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welcome back to black thorn prod I'm Noah now a year ago I had ten games uploaded on die or from total sure's platformers a 3d FPS each tower defense game and none of those got any views the feedback I received during my first game chrétien year was close to zero you know I knew about my games except family and a few friends another time I was fine with that I was okay simply making games learning how to program draw animate and use unity but as time passed in my case roughly a year after having started making games L beginning to feel like having more feedback would not only boost my motivation also helped me improve faster and boy that feedback really helped me outs the extra steps I took to ensure my games would be noticed by people other than close relatives were so worth it people telling me what they thought my games was amazing I enjoyed reading both the praise and criticism the first would be new the joy and motivation the Lancer would shed light on my game's faults and help me improve as a developer feedback is key to improve as a game creator as hard as scary as it may be sharing your work with the rest of the world will boost your motivation help you become a better developer and make you feel more part of a community there is something just quite discouraging about having your game ignores and so in this video I'll be sharing with you tips tricks and bug methods you can use to get more of that valuable golden and precious resource called feedback the first thing you can do to get more players playing your games and as a result more feedback is uploading your game to multiple sites and/or platforms some great places to upload and share your games for free are H diode new grounds and game jewels during my first year making games I would only uploads to each die or which greatly limits is my potential audience many players probably don't even know about each diode and/or don't like browsing and playing games over there but prefer new grounds for example which is exactly why you should also upload your work there I love this diode for its sleek interface and how it lets you customize your game page though I must admit getting feedback on each dial is harder and more rare than receiving it on new guns new grounds has an awesome system of putting brand-new games that have just been uploaded on the front page under the brand spanking new games category this guarantees your game will be spotted and pleased by at least a couple hundred players and if your game gets high enough ratings and or more or less comments it can stay on the front pay for longer under the popular games best games of the month even best games of the Year category each dial also has this sort of system began views ratings and comments tend to be fewer in my experience anyway here's an example one of my latest games called evolution got twelve thousand views on it dial but thirty five thousand views on Newgrounds basically three times as much same for comments I got loads more on Newgrounds so as you can see I would have lost roughly thirty five thousand players and I not put my game on Newgrounds considering people from misdial didn't also play on new grounds and I would have lost twelve thousand players if I hadn't uploaded to HDR so ensure upload your game to those two platforms you can even do so on gamejolt which I've heard is also great if you do so you'll already double even triple the amount of feedback you receive of course getting lots of views and comments isn't necessarily going to multiply you or help y'all to improve as a game creator well you might be searching for especially when starting out is quality over quantity quality insightful and encouraging feedback is a lot better of course than lots of quick rude reviews which can be the case on places like in new grounds on new grounds your game will be greeted mostly by normal players in other words people that don't actually develop games they are not creators they're just hanging around new grounds to have some fun and so if you're a beginner chances are high your game won't be very fun it might be interesting full of potential and imagination the product of weeks of hard work and laughs but if it's buggy and polished confusing or boring the average player will tend to give you a poor rating and will probably write a negative review so sure if you're okay with that and can handle sometimes rude comments and seeing their unjust ratings without losing your motivation then definitely upload your games to new grounds and other such places if not which is completely understandable you should just share your work with a smaller community of like-minded people people who have also made games understand how hard it is it'll give you more structured feedback if your game isn't really good they'll offer you ways to improve it and shed light on what doesn't work and why that's really what you need more so then lots of views great places to get such feedback is for starters the black from discord server will find plenty awesome game creators willing to give you feedback on what you make you can also share your game on forums six sources great a lot of the Unity forums if your game was made using that game engine another great way to get quality interesting and most amazing feedback is by taking part in game jams game jams are game creation challenges where developers must make a game in a really very short period of time and around a given theme most popular game jam is legendary which takes place three times a year and seizes thousands of developers making games in under 48 to 72 hours all the developers then rate and comment each other's games there's a real sense of friendship and solidarity during this sort of event everyone there has been through the same crazy adventure results in interesting and kind feedback the person that is rates in playing your game knows why it's like making something in a weekends and so you'll judge what you've made with that mine it's commenting on your creativity and imagination rather than the number of bugs and lack of polish the more games you rate and review the more likely your own game will turn up in these search results and get played and reviewed which is an awesome system with each game made during this event I got an incredible amount of priceless feedback so yeah definitely try game jams your game is guaranteed to be played reviewed and rated by other game developers so yeah have a look at the videos description for links to some great game jams you can take parts on alright another way to get more people playing your game is by making a dev vlog a dev vlog is basically a series of videos or written blog posts about your game creation journey in other words you'll be showing with the world on a regular basis the progress you'll be making on your game maybe even talk about how you're making it the tools used challenges faced stuff learns for a more concrete example you can check out the small dev vlog I made on my weird and dark local multiplayer game the fire of belief so yeah you can make your dev vlog as a video series or simply in a written format using a blog or forum this will get you building up an excited audience eager to play your game just make sure you're consistent and making videos are written posts updating your audience of the progress you're making once a week in my opinion is perfect even if you didn't make much progress at all during that time that's fine you still up there future players let them know about your struggle and in so doing you're likely to find solutions of course making a dev vlog does require extra work but that passionate following of players you'll acquire is worth it making yourself accountable this way will also limit the risks of giving up on your projects all right next up learn how to sell your game and I don't mean selling it for money I mean how to get people wanting to try out to play it say there was someone you really wanted to have play your game and get feedback from someone you respect and believe will be able to give you an insightful interesting review what you certainly don't want to do is just post a link to your game asking him to please play it you need to tell him or her what the game is about provide screenshots and/or animated gifs animated gifs are so effective and can be the difference between that person ignoring you and playing your game not whether you're trying to get a certain person playing your game or you're selling it to a community of people in a forum or discord server make sure you also take your time finding the right words to describe your engagement try not make any spelling mistakes still go on and on about how amazing your game is which will raise expectations and probably disappoint you now say something like my game is a bit shitty about firewood pasta anyway let people forge their own opinion about your game that's the best option so stay simple explain in one or two sentences what your game is about and perhaps very briefly explain your games rules also make sure your game is easily accessible if it can be played directly instead of a browser like Chrome or Firefox that's awesome or if it has to be downloaded try and make that process easy and if possible quick keep in mind that the more the player has to do and wait to be able to play your game the less likely he is to do so lastly the number one ultimate tip to get people playing and talking about your game is to well make a great game a great title will spread out through the veins of the internet very fast regardless of whether you have or have not spent a long time marketing and talking about your creation undertale the original Minecraft the weird and horrific baldies basics all these games have been viewed and played by millions because they're fascinating weird cool games not because the creators were epic marketing geniuses so in short definitely try your best to get the most feedback possible and learn from that feedback but don't spend weeks months or years trying to sell to others a game that just isn't really Gudda spend your time improving your skills learning drawing coding and designing and one day you'll make a masterpiece played and enjoyed by millions okay I hope you enjoy the video and found it helpful making games is amazing fun and fulfilling but also extremely challenging them if what you make isn't that great if the feedback you receive is discouraging the most important thing you must do is knock it up have fun keep creating and one day you will see the world by storm with your game with that says thanks so much for watching remember that you can support me and my channel by hitting the like and subscribe buttons also consider supporting me by a patreon like these amazing people it's so helpful and appreciated ok keep creating my friends have a great day Cheers you
Channel: Blackthornprod
Views: 64,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackthornprod, gameDev, unity, tutorial, noaCalice, c#, programming, art, animation, feedback, game dev tips, how to get loads of views, game jams, ludum dare, HOW TO GET PEOPLE PLAYING YOUR GAME !, indie game dev, marketing, sell your game, show off, newgrounds,, game jolt, create, creation, fun, share, make great games, game creation, drawing, motivation, more views, more feedback, how can I get more players, how can I get more people playing my game, beginner
Id: ZeqxwdA-2UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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