How To Get More Clients For Your Web Design Business

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what is that people my name is Darrell and today I'm gonna be helping you all market your web design business so you can start getting more clients and start making money right that's why you're all here you don't want to make money now I make a lot of videos on web design and many might be you would ask me you know I made a website you know I watch your videos great you can see why my videos right here actual people how to make this website in under an hour and a half with no experience required and once they basically make the website they kind of want to learn okay I know how to make the website I know how to do everything I know how to make an e-commerce websites how can I start to implement it so I can start getting more clients and leads to my web design business now I did web design for maybe a year and a half to two years and I'm gonna be sharing you all ways on how I got customers and different ways on how you can get customers as well now let's be honest guys there's no easy way to do this I'm not gonna sit there and and be one of those youtubers I just can't tell you oh man it's easy man just run a Facebook and you give my money money money made money it's it's not that easy and it takes a lot of work it's a grind trust me I deal with a lot of crazy clients and I'll go over that and everything in this video but let me go ahead and talk about the physical and also the digital ways on how you can actually make money because a lot of people forget about physical they think everything is digital today is like nah man it's really not in fact a lot of websites and and communities out there will actually help you get business if you are part of you know their community or even registered or something like that so let's go ahead and just I'm going to go let's go let's do this it's let's let's put a start from scratch here right so you won't know how to make websites you know how to make websites for people and that's what your skill is so let's go ahead and talk about ways on how you can make money now right so first off let's talk about the physical aspects so I'm going to be showing you examples of each of these to kind of help you get a visual understanding of it so first off is very simple guys tell your family your friends I mean this is one of the most basic ways on how you can make money it's just by simply referrals referrals are the most the number one most popular way on how you can make money with web design because when you tell someone they they might run to someone later they say oh this guy needs a website oh yeah you know Darrow made a website journals how to do it here's his number just like that in fact if you ask any web designer or any web design business out there they're gonna tell you that referrals are the number one best way on how to get recurring clients now of course you need clients before you get referrals right because you actually need clients because you don't have any right so let's go ahead and go through some of those other methods so right here events such as WordPress camp or neighborhood councils now every city out there you know Los Angeles Orange County San Bernardino of Santa Barbara they all have City Council's in these city councils what they do is they actually allow people to advertise their businesses and when people have the types of businesses in fact the people that allow them to advertise might even need their service later and that actually happened to me once or twice so this right here is the city of Santa Clarita and right here they have City Hall and these businesses and city councils they really do like to help promote small businesses because they want them to succeed you know that's part of their job as a government official is to get these businesses to succeed and let's say for instance you know you want to look at jobs you can check up jobs events you know that's also a really good one so let me go over here really quickly to show you the events so the events are another great way on how you can make connections and how you can meet clients so all these events right here are upcoming where I live kind of when my city and it's not going to these places and spamming your cards but just going and generally saying you know hey you know this is cool you know kind of engaging but at the same time providing value you know like going to these events helping with something like right here learn a market in economics you can tell people there hey you know I know to do web design this is what I do but I bought and you can talk about it you can exchange information and you'll be surprised at a lot of people were actually saying oh you know they have a portfolio can I see it really quick if there's something I wanted for my business because everybody out there needs a website every single person out there needs a website so it's just going out to your City Council just actively going out there and saying hey I'm available what can I do now they also have like event types right here so remember we talked about the business events all these places have business events where you can actually go to their meetings and they'll actually publish their you know publish your business on their board or tell their clients or the referral or something like that and a way to help you get money because the city councils and neighborhood councils really do want to help promote you you know they really do and it's basically for advertising in fact I'll even put it in the local newspaper they'll send it out just give them a call you know go and give them a call see what they can do and this is a great way and how you can start picking up leads next is ask restaurants you know just go into a restaurant and get some business cards you know go right now go get some business cards there's a website called Vistaprint right here you can go get 500 business cards for like $8.00 you know it's very cheap I'm not an affiliate I've used visa print before back in the day that put my business cards and they're pretty good you know so you know just go get some business cards go to some local restaurants and hey man is it cool if I just you know leave some business cards here maybe you guys can work out a deal where you build them a website you know for a discounted price you know you never know what's gonna happen and the world of sales guys anything could happen you know I did tell marketing for two years for an SEO company and you'd be surprised man actually I think one of the contracts I got was Ford which is the company that builds all those those the cars you know they were one of my clients and just simply by giving them a call you don't know what's gonna happen you know so you know going out to local businesses you know local restaurants giving them your business card right here tell local establishments such as churches or city events about your services so we did talk about how the cities wherever you're living they do have events you know and you got to keep track of this and you know you can also go to other city events as well you know if the city is having an event such as like a Chamber of Commerce or something like that where they want to help promote businesses you can simply go to that and say hey guys you know I'm a web designer blah blah blah make sure you have a really nice portfolio make sure your site is up and running too you know because I've seen web designers jump the gun where they basically they learn this skill really quick they watch mine to tour like all right cool I got it and let's go everywhere but it's like when they go to their website it looks like crap and they're saying no no no I don't want to go this website you need to make sure you have a professional image before you start to market anything so just keep that in mind you know two cents all right so again a Teleca lost a blintz and churches about your city events so we didn't we talked about you know for example city sign Corita and also churches churches of course if you are religious and you go to church church is another great way you know churches whenever I would used to go to churches a lot of people would actually say you know hey you know the so-and-so John right here he's also you know he's a he's a Christian he's a Catholic but he's also a web designer people in the community kind of want to work with people in the community you know what I mean like so for example if you have like a Jewish synagogue and they all work together they kind of want to work within you know their their their little you know group and stuff like that and that's perfectly fine you know so just go ahead and reach out to your group whether it's a church whether it's the gym a hiking group anything like that and simply just kind of let them know you know hey guys I'm doing this I do I do know how the churches actually having billboards and advertisements even if I their churches so that's another great way if you do go to church to kind of implement and market your business next is referrals we talked about and get testimonials guys just get the testimonials so when you're when you get the business from someone and you know you complete the job and everything make sure you get testimonials people really do want to see proof whenever you see those guys on YouTube you know those guys on YouTube that sit there and say you want to make a million dollars man you gotta buy my ebook for $1.99 you know and it's all bs of course but they just want to get you to buy it but then they have these like these people come up and these these like beautiful girls and are like oh yeah I bought his book and it was so good I learned so much you got a pious book for 199 no those are for those testimonials they really do sell you know people really do if other people are saying oh it's working yeah it's working they're more inclined to buy the product so make sure whenever you get these these jobs done make sure you get the testimonials just go ahead and say give them a call say hey bro like I put to the website you know I really hope it was good give me a quick favor brother key just you know give me a quick referral or I'm sorry a quick testimonial just saying you know that you liked it and everything so this will help me to get future business and they'll be more than happy you know if if the job was done done really well and they liked it they'll say yeah sure in fact if I see anybody else I'll tell them in the future to go to your website as well you know there's a lot of ways on how it kind of spread so that's another way make sure to get the testimonials now another really good one that I did was cold calling and emailing now let's get on it let me talk about this one here this one's interesting so this is something I did I actually did this for an SEO company in Calabasas so Calabasas California where Justin Bieber lives the famous Justin Bieber that's where I used to work and that's raised to do a lot of my business is that so what we would do is that we would actually call call companies and businesses and get their information and tried to sell SEO services for like a thousand dollars a month after that we would outsource it to India for like 200 hours a month we would keep like an $800 recurring payment every month that's what we did now how did we do this well a lot of the ways is simply just by googling places in your city so for example we have Olive Garden you know Olive Garden is a very popular restaurant in the United States you know it's a very popular Asian but did you know that Olive Garden right here has the actual permalink wrong on their website so when you go to Olive Garden comm and you type an answer it takes you to the actually the home section so if they're using WordPress it looks like the developer forgot to add us as a static front page I don't know you know and giving them a call and letting them know wouldn't hurt but you know I'll be you let me step back here and say that corporations are very very very very very very hard to get into you might want to go into something more local but that's just an example so simply just go ahead and just google companies like you know we go GLE an attorney you know the best attorneys best attorneys in Santa Clarita or some like that and just simply discover the web sites in fact I think I do have a website over here that I want to show you all that was in need of something so right here this is a great example so go ahead and just Google you know dentists lawyers whatever you want in Google and make sure it's in your local area so you can kind of rap over there now this right here for example is sort of an outdated website you know it's not a bad website but it can be really improved upon so right here is the dentist and you know looking at their website I'm saying you know I don't think they got them updated in a long time you know it does say 2019 but I'm gonna say you know what guys I don't think the site is really up-to-date I think we can actually help improve you all prove this sites and kind of you know provide some more value to it and just go ahead and just send them an email you know send them an email saying hey I saw your website's blah blah blah and also give them a phone call you know so to the me email give them a phone call but when you call these companies you know the hardest part is getting past the front person and you know when you first call somebody talk to the receptionist say hey you know you know just give him a call and saying hey you know I was looking at your websites and it's really not two days I think the owner might want to talk about this or get involved you kind of want to bypass the middle person but want to be very friendly to that beginner person you got you almost want to coax them because if you don't if you're if you're a jerk or an they're gonna say you know hey man you're the owner they're the owner they're click you know Clank but if you pick it up you're like hey my name is John you know I was working on this project and I saw your website you have you looked at it you know and they'll say yeah I did look at it it's kind of yeah it is I told them I told them you know and you never know what's gonna happen but make sure you're very polite it's very nice and I guarantee you it'll go a long way so when you research these companies make sure to give them a call an email and follow up you can make a list on Excel spreadsheet so get on Excel make a list and simply just go through these companies and add them on the list out of it's like oh this was a good lead a bad lead and give them a call and follow up you know following up is the most important part because you're not gonna make a sale on your first phone call there's no way you know I mean maybe maybe you'll get lucky and do that but the odds of that is happening is very very low so we did talk about cold calling and emailing now another thing that you can do is run the websites through GT metrics so right here you can see I ran my website to GT metrics and it was really low so let's say for example I want to go ahead and provide some more a proof that their site needs help so what I'll do over here is take their websites now I've never even analyzed as web site before but this website you know just googling you know companies in my local area and provide them a report of their website saying hey you know your your website needs a lot of work it's not optimized here's the report for you we can help you what do you say they're way more inclined to go with you than to sit there and just collect a random phone call just saying hey bro you want a website they're gonna click click you know they're in the art of sales you have to really provide value you have to really follow up there's a lot you should do in sales so it's you know the world of sales is crazy guys but really make sure your PO lights make sure you follow up make sure that's you know if the leads good stick with it and don't be a jerk you know people don't like church they're just gonna hang up on you and there's so many different ways that can go so look at this right here this site is in massive need of you know I should call them right now should I call them right now and do this you know saying hey man your site's really slow you know I maybe I will maybe I was in on my next video I'll give them a phone call right here but looking at this site right here I need a lot of work so if you want this is a free lead I just got you one just give him give them a phone call right give them a phone call and that will you know you'll you'll maybe you can actually make one of the sales there so that's just an example of someone who might need some web design work right next let's talk about the types of people you want to go after so the type of people you want to go after is very important guys you want to go after people with money all right this that's how it goes but you want to go after people who are trying to start their own business from scratch probably not they probably don't have any money to give you do you want to go after attorneys doctors construction places real estate agents gyms yes yes you do yes to all of those because all these places right here have budgets they have money to spend you know doctors and dentists attorneys real estate roofing companies plumbing companies they all probably make around 10,000 to $20,000 a month maybe more than that you know so they have the money to pay so you don't want to go after those like little like Thai restaurants you know like those like the little hole in the wall trying to express restaurants I'm not being racist I'm just saying that they probably don't have the five grand to give you because they're probably not making that much money you know so when I see those are like hole-in-the-wall restaurants I mean I personally love going to them like I'm a big fan of Thai food but I probably wouldn't want to send them a bill for a five thousand our website because they probably can't afford that you know but then you never know you know if it's a busy tight restaurant like there's one called presidental thai in the san gabriel valley I would give them a quote saying hey guys you know your great website are great food I mean let me talk about a website blah blah blah go to my pitch and that's another thing I didn't write on here but make a pitch you know when you're calling these companies and you're advertising you're gonna notice that something works something doesn't something works something doesn't so through trial and error you want to develop a script that will kind of work all the way you know so these are some really important physical things that you can do for your business and you know physical is very good because you're face to face they can see you they trust you they know you they can call you you can visit them anytime you want it's a great way on how to make money so that's my personal advice on how to get clients through a physical presence so now we talked about physical let's talk about digital now I did less a lot of these right here but there's three very important ones I really really really want you to make sure you watch so make sure you keep watching this because I want to talk about those but I'll kind of go in order right here so Facebook Ads now Facebook Ads to me are useless but Facebook guys are probably one of the worst ones however if you're using Facebook and you're targeting a specific location Facebook ads are one of the best ones out there so when you're advertising the companies if you're a digital business like Web Design and you're trying to market across the United States the odds of you getting business is very low it's very very bad but if you see someone like this for example saying a web design service in Santa Clarita people are saying oh I live in Santa Clarita they feel more connected to you they feel more always a local he's a local guy cool I trust him more you know and that's basically how people get more business through Facebook advertising so when you're using Facebook ads make sure you target your specific city and location you don't want to you don't want to target people in Virginia you know why would you do that you can target people right in your area so people are more inclined to purchase your service so Facebook advertising I do have a full video on it as well in fact now this is my video right here and you know I basically cover Facebook advertising I have around 1.6 1,600 likes 65,000 views and it's just the time you need to spend to watch the video and learn from it because a lot of people might watch this video and then just run out really quickly I'm gonna try it spend the time to actually research watch this stuff right so it's an hour it's one hour to learn Facebook you know it's it's not it's not hard it's fairly simple actually so that's one of the ways on how you can actually get clients through Facebook and I do recommend Facebook only for local advertising so if your digital service like if you're located in another country and you're trying to advertise web design in another country I would just forget it it's it's too competitive I'll be very honest with you it's way too competitive but local advertising is the best for Facebook and that's the only one I recommend next is Google Ads now he ever gone to web design of Santa Clarita so right here we have bark calm so bark calm and we also have these ones right here now the reason why these ones are lower right here is because they're not properly bidding they're not bidding correctly and they're probably bidding under the requested amount so we're gonna show up way below there but these companies right here have the first shot of getting a click and you know there's a lot of different ways how you can do Google ads and Google Ads is a little more complicated so I will link a course for Google ads in the description below there is one guy I learned from his name is Isaac students key right here I Lisa dents key now this course is really $200 but I'm not an affiliate so I don't make any money if you buy this course or not I'm just showing you what I took wait for you to me to have sales because right here you can get for twelve dollars and I mean this is a 25 hour course it's extremely condensed it has so much information packed in it so if you want to go and take that course I mean it's eleven dollars I mean what one thing also is don't feel afraid of buy anything online how much money do you waste taking out your girlfriend to the cheeseburgers and french fries or going to Starbucks every week you know but you don't want to spend fifteen dollars for a Google Ads course you know it's that mindset you really gotta break out of you know people don't like buying digital stuff I know that but you need to because it's a lot of it's an investment it's a value that you get back so that's an option if you want to go ahead and do a lot of words basically how Google AdWords works is that every time someone clicks on your advertisement you'll be charged you can be charged a dollar you can be charged two dollars three dollars four dollars one hundred dollars depending on your niche but for web design I want to say it's maybe you like to I don't know a dollar to five dollars depending on I don't know depending on the city it's so Google AdWords is so advanced but now that is one of the ones but I wouldn't recommend it I think it can be very expensive at times but it's one now list of websites so you know a lot of a lot of different ways on how you can get businesses ask a question you know there's there's directory websites there's question websites there's Facebook groups there's yellow pages there's AB city there's thumbtack there's dexter knows all these other websites so for example one of the ways is that's what I've seen on Quora is P people ask a question they're saying well what's the best web design in Santa Clarita and a lot of people actually answer their own question with the question or they answer their own question and I've seen a lot of people do that and right now I'll be very honest I'm kind of against it but if the websites allow it you know you can actually ask a question saying hey what's the best web web design company in Santa Credo you can have your friend answer it saying ho Darrell Wilson's company's the best and I build a website I got a lesson from them and it was amazing of this and there you go you know now you have some information about your your website on the internet and you also have a referral and a testimonial as well an Internet Yahoo Answers the same thing people actually answer like hourglass like hey what's a good web design company what's a good one and I guarantee you you'll find one out there on Yahoo so when people ask what's the best web design company Darrell Wilson gah you know there it is my company now remember you might not think this is a big thing like oh yeah this is this is one of the options but remember these sites get millions of visitors every day and people are always on it you know it's constantly under 24 hours a day when you're sleeping it's being checked out so remember don't think of in the mote in the time think of overtime maybe that question will give you three or four jobs over time you never know but by adding it it's not a bad idea next let's talk about the list of websites on the Internet's so there are a lot of websites on the internet that you can actually add your sites to that you'll get you know clients from and Yelp Yelp is one of them in fact Yelp is one of the best Yelp is one of the best ones so I talked about the top three Yelp was one of the best so for example right here Web Design Santa Clarita you can see right here we have all these companies right here you know I mean look at this company right here you know 23 reviews I mean that means they must have got at least 23 jobs just from Yelp and if they're charging $5,000 a job that's maybe around a hundred well what's the math here run $130,000 $115,000 I don't know $115,000 a year from that job you know and it's great to have because you never know what's gonna happen I'm like they probably got way more than that because a lot of people don't review that even you know work with the company but make sure you add your company to Yelp add an image add some information on it so right here let's just go check when I let's go make somebody famous here that's five rockets design so we got this company right here in Santa Clarita and you know they've listed they listed their phone number their websites they have all this information right here they have a portfolio this right here is great now I think this is kind of weird look in they it looks like a newspaper but you know right here from the business they talk about it they specialize it and remember this stuff gets seen in the search engine so it's not necessarily about people actively looking at it when people type in best web designer in Santa Clarita the odds of you showing up is very likely so make sure to check that one else Yelp Yelp is a very good one make sure to add it in there next we're gonna talk about Oh number two what's important number two most important oh this is actually number one I think this is number one number one most important when you have to add is the Google Maps so let's go back over here so web design in Santa Clarita now if you look at you know guys sorry for my 2k screen I got all this white over here you know sorry about that you know but right here the first thing that pops up is China through the web on i.t you know the small dog creative scorpion you know scorpion is actually the same company that does the SEO for Facebook so I'm located actually two minutes away from them actually I just asked him for a job maybe they'll give me a job when they watch this video but uh you know the best thing about this right here is that you can see the location you can see the business you can see the reviews the phone number everything is right there Google Maps is the best one out there on the internet period because when everyone types in something like Web Design in Los Angeles which is probably very competitive these right here are actually showing up in fact you can see the Google Ad actually running up right here and this right here is a horrible advertisement and this guy needs to take the course on the on this right here because as you can see this guy made a mistake right now I typed in Web Design in Los Angeles and for some reason Brazilian Jujitsu - tournament coming up so this guy doesn't know how to advertise he's doing it the wrong way that's why you need a course on it so this right here is proof that people don't know how to advertise properly and there's no shame in it guys it's not like I'm yelling at you saying you know you got advertised right it's your money you want to save your money so right here for instance you know we have the Google ads which is one of the ways I recommended but below that these companies right here are be seeing or being seen before all these other companies and all they're doing is putting their location on Google Maps so that's a great way on how to get clients you know make sure you do it you know really truly Google Maps is the most important one okay if the most important one out there trust me it's it's the best one you have to pay for it shows up Rank 1 what else do you want you know like it's Rick white you don't have to pay for what else do you want you know also there's other websites like obsidian com of course Yelp yellow pages as well so if you go to yellow pages calm which was a lot of old people use a lot of old people you yellow pages but all people got money they got money so you know you want to get money out of Grandpa and Grandma you know so make sure you list your website on yellow pages calm deckchairs knows as well various other web websites so just kind of you know white pages as well just do your research and advertise your business on these local websites because these do show up in the search results you know let's also talk about ask your City Council we talked about that Angi list doesn't I recently think they took that away they recently took it away on you know a web designer so I don't think they offer web design anymore it's more for construction companies as well next let's talk about SEO so for instance right here you got your website you made your website so your website's Joe Wilson com whatever your website is this one right here so this is my website I want to get I want to get clients how do I get clients well there's two ways on how you get clients one of the ways is that you hire an SEO company now I used to work for an SEO company in Calabasas you know in fact I would I would go call people and you know I would get contract so I can hold you I got for com4 dot-com was one of my clients and a great way on how you can actually on how you can actually get SEO it's just by going to the source so I I personally go to freelancer comm you can post a project saying hey guys I want SEO you know what should I do and basically they'll tell you that what keywords you want to rank for so when they talk about keywords they're saying when someone someone types in something in the search engine you know what what do you want to rank for so for example if you're a web designer you want to like you know web design in Los Angeles that's a good one you know so you can tell your SEO guys saying well you know web design or web design in Lausanne Web Design in Los Angeles is a good one but that's very competitive and I would do a mixture of very competitive and non-competitive so for for instance another one would be like web services in Los Angeles now that one's a little broad that one's a little broad so web web design service in Los Angeles that one's you know a website service you know keyword research can take a long time and you should go to Google I'm sorry Google insights or Google Trends or even the Google Google I think Google AdWords has a calculator on it we can kind of just do research on what keywords you should focus for so web design service in Los Angeles what design company website service you know cheap web design service whatever you want to add you know so that's that's basically a way on how you can kind of do keyword research so when you go to these companies are gonna ask you for keywords so you know I would do 20 keywords probably cost you around $200 $50 a month for SEO and over three to six months to a year you can expect your website to kind of rank higher in the search results so for ends it's right here you know all these companies right here are they have a lot of SEO in them and the reason why we want to do companies like Yelp right here and up City is because they already have really good SEO so you want to kind of leech off they're off the ranking and put your site on it because you'll never ring car than Yelp Yelp is just like I mean they're very trusted and I don't think you'll ever rank higher than Yelp in fact I guarantee you won't work higher than them but you know go on their sites and put your stuff on there so you have a chance to get seen right so that is basically a quick run out of SEO so if you're gonna see which one I hire just post a project so you want an SEO you're gonna get hundreds of people that we're gonna spam you say anything but oh I know how to do it I know to do it you know so just pick one make a contract 200 hours a month and after six months to a year you should expect really good results six months give it six months of the SEO guy that's that's what I perceive recommend for SEO also constant writing so write blogs on your on your so for instance right here we'll go to Google really quickly and you know trends trends and web design you know now when you when you type something in right here you know a lot of these sites that you that you're that you're reading and looking at a lot of them are older design companies they're all web design companies trying to kind of get business right here so you know I think web flow is about flow I don't think they are but most of these companies are actually services and websites that are trying to get web design business so being an authority is one of the best ways to is like just like you're watching this video people trust me to build a website because I teach websites when I build it for someone from scratch probably not because it's interferes me doing YouTube right but I do have designers out there that I do use so you know just keep blogging you know like 10 things not to mess up on Web Design 5 best tips for freelancers I'm looking to start a business read this before you know really catchy titles like that to kind of encourage people to actually read your article and it'll get found you know people you'll start getting more traffic on your website people will visit it they'll start sharing it's you never know people put it on reddit it'll get 50,000 uploads you never know what's gonna happen so that is one really good way and in fact if you need a constant writer just go to I write or calm writer calm I mean you can get articles really really cheap you know four thousand keywords for thirty one dollars right here a five hundred article they'll write you up a blog for a thousand words for ten bucks you know so it's a great resource on people that want to get concert writers for cheap i've used i writer in the path it's a really good resource so be sure to check out our comm if you want to hire a content writer for your website because I have a Content writer I mean I'm too busy to do other things so I have to hire someone to write for my website because I have other stuff to do I have you to feed us to make I have editing to do right so just like you you know you have a business to run you have clients to manage so you don't have time to write content so hire a Content writer to just write content for your website again live website live live Web Design events you know create in educational information so become an authority you know really really try to help people you know with your past experience like for example I told you about you know I don't like you know serving people in the food industry because a lot of those restaurants aren't going to be successful a lot of like beginners trying to make their own business their website probably won't do well in fact they don't have the money to pay you so that's based off my experience so that value I'm giving you is something that you should provide somebody else like something something of real value there now also one thing I didn't talk about is forums and Facebook groups so you know there are a lot of Facebook groups right here sorry here we have Divi theme the Divi theme users right here you know right here you can see that these people over here you know people are sharing information and a lot of people out here actually want to know how to build websites so you can just go ahead and say oh this guy right here this kind of offering a free layout you know so you know post in the Facebook groups see what you can do see what information you can have which you can learn and I've seen a lot of people out here actively trying to do purchase websites from people saying hey can you build me a websites so that's a good one and also forms as well but forms it's a very easy way to get Bance you got to be very careful on forms only post your website if somebody asks so if nobody asked don't post your website I'm telling you you can get banned really easy so these are my ways on how you can actually get leads and start getting more clients you can also post your services on and also freelancer com but I find that if you're from the United States and you're trying to get business on freelancer and upwork it's going to be very difficult because you're competing with a lot of low-budget competitors a lot of these people are from India they're from Pakistan they're from Nepal and they're offering to build websites for like 200 bucks so it can be a little competitive when you're trying to charge someone to $3,000 on the websites but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it because a lot of people might want to only work with someone in Los Angeles now one other thing that I want to talk about is Craigslist Craigslist is a great one Craigslist right here is a great one so over here under the computer gigs you can simply type in WordPress and you'll always get people that are trying to say I need a WordPress sites WordPress help needed SEO specialist needed web developer needed a lot of people are actively looking for people to you know saying hey I need help with my website can you do this so be sure to check that one out I mean right here is Los Angeles and I recommend doing the local one because a lot of people want to work with someone local you can always just do you know United States it's our cold calling that's another good idea but will they take your job I don't know you know a lot of these people say we want people in the area so this one right here 15 to 20 hours a week yeah I see in in the area so that's something to think about but Craigslist is a great one Craig this is a really good resource so you know I really hope this video was helpful hopefully by now you can kind of implement these resources you can kind of start kind of you know you have something to go with now like you have somewhere to go you have some guidance right here so um you know I'll actually leave this note in the description below if you want to check out the snow right here I'll leave all this information out there so you can kind of all update it too because you can't do enter this no more they took that out but I will leave this in the description below to help you you know checklist you know saying okay I got some cards now what I do I got this not what I do because I really want you all to succeed you know cuz there's so many people on the internet and I hate people like this where they're just trying to make money off you like all those guys who drive Lamborghinis and they pull you and they're just trying to make money off you it's like dude like and then their song a course for for either for $2,000 and then or you gotta buy the e-book for $1.99 you know to me this is why I made my channel it's really truly widening my chops I was so sick and tired of these people right now I'm giving you the tools I'm not charging you a dollar in fact this course right here you can watch it not gonna pay me a dollar you're gonna walk away knowing how to build a website so you can build an affiliate websites and e-commerce website whatever you want just by simply spending your own time and watching this video and then you can watch this video to learn how to implement it so I'm giving you a full career I'm giving you the tools like you have everything I did it I did it I did it for two three years and then I retired to do YouTube so if I can do it you can do it you know I'm not some sort of Brainiac I mean I do have a bachelor's degree well actually have to but that doesn't mean anything anybody could do this stuff you don't need a degree for for WordPress it's so simple anyone can do it so watch my video take my advice I'll leave this link in below so you guys can check it out you can kind of implement this for your web design business so make sure to LIKE this video make sure to leave me a comment leave me a good comment say hey man this video was helpful I love this share it and all that good stuff and I will see you all in the next video good luck guys
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 95,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to market your website, how to get more clients, how to get more traffic to your website, how to get more clients for web design, how to get traffic to your website, how to increase website traffic, increase website traffic, web design marketing, how to market web design services
Id: UrWwg67IKb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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