Exposing the King of SMMA Cold Outreach

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if you were me and you needed $10,000 this week what would you do if it was just strictly doing Outreach and trying to get clients I think the best option honestly is trying to one or two if you don't have any content you just create some very simple content so what I did was and so when I did that more people would show up to the calls and when they show up to the call they're like oh yeah I read your emails I know what you're talking about know what you're doing and so it is a little more qualified my biggest hack is literally it's not like the first people that come up with a strategy or the first people like just find something brand new that nobody else is doing but find what's actually working and then just do it better than what the person is doing how's it going everybody welcome back to another episode I'm super excited to be here with carsten newly bearded carsten fox actually and today we're going to be discussing the most Innovative strategies of 2024 when it comes to outreach carsten is a highly sought-after Outreach consultant by some of the people that you know pretend to know a lot about this they're the ones reaching out to him uh because they aren't really staying up on the trends and carsten knows what's up here so thanks for coming on man thank you for having me Heaton Walker good to be here uh so give us a little recap how was 2023 for you what were you selling primarily who were you selling it to and how did it go yeah 2023 went this is obviously my best year ever I think what kind of what really shifted for me was just really focusing on Bound in 2022 I did a lot of outbound and inbound my whole thing is outbound and inbound is obviously like YouTube videos or a Facebook group or trying to get somebody to come to you and so I was trying to do that a little bit I invested in some YouTube courses or trying to figure out how to do uh YouTube and Facebook or just get people to come to me as much as I possibly could and then everything kind of blew up and like December 31st of 2022 so January was my biggest month ever at that time uh and I blew up uh pretty significantly on YouTube to me at least and so I got a ton of clients from there and I just kind of been focusing on that ever since like getting people to come to me as much as possible but also focusing on uh getting because my whole thing I'm selling is outbound right so trying to come up with new strategies uh that other people can use to get a lot of appointments so what I've I think my journey has kind of been what's pretty cool about it is that it's exactly what I'm kind of telling people what they should do which is start with outbound do as much outbound as you can get some clients in the door and then you do inbound to get people to come to you once you have results and you're growing so that's what kind of happened for me um it brings up a question that I've been thinking about a lot recently should you still be doing outbound if you're happy with the amount you have from inbound yeah I think I don't really do outbound anymore like I do outbound just as just a test so like I'll go into just a random industry just try to do ound just to make sure I still know I'm good at what I do uh but we get so many calls that it's like it just doesn't make any sense if I spend three hours on a video or you know three to 10 hours on a video then I book you know 20 calls from that one video versus spending 3 to 10 hours uh doing Outreach you might be able to book one to two calls per hour uh which I guess it's around the same amounts I guess but for me it's like it's a longer term play where the video can a Facebook group or video it's just an asset that keeps going forever and ever but one Outreach message it's only it's it's just one to one right so if I one video can to thousands of people but one Outreach much go to one person obviously like it still works and it still works great uh and so I think you should do both but if the inbound is actually really good then I would just focus your all your attention on that yeah and when you have someone come to you you have instant authority over them like they booked the call with you you didn't reach out to them therefore you're more in control of that call you're more in control of how it goes and that person ideally should respect you more most of the time that's the case yeah I think most people that like that watch my videos or your videos I think they're mostly they don't want to do the videos yet though just cuz they they're just not in that place right so like I can't speak on how to get solar leads because I don't even have a solar client you know so that's a fallacy but uh if what also what worked really well too was when I actually started doing like these weird Outreach strategies like google counter invites whatever and I also was creating YouTube content doing inbound and nbound people would look Carson Fox up because they saw a random email from me and then they would find oh have the Twitter I have a Facebook group I have my YouTube and so it would help me a lot when I did outbound because they're like oh I looked you up and I saw that you know blank so yeah yeah even just the account some people won't look up the name but they'll click on the account to see if there's content on there so yeah it's not mutually exclusive but here's my thing like when it comes to outbound and maybe this is a mindset issue that I have but I just I feel like there's a part of me that just doesn't want to do outbound for what I'm selling now and when I was an agency owner I I eventually stopped doing it once I had enough to inbound because it's just not it's not something a sophisticated business in my mind is doing right like a the internet company isn't dming you saying hey you should you know join our internet service because they don't need to because they run ads and they have a brand is there a world in which that's not the case and the most sophisticated business actually is doing outbound um and and what does that look like yeah so I think outbound you know I'm sure we've all read Alex shos $100 million offers or no what's the other one $100 million leads right and I think he got a lot wrong and I made a whole video about that but uh he was saying oh it takes at least six months before appon becomes profitable and you need to build this whole team you do all this stuff uh but to me that's not what I found uh and I've I see huge companies like I feel like that couldn't be more wrong I think he's talking like gym launch did built a like proper cold calling team and that took him six months to become profitable on because of how sophisticated they were trying to make it and the fact that it wasn't like like if it's a Onan person trying to start their agency you don't need to like hire a team and wait six months to get a client um anyway I cut you off keep going uh but I see there's actually a guy that's my group right now who he works at Zoom info I probably shouldn't say that but Zoom info is like the biggest uh B2B data software company hundred what worth hundreds of millions of dollars and maybe even a billion uh and they he's basically just an SDR he does the quote Emil for uh Zoom info and I think a lot of in the in the bigger Industries like probably not for you know like Disney's not doing cot Outreach but in almost every B2B field there's still a ton of s strs so if you think about even radio stations they're always constantly reaching out to people trying to get them people to advertise on their radio station just stuff like that and so they build out teams bigger and bigger and bigger and I know plenty of people like we just talked about before this call where uh they have teams of 300 people and hiring more and more and these are just all people that are code calling for other businesses so it can be pretty lucrative and pretty big and I think it is a lot more efficient than ads like if I spend $100 setting up a quo campaign and get 10 clients versus I'm you know your cost cost per click or cost per call might be $2 $300 uh or even more and like some some weeks you'll have a ton of calls some weeks you'll have no calls yet you spent the same amount of money on the Facebook ads um so I think it's just it is with cold Outreach it's just linear scale right so I know if I send out 100 messages I'm going to get five Toc responses and then two to three book calls out of that's 5 10 you know so yeah okay yeah that's a good point on the B2B versus b2c because every every B2B company is doing Outreach um but they're also building a brand they're also running ads they're doing everything and I think that's the the trap a lot of beginners fall into is they're like they limit themselves to this one acquisition method I had a a student who I was like I was repeating as a coach what I had been told which was like never run ads until you have three clients because you need proof of concept and he talked to another coach who just happened to be um like at lunch with him or something and he was like look you're an agency owner like if you're going to tell somebody to run ads you need to learn how to run ads and you should be like there's some congruence there and so he he turned on his own ads and that's how he got his first five clients and you know don't think that Outreach is the only way even though if you do it as carsen teaches it is cost cost effectively likely the best method to get clients um there's advantages to people coming to you building a brand focusing on the long-term Vision but for those first 10 clients like Outreach and force of will is pretty much like how you get there yeah in that situation someone's brand new they go to your channel there's a million different videos on a million different really creative Outreach strategies but which one is the right one for them yeah I just created a video uh called uh 27 Outreach strategies and after I created that video I realized I have so many more than what was in that video um and it wasn't just Outreach strategies it's like 27 strategies to get clients and I've used I think probably 25 of the 27 right there's a few that you know I'm like oh this would be a good idea most of them I've actually used to actually get clients for myself and again there were some other ones that I just I forgot even to put in there and so there is so many options to get clients and I I think I think the problem is that no one's actually just doing the work and everyone thinks about oh I make sure the website's good uh let me make sure that the Outreach message is actually good but you don't actually send the message out to people or actually just do the action to get the client I think anyone starting out you know people who ask me this whole time where it's like if I if you were me and you needed $10,000 this week what would you do and you're like uh I probably would go rob some a bank but um if it was just strictly doing Outreach and trying to get clients I think the best option honestly is trying to one steal clients from somebody else or two uh try to steal somebody else's audience what what I mean by that is there are Facebook groups this is the best it's so good uh there's Facebook groups of let's just say your reaching out of plumbers you go to a plumber Facebook group and you just say hey does any plumber need hot water heater repairs comment hot water below right and you have a 100 plumbers commenting hot water hot water hot water and that that's the best right you because those are people raising their hands saying I'm interested in your offer so you don't have to if you DM 100 people only 3% of those are ready to buy but when you put that post out the 3% identify themselves and you can just reach out all those so you know all of them are ready to buy that's the best option the problem with that is in these plumber groups or in any Facebook group a lot of times there's an owner that doesn't want you to uh Post in their group and so they'll kick you out of the group if you post something that's like salesy now there's some groups where you can get away with that where you can just post in the group and let's just say the owner doesn't really manage the group or the there's a lot of other people promoting themselves and so you can get away uh but let's just say you can't find any groups where you can post whatever you want uh the next option is we go to a group where there is an owner and they're promoting their own products like they posted something saying hey does anyone need more hot water heater repairs so then they have 100 comments people saying yes I'm interested yes I'm interested you can just reach out to the people that commented on that post because they're already raising their hand and usually only let's just say 10% of those people that comment on the post will actually buy from the person that posted it cuz uh the other 90% maybe the price was too high or too low or there was something missing or they didn't have a guarantee all this other stuff and so you can close another 10% of the other 90 comments that didn't close from that original post so it's like the best way another thing uh people are doing this is actually I don't know if I want to share that one but uh there's one thing that I did in a video I think it's called um I I got how how to get appointments from your phone where I went into a Facebook group and it was the the industry was videographers and the group was I need a videographer and so people were posting in that group hey I need a videographer uh in Las Vegas I'm willing to spend you know $33,000 can anybody help me out and there's videographers saying I'm interested I'm interested I'm interested and those people they're obviously not looking for marketing but they they're on Facebook and they're looking for leads on Facebook and so if I reach out to them because they're looking for leads on Facebook and I said hey I can get you 10 videography jobs in Las Vegas are you interested and they say oh yeah of course right because they obviously raising their hand to something else on there you can do the same for LinkedIn or Instagram Instagram's is a little tougher right because there's no like Instagram groups but you can go to somebody else that's targeting the same audience uh let's just say someone else that's targeting videographers and then they say hey does anyone want this free thing whatever comment this below and then they have a whole bunch of comments or a whole bunch of likes you go through the likes and just reach out the people that liked to that post and so that's the easiest way to find people that are like actually desperate and interested in that service yeah they've they've already raised their hand it just was on somebody else's profile which makes it I love that um okay so yes very accessible preferred beginners and you're cutting all of the noise of like reaching out to the 100 people who aren't interested like you're going to have a much higher response raid just given the fact that you're reaching out to people who have raised their hand and said I need this service or I'm looking to grow my business in general what's the most insane way to do it like let's just say I'm an outof the-box thinker I'm brand new I'm trying to you know get some Outreach done and um I want a creative way to reach out to people give us your top most insane all right I just came up with this new strategy um which is Face Time Outreach and that was a lucrative that was crazy a 40% pickup rate and a 10% booking rate which like SMS is like the next closest thing which is a 30% response rate and a maybe 5% booking rate MH so you know I called 10 people and uh you book one call out of 10 people I called like 40 I got uh four calls out of 40 right so that was pretty lucrative all you're doing I basically found the mobile numbers of owners Founders CEOs of certain companies I called them on FaceTime FaceTime audio I tried regular FaceTime calls that didn't work FaceTime audio did work better and then I just said hey I just want to see if you're open to a simple partnership I want to see if I can send you some leads I have a system that works really well for me and I want to see if I can implement it for you and they're like oh yeah how does that work I can show you more if you're free maybe Monday 2 p.m. does that work yeah that works okay cool so then I would just ask them just text me back their email I'll move forward from there so that was pretty lucrative um so it's not showing up as uh like spam likely or whatever else because of you're you're leveraging the apple ecosystem yeah but it's it works for Androids too all you have to do though is you just text them first saying hey John this is Nathan can I call you real quick and then when you actually call them or right when it's on an iPhone it'll say maybe Nathan at the top so like maybe this someone I actually know on top of that 95% of texts are read within the first 5 minutes and so they're going to read your text and they're like who's this person trying to call me and then you actually call them and I would I would pick I I get hundreds of calls a day and I'm sure you do too I don't pick up any of them because it's like it's really annoying uh but if someone text me first and then called me I'd be like maybe this person actually knows me and then I pick up the phone so yeah very cool so that you're not saying you can use FaceTime audio with with Android you're just saying text them first and then call them yeah had a very similar pickup rate it was like still a 40% pickup rate with Android uh just just make sure they're mobile numbers like if it's a landline you're just going to get much less uh response rates or like even you know call back rate on a landline so cool so I don't want to dive too much into scraping if you're wondering like how do I get the phone numbers to call Carson has a bunch of videos on that but what I do want to cover because most people who are a little bit past that beginner stage inevitably run into I booked a call I'm so excited they go party they're like I'm going to close this person you know they're they put all their money on Blackjack that night and then the next day the person know shows and like they're heartbroken I feel like another one of my biggest beefs with cold Outreach is show rates and you know Authority because a a 5-second phone call just isn't as likely to get someone to show up as a 10-minute YouTube video where he provid a lot of value help them see something in a new light and and help them see you as an expert so how do we ensure somebody shows up when we're doing cold calling FaceTime Outreach uh dming people from the videographer Facebook groups Etc all these outbound strategies how do we ensure as many as possible show up that's a good question I think there's two elements to this first element is where we're reaching out so I'll over that and then we'll go over uh how to actually make sure people show up so when you're reaching out there's like different levels I'd say like there's SMS code calling voicemail drops that's like the easiest calls to get but the lowest quality and then there's DMS so there's like Instagram Facebook LinkedIn those are a little tougher to get still pretty easy but higher quality and then there's let's say YouTube content where you actually kind of have to be an authority some of those can be really low quality some of those can be really high quality I'll get into that like there's levels into that one too too so SMS when you're what I tell everybody for SMS or for code calling the goal is just get them onto a book sales call because they do not want to be on that code call they do not want to text you back and forth on SMS even though people use SMS every day to text back and forth it's just a string of numbers they have no clue who you are so the goal is just to convince them that you're a real person get them over to a call so it's just hey are you interested in this offer yes I am cool can I call you tomorrow at 10 b.m EST yes you can cool I'll call you then and that's like that's the ideal situation for an smsy conversation for colde calling the same thing hey I have this offer you interested yes I am uh can I call you tomorrow right so the problem with that is we haven't spent really any time with them and so we yeah we kind of have no leverage and so then we hop on the call like it's really easy because it was easy to get in it's easy to get out and that's with like anything that's true with anything if it's easy to uh get into something I think into a relationship or uh into I don't know just like if it's if there's an easy in there's an easy out or if it's like if it goes or I think there's um a Bible verse where it's if you make a lot lot of money quickly usually lose it all which is true with I that's a whole other philosophy thing but anyways easy calls to get are usually lower quality and then there's the DM side of things so on DMs I try to get people to have more of a conversation the reason it's a little easier to have a conversation on there I don't try to do the building Rapport approach which is like hey how's your day going you still go out with a straight pitch offer but you can have a conversation the reason it's easier is because on Facebook you have your profile or on LinkedIn you have your Prof profile people can see you they can see that you're a real person but on SMS or on email you're just some random person that reached out to them they have no clue who you want but most people if you reach out to them and they're actually interested the first thing you're going to do is click on view profile make sure you have some content that's actually decent and they know that you're a real person and then they're going to respond to you and then I go into I have a DM script that's it's free on it's on YouTube and it's just yeah I'm interested okay cool this is how it works uh who do you target mainly or uh where are you located or what do you do right now to get clients so you're asking asking a qualifying question then they say this is what we do right and then you say okay if I were you this is what I would do if I were you and then you give them some sort of value like hey this is what would work really well and they're like oh thank you for the value and then you asked for the call so now you gave them something and then you're asking something in return hey give me a call or are you free to chat maybe sometime this week and that always that works a lot better and so the calls I get from Facebook I'll get like a 10% close rate from SMS Outreach I'll get a 50% close rate from Facebook Outreach uh even though you can you can't send too many Facebook messages you know I was only getting like one Facebook call per day when I was doing it consistently but if I'm closing 50% of them it's just way better right because you have a little more leverage because you spent more time with them you gave them some value and we had like it was it wasn't as easy to get that call and then YouTube uh and this is the layers I was talking about earlier so there's YouTube videos I posted where they're five minutes long they get a lot of views people really like it and I'll get a ton of books calls from that video but then I won't have like 80% of them won't even show up because it's just like a lot of 15y olds or 14 year- olds that are like oh I want to start an agency this looks pretty cool book a call and then and I make it really easy to book a call with my team on YouTube it's just a straight link you click that and you book call uh you can also go through the freebie there's a free course whatever but um the harder we make it for them to book the call or the more they have to go through the more likely they're going to show up to the call so I also have uh videos I posted one recently it's an hour long of every Niche I've ever targeted so it's like an hour 20 minutes it's very in-depth and I've gotten so many clients from that video it has less views maybe I don't know like less views than most my videos but I get so many clients from it because people if they stick and they watch till the end they just spent an hour with Caron so then I really feel like they know me and I provide a lot of value to them and so now they want to convert so I think there's levels to it the reason that some Cote Outreach strategies work better than others is because you're spending more time with them and you're giving them more value so they feel like they have give you value in return by hopping on the call uh but just like a random SMS from some person that they don't know uh there's no reason for them to show up but if you're doing all these Outreach strategies and you're trying to just increase open rate or show rate as much as possible possible what I do is you create a nurture sequence so anytime someone does book a call with you if you don't have any content you just create some very simple content so what I did was I was reaching out to solar companies I I hadn't barely worked with any solar companies right I barely knew what I was doing but uh what I did was I just whenever they booked a call with me or they said yeah I'm interested uh you know call me tomorrow and say okay what's a good email to send an invite to I would just book it in myself and then I had on go high level uh emails going out every three hours and so hey this is how we get results for solar companies hey this is how we got a 12x for this Solar Company I was just taking case studies from other people like what whatever they were doing and then also how we run ads and how it works better than all the other ads just random stuff like that so consistently providing value to them showing them that you are an expert and you know what you're doing so even if they didn't know who you were now you're kind of building up Authority and so when I did that more people would show up to the calls and when they show up to the call they're like oh yeah I read your emails I know what you're talking about I know what you're doing and so it was a little more qualified and then also on top of that obviously you just want to have appointment reminders so great yeah video and email are the leverage points that a lot of people don't realize that they should be leveraging because if you can get somebody to say raise their hand and say they're interested and then you send them some value they watch that that's how I got to 10K a month was I made one video and I would just reach out to people and I'd say what's your biggest marketing headache and they would say whatever it was and I'd say I a video about that here it is they'd watch the video 10 minutes later it be like how could how do I sign up and the video wasn't even that good like the video was what I was able to make after studying marketing for like six months and and running an agency for one so it's not it's not difficult um to make something that the average person is like wow this is impressive and this guy really knows what he's talking about yeah all you got to do is just like say something that nobody else was saying and there was like holy cow really you know yeah yeah yeah everybody's going to tell you that sales is important it's not and then find some reason to justify that yeah that's I was actually watching some Danny Kennedy stuff the other day and he was like you just the the ads that actually work better are the ones that or the you know the ones that he's tested are the ones that like make completely no sense like it's obviously kind of fake but people are like but how right so he was given an example of um the the $1 million retirement plan that only cost $10 a month and they're like what the it's like obviously that's not real but they're like how does that work and that ad pulled so well uh so just doing like those crazy and I think that's just a matter of studying marketing people can do that but yeah I know love it okay so let's hear about your best client success story from this year how does first of all how does the actual process of working with you happens they sign up and then it's like coaching or you're actually doing done for you yeah and then tell us about somebody who just crushed it so it depends uh I have several different offers I'm creating more things as we go but let's say on average it's just hey I'll help you set up the systems I'll give you up and running so that you're you know sending out Outreach messages consistently every day on autopilot and then once you're running you're good right this year I mean I've had a few people that did pretty well uh I think the probably the best best was some guy that was I think he's 156,000 the month um but he you know when I say that it's he was probably we started at maybe 4050 and now we're at 150 right that's a huge jump an extra $100,000 a month but it's like he was already at 50 right uh so it's like for beginners I'm not not zero to 150 that's not like that and he was also already in the industry for 10 years so you know but other than that I'd say going from I try to give really realistic realistic expectations everyone's like I have so many people that reach out I'm sure to you too like I'm really I'm really motivated and I want to make $220,000 next month yeah that's great I'm really proud of you but um that's not that realistic so I try to be realistic uh and I I've had people I this year zero to 30k within a couple months three four months um 0 to 20K within a couple weeks or within a month or so uh so that's not too difficult to do but on average I'd say if you want to get to 20K or 30k I'd say you get to about 30k in about a year like that's what I've seen you know Matt lucer as you know he's hit 30 I think maybe 40K this month and we started working with him um October August last year right and so it took obvious within six months he was at 10K that's realistic uh almost a year maybe year and two months into it now he's at uh 30 40K which is obviously it's much better doing marketing for a year and getting the 40K rather than going to school for four years just to make 60k a year um so yeah anyways all right we set up systems but before before we get started our sponsor high level has very kindly sponsored this episode so let's talk about them for a minute if you don't know already high level is the top sales and marketing solution for any business but particularly agency owners or anybody that needs a software product to resell to their existing customer base it has everything you need to capture nurture and close leads for marketing clients and the best part is high level believes in not taxing the agencies on its platform so you can get unlimited clients for one low flat monthly fee the best features include a CRM funnel website and email builders course hosting platform robust marketing automation Builder a Consolidated chat stream with WhatsApp email SMS Instagram DMS and Facebook DMS reputation management social media posting tracking and analytics and so much more and as if that wasn't enough high level is fully wh labeled meaning that you can take the platform and put your own brand on the desktop and mobile app and resell it to your industry for whatever price you want essentially what high level has done is brought the bar for starting a software company way lower so normal people like you and I can help our clients with an amazingly robust software without paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in development costs I am not kidding when I say hands down high level is my favorite software of all time it has been integral to my success with my agency it helped me increase my clients results and retention and I use it every single day for my own business and if you sign up for high level today not only will you get a 30-day free trial which is not available on their website but you'll get all of the bonuses listed at its keen.com for SL Mastermind which gets you support templates and courses to Kickstart your highle journey and get those first few clients or scale to your next few clients if you're already a highle customer you can also get all of those bonuses by upgrading to the next highest plan underneath my link instructions for that are also at it's keen.com slm Mastermind so the guy that went from 40 to 50K a months to 150k a month what Outreach strategies did you employ there and how did that work it was more of a he was just focusing on too many things so he had like three or four different offers and he had one really good offer that was crushing for him and I was like look that's worth a lot of money increase the price you know he's charging like 30 grand for it and so now he's charging 60 70 grand for it and uh and then I was like okay and then you whatever's the main thing that I tell people to do right especially people that are like they're having some good success that's like the best scenario they're having some good success and like how do I get this to work more like okay what are you doing to get that success uh they're like oh doing this thing I'm like okay do that more that's it just whatever you're doing do that more um so as an example I just don't want to like tell too much of I don't know if he is comfortable with me sharing that but um some other guy I'll give an example just perfect example almost parallel to him he is a guy that goes to my church he does beekeeping and I'm like that's cool and he was he said oh man I made $112,000 this month I'm like that's I didn't even know that was possible for a beekeeper and he's like I'm project to make $20,000 next month whatever like how are you doing that and and he's asking me like because he knows I do marketing how how how would I make more money as a a beekeeper and so he told me that the way that he's getting all these beekeeping jobs is he has one guy that is a pest control company a pest control company can't remove bees because uh there's certain ways of doing it and all they do a p control company they just kill everything and we can't kill certain bees right so the P control company every time they get a be job they're like okay we'll call this guy this guy will take out the bees for you and so he's just getting a whole bunch of referrals so now I hear that right he has one referral guy that's sending him $20,000 with a beekeeping jobs every month I'm like all you got to do is reach out to every beekeeping company in Dayton Ohio or every P control company in Dayton Ohio and say hey I just want to see if you're open to a partnership I'll give you 10% of the the leads that you bring my way if you can send me any beekeeping jobs you create five Partnerships now you're at $100,000 per month as a beekeeper uh so it's just it's very simple just okay stop focusing on all the other things focus on what's actually working a lot and just do that more and so that's kind of how we got him to 150k so love it what about about one of these uh smaller stories someone that went from 0 to 20K in a month what did you do for them when there was no prior indication of success or something else to go off of there yeah uh some of them you have one kid that I think he just hits uh he's only been it for like three weeks I think he just did 15K or 20K something like that uh and I think the real thing is he just found what the market really wanted which was um and he's just selling B2B that's also something where I I kind of teach how to start a B2B HC rather than a regular marketing agency just because I think it's a little easier and so he was doing a B2B agency which is basically you help other businesses Target other businesses so you help other staffing agencies or other marketing agencies nonprofit organizations uh business insurance just whatever right target other businesses by doing Cod Outreach for them and so he found out what the market wanted he used some of the crazy like like hacking strategies that I talk about where it's like steering stealing other people's clients or posting in a group and getting people to respond to you uh he was just using those and he was able to get like five 10 calls a day just from doing stuff like that and so he was able to close a lot of deals really quickly uh so that's one and then other people yeah I think the people that were able to grow that quickly you know a lot of people come in they're like oh I want to Target Mets balls I'm like e it's not a good idea and so I'm like why don't you just try to start a B2B agency so I try to lean them towards that and they start doing that and uh it is a lot easier to sell because usually the B2B companies are already making more money and you know the systems cuz teaching you the systems this is this is exactly how you get appointments right so a lot of people that were trying to start one agency I kind of lean them into starting a bdb agency and then I teach them I just just do LinkedIn Outreach like just the basic stuff like LinkedIn Facebook Instagram do as much as you can and then you know it takes two weeks three weeks before you know anyone actually start like once you the thing about all this Outreach stuff is once you have that system once it actually starts working you just got to keep redoing it redoing it redoing you get a ton of clients and so you'll go from this is your clients for 3 four weeks and then you'll finally get one client and then you go from one to five clients in one week because you found something that worked and you just keep repeating it so I had a lot of those where they're like they started at nothing then three weeks nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing and then all a sudden something clicks and they get five clients at one week now we're making $10,000 L count uh we went from working at a gas station to making $10,000 just because I found this thing that worked consistently and and then you just keep repeating repeating and then the hard part honestly that's what I tell everybody like your hard part won't be actually getting the clients that'll that'll be really easy for you the hard part is going to be actually fulfilling on the clients because I have too many uh so yeah yeah okay so carsten I'm a beginner and I've been sending Outreach messages like you say in your videos for the last two months I've sent a thousand messages and no one has gotten back to me smma is dead what do you have to say so I I actually just edited a video on uh why you're not getting appointments I think the main three things are one uh people aren't seeing your messages so you're going to spam on email or on Facebook whatever so like if nobody's responding something's wrong right if you're coming to me and the numbers are 0% response rate 0% open rate something's wrong right so you're doing something wrong with there so that's one thing and so we need to fix that if people are actually seeing the messages they're not responding then they do not care about the offer and so we need to change the message and adjust the message to make it actually something that they care about and then if the people still aren't responding and the message is really good uh then it's the audience and so if you're reaching out to e-commerce or Mets Spa everybody reaches out to e-commerce and metpa it's really hard to get appointments in those Industries uh not that it's impossible but as especially as a beginner if you have somebody else that's you know they have all these credentials they've done way more work in the med spa space or in the e-commerce bace than you and you're just starting out as small FR and you just want to Target e-com Brands it's it's going to be impossible uh you can do it with just Brute Force but it's just not even worth it to me and so I would just say your your best thing you can do is make sure that people are actually seeing your messages first and the second thing is but most people that come to me like that they are they're just not actually sending messages that's the problem and they like oh I'm not getting appointments like how many messages you sent oh always spent maybe 200 over the past month I'm like that's the problem you should be sending 200 a day uh but if you are sending messages right make sure they're not going to spam and then test different messages make it shorter sweeter uh better higher just think about in your head if I could scam anybody and the government couldn't do anything about it what would I say right we want to think like a scammer and then reverse it back to something that you can actually do so if it was sometimes my message is I'll help you get 120 P minuts per month and if it doesn't work I'll pay $3,000 and everyone's like how does that work right and so I get a ton of responses from something something like that and then sometimes they'll send from a girl account so people are just more responsive to girls like and so it's like how do I BS and you also when you're sending out messages you you're not obligated to to do anything there is no false advertising if you're not actually selling the thing right and so just even if you can't figure out how to fulfill on that like the how to get 120 appointments and or if it doesn't work I'll pay $3,000 I know how I can fulfill on that and I know how to like kind of make sure that I'm safe and I've I've pitched that offer to several people I've never had to pay anybody um but just think of the best thing you could possibly come up with and then just start sending the messages and if people are responsive then we know it works and then we can try to figure out okay how would I actually make this a reality and uh and then if that just don't respond to them if they respond back to you have no idea to yeah or it's it takes away the like when you get on a sales call and you're like I don't care if this closes like you're way better salesperson same thing with the messages like just pretend it doesn't matter if that person answers yeah and send something like try to get a yes and if you can get a yes on a fake thing you could probably get a yes on a real thing but it's going to teach you what people respond to that's smart yeah um how do you how do you make sure you don't have to pay people the $3,000 yeah so how I do it is I you make you give them obligations so we say hey look we're going to sign an agreement and then here's how it works right uh it's $3,000 you pay me $3,000 and if it doesn't work I'll give you double your money back guarantee and so now we've Justified that right so I'm going to give dou money back which means I'm going to give you back for $3,000 plus an extra $3,000 for wasting your time but in order for you know us to be able to do that uh you have to be able to send 200 messages per day for 60 days and you have to be able to prove that you sent 200 messages per day for 60 days and if you don't get at least one lead or some leads from the system within that 60 days uh then I'll give you double your money back and if anybody sends out 200 messages a day even just saying would you like a pickle somebody's going to say yes right and so that counts as a lead and therefore I'm safe right now you don't want to you're not trying to I'm not trying to scam anybody right and I want to actually provide value to people I know my systems work if they want to refund I'll give it if you want to refund for any reason you say Carson go kill yourself I want my money back I'll give your money back I don't care but the double your money back guarantee thing I can't that just puts me at risk and so I have to keep myself safe too so that's what I do yeah okay so any leads qualify disqualifies them from the double your money back okay okay continue with the Devil's Advocate routine but carsten 200 messages a day how am I going to do that I have a fulltime job and five adopted kittens and a wife I'm busy yeah how am I gonna spend 200 messages a day yeah well there's this new thing called automations if you ever heard of them and almost every platform has some sort of automation so I what I would do if you have a 9-5 job you set up an automation early in the morning right so this is what I would do I would uh I had a a job where I had it was it was like 8:15 to 6:00 pm and you got like a half an hour lunch it was just and and I couldn't work while I was you know working because it was like literally cold calling 300 people a day so I couldn't do anything else while I was doing that right so I wasn't be able to spend a lot of time on the agency side of things so what I did is and in the morning I get up and I set up a Facebook automation all right so Facebook automation is going to send out 50 messages today Instagram automation is going to send out 50 messages today LinkedIn automation sending out video messages email automations running right uh whatever you need to do to send out messages to people or also uh what's the other one let's say SMS or voicemails whatever right email right yeah so we have whatever automations would work or whatever channel would work for the industry you're targeting you set up the automations let it run at noon I would check them and so you know during dur my lunch break I would check okay did anyone respond to my Facebook messages and then just respond back to anyone that's responded on Facebook or LinkedIn or SMS right and then even if you're sending messages you know you can just do it from your phone you have your laptop doing everything all the automations at home and you can just manage everything from your phone and then at 5:00 or you know when work is done or when school's done right people that are in school you just try to you respond to messages during there or you can take a 15-minute bathroom break and respond to messages while you're at work right and then also if you come home and and it's nighttime like I said earlier the the best thing to do is do the opposite of what everybody else is doing so if you called people at 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. nobody else is cold calling at 7 p.m. right technically it's kind of illegal to call past 6 p.m. but no one's no one's going to Mark you whatever it's like no one's getting fined for calling at 7 P p.m. on accident right you oh sorry I didn't know what time it was there my bad right and so if you call at 7 p.m. where nobody else is calling at 7 p.m. I get way more responses while I'm sleeping than I get during the day I'll wake up till 20 messages where people are messaging me at 1:00 a.m. 2 a.m. 3 a.m. in the morning and they're in the United States they're not like in uh Pakistan right and so if you're messaging people at 900 P p.m at night they're way more likely to reply because they're probably just on their phone doing whatever anyways and so you have that full-time job you just spend the night time actually sending out messages and people will probably be more responsive anyways so okay I love all of this but I think the elephant in the room is you love B2B agencies and all the other SM coaches myself included are saying go after local businesses now to be fair to myself I don't say just go after local businesses I tell my students here's a list of a massive amount of niches and by the way you should probably choose something that's not on this list because everybody else yeah that's reading this list is gonna go after these what's the hack to find the untapped niches because I feel like you have a knack for this we also talked about a mutual friend who has a knack for this and has done a good job but like and and just a note like a personal note to anybody listening local business is great most people start there because that's all they understand because they've never been in this online world like they've never been in a world where somebody can go on Facebook send DMS and make a 100K a month like they don't that doesn't like compute for them online coaching businesses um anything where influencers or promoting products or whatever like that sort of business doesn't make as much sense to them and so they're just like okay I'm going to go restaurants like that's the the um I I started out with restaurants so many people want to do restaurants there are people who' have built massive agencies in the restaurant nich don't get me wrong however there are more businesses in the online space in the B2B space that are easier to get results for in many cases easier to reach out to uh easier to provide an Roi positive service for and we're just not reaching out to them because we don't know about it and we're not comfortable with it so that's my two cents on it no carsten tell us how to find the unta niches are you meaning like in in the btb and BTC space or just btb just yeah anything like what's the what's the what's a trick or a hack to get around I'm going to start a dentist agency I'm going to start a chiropractic agency yeah I'm going to start a med spa agency type thing yeah I think uh my biggest hack it's not really heck but I think honestly probably the best thing you could do uh is literally just copy somebody else and I know that's like the wrong okay copy somebody else that nobody's copying that's the thing all right okay so if I se right this I have an example of someone that did this I had another client he's targeting a unique industry I never heard anybody Target that industry and he crushed right he got a ton of clients within the first month targeting industry and then I told this other client I was like oh yeah I had this on the client that Target this on industry he took that and he made a ton of money in that industry too so he just copied that person that I told him about right um and usually it's like as as the coaches right us here were're like we you don't want to copy anybody but my the my first client that I got in smma or within the B2B space was I saw someone else posting saying does anyone need help getting appointment and I saw that post had 60 70 comments I was like I didn't even know that was an offer that I could pitch to people I'm really good at getting appointments and uh there's so many people that are actually interested in this so I like what if I just did that I took his post I copied the exact same thing and I pasted it in the same group and I got 20 30 comments and that's how I got my first B2B client which is literally copying somebody else so it's like the best thing you can actually do uh and so to find that really is you just go into these Facebook groups like go okay think of different industries that no one's ever heard of and the way to do that is you can you can even just go on Google Maps you can go through all these Niche lists now there's tons of Niche lists that have like really extensive weird things or think about what your mom knowes what your dad knows what just I know that's a weird because you had an orthodontist friend's dad was Nor you know just something weird um and even though there's like no real strategy for finding the weird thing there's plenty of lists with tons of Industries right so uh I like the B2B industry so that's what I would go into there's like business insurance which nobody's targeting that there's uh business loans nobody's targeting that there's uh mergers and Acquisitions companies that not a lot of people are targeting right now there's staffing agencies that no one's really helping there's tons of them there's PR firms uh and so you go into those you find a Facebook group with PR firms or business insurance or business loans and then someone posts something saying hey we can help people uh get we have 10 people that are interested in business loans is anyone willing to take them on all these people are commenting on that just copy that post and paste it to yourself or reach out to the what I did uh is another thing you can do you know some some else is posting let's just say in a staffing agency group or whatever right staffing agencies they just help other companies do Staffing and so someone poting there saying hey we can get you 100 new Staffing contracts using cold email is anybody interested 100 comments people saying I'm interested I'm interested I'm interested that means people are interested within with that exact specific offer right so what I do is I'll copy that exact post and I'll turn it into a message and then I'll reach out to people saying hey I can get you 100 Staffing contracts using Code email would you be interested obviously they're already interested because I said yes that original post and so that's probably the best thing you do is actually copy someone that it's working for them but that nobody else is actually copying I know that's a little weird uh and then the other thing def finding Industries is um honestly I just talk to so many people per day and they just tell me all these weird things like some guy a friend of mine who's he started a furniture store and he made $700,000 this year with a furniture store just doing like this very simple marketing like like dumb marketing and it's it's like wow that that's insane how well that worked right um um and so I think that one of the best things one thing I used to do when I was younger uh just getting started was I would watch Sam oven's client testimonial videos and they would say oh yeah I'm a business broker and I hired this cold calling team and this is actually one that I remember I hired a colde calling team and they got me a whole bunch of code calling leads from that and then some other lady was like oh I Target accountants and we uh Reach Out them this way whatever blah blah blah and so I just take somebody else's client testimonials uh or like find someone else's doing a a good in business that no one else is really copying and then just copy them that's really honestly the best thing yeah so yeah those testimonial videos help me a ton as well um what I hear you saying is the greatest indicator of future success is prior success like don't try to be fancy don't try to reinvent the wheel you can start Tesla or Ford motor you know 20 years from now when you actually have some business Acumen today go find the person that nobody else is copying and model your business off of them yeah and like that works yeah it really does and if you think about it like Tesla was bought and grew own right and then Ford wasn't the first car right uh and so it's like most or like the right Brothers didn't really make any money off the airplane right they they invented the airplane but they didn't really make any money off of it and that's my job is inventing new strategies right um and so it's like but the people that make the money are the people that that are I don't know if you've ever read made in America by Sam wton but it's like he you know he talks about innovating right you he was like a clown on the side of the street to try to get people to come in Walmart but the way they actually grew to like multiple stores and like actually got really efficient was just getting efficient and like they bought a whole bunch of computers when that was new and they were able to tell you know how much inventory they had in each place and that's where really grew them from like got them way past Kroger and everything else and so it's not like the first people that come up with a strategy or the first people like just finding something brand new that nobody else is doing but find what's actually working and then just do it better than what the person is doing uh and it's usually not that hard so yeah crumble cookies great example the so they started in Utah where I'm from and they've gotten massive now like all over the world but there's actually a cookie company that came out before them called chip and they always say on the be on the outside of their stores the original cookie company or the original like drop off cookie company or whatever they call themselves and it's like nobody really cares you the original like crumble is doing way better you know and you know it's just how it works like just take a concept and do it better yeah um and and that better might not even be better cookies it might be better marketing and yeah more marketing you know yeah there's I think there's a lot of different ways of changing I think that's another big thing that people aren't doing is we can take something that's working really really well and just change the model of how we're pricing things or how we're delivering the thing so for an example you have Blockbuster I don't know if you remember Blockbuster um but uh I would go there as a kid and they they made a ton of money from late fees and everybody hated it because there were so many late fees but they're like the only one around and that's how they made all much money that's why they're grew so fast and so then you have a Netflix that comes around they have no unique value other than you can buy it online but it's like same cost maybe a slightly cheaper but like what I just go to blogbuster and get it for a dollar more and I can get it today rather than waiting three days and so then uh Netflix is trying to think of what can we do to actually differentiate ourselves and they come up with a subscription and so now they do the subscription and people you get three DVDs at any given time you can switch them out anytime there is no uh late fees right everyone's like holy how it's amazing and so Netflix grows like crazy and then also they invest in technology and so now Blockbuster is irrelevant and then now everything is subscription which I hate I hate everything that that everything is a subscription because you have all these $10 subscriptions they have to pay for and you forget about all of them and so then you have appsumo that comes around and appsumo is like how you can buy software for one time which is exactly how we bought software 10 years ago but now everything's a subscription so it's annoying and so now aumo grows into a $100 million do company because they just changed the model again so it's like if you just change the model to something that nobody else is doing uh or just something else that works better so if everyone's doing subscription that's what I did that's actually how I grew a lot too was copying somebody else and then everybody else was selling a monthly retainer so what I did was said I'll sell you a one time thing you get to keep access to everything I'll make sure that everything is working ready for you and if if it doesn't work I'll give you all your money back and you get to keep everything and you only pay me one time right that's way easier to say yes to I don't pay anyone a $1,500 a month retainer I don't know if you do but I don't pay anyone a $1,500 a month retainer uh and I make a good amount of money right so if some other business owner who's like doing okay not very well it's hard for them to say yes to $1,500 month retainer and that's why turn rate is so high but if I said hey I'll help you set up your ads and make sure that they're profitable within one month and if it doesn't work you don't pay me anything then and you only have to pay me one time even though you know people say oh you have to keep chasing clients keep chasing clients but I've never gone under 50K a month doing that model you know so it's like you just change the model to be and I just took that idea from appsumo because I was like well I hate paying monthly subscriptions appsumo makes it better for me why don't I just do that and I just took two ideas that I saw working right now put them together and now I'm here love it I will say maturing is knowing that recurring revenue is better than oneoff Revenue yeah yeah I I believe that too but but it's like yeah getting started like who cares and I also I heard about a a company all they do is Salesforce implementation so it's like somebody would coming in and building out your high level account and they sold for like a billion dollars d That's crazy coming in and like doing doing stuff I don't know if there's monthly fees associated with that but it sounds like that would be kind of like a one-time thing and then maybe some maintenance MH amazing model love that yeah there's also upsells like you know you can sell the one time thing and then be like yeah well we have this upsell where we can do it for you monthly for 500 bucks a month which is what I'm probably going to do is sell a VA for you know $1,500 a month on top of the one time setup you know so stuff like that okay so next question I have for you is you have all these creative outre strategies for example sending people one cent on PayPal which went viral in the highle Facebook group multiple times that's crazy yeah um and uh so fun it's so funny because the the comments are so mixed like half the comments are like wow this is super creative that's awesome the other ones are like these people are ruining everybody's lives by sending Outreach messages I can't even log into my email without getting depressed anymore yeah so anyway you've got a you've got the PayPal one you've got uh using other people's SMTP provider to send emails for example like sharing a notion dashboard with somebody notion will send the email so you're pretty much guaranteed to get delivered same with Google Calendar Etc and while they're flashy and they do get opened I feel like I've sort of seen this trend with these more like fancier ones that down the line it's just like the conversion isn't as while the open rate may be high the conversion isn't as high am I misunderstanding that or would you agree with that sentiment yeah I think a lot of times the reason I kind of come up with these flashy things is because people like them and they they're like holy cow right and they're like this is crazy and then uh then people realize it's like that's why I don't really do the everyone reaches out I've get so many people saying uh can you teach me the PayPal thing and I'm like okay I tried it I did it and I sent 500 messages spent five bucks so a penny per you know message and I got one books call it was okay it wasn't bad it wasn't good uh and you know I probably could I that's $5 per book call but I got that call within like $2 of sending messages and I sent another 300 $3 worth of messages 300 and I didn't get anything out of it um so I could keep going but it seems like you have to do a lot of volume in order for it to you know work long term 05% Book call rate I don't know maybe something like that uh but maybe not worth it right and so I see them like they pick up quick and then they die quick uh for some of like the just the unique ones some some of them stick around uh like I think the FaceTime Outreach will stick around I think it can be really lucrative yeah um because it's it's just an extension of cold calling uh and I think yeah they can work I think a lot of I don't know some of the ones that you're talking about I think they they'll work quick and then if it does work really well uh the platform will try to set it down so like if if PayPal actually did work really well and a lot of people started sending one penny uh PayPal will probably start trying to send it shut it down but um it got popular I think people think it's cool but I don't think a lot of people are actually doing it so PayPal doesn't care uh I think the the Google Calendar invites actually actually did work really well uh and it was very similar in terms of like the amount of books calls I was getting compared to Cod email so maybe like a 0.5% booked call rate a 1% booked call rate nothing crazy but uh but a lot of the calls I was getting were closing and it was completely free right with Cod email it can cost a lot of money to create multiple email accounts all the Jaz completely free send out thousands right and so that Google did eventually they didn't shut it down but they basically made it to where like if you send out a lot we're just going to send you to spam and so it won't actually show up onto their calendar and so they get shut down if um if they start noticing it's not working uh and so some of these unique ones ones they're just not they can be worth doing I think some of the ne ones that are worth doing right now are like personalized Outreach I have a video where I just I just sit there and I like actually personalize like five emails right and it takes me an hour to do five emails but I get three positive replies of people that are interested and so it's like three book calls in one hour obvious everybody would say yes to that right it just takes actually focused effort in actually doing it right or just doing the messages from my phone um I haven't done like a voice message thing uh yet I think it's a good idea too like just sending actual personalized voice messages uh it can be good I had somebody in my group who was like sending messages as if like using Obama's voice like Obama's AI voice and that's amazing but all the people that he was reaching out to were like middle of America that love Trump and so they're like oh I hate Obama so it didn't work um so there's things like that that I think could work uh but again things that are working right now uh the person L loom video stuff is working so if you send an email saying hey I I made you this quick loom video and then there's tools like V leads V leads.com or pitch Lane that'll create the personalized loom video for you and it's just it'll automate that loom video Whatever uh so those ones are working pretty well for people there's also uh what else is working just the the personalized stuff is working really well for like the way I personalize things where you can find people on YouTube and then say hey I love your YouTube channel I want to see if you're interested in blah blah blah and people it's just a huge ego stroke and they take that and huge response rate also the partnership copy I think is huge we say hey I want to see if you're open to a partnership everybody's open to partnership way more than hiring an agency or asking for a job I think that huge too even though it's not like a unique average strategy but you can apply to any average strategy that you do where you just got out to people saying hey I do marketing I'm just looking for position I have experience getting with as an SDR getting 120 appointments per month for other companies I work with dozens of companies I want to see if you guys are hiring anybody right now right that's what I would reach out to if I was trying to get an Str position as a B2B agency so you just get you get a job as a$ 1099 getting paid $15 an hour which is like 100,500 bucks a month and and then you just get five jobs and basically just have five clients you know so things like that you can do okay um I will say a hack the only DMS that have worked on me in the past year have been them asking me what is a genuine question like somebody yesterday was like Hey like I I saw you have a YouTube channel I was just wondering if you have any tips on growing and they had done a little bit more of like oh I noticed we have this like this thing in common like we're from the the same state and I responded back and then the pitch came was like oh thank you so much for sending this by the way I'm they they wanted me to promote something on my YouTube channel so uh that one makes sense but the the other one was like Hey I have questions about uh you know is this viable when it comes to an agency this many clients this amount per month can I achieve this in this many months and I was was like yeah probably provided a bit more context back to them because me thinking you know they're going to join the program at some point and then they had at the end of the day they had something to pitch yeah however I would say like a lot of people will come in and be like I'm interested in in agency dominance I'm I'm interested in this thing and it's like like I know you're pitching something like the way that you're saying this is so like I can sniff it from A Million Miles Away um but when it it is actually a genuine question uh and I think Ben Shapiro actually said this on a podcast with graham Stef and he said if you want somebody to like you you should ask them to do something for you like kind of reverse reciprocity because when they help you then they're like oh yeah like I helped this person I feel good and then you ask them something else and they're more likely to do it again yeah I think a ban flank did that like this guy um but uh he did like he asked he borrowed a book from somebody just to win like a political race something like that yes yes exactly yeah I yeah I get those two and I respond to those like I'll be like yeah I think you know if I were you I would Target this or you know people ask that and they're like cool also but that turns in bait and into like a bait and switch thing and then I'm guessing from there you go uh you know and then you just don't respond so it doesn't really turn into a book there have been a couple a couple where the the subconscious cues that they're giving off are so positive and so gen genuine then I've they're the ones that I've considered the most but I am very trained in not buying these things and so I'm thinking of doing a video like uh mbkd did one where he's like I responded to every know for a mon dude I thought about that too or like something like I I I'm I'm judging all your Outreach strategies or all your Outreach messages and I just go through all my DMs I'm like this sucks this sucks this sucks uh yeah that's a good idea too and so like because I keep getting I'll get video I get video editor ones oh so much way too much and I I ended up I was looking for like a backup editor at one point and this guy sent me he had worked with like a 200,000 subscriber YouTube channel I was like cool like you just got lucky because on the day that you sent me this I was considering it and so we're going to try you out and it seems like you have a good portfolio turns out was a complete lie he hadn't worked with that guy the whole portfolio was a sham and the video was terrible yeah I the only one I responded to was someone actually made me an intro and it was it was so it was like all this infograph like I knew it took forever to I don't know they were had all like all this after effect stuff right that they added to it and I do after effects I know how long it takes I was like dang that's actually really good they actually did put the time into it and then I was like all right cool yeah I'll hire you for this one video and then a week later they're like oh yeah the video is gonna be done and then another week nothing happened I was like all right well I guess sorry Budd you know I'm not doing this anymore uh it's sad a lot of professionalism like there's a professionalism epidemic going on right now people trying to start agencies and then they're like oh I keep losing all my clients everybody charged back and I'm like what happened they're like oh I just I went on vacation I didn't respond to him for a week yeah that's actually what's happens to me sometimes is I'll just go on vacation I'll still respond but I think people if they know I'm on vacation they're like yeah I want my money back I'm like d what the heck um so happen to me too but I think I do have a guy that I don't know if it's working well but he was trying the bait and switch thing like he was saying hey do you guys have an ATM uh no we don't have an ATM at our facility okay cool I just want to see if you want to if you want me to put an ATM in your building um and I think that was working for them and I think also he was doing it from some other Industries I think it can work the bait and switch thing I just don't like it um but I think it's worth a test like I haven't actually put in a solid test where I say okay it has this much response rate this much more call rate I don't know that but I just don't do it yeah everything I've been proven wrong so many times I'm not going to have a hard hard fast rule the only hard fast rule I have is don't insult the person because it's just not I don't every day I get someone every single day saying you do a you do a terrible job on YouTube with your thumbnail you do a terrible that's the worst your your your YouTube videos have zero SEO like no they don't like L literally anybody can look at them and say that they do uh um something I think can work instead of saying like yeah you're terrible I think that's the wrong thing to do because that you kind of want to Str through ego but something that does work is saying hey I noce something wrong with your video uh or if I hey I no something wrong with your website they're like okay what's wrong with the website right and then that can turn into a yes so I've seen I've had conversations where I you know I say hey I just want to see if you're interested in getting 10 new appointments per month they're like H I don't think I can do that I said oh yeah that's cool I just noticed some problems with your website and I just wanted to see if you need help fixing them they're like what was wrong and then I turn that no into a yes so that works but yeah if you're just going out saying you suck and I want to help you you're like yeah doesn't work yeah okay well for those who are sending those Outreach messages just don't for those who enjoyed this video go check out Carston's Channel because uh the it is it is the highest Roi on my time on YouTube thank you uh besides maybe the iced coffee Hour podcast which I absolutely love but um those two channels highly recommend Carson thanks for coming on man thank you dude that's really nice of you oh actually I have a gift for your child I thought I could um send you this just send me your address and I'll send you this for your kid um you know no all right take care everyone
Channel: ItsKeaton
Views: 3,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keaton walker, smma, gohighlevel crm, karston fox, smma outreach, karston fox outreach, karston fox sms, karston fox smma, cold email, cold outreach, prospecting, how to prospect, online business, marketing agency, how to scrape leads
Id: lFl8zOMshyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 49sec (3889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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