Reviewing II's Stupid Menu | 400+ mods | Organized | !WORKING LAG ALL AND LAG GUN! |

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hello I am back with a user we have a menu that will be reviewing II stupid menu I've kind of been through it so far so I know what I'm doing and yeah should wait I'm going to put it first person um room mods this is just basic exit room disconnect these all work I've used them these rooms I haven't I haven't used a join rooms with the Daisy not on them but they probably do work um important mods exit Gilla tag don't want use it restart G tag Works anti- hand toap silent hand toap first person camera I don't know what that's going to do but antik just if you put your headset down it won't kick you um disable network trigger no idea what that means disable quick box uh when you fall under the map you fall through the map yeah yeah yeah and you you don't get kicked from the game 60 HZ 60 FPS for some reason this puts me on 30 HZ or 30 FPS or whatever so I don't use that connect uh I don't know if these servers work um haven't used them don't need to uh safety mods no finger movement when you click your triggers and all that doesn't do anything FL PCS just basically just clears all your reports I'm pretty sure anti crash if someone tries to use a crash gun on you you can't get um crashed I don't know what anti moderator does anti- report basically if someone was to come over here well no cuz then you have to jump back but um basically someone puts a hand right here or clicks it then I'll just get kicked uh I always have this on and I'm playing because it just it's makes it so much more safe anti po reconnect that will just pick you from the server for a couple of seconds and then you Jo back I report join random I'm pretty sure that probably joins the public yeah just show antiche report self uh I'm pretty sure that just actually no idea change identity um I don't use it but yeah what that uh yeah and yeah uh there we are yeah changes it color let's oh well you're still lava cuz the game's B um movement this is 400 mods in it by the way movement mods platforms trigger platforms Frozone this is grip it's kind of weird but I like it basically just turns into Frozone platform spam very cool like that they disappear quick though so platform gun same thing but just long distances uh fly a all right fly I guess it's not too quick trigger fly same speed as fly uh joystick this is like what the [ __ ] look at this oh you can't even turn with stick I hate that okay um bark fly what okay I don't know who is using this but uh if you like legal feeling mods and I don't know use it uh slingshot fly yeah classic slingshot I don't know if it launches in the yeah it is [ __ ] hit my head on a tree um zero gravity slingshot fly actually no you don't you just fall but I think it's just like so there's no like you're not sticking to the floor DOD fly I'm pretty sure that's just for keyboard drive this is basically just what was it called the other one Iron Man oh what the [ __ ] okay well I've just messed up my camera as okay so that's a and X kind of weird I need to fix my camera now um Spider-Man self explanatory oh that was so smooth I just went right through geeba that easy to control cuz it's you can't really like pull yourself but um yeah uh up and down triggers up down up down right is up left down oh a funny run wait what oh my God I haven't used this yet but look what it does it looks like I'm jerking um what I'm going to put this in first person this is funny and like if you turn your hand it does it for you yeah it like spazzes out really quick um Auto pinch climb holy mother of Jesus look at this what is pinch clam ises that where you like go in the corner of a wall okay that is weird I'm not using that Force tag freeze I no idea what that is tag me I don't know why it says Force cuz that's what's normally happening No Tag freeze tag me run around low gravity pretty good it's low zero gravity is this okay I'm already flowing turn that off oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] menu's Bugg also a weird thing is throw this in the air and I'm pretty sure you can click [ __ ] I guess you can't but yesterday it did [ __ ] is on Jupiter I no I guess this could this help fun it helps on but it doesn't helpes why would it um next page reverse gravity oh no yeah [ __ ] W walk okay good on yeah pretty good if you [ __ ] the game let me o o let me get back down um weak wall walk so it's not as obvious I don't think well I mean when you're touching into the wall like that I think it is Why didn't it [ __ ] okay um um strong wall walk can't be bothered uh tell random did I just get banned okay so I don't know what just happened there um tried to teleport and it just kicked me I thought I got banned teleport gun all right cut this teleport gun works pretty well uh I think anyway do that tree yeah well it put me in the tree but okay well it keeps putting me in things but pretty good um air strike obvious uh launch from the checkpoint and then you just click a which everyone's a it's not even that bad that's pretty close um C4 all right you can put one um Mo basically just launches you an explosive um speed boost okay well this is [ __ ] slowness what the [ __ ] no this is horrendous what grip speed boost the most of the literally all of these were working earlier okay wait what am I doing okay no all right this is off of grip and this is with grip no clip I'm going to try this up here cuz I the game platforms on Works um ghost good but ghost trolling uh invisible yeah invisible um else rig gun me it just puts you rig in the air so say I'm doing that and then it'll like do it for them I'm pretty sure yeah grab rig this is I'm holding my rig basically B rig a shakes your on SP hands SP hands this is really weird SP head it doesn't even need a button random SP head it will spaz it and then stop pretty laggy rig this isn't actually laggy wait wait for the tag leg to go update rig oh this is basically just like reverse Ghost Monkey so basically I'm dead right there click a and I come up that's weird I've never seen that before I think um freeze rig limbs oh okay this is kind of weird so if I just put my hands in the air whole day free rig body this is weird what okay and then it like I'm a puppet fake Oculus menu oh okay okay okay uh Auto dance Auto gritty oh my God that's insane and the head turns with you I guess flies as well or a t pose I'm guessing this works does it work all right um helicopter the blood CL ghost animations this just sticks your hands right down sh it nearby oh stare sorry just stares at him floating rig this is weird I don't know what the point of it is but it's yeah bees last time I clicked bees it completely Crush my game you don't have to click it but basically if you want to know what be does it basically scks to the no um size changer this is client headed slippery hands everything slippery cppy hands even on oh wait is up for like okay here's where my true gorilla tag skill should come in sticky hands I don't know what's the difference sticking grippy uh slide control uh on Ice you just get way more control um weak slide control I guess it just like does the steam slide control punch mod I don't know if this works punch me or can you not yeah cuz oh okay uh solid players and then I'm like on him you click a and it looks like you thr it I just have to restart my game cuz it was so laggy uh okay steam long arms this is good I'm pretty sure I saw an option earlier that changes the length of them I could probably see that like no I'm keeping them on Stick long arms this is really weird it's off by a lot so like the orange dot is where my hand's supposed to be that's where it is multi long arms this makes it feel like they're more down I think vertical long arms oh that's the wrong one vertical long arms also makes them feel more down these are weird horizontal long arms I think these are just to help you play even though that feels really Weir I can't move with flick jump I don't know what that does I guess if you stand still and click it then you go B long jump that is just solid water go test this out the beach okay I don't think it will work disable water doesn't work either air swim oh this is kind of weird basically just puts water everywhere and then uh fast swim makes it go really quick if put on air swim and fast swim well Sable air disables air in every map don't know what that does piggy back gun where are you a user I'm lost where are you um that's dump pretty much okay there's this little AI piggy oh can you see me okay right um copy movement gun I've used this one before it's really weird no one's T I guess uh use your fingers I don't know if you can see how stop moving your arms real quick like player this is really weird wait wait stay over there sounds like a orbit player this one's weird jump scare gun player gun does it what does it look like uh is this a lot YouTube thing tag self okay well let me tag you first and then I don't think it works tag AA where are you no I guess not uh grip tagara same thing but just with grip tag gun tag me buddy trying to run away I can't catch him solves all my problems CLI tag gun this one's really weird I used it earlier it's in Publix tag gun aren't banable I don't think cuz I was I was in public earli using them but I think just as long as you've got the auto sorry not the antire pot the disconnect one you're good this one's really weird put your hand out oh um yeah tag all we uh I don't think it works tag all tag bot tag bot no tag on join when you join a Lobby normally get tag but remove winter decorations don't know what that does uh that's that visual mods daytime whoa wait did that change it for you um hello okay he's gone uh night time that's doing FPS boost makes the game look horrendous what the [ __ ] remove leaves this is good if you can put I'm pretty sure I just heard this one I don't think you can put them remove Cosmetics casual traces it I'm pretty sure it just shows you the colors of them but if you have like I say infection traces I don't think it will show traces for the people who are tagged hun traces uh traces for H uh casual box ESP just shows their color and a box where they are infection box ESP this doesn't show them for infected people or t people box ESP casual Bon SP this is good show a color I'm pretty sure there's infection Bon it will only show the wait no it will show Orange for them that one okay pun bon casual CH well that's a bit weird infection CRS CRS casual beacons which is a huge stick I'm pretty sure yeah ESP as well uh infection beacons shows them if they T them up beacons show pointers you don't have to have the menu open for the little pointy things out um that's visual BN mods spin head X this goes around like that spin head y goes in a circle SP Z goes that way stop you're making my controls flip hands really weird uh loud hand Taps silent instant I don't know what they do water splash hands wo jus Splash AA I guess just for what gun I used this earlier someone's having a bit of fun um grab bug can you see this okay so this is just something for oh po jeez okay uh grab beach ball bug gun you can't see that don't work for beach wall destroy bug poor bug where is [Music] he oh did they just bug holy [ __ ] I don't know I think it's his wife I don't I don't even see it for you she's gone um destroy bug I think they just stop moving yeah send the bug to hell as as bug SP B does the same thing SP beach ball have beach ball pople balloons grab balloons balloon gun destroy balloons un acid self if you're in the basement and you've been tagged by the acid you just click that and you find uh un acid gun just takes the acid off other people un acid all takes acid off everyone remove name this one like turns invisible for a second and then you don't have a name on the leader board pretty good for trolling statue uh that's pretty good run all these work whoa look at the look my name it just Cycles between random no ST color ibly whoa custom name cyer text okay I think oops there's a thing that you can get maybe in the files or something rainbow color I think I should go for stump for this one yeah that helps a lot hard rainbow okay it's not like switching impossible color oh you know golden trophy I don't know who golden trophy is I keep seeing the name and the color but ech come hidden on I am notd oh wait can you see my report button and all that I don't even see on it's just me what I am using that if you want to add a favorite you need to hold grip while the menu are and then click on something copy identity let's see this guy yeah I'm gorilla 1385 change sexr don't just oh wait uh accessory whoa let's go check this out in mirror J W look at me can you see that no you it just spams thing is custom time and join don't know what that does canuse rope control why am I like bugging so much copy ID gun gra player info okay well I've saved that fun mods uh spam mods sound mods how many pages of this is there [Music] okay [Music] projecti mod oh can you see that do you have projectile spam gun oh you test CU you're projectile bomb I what that do impact spam heav BL spam what does that do oh that's G oh I was doing g a minute ago um rapid fire slingshot know what that is oh that's a okay that's nothing helper urine holy I I could get yellow snow feces Oh My jeez oh my okay well there's an inappropriate one vomit that was like acid you're in gun oh you're peeing everywhere you what Tacko Bell oh no all this one I think it's sh up in it vomit gun service out of traces what does that do oh that was bam Master mods am am I master no I'm not you are you little cheeky bastard watch out forer up [Music] lava why is it it was do oh okay so abrupt lava doesn't do anything but drain lava like makes it drain inant rise lava okay wait instant rise wa targets I make my game acid oh wait but then no you're acid oh we're both acid okay ACI all infection game mode detected game mode yeah I'm not master you need to leave buddy casual infection you not see me I'm behind you one game mode battle game mode break Network Treasures don't trap stump an I tag on tag self spam tag self okay I don't know what the [ __ ] that does um I think we going to go hop in some water real quick get rid of the acid okay well that doesn't even work so I guess some trap like this forever let's go W menu like this forever let's go W menu um and then what else let me come out here can you still not see [Music] me I why did it just kick me okay buddy this game's cooked [Music] um go go [Music] go I'm reporting you for [Music] modding okay and then [Music] um b slogun d it no R Gun this probably don't work cuz you don't have controllers um oh did I just get banned I think I just got banned um overpowered antiban don't want to use that lag gun detected oh yeah uh lag all trigger yeah blind gun oh no not working blind all oh did I just get B destroy gun destroy all every player that joins K gun stomp this wasn't working KCK all break audio gun doesn't work break all audios no uh experimental uh experimental RPC protection don't animent set master detected AO set master basically as soon as you go into Lobby I'm pretty sure just put you yeah okay uh and then settings menu settings this is where it gets good this is like how you can customize the menu I'm sitting down for this cuz I don't run around uh right hand both [Music] hands um wrist menu this is like really weird you need to like click the Palm then it brings out like a menu That's flown uh I mean obviously um where did it go oh okay what am I doing thin menu That's nicer I think long menu shows every single thingy on the whole like bit that you're looking at um freeze player menu okay I might set for this yeah so just like if you fall through the floor you hold the menu out and you can select stuff cuz normally it bugs out and it select some maybe at the bottom freeze ring menu cuz when I open the menu it just freeze it for everyone else disorganized menu I don't want to search I'm pretty sure just messes everything up change my new theme this is [Music] nice traffic G and this will show your texture if your LA or Ro or [Music] whatever uh type this is really nice I like this um that's a fun Gill tag comic SS weird one and the normal one um page type yeah these are better I like these um okay where was that page type font okay notification time so normally they stay there for quite a small time if I change it to five then they go for a lot long change point of position weird thing don't know why you'd want it uh Ser side of button sounds can you hear this it's kind of weird oh it doesn't show notifications uh disable enable gy oh that's like in the corner it just so when it's on I can see that I've got thin menu in Steam long arms on in the corner of my turn it off then I can't see them disable disconnect button you should probably keep this on cuz it's really good if you're just about to get reported and you can quickly see about FPS FPS uh menu presets this shows a lot um this one okay there goes my long arms uh this this one gives me remove leaves casual traces I guess that's just like Publix or comat ghost presets doesn't even give you which is a bit weird I don't want to F golden trophy I think this is the best golden trophy platforms no clip invis ghost uh what else thin menu um that's fine uh I think that was it no load preference so you can you can save a preference uh if I disable FPS cter save I turn it off load it yeah it basically just saves yours I don't know how many you can save I tested that yet um I think that's it yeah Panic I'm pretty well I tried it I'm pretty sure all he does is just uh shs your game deletes your menu and then so if you get reported just click panic and then yeah um that's it for I st menu see you guys there oh did I just get banned I think I just got banned why would it get banned in
Channel: HARTING
Views: 47,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OkyHEjVBc1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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