How to get Mats out of your Yorkie's Hair

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i've seen a lot of posts on these dog yorkie groups asking how you get tangles out of a dog and that they take their dogs to a vet to a groomer and they shave them because of the man well i i have been busy doing other things and neglected to brush her every night because she's had a shirt on and i just took her shirt off and discovered this hideous mat um let me see if i can get you in any closer to see this mat look at that it's awful now a lot of people complain well how do you get it out all right i'm going to tell you show you how to get it out number one this is the brush i use i don't use this side on her she has very fine thin hair and she doesn't like to be brushed and i don't use this side on her i use this side what you do angel be good girl stay is you start down at the lowest point and you brush holding the hair up here with your left hand and you just start brushing gently she hates being brushed but this and when you get some mat down further you just see here i'm trying to get in an orientation that you can see it you just keep pulling the hair back up moving it over and i'm hoping that you can see how that mat is coming out easily i'm not hurting her with the bristles there's one down here i'm hoping you can see this mat it's hard to tell on these little screens on the phones so i'm pulling it back and i'm brushing it down just little bits at a time you don't take and go like this and keep brushing you have to get underneath so you start underneath brushing the hair down just a little bit at a time and we'll show you how quickly we can get those mats out okay there's a little mat we just brush that way we pull it back we brush this way that was a pretty good one and it's just about gone you don't use this bristle side it hurts and it pulls and it tugs they don't like it you fight them they fight you you just keep pulling the hair little pieces at a time there's no reason for a groomer to shave your dog this doesn't take a lot of time number one if you're going to take your dog to a groomer brush them out before you take them to a groomer so they don't shave them or charge you a d matting fee yeah this could take a little bit of time depending on how matted your dog is so you see where i am here i'm gonna pull this hair back number one i'm gonna clean this brush out that's how much hair i've gotten out so far and yeah you're gonna be brushing hair just like if you had long hair and you were brushed you hadn't brushed your hair in days and days you're going to lose some hair when you brush out you don't want to take this this end of your brush and try brushing mattes out of your hair so no we use this end now my male has lots and lots and lots of hair it's very thick it's curly i use this side on him but i do use this side on him at some point in time to break up the mat but he doesn't matte very easy she does now you see where we are i'm all the way back up to the top coat not the undercoat i'm back up to the top coat and she is just that entire mat that she saw is just about gone just a lot of static electricity in her hair today i know stay stay okay so you go the opposite direction just to make sure that you've got all the mats out we went down this way now i'm brushing this way just to make sure that i've gotten and there's a little mat right there so when you get to these little bitty ones like this simply staying just kind of reach down and go pulling it a little apart a little at a time then take your brush and go back up and brush okay stay she had some mats on on her back from that shirt rubbing instead no ma'am no ma'am stay all right so let's check this side so i always when i brush pull the hair back this way and start down at the bottom of the coat the undercoat okay and you should just pull a little bit at a time that annoys you here is my embroidery machine going i'm sorry i can't stop it gotta get it done okay so now here's where she picked up a leaf i'm hoping let me show you this see this she picked up a leaf that's all that is bring this back over here sorry if i made you dizzy all right we don't want to go with this side now we want to go with this side okay so i'm going to just brush it this way and i'm going to brush it that way and that's a stem or something in there okay and i'm holding back here closer to her skin as i'm brushing this day good girl stay i know honey i know that hurts that doesn't feel good okay so we hold that hair real tight stay and we just kind of pull it apart brush a little bit hold it tight if they start jumping go the other direction on it now this one i am going to use this side just a little tiny bit i see that leaf in there that is one bad knot i'm holding the hair real i stay real tight and back so that it doesn't pull at her skin good girl i know you're being a good girl and you just take little little bitty strokes she does not like this this one i might have to go get a sprayer and spray it sometimes if you get a little sprayer and use some water i i was right at the end of that so i just grabbed a paper towel and pulled it out sorry if you are having trouble getting a knot out okay so like i said occasionally i use this side but i hold that hair real tight so that it doesn't pull at her skin all right back to what i was saying angel you gotta lay on your side baby if you are having problems with the knot get have you a little spray bottle put about a fourth of it with a moisturizer conditioner that you use to wash them with after you wash them fill the rest up with water spray that on the knot let it soak a little bit stay i see i've got a little knot there and it's going to stay stay so i just now i know that's real close to your skin isn't it let's go let me look at it let's pull it all right let's pull this way so if you have one that's giving you a little problem you can spray it with a little bit of conditioner with water in it and it will help get those knots out okay so let's see now hope that looks i keep pulling up that big tuft of hair all right all right so now so that mat is gone too and i've just about got this side completely done okay so we start at the lay at the foot pulling the hair up and gently pull brush down not pull down but brush down okay whenever you if you get too much pull it back up and then little bits stay little bits at a time i know you don't like being brushed let's pull this back up you can fan it out but you never want to just grab and pull grab and pull you want to make sure that you're just doing a little bit at a time and you're trying to be gentle okay so here's one that's got a little bit of a tuft in it it's and i just pull it apart and then take the brush and voila it's gone good girl yeah i know it's just awful to get brushing my mommy i know honey i know all right so let's lay you back down on this side go this way [Laughter] stay stay stay i know we gotta check this side all right so pull the hair out of your brush don't don't let it fill up okay start once again at the bottom i know she has a that's a piece of a that's stuff from the yard all right so pull the hair up and just gently and see she's stretching her leg gently pull little little bits of hair move this back a little bit little bits of hair and that will she was very badly tangled with this long coat i keep her hair long because she she's uh older number one she's very tiny she's only four pounds four maybe four and a half and her hair is real thin so i keep it long even in the summer because of the air conditioning i know angel be still let's get that hair down now lay down lay down we're almost done almost done let's check up here because you head i'm hoping you can see all right she's got a mat right here you see that see that so we're going to start and we're just going to pull just little tiny bits at a time come this way go that way and you're just working with little little bits at a time see and that mat is just about gone it was not a nice net uh mat okay so there's another one right here and you just can pull little bits and you don't want to tug you don't want to brush long like that not long strokes little short strokes little short strokes when i was younger back in my um 30s maybe early 40s i had show dogs i had cocker spaniels they had long coat i had pine trees which we ended up cutting down and they would get wrapped up in their coat i had a very stressful job i worked long hours sometimes i couldn't come home and brush them every night and a friend of mine who also showed angel lay down showed me this trick i called her one day just crying because my show dog which was going to be showing that weekend put your feet down was matted like crazy because i had been working long hours angel anyhow oh no stay so she they were matted and she came over and showed me and we had him dematted and didn't lose angel europe sorry it's trying to so she's got a mat under her arm and i don't know if you're going to be able to see it because she rolls up like an armadillo okay so little short strokes i know you hate this part because that's tender area i know honey all right and anyhow i think maybe you get you you get the gist of how to demat i hope this helps hang on let me raise this camera up hello and by the way you're at regina's crafting and more and this is the more uh i hope this helps and gives you some insight to d matting a dog um it's not fun brushing them out just remember short strokes start at the bottom at the undercoat down at the foot work your way up just short little strokes push the hair back pull just a little bit of hair down not pull brush the hair down and you shouldn't have any problems do it every time before you take your dog to the groomers and they would have they will have no reason to charge you a dematting fee this side of the brush once you've got your mats out you can test it and see and stroke down their coat to see if they've been dematted if you have d matted them it's very easy and it's very easy to groove i have some videos on my youtube that teach you how to groom your yorkies it's very easy a lot less expensive than taking them to a groomer you buy a clipper brush a comb a couple of blades for your clipper some short curved scissors and some thinning shears you get your money back in two haircuts maybe three it's well worth learning how to groom okay so you might cut a little too much hair out off trust me it grows back no big deal you get better each time all right thanks for joining me if this was helpful give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed subscribe below and you'll get a video you'll get an alert every time i post a video thanks for watching
Channel: Regina's Crafting And More
Views: 26,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JmzjR9B1-ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 30 2022
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