention which is this company called ad zombies has a really great service that allows you to do copywriting with uh flat fee so i believe it's like 50 for them to write a facebook ad for you you submit all the information about the client and they will write the copy for you i've gotten some really good ideas from them and i would highly recommend this if you're creating your own ads from scratch why not just outsource the copy these guys are really good at it so check them out if you're interested all right now let's talk about ad targeting there's two types of ad targeting and nobody ever differentiates these and it makes me really upset so i'm going to talk about it right now there's local targeting and then there's going to be non-local campaigns local targeting is not complicated it's really not complicated at all like you literally just put a geographic area around where you want to target and you leave pretty much everything else open depending on the service right but when you're targeting a geographic area you can't put more like interest and stuff on there because it's going to be just too small of an audience and it's not going to work so an audience type of 100k plus is ideal this is for facebook i don't tic talks got its own thing going on so that's just for facebook and instagram and then no detailed targeting as i mentioned that's how local gen works i'll show you how to set this up inside of ads manager right now but just these are the general principles like it's really not that complicated non-local campaigns so if you're doing like e-commerce or you're running ads for a coach or something like the biggest piece of advice i can give you guys is don't overthink this it's really not that hard it's more about your ad creative your headline your body copy that i just talked about all of those things are so so so so so so so much more important than the targeting targeting is like the most straightforward thing about ads as a general guideline an audience of one million plus is ideal you can go way bigger than that but this is probably the minimum i would do and then try for as many offshoots of the main audience as possible so let's say you're targeting like people who want to start a business there's many different ways to find people that want to start a business inside of facebook there's probably an interest targeting for that but you could also do like people who follow tony robbins because people follow tony robbins are probably interested in you know personal development and starting a business things like that so you can target people that already have people like that in their audience or you can target the interest specifically i'll dive more into that all right so here we are we've got facebook on the left and tick tock on the right and i'm going to show you how to set up your targeting correctly for both local based ads and non-local based ads so let's start with um just this campaign level on both sides so you can if you scroll over here we've got campaign ad group ad on tick tock and then on facebook we've got campaigns ad sets and ads very similar experience here setting up both of these types of ads so we're going to click create here and on facebook you can see we have all these options brand awareness traffic engagement messages conversions store traffic and on tick tock we've got reach um basically the same thing but just a few a couple options less on the tick tock side what you have to understand about this is it's actually a form of targeting but it's not demographical based targeting it's behavioral based targeting so if you click on traffic for example it's going to target people who are most likely to click on an ad that will take them to a website if you do video views it's going to target people who are most likely to view videos because they like doing that messages most people who are most likely to submit messages or talk to you via messenger conversions this is going to target people that facebook knows are likely to convert on your page so that might mean that they're opting in they're putting in their name phone and email and going to the thank you page on a funnel or it might mean that they're you know buying something on your ecommerce store or something like that on this awareness side brand awareness and reach these don't have any uh really type of behavioral targeting this is just going to be show my ad to as many people as possible and you might think that's a good idea but it's not actually targeting them in the way that will help you get the best results typically a really good example of a business that might use brand awareness for reach campaigns is coca-cola they don't want you to click on the ad and go buy coca-cola right now they just want you to be thinking like oh yeah i want some coke the next time you're at the movies you go get some or next time you're you know at the store you're like oh i remember that ad that looks so good and you buy some coca-cola video views is a very similar type of campaign where it's just targeting like hey i just want people to watch this video and one more thing here is that depending on what type of business you're running if you're running e-commerce for example there's a strategy called the carpet bomb strategy where you would run a video views campaign or brand awareness or reach campaign and just try to reach as many people as possible that's the carpet bomb you just drop it and see who engages and then you re-target that audience with a more targeted you know a traffic campaign or conversion campaign or something like that and what you have to understand here is that each of these is you know awareness consideration conversion these are all steps in the marketing funnel and so typically if you're running if you have massive ad budgets like big companies would always have like okay this is our awareness section of the campaign then they'll have a consideration version of the campaign and then a conversion part of the campaign and slowly move everybody down the same funnel that's not really how it works for local businesses just because typically their area is too small and their budget is too small to actually justify doing some crazy retargeting campaign for every single local business you work with all right so on the facebook side we're going to select messages go ahead and click continue and then we're going to select lead generation on the tick tock side and here we're going to do campaign budget optimization we have to spend at least fifty dollars a day on tick tock so we'll click continue and we're also going to turn on campaign budget optimization on facebook and we'll do uh twenty dollars so basically what we're doing with campaign budget optimization is saying hey i want to target i just want a blanket budget for the entire campaign and i don't want to set the budget at the ad set level or the ad group level which would mean the targeting so you'll see a little bit more about what that means later but typically you're pretty much always going to turn on campaign budget optimization just as like a general blanket rule so now this is where things start to get a little bit different so i'm just going to do facebook first and then we'll go over to tick tock so now you can see here i've selected messages i would come in here and rename this if i wasn't doing a demo here and then you can see there's a couple of different types here we can do click to message or sponsored message sponsored messages where you would basically like send an email but to everybody's messenger so like a message that actually pops up in their inbox click the messages like here's an ad click and message us so that's what we want to do and we're just going to do messenger and instagram here looks like this is running for my agency page that's fine for this demo i always just keep budget and schedule the same here i don't do like an end date or whatever else you just want to show facebook that you're running things for an indefinite period of time then we come here to audience this is where the targeting really happens so for a local business let's say we're working with you know smith chiropractic in new york or something what we would do is come here and skip the custom audiences and then come here to locations get rid of whatever's by default selected and then we can come in here and search smith chiropractic sometimes this is going to pull up an address sometimes it won't so instead of that let's go ahead and type in smith chiropractic on our um and looks like we've got one here in glendale arizona so we're gonna grab this address here and then we're just gonna paste that in here there you go so that's where we're targeting 10 miles around a chiropractic office is probably quite big especially given that we're almost at a million people here so for a local business i'm just gonna keep bringing this down until i'm at about 100 to 300 000 so for these guys we might even do four four miles looks like that would be like pretty it's a really good group of people that we could target and if the results aren't great here we can always increase them you know when it comes to people living in or recently in this location i typically leave it on this unless it's a very touristy area and then you can turn it to just people living in this location and you'll see that bumps it down quite a bit and the reason for that is some people don't have like i live in glendale arizona or wherever they live on their facebook profile or facebook can't accurately track based on some of the factors that they have on them where they live but they can tell they're recently in this area and it's probably you know they probably live there so just leave it there ages let's see most people go to the chiropractor say 25 and above great that's brought us down to 185 to 220 that's about right we're gonna do all genders and that's it guys that's it when it comes to targeting for local businesses you really don't need to go heavier than that like it's just not that complicated like if you're just targeting for local service-based businesses guys all you have to do is draw a radius around try to get between 100 and 300 000 people and start running some ads and test it on that audience and nine times out of ten that's gonna work for you when it comes to placements down here typically i do manual placements and only select facebook feed and instagram feed and sometimes we'll do stories and reels as well but we typically just take off the rest of these because they don't work quite as well as facebook and instagram awesome so that's how i target like literally that's the secret sauce quote unquote secret sauce for local business ad targeting it's not that difficult now let's talk about if we were going nationwide and let's say we're doing ads for a coach or something like that a business coach how would we target for that so let's say in this case i'm in the uk all right so we've got uh the entire united kingdom in this case it'd probably be better to switch it to people living in this location as you can see that didn't change our estimated audience size at all and then we can come here to age and we're going to say most people hiring a business coach for the type of coach that we're hiring are between 20 and let's say 40 and that's brought us down to 23 million which is quite good and we're gonna say mostly men are the ones that are gonna work with us this is a great audience size for uh coaches if you've done more work with coaches you might know more about this i'm just giving you a general overview most times people tend to overthink this so so now this audience size is quite big but we also haven't narrowed it down at all like we don't just want 11 to 13 million men we want you know the one million men out of all of those men who are the most interested in business entrepreneurship actually run businesses you know so there's multiple ways to target them one you can target them based on demographics secondly you can target them based on interests and then lastly you can target them based on behavior which we already did a little bit of behavior before with the behavioral based targeting but there's some more that you can add here in the detailed targeting so let's go ahead and if we click on browse here you're going to see under demographics we can do education education level select any of these we can do financial top 10 percent of zip codes this is only in the us looks like uh life events away from family away from hometown uh anniversary within however many days these aren't super relevant for us but you can see how it might be relevant for maybe a restaurant who wants to run an anniversary campaign or a birthday campaign friends of men with a birthday and 0-7 days this would be really good for e-commerce potentially a long-distance relationship new job new relationship newly engaged newlywed recently moved there's a lot of stuff in here that you could potentially use come here to parents uh if this person is a parent with kids between these ages then you would maybe want to target them for specific business relationship relationship status and work we want to see which industry they work in so for us i think we'd select small business to business enterprise employees we don't want the employees we want the employers in this case so let's see business decision maker titles and interests or business and finance so if we select this our estimated audience size went way way down so we're gonna have to keep adding in more and more people business and finance that might be a good one business decision makers obviously also a big one and then you can see that estimated audience size isn't going up like it doesn't make a difference if i do this or made a difference of like 300 not a huge deal just um just keep trying so then we come in here those are some specific demographics but then if we come here to interest let's see business and industry we might do people who are interested in business okay there you go seven million that's probably a bit too broad so i'm going to take it off because it's just business it increased our audience size too much someone come here entrepreneurship that's much better the audience size is small but we know that that's a lot more targeted anything else personal finance that's probably a good one uh let's see investments people are invest interested in investing um real estate small business technology computers uh probably none of these would be good for us but that's some great things and that's that's put our audience right about where we want it okay when it comes to behaviors you can come in here look at digital activities so you could do new active business less than 12 months less than 24 months less than six months or greater than six months i'm not actually sure which one that means uh so we could select one of these like okay they've got a new business in the last two years um digital activities console gamers facebook payments users anybody running facebook ads this would be great facebook page admins typically this is going to be really good for us so business page admins um you know new page admin somebody who started a new business great and then internet operating system use we could do any of these expats mobile device user based on what they're using on the which mobile device they're using we can target them purchase behavior engage shoppers this one will charge you more if you select it but it's going to find a lot of people who are you know starting to buy stuff online or or facebook can tell is about to buy stuff online awesome so you can see we've you know defined this pretty well but there's a lot more things that aren't just on the browse section that we could use to target one thing that i like to do is come here to suggestions and just scroll down and look at all these home business that's perfect let's see i like the facebook payments users this would be like people who are currently running ads or business owners so we could add those on um startup company that's great return on investment owner and ceo also perfect but now let's say we're a coaching business but for a specific type of like online business so another thing we can do is think about influencers that these people might be following and try to target their audiences sometimes they're available sometimes they're not so for example let's say we're targeting online business owners that are interested in funnels we could search up russell brunson and that's an interest that we could add we could also search up let's say tony robbins looks like tony's not popping up sometimes you have to kind of scroll back we could also do like billie jean let's see if he's an option on here you can't target him russell brunson's the only one we can find right now but you could make a list of influencers and see which ones are available to target this also works really well for e-commerce quick note here guys when i say this works really well for e-commerce not only can you target influencers but you can target other big companies so for example i gave a consultation once for a candle making company and i looked up the biggest candle making companies and we were able to target those using facebook ads manager so you're literally just targeting people that you already know love these massive candle companies and offering them the opportunity to come to your candle company or whatever e-commerce company you've got check that out if you're running e-commerce ads awesome now when it comes to languages you probably want to just make sure you're speaking with people who speak english so you could that'll narrow down your audience a little bit and then manual placements again you know it's up to you when it comes to that but this is the process of targeting for kind of a broad market and you don't have to you know shoot for a certain audience size here if you get a really big audience then facebook's going to do a good job at kind of narrowing it down working with the the right size of audience all right awesome so that's how you do targeting for a nationwide campaign let's start with local businesses on tick tock so this automated creative optimization create multiple combinations of creative creative assets including videos and ad text ad delivery will be automated to allow your audience the combinations that can maximize your results this could be a good option it could be a bad option depending on what niche you're in you just kind of have to figure that out for yourself and then you can do this custom targeting or automatic targeting automatically show your ads to relevant users so this probably wouldn't work too well if you're trying to target for a local business custom targeting is what you're one going to want to do so come here to the united states and then you could come in click the down arrow on united states you could go down the state and deselect or select other states on here these dmas i believe are specific areas that you could target so for example if you wanted to target the austin area it's just like the greater area around austin texas then you could deselect everything here or just come in here and get rid of united states and do austin dma and there you go and you can see the available audience there you can turn off specific areas of who you're targeting do gender targeting there and then it looks like you can include or exclude certain things here uh if i was targeting for a local business i would keep this probably as open as possible because it's already telling me my audience size is too narrow and i'm targeting the entire austin area that's like 500 000 people um if we come in here and add interest or video interactions or all these other things then we're going to further narrow our audience which we don't want to do so now it's saying that we should turn on targeting expansion so it'll increase your chance of reaching a broader audience and achieving more conversions but it doesn't really work like you don't want to reach a broader audience if you're in a specific area for your local business so i would recommend keeping this off again i haven't run tick-tock ads i'm just like taking a gander at this while we go through this video together but this is how i would do the targeting if i was doing it for the first time then you can select the same thing to run it continuously or run it within a date range you can run it all day or you can select a specific time of day to run it i would recommend doing it all day especially with a narrow audience and then you can do an optimization goal we want leads for sure and that's how we would do local based targeting on tick tock now if you were doing targeting for that same coach or an e-commerce brand let's say we would do let's say united states target the entire united states and we're going to do just english and there you can see like we've got a pretty good audience there and then we're going to come here to interest let's say we're doing an e-commerce ad and things are quite um limited here so games and compared to facebook the interests and like other things that we can do are pretty limited but we could come in here and let's say we're selling a pet e-commerce product we could come in here and do pets people are interested in pets great that's narrowed our audience quite a bit but it's still good video interactions so if they've watched till the end or liked of any of these different categories you could do as well and you can do it within 15 days or seven days people who've carried out the following interactions with creators followed or viewed the profile of let's say family type creators or drama creators okay then yeah you know same thing here you can have the bidding and opposite optimization etc and then you would click next the next page where we'd set up the ad and that's the same thing on facebook awesome hey guys just popping in here because i realized i forgot to explain the structure of how you should set up these campaigns we talked about the settings for the campaign level the ad set level and um we didn't really talk about the ad level so once you've created the correct campaign and ad set targeting what you're going to want to do is come into the ad level and you're going to paste the the text and the headlines that we talked about in the copy section you're going to you know set the call to action to whatever you want it to be and then you're going to create the form or the messenger bot which i'll show you in the next section but what you want to do actually is once you've typed in so let's say i come in here and i say looking to start an agency i don't know where to begin and then my headline is like rest smma coaching and then i add my picture in i don't know if i have any good pictures in here let's see okay let's do this picture of me it's really old um so saying there's a temporary error so this is what that looks like um and there we go on facebook that's what it looks like so now what you're going to want to do is test one variable per test that you do so if you come in here with duplicate i've duplicated that ad and then we're going to duplicate it again and what you want to do is just test the images so if you're pretty confident about the copy which you should be if you followed everything that i talked about here you just come in here and you swap out the picture for a different picture it's going to add media and let's just select like this one and then i would come to this one and i would edit it edit media add media and i'd add this one there you go so now we've got three ads under one ad set with one set of copy one kind of copy one headline one body copy and then three different pictures and that's one of those pictures gonna do better than the other two so we'll just run all three so that facebook has some variation to kind of put into that if you're curious about how this works go check out another video i created which is how to run facebook ads it's got some more information on the algorithm there so this is how i would set this up if you're running national level campaigns you might need a whole other ad set so you could come in here and test different targeting so you click duplicate uh so you would come into this ad set and you would change the targeting here to be instead of the united kingdom maybe you're targeting people in the us instead of people in the us that want to start businesses you're starting you're targeting people in the us that want you know that are interested in investing or something like that just to see if a different audience for some reason performs better but underneath this ad set you don't want to test any different types of ads before you've run a test and seeing what's actually worth unless of course you're calling out a different avatar based on different targeting there so this is in general how you set up the campaigns if you're running local based ads you only need one ad set three ads sometimes only two ads and sometimes i'll just turn off the ads that aren't doing as well so um i hope that helps i know we can't go into every single detail on how to run campaigns in this uh video so this is generally how you'll set it up and just make sure you set up the one perfectly before you duplicate it so that you don't have to keep doing all the the same effort on the rest of the ad so you'd go in here finish everything including where you're going to capture the lead and then you duplicate this twice just swap out the picture and that's how you run ads and that's how you structure the ad account thanks guys all right so the next thing we need to discuss is we've talked about the ad we've talked about the ad targeting now how do we actually capture the lead and you know collect their name phone and email there's three main ways that pretty much everybody's going to do this number one is facebook messenger two is a lead form which we selected for our tick tock campaign so we'll show you that there and then landing pages is an option as well which we'll cover at the end so first let's talk about facebook messenger let's hop back into facebook here we set up a messenger campaign and so at the very end here it's going to say start conversation so the message template for our ad is to either create a new or use existing start conversations or generate leads or advanced setup messenger only so this advanced setup you would be using a third-party app similar to chat fuel or manychat to set up a bot that can ask people specific questions if you have questions about that go check out my video called how i use high level for 40 plus clients in that i outline how we use that advanced messenger setup so in our case let's just say we want to start conversations so what i'm going to do is click here on edit and when somebody clicks on our ads it's going to say hi please let us know how we can help you and then we can put these different questions can i learn more about your business can you tell me about your ad is anyone available to chat this isn't the best way i would say to start someone out because you're giving them too many options so instead let's go to generate leads and we'll click create we'll do the welcome message we can say please answer a few questions so we get to know you better then we can ask them specific questions here set up different things ask them like hey what's your name phone and email uh inside of this so we'll do what's your phone number uh email what's your email etc and this allows the person to respond us to collect that information and then we can follow up with that lead later that's how a messenger campaign works uh so i'm gonna get rid of that just because we didn't really do much work on it and this is and and i just want to show you inside of facebook this is where you would post your your primary text your headline description that we talked about in the ad copy section and the creative section is this is where you'd add that media as well all right so coming over to tick tock let's talk about lead forms so we've got the add name you know we can name it whatever we want tik tok account we can select the identity here the add details but here let's talk about the instant form if we click create on the form it's going to show us okay you can click on this the advanced form or the classic form let's go ahead and do advanced and then it's going to say would you like more volume or higher intent leads i always like to start with more volume and then go higher in 10 if the quality isn't super high so let's go higher intent that looks great we'll do the dark color scheme then we can come to banner we'd upload an image here introduction we'd say hi put your information here another headline there and then we can ask as many questions as we want uh so not as many but we could schedule an appointment we could uh you know do a short answer but right now we're just asking for their email and their name we could also do a phone number as well and once they fill out all of this information we say okay this is our privacy policy there's a review screen you can customize anything else that you'd like to add so a text block a carousel whatever it is then there's a thank you screen this is how you actually capture that lead from the tick tock ad hey guys i know that wasn't a ton of context when it comes to lead form so i wanted to hop in here to one of my client accounts and show you how we set up lead forms if we're running lead forms we typically do messenger but sometimes we'll run lead forms so you can see here we've got the name of the practice this is blurred out just to protect them the logo or the you know face on the page and then the picture of the ad behind both of these this is for facebook tick tock is going to be very similar now it's going to say thanks for choosing you know this company for a limited time we're offering 500 off your full treatment price so you put the offer reiterated again here who are you scheduling this appointment for they might select myself then they'll click next once they click next it'll take them to this next screen where it says full name phone number email uh they'll submit all this and it'll say here's the privacy policy click submit if you agree and then on the last page this is kind of a tricky thing that we do it says almost done request an appointment below view our calendar and schedule a time that works best for you click the link below not everybody will actually go to the page where they schedule but a percentage of people come through actually choose a time that works best for them and then we can call and confirm that appointment and we know who's you know most qualified who actually took the time to go through and look for a time that's good for them so the page that they go to to schedule which is a very generic looking booking page let me pull it up here so you can see all right so here's the page we've got the logo select the day and time below that works for you we'll call you to confirm the availability of the appointment obviously this looks good on mobile as well then they come through this is using gohi level they just schedule the date and time that works for them and then we will call to confirm that this isn't actually hooked up to their software or anything this is just them suggesting a time that works for them and then we'll call to confirm the availability you could also come through here and reiterate the offer again that would be a good thing to do so that's how we use lead ads for orthodontist obviously your niche is going to be a little bit different but i wanted to give you some more context on that because i know i kind of rushed through that lead ad example thanks so much and back to the video all right lastly we're going to talk about landing pages and for this i thought we might just go look at an example of somebody who has really good landing pages because they take a while to build it's not quite as straightforward as messenger or setting up lead forms either so premiere orthodontics these guys have really good ads so if we come here to learn more you can see they're doing back to school braces special start races for 79 per month or invisalign for 97 per month uh schedule this and this is what you'll get and we're scrolling down here it's giving us all the information about how awesome they are and why and then we have multiple options to schedule with them we can click here we can call or text this number we can select a location creating these is a very involved process the best place to do it would be on go high level i have a number of videos about go high level if you don't know what it is and eventually i might come out with a landing page builder one specifically basically if you have no idea you know how you'd go about building something like this it's very intuitive like a drag and drop builder that you'd be able to create a similar page to this on but for most beginners you probably want to start with messenger or lead forms just because it's a lot less work and you're already trying to focus on so many things and your head could be spinning from trying to focus on that many things all right now let's talk about lead nurturing lead nurturing is super important because most agencies stop right when the lead is generated as a beginner that's totally fine but eventually you want to really help your clients build out or even hire a team of lead nurturers which is what i've done so that your clients don't have to deal with it and you don't have to deal with your clients trying to do it and botching it almost every time illustrate how important this is i'm going to tell a story i got connected with an agency owner who has been in the dental niche for a really long time and you know they kept churning clients because they wouldn't follow up with the leads properly and then they would go back to the agency and just say hey these leads suck i can't get on the phone with them it's really frustrating so we need to cancel and he said they started listening to the conversations that the front desk people in these dental offices were having with the prospective patients who were coming through the ads and there were some crazy things that they found when they started listening to the recorded conversations um number one they would find team members gossiping about the doctor saying negative things about the doctor behind his or her back they would find people actually not knowing what services were being offered at that practice so things like oh oh you want invisalign we don't do invisalign the people down the street do invisalign when that practice is running ads for invisalign they're literally just losing money hand over fist because of this front desk it's it's such an important part of running any type of business but it's almost always neglected and the front office just isn't paid well enough or they can't attract the good talent to come and so they don't have a three million dollar business they have a one million dollar business because their front office is you know botching things so this agency actually went on to create a software where they listen to every single call they rate the call based on a few different factors and they allow the doctor to really have a grasp on what's going on at the front desk or the business owner in your case doesn't have to be a doctor and i can't tell you how important this is so even if you don't do it yourself you need to understand how to do it effectively and the elements of lead nurturing as you can see on the screen we've got texts calls emails and retargeting ads retargeting ads aren't going to be huge when it comes to local business because most local businesses like the audience is so small as i mentioned earlier that the minute you try to run a retargeting ad the audience is like literally 100 people or something like that and so you can't target and it just ends up spending way too much and not actually reaching the people that you want it to reach or it shows up in front of the same 10 people 100 times and you get charged for that and the people are upset because they keep seeing the same ad over and over and over again retargeting ads would be very helpful for something like e-commerce or an online coach or those national campaigns with the really big audiences where you have like a top of funnel campaign and then you keep moving down very smart for those types of businesses so we're not going to talk about retargeting ads further than what i've just mentioned because i don't really run them but these text calls and emails are going to be huge and we're going to show you how to set those up inside of gohi level alrighty so now let's talk about how we actually get those texts calls and emails to the prospect so that we can nurture them into a free consultation or whatever free offer it is that we're going for if we were working with local businesses this is pretty much standard like across the board everybody's going to have some sort of like free thing or low ticket paid thing you know like 39 teeth cleaning or uh you know 49 new patient special for a chiropractor anyway it's usually going to be free or it's going to be like you schedule the appointment but you don't pay for the appointment until you get there so that's the local business lead nurturing when it comes to online business lead nurturing so e-commerce or coaches or consulting or something like that it's a similar thing coaches and consultants will just generate leads off of maybe a free book or a pdf or a video or something like that and then they'll continue to email those leads or text those leads or even call those leads to get them on the phone so they can sell them something when it comes to e-commerce people go to the website and maybe some people will add to cart but not check out and if they've done that then they'll follow up keep sending them uh emails with different product offerings so that they can come back to the website and buy more and same thing if they purchase then they're just gonna say wow this person actually bought from us let's go ahead and send them more information on more products so that we can make more money off of them in this video we're going to focus on the local lead generation nurturing and then also for you know coaches and consultants it would look quite similar in this case if you don't know what it is go ahead and watch some other videos on it that i have on my channel but basically what it is is a customer relationship management tool or a crm and this is like what most businesses are lacking nowadays a place to track their leads to organize their leads to follow up with leads in a timely organized manner this is super super important like people just sell this they don't even sell the ad service they just sell the crm and have a lot of success in that side so how do we actually get this to work well we need to generate the leads and then we need the leads to plug into somewhere so that we can text call and email them so when it comes to go high level here if we're running facebook ads let's say for example we could come into integrations and go ahead and integrate our facebook account with this test account now i'm going to continue as myself and we'll go ahead and link a random facebook page that i have to this go high level account uh let's see we can do keytin's escape room this is a vague page that i've created in the past awesome so now that my facebook account is connected it's saying that the integration expired but should still be connected if we refresh this page there we go it's connected awesome so now that we've had those connected let's say we're running facebook messenger ads those ads believe it or not are actually all going to come in here anybody who messages us is actually going to just populate inside of high level just like that that's it that's all we have to do to get the messages at isn't that cool but if we wanted to text that lead as well as facebook message them we can also do that inside of go high level which is so so cool as you can see this phone number this random phone number like called this number that i have set up on this account and nothing happened there but if i wanted to send them a text back and say like hey how's it going would you like to sign up for our free consultation or whatever it is right great and then i would click send that would send them the sms let's say i put an email in here test 119 at now it's going to give me the option to email this person as well if i refresh the page so you can see we come back here to this person that we're just talking to and we have an sms option and an email option very very cool look at that and what's also cool is i have templates here that i could save i don't have any here but if i wanted to add a specific template that uh you know i can follow up with every single person just specifically with that template to save myself time i could do that in the templates section now let's say i want to call this person all i have to do is click on this call button and it's going to start dialing them and then i can connect with them say hey what's up you know do you want to connect or buy your free pass for whatever i can also type in phone numbers here all of these things can happen within one spot from every single platform if you want to connect you know the lead ads that you're running on tick tock in here as well you probably have to use a third-party integration app like zapier to connect the two apps together great so you're probably seeing the vision like okay i know we can call text and email these people but how often should we do each of those things and that's a great question what i do in my agency is we have a set of automated texts that go out so if i come here to automation and we're going to go ahead and click on this drafted workflow and let's say we're running a facebook lead ads on here so a facebook lead form submitted and it is in a specific form there's no forms in this account but we'd select a specific form there we click save trigger we'll click save trigger there so any facebook lead form that's submitted we're going to send them a text and the text is going to say hey thanks for requesting whatever from this account if you're interested and blah blah thanks like joe's chiropractic awesome look at that now we have an automated message going out every time someone submits a lead form on facebook that we've already set up and then when they text back or even if they don't text back everything is going to show up in that same exact dashboard inside of conversations here very very cool you can also build out these automations to be extremely robust so it's not just a text that sends but you could also send them an email so we put the from name from email and then we'd say like you know claim your special offer here great uh we'll go ahead sorry i'll take myself off the screen to claim your special offer here that looks great and then we could also do like a voicemail drop so we can leave them a specific voicemail we could upload here and then on this wait step we can do instead of just a time delay we can actually wait for somebody to reply so we can wait 30 minutes for them to reply let's say and if they've replied to this sms then we can set up an if else step and if they've replied at all so let's just say yes they've replied then we can do something specific like okay respond to them send them another text that says great when works to connect over the phone and then on the no side we could just send them another text that says hey i want to make sure you get booked you know say something else obviously make that longer and look at that now we have like a pretty robust like this is way better than any follow-up person uh it's obviously automated so it's not quite as good as a real person but it's faster than a person would ever be and can read things you know really complex logic can read and figure out and make sure that you're doing the right thing for every single lead that comes through so pretty legit awesome so that's how the workflows would work but on top of that you obviously need to be calling these leads as much as possible to actually get them to offer whatever else you're doing so what we do on my team is i have my team of appointment centers call every single day for three days and they don't just call once they call twice and that equals one call so as soon as the lead comes in as soon as they can get to it they'll call and then if they don't answer then they'll call again immediately after and then they'll leave a voicemail on that second time so they call it a total of six times but really just three times because each of those are right in a row and then if somebody responds to a text or a phone call they'll obviously book them on the phone call but they respond to a text and we're not able to get them on the phone then we'll just message back and forth texting them and get them to claim whatever offer it is that the orthodontist we're working with is running at that time if i were running a lead nurturing campaign for a coach or consultant or something like that you probably come here to automation instead of sending so many texts you do email i mean text could work extremely well but what i would do is just typically a lot of these people are not sorry typically a lot of these are not um you know going to happen right away a lot of the sales aren't going to happen right away that is so i would come in here and i would just say wait and i would say wait 24 hours and then i would just send them another email and in that email i would say something else about why we're so awesome and then we'd go again we'd wait another 24 hours and we do the same thing send them another email i know people who send emails just like this forever like six months they'll send an email just like this and then if somebody you know gets to the end of the six months and they have a purchase from you then you just kind of tag them a different way so you could say if somebody arrives here we add a tag and the tag is like not engaged let's say add that new tag click save action and then you can take we could go into another workflow sorry let's save this one and let's say when this tag has been added so contact tag is tag added not engaged then we could go ahead and remove them from all workflows so they don't keep getting more emails awesome as simple as that so as you can see there's a lot of different options to nurture these leads high level is the most powerful robust everything fits in one spot that i've ever found please please sign up my link is below like you can sign up without my link i really appreciate it if you sign up with my link but like this has single-handedly changed my life high level is insane it's so good and every agency owner should be using it all right awesome guys so that's pretty much it when it comes to lead nurturing the next thing in our sequence of what it takes to get a client results is actually appointment scheduling and reminders so phone scripts texts calls emails all these things go into getting client results as well because you can't schedule the initial consult or whatever it is that you're scheduling and then not remind the person to show up and even if you just schedule it and you don't really engage with them they're likely to know show and so you have to focus on getting rid of the no-show issue or the cancellation issue as well as the lead problem and then the lead booking problem as you can see it's just a series of how do we isolate each one and try to make it as seamless as possible so that our client gets as much success as possible all right guys so that's pretty much it when it comes to lead nurturing the next thing when it comes to getting client results is actually focusing on appointment scheduling so how do we schedule the appointment effectively so that we make a good connection with them and they show up and then reminders so that they show up for those appointments as well it doesn't do you any good to schedule 15 appointments for a business if none of those appointments show and a lot of that has to do with how you schedule the appointment and then how you send those reminders out so when it comes to scheduling the most important thing you can do is phone scripts i had spent a long time building my out met with multiple consultants about what we should say on this call i'm not going to share the exact specifics of it but essentially what would happen is when we call someone we say hey how's it going we're just making sure that you're scheduling this appointment for yourself is that right they say yes we say oh cool you know it looks like you're having some maybe spacing or crowding issues with your teeth can you tell me a little bit more about that oh you know i've had some issues with this for the last few years i've really wanted to get it fixed this is what's going on with my mouth oh wow sorry to hear that have you been thinking about it getting it fixed just recently or is there something coming up that would motivate you to do it right now like oh no i think it's just a good time then we brief them on how that consultation will go talk up the doctor talk up the practice and then this is a really cool hack that you can do oh do you know anybody else that would be interested in braces or invisalign that we might be able to bring in with you in this console maybe your son or daughter or someone else friend or family member a lot of times they'll say oh yeah my son like but i don't know if he's old enough and we say you know what everybody over eight should probably get an orthodontic consultation oh wow really okay i'll bring him in and then at the very end we say hey this appointment is very important uh we would hate for you to reserve the spot and have somebody else you know not be able to take that spot so if you do have to cancel will you please let me know that's totally fine make sure you tell me with some time beforehand so we can reschedule yours is that all right oh yeah that'd be totally fine okay cool and now they think twice about canceling but they're also willing to cancel instead of just no show if it is that they really do have to cancel so that's the essentials on phone scripts you can you know kind of research depending on your niche it's going to be very different but basically you want to make an emotional connection with that person tell them what's going to happen when they visit the business and then impress upon their minds the importance of this appointment that we're reserving it for them and if they do need to cancel they need to let us know so once we've gotten off the phone with that person that's an ideal situation where we were able to get them on the phone that doesn't always happen if we book them over text it's okay we want to try to get as many people on the phone as possible once we've gotten them on the phone then we want to send them a series of texts to remind them to come to their appointment which you can set up and go high level i'll show you that in just a minute but this part's really important you also need to make sure that you call them 24 hours to 48 hours before their appointment because getting them on the phone leaving them a real voicemail saying hey we're really looking forward to seeing you we would love to you know collect these few pieces of information before you come in if you can give us a call back or if you connect with them just say hey johnny i'm just really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for your appointment just want to make sure you're still good for that oh yeah i'll be there don't worry now the business whatever it is can really count on that thing happening instead of wasting their time with no shows etc so now when it comes to the text and emails to remind people to show up let's hop back into high level here and set up a sample campaign for that go ahead and share my screen create workflow start from scratch so here let's say somebody's appointment is booked customer booked appointment look at that save trigger then we come here and we're going to send an sms um and we're just gonna say great your appointment is booked for you know whatever and we can do in here contact we can do sorry appointment start date and time great then what we can do here is wait and instead of a time delay we can do event or appointment time so we're going to send this let's say one day before their appointment and we'll click save there we would say hey your appointment is tomorrow then we can add that same custom value and it's going to pull in the specific information for that lead awesome so now we've got a text going out an email going out i would recommend text as much as possible emails are not quite as good as getting people should to show up hey friends just wanted to hop in here and show you uh the appointment confirmation and reminder sequence that we use in our agency so as you can see the trigger here is appointment confirmed and here we're going to remove them from any sort of lead nurture workflow that we have them in any other just any workflows we're removing them from we're going to notify the office so this would be like hey congratulations we've scheduled a new lead this is the time any additional information if collected is below then we're going to add a tag appointment book we're going to remove any of these tags in case they had that before maybe they canceled before and they had that tag we're going to remove the opportunity from wherever it is remove from every single other workflow that it has just as a redundancy there then we're going to create another opportunity which is appointment set if you don't know what this is just watch my other high level videos if you do you'll understand and then the first text this is where everyone should understand what's going on perfect your appointment to meet with dr blank has been reserved for this date at this time all of your questions regarding treatment and finances will be answered at your consultation save to google calendar save to ical outlook please reply y to confirm so if they send y then we're going to say great we'll see you then and if they don't send it um and it's it's seven days before then we're gonna say hi this is a friendly reminder uh your scheduled appointment with dr blank is on blanket blank time we're looking forward to meeting you so even if they don't send the y we just keep sending them the same exact things 24 hours before we'll send them another one and here we're going to add a link to google maps so you can just grab that link pop it in there and then they can send why to confirm or end to cancel and then if they've sent y here we're going to come here and they'll receive this text which says wonderful first name we'll see you then ashley with location name then if we come to this side and they send n then we'll try to reschedule them right away and one hour before we're just going to send them a they see you in an hour text and they should have all of these previous ones in their text thread so they'll be able to get that google maps link as well and then at the very end we have a notification sent to the practice that says hi want to know how your recent consultation went uh go ahead and click here to update it inside of him and that's how we do our appointment confirmations and reminders as you can see folks it's not a walk in the park getting clients results i just wanted to come back to these original slides and talk a little bit about first of all a recap of everything that we've learned and then what to do if for some reason your campaign isn't working so just to recap remember you've got your ad which includes the body copy the headline and the creative you've got your ad targeting which is different based on the platform you've got your lead capture which is how you actually collect the lead and deliver it to the client you've got the post lead capture nurturing which is automated text also real calls automated emails and then lastly we have automated appointment scheduling and reminders which is how we build an emotional connection with the prospect get them to schedule and then actually get them to show up so now what do we do if our campaign isn't working as you can see i've kind of got this straight line drawn out and then each thing that i just talked about represents one of these boxes and the line so we start with our ads then our targeting lead capture lead nurture and scheduling point reminders and then eventually the sale which the client handles you wouldn't be handling that in a traditional agency so the answer of what to do if your campaign isn't working is to focus on each one of these variables and then test for most of you the place that things are going to fall down in the biggest way are probably going to be the ad and then also the lead nurture and the appointment schedule these three are the most crucial part of it because the targeting you can get wrong and still get the rest of it really right and do quite well but if you're not nurturing the leads at all and you're not actually calling to schedule the appointments or getting on the phone fast enough with the prospects or the leads that come through there's actually no point in running the ad so let's talk about how we isolate each of these variables and what we should be testing so first of all the ad we can swap out the headline we can swap out the copy we can swap out the pictures and we could try a brand new offer so if we're doing 500 off for example we could change to 250 off or 750 off and see if that makes any difference we could also put like another container word on that offer like oh it's a summer special moves to a back to school special when it comes september time just a quick note on this this is probably the hardest part some markets will be very very easy and your ads will just take off without you trying some markets will be harder and it's honestly difficult to tell if it's the market or if it's the client or if it's for some reason facebook shadow banning the page or whatever it is just keep in mind that whatever it is you just have to keep testing until you find something that works and i've been very very surprised that i've been able to get things to work or a white label partner has been able to get things to work for my clients that i previously have not been able to get to work so just something to keep in mind add targeting here first of all you can expand it so let's say you're targeting it eight miles you can go to ten miles contract it you could go from eight to five miles you could try detailed targeting uh so adds interest like interested in health and beauty if you're doing a med spa or invisalign or dental campaigns you could try auto or non-auto placements if you don't know what that is don't worry about it just means where the ad is actually placed on facebook or instagram you can adjust languages so just have one ad set go into english and one handset going to spanish and then you can also split ad sets so you could do a mail ad set with all pictures of male people and then a female ad set with all pictures of female people and see which one works better next up we have the lead capture you can change the copy in the lead capture the creative the layout of the landing page or you can switch the leech capture so you can change from messenger to a lead form or you can change from a lead form to a landing page whatever else you think might work better always a good option this last one i would say is a big deal because it also changes a little bit of the targeting if you run a messenger campaign for example you're retargeting people who like to run you'll be targeting people who like to click and message people through messenger so it targets a slightly different demographic within the same radius next up we've got lead nurture so something really important here is you can go into a client account and sweep their account and see like okay it looks like you haven't followed up with this person or you only called this person once or you only texted them once and when the client comes to you and says the leads are so bad you come through and you show them how good of a job their team is doing following up with these leads and that's why it's so important to have something like go high level because it helps you actually see how the follow-up is being managed and if it's being managed poorly you can coach the client's team next up we've got more automation so you could add more text more emails more voicemail drops or you could scale it back and do less automation maybe that's better for certain markets you just find it works better you could do a warm transfer so this is where you actually hire a team of people to call the leads and say hey how's it going this is joe from abc dental just looking to schedule your appointment they're like great you're like awesome i'm going to transfer you to our scheduling coordinator then he patches that call through to the office the office answers the call and they take it from there that just gets them uh it integrates the lead into something that they're very familiar with which is getting a call in the office and they're trying to answer the phone and then lastly higher appointment setters this is what i've done we just call the leads we talk to the leads we book the leads on their schedule all of that gets rid of the lead nurture headache but you also have to keep obviously training your appointment centers and improving their processes as well next up appointment scheduling you need to create a script uh this is super important everybody should have a script for actually calling the leads so that when your clients are calling them and they're completely botching it you can say hey no this is what you should actually be saying next up here we've got training your clients like you should have a call where you train them on how to call how to follow the script how to do things correctly in their office the next one you can try here is to open up appointment availability so if for some reason they're just booked out all the time you could say hey your consults don't really need to be an hour long they could be 30 minutes long you can accomplish everything you need to within 30 minutes and that way you can book twice as many people in one day and you know that might absolutely blow their minds you can also open up evening or weekend appointments and that will allow a lot more of these leads to come in to be scheduled sooner rather than later which helps with no shows and helps with people just being committed and actually closing last thing review client calls and rate so if you go through the client account and you listen to one of the calls that the team members have done um then you can rate it send the info back to the doctor or the the owner of the business and help them see what's actually going on give them visibility into what their front desk is actually doing with these leads and lastly we've got appointment reminders you can add more or less texts this goes for emails as well you could incorporate a call 24 to 48 hours before this is very important you can also incorporate video so something like hey we're so excited to see you come into xyz chiropractic and it's a picture or a video of the doctor explaining why he's excited for that person to come in i believe there's also softwares we can record this video once and we'll actually insert the person's name in the video so that it looks real and it looks like it was a custom video just for that person so just some food for thought on each one of these variables it's super super important that you test each one and just keep trying and trying until you get amazing results for your clients because the better results you get for your clients the happier they will be the more referrals you will get the better reputation your agency will have and the happier you will be the fact so my recommendation here is to get as good as you can at isolating each variable in this timeline that you see here and improving each one so that you can get consistent results across the board for every client you bring on guys there's so much that goes into these people actually showing up for what they signed up for so taking someone from a stranger to a customer wow as you can see it's a lot of work but when you do all of these things i promise you there's something called the aggregation of marginal gains and when you start putting all of these things together it really creates a marketing firestorm for these businesses that wouldn't be able to do it otherwise and that's why you the agency owner are so important because you can help local businesses do what they wouldn't do otherwise also coaches consultants e-com all that kind of thing guys i hope this has been helpful it takes me a lot of work to put videos like this together if it helped you please leave a comment below consider kind of signing up for coaching we do cap that at 10 members and i think we're at seven right now so if you'd like to join now's a good time there will likely be a waiting list soon and with all that said guys thanks so much for joining we'll see you next time you
Channel: ItsKeaton
Views: 21,913
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Keywords: keaton walker, smma, smma for beginners, smma client results, facebook ads, tiktok ads, how to run facebook ads for smma, how to get results for smma clients, google ads, copywriting, gohighlevel, follow up, smma for local business, local business facebook ads, smma delivery, smma fulfillment
Id: HqMG2fhQtuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 10sec (5650 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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