How to get Money! Prestige! Guests! - Tavern Master - Friyay stream

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[Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] well hello there ladies and gentlemen boys and girls uh welcome to my how to get money prestige and guests on tavern master for a friday stream that's right it's completely random i never normally stream on a friday but i thought you know what let's get out there it's friday let's do a live stream so without further ado let's jump straight in the game which is tavern master and what we'll do is we'll start a new game so rather than continuing are you sure you want to start a new game your current progress will be lost if you haven't saved well i'm pretty certain that i've saved so let's cancel that and go load and double check yes we have okay that's fine that was done at 1.52 and that was done at 152. so let's do a new game are you sure yes [Music] now i'm pretty sure we can't skip the tutorial no we can't welcome to your new tavern fantastic thank you very much take a look around that w a s and d keys there you go great job thank you very much i rightly look around and we've got missing walls of course so let's build our walls okay so it's the key over here and you just simply left click hold down the left mouse button and drag down and that completes your wall i'll put a door in over here because it tells you to and then we're going to put the window here a great job now we need to put in some tables and chairs i'm doing this bit very very quickly um because obviously this is just the tutorial so we'll put in our chair oh sorry our table then we'll put our benches next to it so again just left clicking here dropping it down go to lights and we're going to put in a candle on the wall over here because that's where it tells us to great job okay perfect thank you very much back we go okay to buy them here we should go to the bar first of course so open the bar menu we've got water no beer so let's buy some beer and then fill it up there we go so max refill was always at the bottom done and go back okay great job now we have a place for people to sit on blah blah blah one of the things missing to hire staff okay so that's over here so we need a bartender and a waitress okay so let's have a look at our bartenders what have we got well this chap already carries six drinks he attracts seven more customers a day but he has no drink pouring speed at all uh we've got experience two times faster or we've got to carry eight drinks at the same time and this chap can carry six drinks so i think overall with the leverage leveling up and everything else for our first bartender we'll go for this guy because he gets his experience two times faster and also long term your bartender tends to get miserable very very quickly um so we'll get this chap and we'll give him a higher and waitress let's look who we've got so attract seven more customers a day mood is not affected by cleaning again a track seven or gets one tip what we're looking at is right so she already carries four drinks it's fairly evened out we can dump these two points climbing the stairs and reallocate them somewhere else so that's fine and she tracks seven extra customers [Music] so that's fine just click on the kitchen research and then close that off now number of guests per day tells you how many people that's top right hand corner next and we'll get a final piece of advice in a minute so unpause final tip is watch out if there's enough space to see it if all seats are taken by more tables and benches good luck okay so that's it we are now in the game and playing okey dokey so first first things first is our quests so we want to own four tables eight benches finish any research and change the tag [Music] and we'll give this a nice name [Music] and of course our waitress is already serving our first customers but at the moment we have 260 so we might as well get some additional tables and chairs in so we can a bit fit two but that's going to use up 140 not give us enough currency for benches but that's fine for now so seats we've still got about two so and there we go we've got three we've got room for once we've got 140 we can get two more sorry 100 so these quests are very much worthwhile doing every day okay so what we can do now is speed up time because really there is not a huge amount on this first day so we might as well run it at high speed just getting the day done with so waitress is still serving everyone that's great one of the early things to do is if we click on her she's not running about constantly let me click on you there we go it's the prioritization so what you want to do is you want to put food straight down room service at the moment doesn't matter because we don't have any rooms and cleaning secondary as well drinks should be your primary concern now the next thing to do is reallocate those points so we've got at least four here at the speed not caring we can add one so we'll put three here and two for tips and then we've got two left to be carrying so there we go so that's everything now allocated and we moved two points that were here for the stairs as well so believe in caring drinks that's fine at least two for that at least two for that and then we've got three for drinking pouring so two and a half meters a second not caring one point eight meters a second carrying and then the speed of pouring 0.75 [Music] is [Music] okay again smashing on to high speed and of course our waitress is now leveled up as well so she's got an extra point to give her the ability to carry five drinks [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] step three pirate ship okay so we need to now make our kitchen uh we need to buy a kitchen counter plate shelf and crate and then we'll need to wait for customers to own food that is fine so we want to click on here we want to confirm that we've done this before we end the day okay so close that off then we have a look at our staff we can add a second waitress if we want but more importantly we can uh start a new research so for me i personally go with lemonade first so we'll get that on the on the order flow everyone's now gone we can pause the game we've been given a load of money to expand and this is where we're gonna put the kitchen in okay so kitchen we need to build wall first okay now it doesn't really matter where the kitchen is but ideally you put it behind the bar it makes more sense [Music] ah sound volume okay not a problem [Music] okay there you go sir sorry leski 25 that should now be better for you i've uh reduced the volume of everything and let me just have a quick look at my broadcast solution as well yeah my my volume now should be coming out about double triple at that of the game volume uh so that should be enough um i'll lower it a little bit more uh just to be short so let's get the sound effects volume down as well and leave the music running fairly quietly in the background and that should sort that out okay right so next what we want to do is we want to put the wall in so let's get that done so it needs to be these six cells here now ideally you don't even need to put um all in so you can save the money uh what you can do at the beginning of the game in fact i'll show you show you guys so we want the kitchen to be uh that will do it these tiles because it looks more kitcheny and then we'll continue the wood floor from here through and what we'll do is we'll put a door into the wall so put the ball here here we go so now we can put the kitchen stuff in with no actual physical wall for the kitchen and the area so aesthetically it doesn't look nice but at the same time there is no requirement for the walls so you can do it without because there's no weather effects or anything else so it's a bit of cheese gives you extra money to then spend on tables and expanding your pub itself that will come out of here next thing to do is to go to kitchen here and what we need is a plate shelf we need a counter and we need a crate so plate shell first put that on the back wall then we will get our counter now notice there is the chef symbols and the waitress symbols so we've got that the wrong way matt round at the moment right click the mouse button or use z and x and we can rotate it round so we'll put the counter like here there we go so now the servers come in and the chefs go there and the last thing we need is a crate now this stores all of the food so we'll put that next to the plate shelf and we have our basic kitchen now the reason i've done it this big is because later on we'll want to be putting in a fireplace grill chopping table basin and the kitchen will expand to probably cover all six of these tiles but for now it's only a little bit of stuff so we've got everything we need for our kitchen next thing to do is hire a chef so let's have a look who've we got okay so receive two bonus for every main course serve gains experience two times faster can prepare two soups at the same time you can't even cook soup at the beginning so this one's pointless uh walking speed doesn't decrease when carrying something that is quite a good bonus to have now he has no skill for desserts um and he does really need some but that's fine we can reallocate his skill points and but the walking speed doesn't decrease when carrying something is worth having so we'll hire him even though this chap gains experience twice as fast overall this guy's probably going to be better to have so we'll hire him close that off and we can then hit play again speed up time and this is the end of the day okay so we lost 522 that's fine and then you just click start next day so that's it and we are now on beginning of the next day we'll run the time down a little bit uh so we've now got new quests so serve 20 customers own three decorations refill 100 liters of any drink and prepare bread nine times well if we click on our menu down here we can see what food we are offering so we are offering apple pie cream rolls fruit bowl cherry cake and bread now you can change this as well so if you click on a dish that's it we're not serving it click on it again it is served uh you can do none which will remove everything or all which will add everything and there are also event meals and foods as well but we don't have events yet this game is tavern master and what you are building is a pub that also serves food and the game is on steam and it is also not particularly expensive either so during all of the black friday reductions and everything else i got this i think for like i think three or four pounds uh so maybe five dollars if you're in the us um so it's a cheap game and it's been developed by one person over an extended period of time i like these indie games where you've got someone who's committed a lot of their time and effort to make a game that actually is really good and it's one of these games that you can come in you can play it for 20 minutes save exit and go and carry on with your day without needing to commit too much time to it either and so they're the reasons that i like it now the next thing that we're going to do is expand our seating area so we can have more guests because we're going to get 73 guests a day if we've got the space so go to our walls we want to remove the walls here so we'll get rid of them and what we'll do for now is we'll expand our floor without actually adding any walls now the only problem with this is you need light okay so for um people to sit at a table they need to be within light so we will need some walls to put light on so we will put actually how much do we have 777 okay what we'll do for now is we'll expand this wall and we'll add two in the middle over here so this should be enough to get all the light that we need and then out we come okay so now we go to tables and chairs and more importantly we go to lights so these people are currently not sitting in light well that's easy we can add one of these a candle stand and that will light up pretty much the rest of our bar okay so put that in what we can also do is add one over here at the end and that will light up this back corner as well so we can have more tables or we can use a candle as soon as we've already got a candle over here and it keeps up the theme so that's fine we'll do that now one of the quest challenges for today was to have three decorations so go to here go to decorations you have lots of different options um but it did say three so what should we add and well everything gets fairly expensive uh once you get past a certain point but we could put a shelf in uh put that over in the corner maybe put one there and maybe put another one over here no actually what we'll do is we'll put one we put one there over the bar yes we can and then maybe get a little plant and put that in the entrance there we go so there are our three decorations and now we've got only enough money left or one more table with one bench that's fine though it's not a problem we'll get that put in there we go so now we've got space for more customers i know i don't have enough money i was trying to click exit there we go so quest wise we've completed that that gives us our two and that gives us a hundred coins so now we can buy the other bench and a table or a table so let's get another table left click and then again along with the other tables that we've already got then go to seats and plop down how many we can afford which at the moment is just one there we go and then speed up time because now we're just waiting for the day to pass so we can earn enough money yeah the quests at the beginning are easy uh they do get more difficult as the game progresses and we've expanded this a lot more than most people would when they start the game purely by not having the walls in place and so when i first played it and in my perfect start series which i've released a couple of episodes for on my channel i do put all the walls in just to make it more aesthetically pleasing but from a stream perspective seeing as i'm just randomly streaming this game today i thought i would do it a bit more this is how you can get your bar expanded the quickest and this is how you can start raking money in guests and prestige which is what we're looking at so we're looking at money prestige and then the amount of guests that we can get we're already up to 83 a day which is quite good and again we've got enough money now for the other benches so let's get those put in okay so click again drop them in now we've got oh okay no i didn't mean to do that let's come off of this and move this so if you want to move something you left click on it and hold down the mouse and then move it okay there we go that's done confirm and we have completed another quest we've served 20 customers okay so we're only a few away now from the next floor tile that we can unlock and we need to refill 100 liters of any drink well at the moment we could refill all for 43 but i don't think that's going to be 100 yet so we've refilled everything however our research for lemonade has now finished so we'll start our next piece of research which is plus seven guests a day and we'll go to the bar and we need 200 to be able to buy the lemonade barrel which we've just got but we're not going to buy it today and you'll see why in a minute okay so there's the end of the day so quests wise there's a couple that we didn't do prepare bread and refill 100 liters that's fine they will stay there we've done 86 out of 100 so start next day okay let me just quickly check the super chat hi carrick good to have you with us and uh of course hi from france leske glad to have you with us as well okay so we're on to the next day which means we've got new quests so here we go and this is why i didn't buy it because i knew that it would add it to a quest so buy a new barrel lemonade serve only main courses for the whole day well at the moment we've paused before the day started so to do that we go to our menu and we go none so our only main course is bread and that means today all people would be able to do is buy bread that's not a problem because what that does is it will should complete this one plus we'll only be serving main courses there's four plus two that's six uh we'll do the lemonade that's nine and then the three for the refilling of a hundred and liters or up to twelve and that will take us way over uh where we need to be the floor tile okay so away high speed don't need to be running at normal speed people will start coming in and we'll start getting our first sales of the day and we're watching our money because we want to get up to 200 so that we can get our lemonade barrel and we're 188. of course without selling any of our desserts or anything else it does mean that our income is a bit more limited but it's fine okay so lemonade barrel 200 purchase and what we should do is use whatever we have to refill the barrel so we'll click on the lemonade and we'll just max refill which is 136. we've got 136 out of 150 liters now and more importantly we've completed both of these so buy a lemonade barrel and refill 100 liters of any drink and we've unlocked the floor tile fantastic next job is 30 and we've now prepared bread nine times and once we've got that we'll be on 26 and we'll nearly be at the 30 that we need we need to start more research so start new research for the musicians our bread has been leveled up so awesome we've now got one star bread and our staff are all leveling up as well so we'll level up our barmaid and we'll increase her speed carrying and close that off we'll level up our bartender so we will give him an increase on his speed not carrying okay and what we'll also do is we'll add a second waitress so attract seven more customers mood is not affected by cleaning gets one tip for every drink served and okay i think we'll go with this slash here who attracts seven more customers per day okay so we've now got two waitresses our barman oh and we've run out of bread so we need to buy some make sure we've got at least 10 okay increase it to 10 again that's the other thing you have to monitor your food stock as well and we're nearly at the end of another day oh quests yeah we've only served main courses there we go so finish the day we completed the challenge and there we go so exit and just go back to normal speed start next day and see what quests we need to do so reach two stars with any food have an average 0.1 for food serve 67 customers and finish any research okay cool so again we'll run it on high speed and what we can also do now is maybe delete this wall and expand it out to the final um final row so let's go to floor texture and what we could do is put a kind of a balcony at the back of the pub which is a quite nice little looking thing so this here will end up being like a balcony so as an example if we scroll down we can put this wall here or we could put this or we could put this or we could put this so we can make or even just this so we can have an outdoor seating area at the back of the tavern so people can have their drinks outside and we will get rid of at this piece of wall as well so get rid and what we can then do is decide uh where we want to put our tables and chairs so how we come so this is going to be an outdoor seating area one other thing that we need to do of course is get light so we'll put a light on the outside but we'll put one of these because it looks more like an outdoor light so we'll put that there and then tables wise can we fit these in potentially yes if we yeah i think that should be okay if we put them to the edge so we'll go from there and maybe then add another one so you can have a bench either side gap in the middle and there you go then go to the seats so turn that round there we go there's two and we haven't got enough money for any more that's fine so again this will start being our outdoor seating area thanks leske glad for having you with us on the stream and enjoy your afternoon at school oh we're missing ingredients again so let's just buy let's go all the way up to 20. there we go and more importantly we need to go to our menu and we need to do all of our desserts again because obviously everyone's just buying bread and our chef is ready to be leveled up so we'll level him up oh we never redone his things did we okay well we'll give him uh skill for dessert and what we'll do is we'll refresh so pull me away apart from two and then what we'll do is we'll add three for that and three for that and just one for suits because at the moment uh you can't make soup so what's the point in having the points allocated to it we've got ready for more research so the next is special events and we should have also completed a quest yep finished any research we've got 150 bonus coins fantastic let's go back to normal speeds we can get other stuff done okay what i'd like to do now is actually put um so we'll put the benches in for the second table get those put in there we go and now start designing this uh to be the outside area so i think we've got enough money to do it um so let's actually start making it look nice because we don't really need to save the money now we can now go for making it look actually aesthetically pleasing so let's get our walls in so there we go and again this side as well and what we'll do is we'll put in two doors we'll put in one this side and one this side and then we'll put windows in here and we'll also put windows in down the sides as well so it starts looking a bit nicer now for the actual um thing i think we'll use maybe this wall for the ends and then what we'll do is we will do i think this for the actual end wall here so there we go so we've got this nice little outside seating area now and where as we build up additional floors and unlock stairs and everything else what we can do is put balconies and stuff above as well so we've got this nice little outdoor seating area so your beer garden still got 236 so we can probably put another table inside um let's put it here i think so let's go to tables again gap of two that's fine and then seats and get two of those put in and there we go okay we're up to 110 guests a day now very quickly we've established a solid layout uh for the pub we've established a lot of tables and chairs nice base design because we have this space for expansion as well and which you could use for balconies on the next floor up without actually using this floor space it's all entirely up to you we do need to put the wall in for the kitchen as well which we don't currently have but that's fine okay let's speed up time again and the other thing you need to remember as well is to leave yourself some money for your wages at the end of each day and i have seen that you can go minus though so you can go negative at the end of the day with your salaries getting paid and then you have to earn enough money over the course of the day to pay that debt off but there's no interest or anything on it but at the same time really you want to try and have your salaries paid out of the money that is left at the end of the day okay what else do we need to do 67 customers we've only served 48 and reached two stars with any food as we need to upgrade a meal and as of yet um i don't think we have so okay we're at the end of another day um so the funny thing is here you can let your waitresses clear up or you can just go start next day and then your tables are clear i don't know whether it saves them the job i'm presuming it doesn't so our next is to buy musicians podium which is under the research that we've unlocked and and if i go to here and go to special here is your musician's podium okay so musician's podium isn't actually that big so we'll click on it says here we could put it in the corner but the door's there of course so the question is where could we put it and i could potentially put it middle ish here because we certainly haven't got space anywhere else and put it there now the people should still be able to get to their benches uh so come off of that and we've completed that we've got five we're up to 35 we only need five more to unlock the dutch ships in a calm sea and that painting i always put behind the bar just because i think it looks effective adrian s'moron welcome to the stream glad to have you with us on this completely random stream i never normally stream on a friday and but i thought you know what i've got a bit of time uh why not okay our bartender has leveled up again so now we'll increase the number of drinks that he can carry so five drinks oh one of our waitresses is not happy okay so let's have a look at her and what's oh are we out food again as well okay let's just fill this up okay so it's going to cost 150 that's fine we'll fill it up to max and what we'll also do is fill up our fruit 20 there we go right now what was i doing yes that was it was the waitress okay so she's a bit on the sad sack side at the moment so what we will do is we will increase her salary so she's still a little bit miffed but she'll be getting upgraded soon so we'll increase her salary to 234 five okay so 25 puts her back into a smiley face and now we have unlocked events okay so so 67 customers that was achieved and we haven't achieved the reach 2 stars with any food yet but we now have more research to do so my suggestion would be to do wine first i do wine fireplace grill then adventures okay let's close that off now we've got events so we can add an event or anything else and but we're not going to do it for now because we'll wait until it becomes a quest on here for us to achieve okay right now looking around we've got 472 so we do want to put in the third table that i was talking about at the end here uh so we need to leave a gap of two and then we need to put in the seats again one and two and there we go so we've got another seat outside now and at the same time we should probably now get our third waitress because we've now got quite a lot of tables so let's go to our staff and let's get our third waitress so it gets five tips for every food served that's quite good mood not affected by cleaning five tips for every food so can carry eight drinks at the same time okay so we can redistribute her um layout but we'll hire her but she can carry eight drinks at the same time okay now we go straight into her and what we do is we adjust her priorities so drop cleaning food and room service down from primary and leave drinks as primary and reallocate her points so originally she had five drinks so we'll make sure it's still five drinks that she can carry in fact we'll increase it by one to six uh tips we'll put at two and then we've got five left so we've got two there and there we go three there so that's now fairly balanced and she can carry six drinks i think we're still okay with one chef now getting our second chef and but that's fine so again run it at a high speed just so we're earning the money and what we'll do is we'll start expanding um out to this final little area and we'll put in the walls as well in fact let's put the walls in now it is um a bit on the money side that there is no walls on the kitchen now as i said that's an early early very early game money saving tip which i mean as you can see i've been streaming for less than an hour and we've already got this tavern to a very decent size okie cokey right what we also want to do probably is uh do some uh more aesthetic stuff so we have wall textures as well that's something that i haven't shown you so you can use different textures on the walls so for the kitchen as an example it would make sense for it to be under this wall and we'll put in some windows as well because the poor guys in the kitchen can't even see outside at the moment which is not very nice so i've got a couple of windows in the kitchen as well and again you can play around with different textures so the outside of the pub at the back um would it be nicer for it to be rock so and the outside of the hub here make it look like a wooden shack if we wanted to and so i think for the outside back here we'll change the design slightly uh like this i mean that would make more sense for maybe an interior wall let's see what this looks like yeah i'd say the outside of the pub looks a bit better like that and we'll do the same for all the external walls as well so it's all brickwork again a brickwork wall here and then the outside will turn it all to brickwork as well there we go there's all the external walls done and just these last few to go there we go external walls now look good and the kitchen is separated and the interior walls are now different to the exterior walls so just a quick little bit of design and you can play around with it quite a lot to be honest right okay we've got another member of staff who is ready to level up though she was the one that was a bit miserable but now she's ecstatic she's been leveled up and will increase her tips to maximum there we go again close the other thing you can rotate the camera to basically look top down so you can see completely what the layout is looking like how good or bad i think it is and if you want to tweak any design elements but there we go and we're nearly at the end of the day uh research-wise uh let's see didn't get two stars didn't we are there any food has anything on the menu leveled up yet okay so to get two star bread we need to serve another eight bread and these other dishes are about to probably level up to level one especially the fruit bowl okay plus 194 for today so we've improved our income quite significantly okay so we'll get rid of that and we'll start our next day uh but what we'll do is we'll add no we won't we'll just start the next day there we go okay so what do we have uh reach two stars hire some musicians serve only desserts for the whole day oh very quickly pause okay before our first customer comes in our chef is miserable so that means it's time to get a second chef so second chef what are our options walking speed doesn't decrease when carrying something receive two bonus for every dessert served and his speed is very high as well i think we'll go for this chap here okay so we'll hire this chap and what we'll do is we'll go straight in and have him he's good isn't he to redistribute okay so for this chat we're going to need to increase his salary so let's increase the salary to 20 g still not happy okay 26 you'll have to do it on 26 mate i'm not paying you any more than that that's ridiculous okay now our podium choose how many musicians you have so for 50 a day you can have one which the guests will wait for 10 seconds more on this floor of the tavern before they get peeved and start walking out now we haven't had that happen but it's only 50 a day so select so tomorrow we're going to have one person banned uh playing on our music podium and of course that's completed the quest and we've now unlocked the dutch ships in a calm storm so for that we're going to put it behind the bar so we've claimed it so to actually put it in we now need to go to our build menu go to special and here it is so and we'll put it there on the wall okay and that has also increased to us now to 122 uh guests a day now something else that we'll put in that will increase our guest numbers if we go to decorations and scroll all the way down we've got curtains so here we go so these curtains cost 75. you can choose the color of them so you can go into the configuration after you put them in and change the color so although to be fair i actually quite like the royal purple and i've got two over here and this is going to run us out of money basically we're down to 33 coins but we're up to 127 guests a day so there we go and pub of course is looking a little bit nicer isn't it that's the more important thing so high speed and off we trot oh yes and what we will do is we will add a regular party for tomorrow so 20 guests and a reward of 200 so that will be for tomorrow now for the other events you need special food and that comes from your adventurers and our adventurer room is going to be this back corner okay so everyone's now coming out and eating and everything else could we expand yes we can buy two more tiles can't we okay so we've got plenty of space to expand okay so again we run at high speed and what we're doing now is we're just racking up money over the course of the day and uh what we'll do is we will expand uh bar as well okay our maria is ready to be leveled up again so let's add her to another drink so she can carry four okay again spamming through uh what we didn't do of course was the menu i completely forgot so we were only supposed to serve uh desserts i think all day to look serve only desserts for the whole day okay that's fine i'll have to do it tomorrow and because people have ordered bread today now we've only got one fruit left so let's bring that back up to 20. there we go nearly up to a thousand which means we could potentially expand as well at the end of the day which we will and more importantly we'll need to uh move and add windows at the end and just so it all looks good and of course expand our balcony as well so again just run everything at high speed till the end of the day get everything done we've got another member of staff ready to level up awesome our barman and what we'll do is we will get him to reece what do we do i think we'll increase not carrying first there we go okay everyone's popping out our research is still ticking away nicely that's it end of another day plus 765 okay so we're doing very well and we've leveled up our bread two star which means we've finished both of these so there's another two and four we're now at 48 out of 50 and the next day we need to serve only desserts so none of the bread and just the desserts so close and then start next day and we've got a bunch of new quests as well so serve more than 70 customers in the day level up any employee own one carpet okay so carpet all the guests for the event have been served fantastic it's very quick this event it doesn't take very long at what we'll do now and you only get the guests for the party as well to only get the 20 guests and they stay for the whole day pretty much buying drinks all day so it's a good way of earning money as well but you won't hit any guest targets now the carpet we can do fairly easily so decorations scroll up uh no sorry it's not there is it's down here it's carpets carpets and we've got lots and lots and lots of different choices as to which carpets you want to put in you've got some tiny ones you've got some animal skin um so i like kind of rustic red ones like this long carpet and what we could do is put it next to the bar like that there we go but as you come in there's a nice rug and how many was it we needed to have was it just the one and one carpet yeah and we got 200 coins fantastic so might as well expand our building so we know that the external texture needs to be this and we'll need to change the internal texture but that's fine basic wall is always the same you can't change the design of it so we'll put in the extra two here extra two here and then we'll run them all down here so windows will put in in the same places so they're there and what we will then do is we will confirm oh no floor texture first so let's put the floor texture in so make sure it matches everything else so there's our flooring okay next is to confirm then we want to go to our decorations i'm going to click on this one and move it so is it not going to let me move it i thought it would but only we can only sell it that's interesting okay fair enough well in that case we can't move it we're going to have to just delete the wall aren't we bye-bye and we got all the money back but we lost a little bit not the end of the world and what i think i might do is i like this here as a divider so what you can do is you can run it down the middle just as like a design element so run that across but what it does is it does prevent you from obviously putting um putting tables directly there i think it just makes it look nice um so next thing to do is to start putting our additional tables and lighting in so we want lighting and we'll go with for this part of the pub we'll put a couple of torches on the ball i've got one in this corner yeah i know i thought that was snapped to the pillar there we go and over here that pretty much lights up the whole area that we're good for lighting come out have a look at it make sure you think it looks alright yep okay so we can put some additional tables in now the gap is two so that would be the line for the next table if we're keeping it all aesthetically lined up again there and again there and then i know we've got enough money for the seats so seat seat seat seat and seat seat now we've massively increased our capacity there that's another 12 people that can sit down and more importantly with the regular gap that we've put we can also fit one more row of tables at the end and in fact shall we yeah the only thing is it's massively increasing and also the light those one benches don't have light so again a torch we'll put it here that'll ensure everything is all lit up and now we come and now people can come and sit down we've expanded even further so we've got a nice little balcony out here for these guys sitting outside they've got a nice area over here this will be for the adventurers table and maybe like a little uh drinks i'm talking so much i completely forgot to refill the drinks oh look there's now for that there's an elf the elfish ears ordering some drinks in fact there's another duplicate elf over there and another elf in a green dress over there so it's clearly an elfish kingdom and most of our customers come from the castle over there in the background so you see the people walking into the castle it does seem to be a very solid uh throughput of uh footfall for this place zoom out a bit i've got a miserable chef here so he's very close to being leveled up but he is very sad we'll increase his salary to 30 still sad my goodness 35 okay 35 he's slightly less miserable okay so our wage bill is now getting much much bigger okay and what i will do is let's uh go to the settings and increase the uh there we go i did reduce it almost to zero uh which i was making myself talk constantly just to fill the airspace obviously for the entertainment value okay and let's have a look is there anything else we want to do we've got the windows there windows there we do need the curtains of course so let's go to our decorations scroll down to where our curtains were there we go royal purple put them back in and off we go because we need to end today because we're not getting any more guests so 20 guests is the limit while this is a party is running i mean as you can see they have sat here pretty much all day so let's just speed up time and get this day over and done with our research is still slowly ticking away so as you can see we need to serve 20 rare guests so we do need to organize the event again and to get this done so we're only kind of halfway there so that's it serving serving serving serving and we're 8 p.m days ticking over we're back up to 600 and something again so our wage bill is definitely more than covered and tomorrow we'll be able to have a lot more people sitting in our tavern oh we've completed the research there we go so now we can start our next research which uh we'll do adventurers because you don't need any rare guests for that so just start for adventurers okay and that should be nearly the end of the day now everyone's gone there we go so minus 583 for the day because we've built so much and spent so much but that's fine and start next day pause very quickly because buy a new barrel wine okay that we can do serve more than 70 customers in a day serve only desserts so let's go to our menu none okay so we stopped serving the bread and now we'll serve desserts all day and we'll complete that quest okay so now we can hit play again go back to the menu double check definitely make sure it's not being served and we can see on the menu we've got apple pie cream rolls fruit bowl and cherry cake they're all good let's get these filled up as well for the day so 20 in fact let's just fill it up for 90 and 74 so we've got full stock perfect and again run at high speed and we'll let the place fill up because you'll find with this game and that more of it is about the quests and also more importantly earning money and unlocking items so you'll find you if you run the game on high speed quite a lot um you'll be fine uh this guy is very sad at the moment so we'll increase his salary to 40. he's still sad at 40 so we'll level it up to 45 he's go to 50 50 he's finally happy okay right we've leveled up another dish so leveled up our fruit bowl fantastic and again with our waitresses as i already showed you we put them in a position where they were prioritizing drinks okay so let's give him another point for desserts there we go and now everyone's busy everyone's serving okay and we've completed the level up any employee next thing to do is to buy the wine barrel so let's go in no wine barrel 400 and more importantly max refill is also 300 so 400 and 300 so that's quite a bit of money to spend out but we've completed that as well and on the menu we've now leveled up our cherry cake as well now we should be nearly reaching oh we've already completed the food one okay so server only desserts for the day we'll get that at the end of the day and serve more than 70 customers will definitely do because we get 104 guests a day okay and our research is finished as well level up okay we'll put her extra point on not carrying drinks and research next one is our fireplace grill okay we've got another employee ready to level up fantastic it's our barman and we'll give him another point carrying the drinks there we go and then next we'll level up his ring and we completed both of these fantastic we've unlocked a new recipe which is cheese and we're not far away from 250 bonus coins and we start our next day 166 coins fantastic now we need to organize another event because we need some of these rare guests to be able to complete the research for the fire pit so i need to add another one okay so regular party is now booked in okie doke and we can start the next day okay what do we have today we have finished any research prepare cream rolls 15 times serve only main courses for the whole day well it's too late people are already in the river tavern so we can't do that one that's a point i forgot to say actually because i'm obviously skipping through days quite quickly is um it's an idea to put the game in pause when you start a new day so you can check your quests if there is anything like you know do any particular food i mean these are against each other anyway because cream rolls are a dessert and serving main courses for the whole day would prevent making cream rolls so we'll try and get the cream rolls one done first finish some more research and we'll buy the adventurous table as well so you know what i was talking about for our adventurers area that's going to be here so we'll go to our wall we'll expand out the six cells and what we will also do is change the wall design here so we'll get rid of this wall and we'll replace it with normal now we need to go to the wall texture of course because the interior and the exterior is different okay there we go and actually let's delete these two pieces all here and replace it with now where's the one i put in yes this one is okay so go across there so we've got this open area more texture we'll do different as well so we'll do this nice texture there we go now the external wall texture we need to change that matches the rest of the building so get that done and there as well so there we go so the outdoor seating area is fine and we can also expand that out to the last two cells just not right now okay so this is going to be our adventurers area so the internal wall texture we can make it really nice because it's where our adventurers are gonna go and if i change the texture on the inside it does match but there we go got this nice little area here for our adventurers and we come out and then we want to buy special scroll up and here it is it's going to cost a thousand which we don't have at the moment but that will be the adventurous table so um oh the only thing we didn't put in was lights cosmetics so let's go with a couple of these maybe one at each end yeah one each end there we go that's now fully lit as well okay and hit play so we haven't got the money to fit out the adventurous area yet but will do um we'll be waiting for the subtitles [Music] but uh thank you for the tip sir when you do read the subtitles after the stream is finished actually i need to check how long i've been streaming for i think i will probably finish it's only a quick stream so i'll probably finish in the next five minutes or so um but you get the idea this has been way more than is in the two episodes of my perfect start series for this game and this was just a very quick um kind of uh stream to show you guys the game and how quickly you can get your place expanded and everything else so it's good fun very good in fact it's probably worth saving the game now and we will give it a name live stream here we go done and resume and hit speed up okay because you can only have three waitresses that's the other thing as well until you get unlock a second bar in fact we need to fill our drinks up again there we go refill all how we doing food wise not too bad 21 and 21 and 30 and 30 that's because we don't sell any of the meat dishes yet next we need to complete our research and the research will only be completed when we have another party because we're waiting for those rare guests and at the moment rare guests aren't coming into our pub so if you go to research we still need nine rare customers so we're not really attracting many rare customers at the moment okay so 5 p.m we're running through the day we're nearly a thousand however we want to make sure we've got more than a thousand so we've got enough of the wages so yeah money's still coming in good time to get the adventurous table so special adventurous table where do we want to put it well we'll put it over in the corner here so right there there we go and out we come and of course that has given us plus five so we're at 68 we only need two more to get them on 251 bonus and for that uh hopefully one of them before the end of the day someone there was peeved so let's hit pause let's find our waitresses because one of them i didn't prioritize drinks so she has drinks as a priority and she has drinks as a priority maria does not okay so and in fact maria put those down to zero zero zero and we never redistributed her points so we'll put her to maximum number of drinks three on that three on that two on that hopefully that'll prevent any more customers getting annoyed by balancing out the priorities because when you get peeved customers of course it's not great okay and i think at the end of this day we'll call it a day for the stream and i thank you all for tuning in and watching this very uh unannounced and random friday stream i hope you've all enjoyed there we go we're at the end of another day so close that off pause escape save save it as live stream are you sure you want to overwrite yes i am close that off and ladies and gentlemen boys and girls that's it for this live stream i'm know it all gaming have a fantastic weekend if you're not please subscribe and drop a like on the video if you've enjoyed it it allows youtube's algorithm to spread my content to more people and it would be greatly appreciated and congratulations uh to cherish who yesterday won a copy of sheltered two so congratulations until next time as i said have a great weekend
Channel: Know it all...
Views: 81
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2021, Building, Indie, Medieval, Pub, Simulation, Strategy, Tavern, guide, tips and tricks
Id: CbtsYqpne94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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