How To Get Mods In Gorilla Tag (better)(with music)

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making uh a better version of the tutorial because the last one is bad okay open up your brother browser and search up Oculus software there then press this press save It'll ask you a few questions then start to download I'm not going to do it cuz I already downloaded it then once you've done that if you don't already have steam then install Steam just search up steam wow I started steam a lot install Steam it'll install Steam ask you a few questions install Steam once you've installed steam well first um go your browser install monkey mod manager then uh not the first one no release relases SL releases deadly kitten SL monkey mod manager that one don't press any others then do this uh save and then just run [Music] it there we go um there might be an issue where you have to like point it out to them I think it's like girl tag not found or something um okay once you've done all that um scroll down press utila this not going to try to pronounce that and thaton next you press install SL update then you go to steam um you um install Steam VR if you already have it installed just skip the step just go here and install it then go to gorilla go and sarch up gorilla tag install it just as a disclaimer it's $2 so yeah if you can't buy it then you can't mod so yeah um then once you had it have it installed then you can close team now well yeah don't no just minimize it then go to Monkey mod manager open back uh beex folder then just uh put it aside for now um then go to your browser again um I'm just going to use bark mod menu as an example but this is the part where you actually install your mod uh you can use any mod but bark menu is a good beginner like menu so then you install bark mod menu you search bark mod menu you go to releases scientist SL bark then you go here then you press bark uh 1.1 no 1.5.1 bark. then you save you download unverified file then you do this then you have your other oh no this well once you have your weapon x holder go to plugins and um if you have one monitor then just have it like this so you can drag a mark into here and once it's there I already have some mods installed so these are the two mods I use if you're wondering um I have like this and then after that you well after that then well I'm cutting to to what it looks like what you have to do on your Oculus so I'm doing it now when you've done all the other steps press Quest link press launch settings go to system then press Quest link and turn it on once you're here just do this um if you installed Oculus software correct then it should show up and you should be able to do this once you've done this go on your computer um open Steam [Music] VR then on your Oculus you should see that it just starts um yeah steam VR loading then once it's loaded once it's loaded up then you wait for a little bit and then it's going to put you into the steam VR um like I don't know like the steam VR home or something um and then after that just yeah watch farther to see okay once you're in Steam VR home then go uh here well that's not going to show up for you probably then you go here you go to library if it do already doesn't show up then you press gorilla tag okay okay okay why is it G tag and [Music] play then um guess oh no no it's going to I didn't delete oh it's going to about out if you have just a as a disclaimer if you have two mods um at the same time it could bug out I don't know if it it will bug out right now but I'm hoping it's not going [Music] to cuz that' be bad yeah I'm pretty sure it's buing [Music] out um yeah it's bugging out but once you've oh no it's good so then do both work no just one but okay once you load in you'll see bark mod menu and then you'll see these things on here you'll see these two arrows press modded just go out and then to open bark mod menu you have to beat your chest like a few times then it'll just show up then once that happens then I guess just chill with people and enjoy your mods so yeah okay I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial on how to get mods gorilla tag um of course you can use any mods for the last step um the mod menu I use is I I stupids mod menu um I have a video on like reviewing the mod menu I don't have a video on how to get the mod menu I might do that soon but yeah enjoy your mods and yeah so Don't Bruin other people's games if you're using illegal mods then don't use it for your advantage and if you're using illegal mods if you're um ghost trolling then well it can be very fun but it becomes the problem when people actually start being scared of you if someone's like actually being scared of you and someone's actually like crying or very distraught it's time to to stop the Persona and comfort them but they're probably not going to do that unless you have like a really good mod menu with like kick gun or something so they think you're Banning people but okay enjoy your mods and yeah I'm done yapping
Channel: ShermanVR
Views: 1,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oP2Q9B6PN3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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