How to get Lemon Loader on Quest 2 standalone... (FIXED!!!!)

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hello guys today is not our traditional video today is actually a special video we're going to be showing those people who still haven't gotten a lemon installer for their bone Wild game so I'm going to be showing you exactly how to get in on Quest Standalone although you're going to need to have the unknown shortages tab unlocked and also you're going to need the CX file explorer to even be able to do any of this or any order of your choice you cannot use the app lab File Explorer for this because you're going to need the unknown sources tab to be even able to install the limit installer first I need to tell you a quick disclaimer out I am not responsible neither are the lemon water devs for any obb file or any save files lost in this system without the way let's get straight to the video first you're going to need to go to your browser you're going to need to go to releases slash tag 0.1.1 I will leave a link down in the description so when you get to the site you're going to go down you're going to click on the Android installer release dot APK this will be downloading in the bottom of the screen once you get that you're going to go to your unknown sources tab go to your file explorer any I'm using CX File Explorer for this thing I want to go to your downloads and as you can see there's the Android installer release APK you're going to need to click on this to install it it's going to ask you to give it permission maybe once you've already done it it's going to ask you and you're going to go to settings you're going to click yes and it's going to install in your unknown sources tab it's going to be right here before you even get to Lemon installer we're going to go back to CX File Explorer you're going to go to main storage you're going to go to Android this is a main part that people are missing out on you're going to go to obb you're going to go to of course phone lab you're going to go to these two you're gonna need these two obb files you're gonna need to copy them I mean not copy them sorry move them you're going to move them I'm not going to move them because I've already done it you're gonna go to any any uh foul of your choice I just use notifications for mine doesn't really matter you're just gonna need to remember that for later after you do this you're gonna go to a woman installer you're gonna click on I cannot patch it so I'm going to show you some screenshots from when I did it you're gonna click con.stressgo zero dot boneless first it's going to ask I mean it's not going to as Italian to tell you that like I said at the beginning video we're not responsible for any uh files lost in this system but after that after you get those out the way you're gonna click patch after that is done it's going to ask you do you want to use the lemon ADB bridge in save game data and obbs if they exist you're going to click no this messes people up a lot there's many plenty of saves on my daddy my DOT uh oh io on the browser that you can get save files you don't need this okay after that it's going to ask you you want to uninstall this app you're going to click ok after that it's going to ask you for your security your phone is not allowed to install unknown apps from this service you're going to click settings after that you're going to click the little nozzle click it right after that press the back button do not click off the app it will mess up this entire system after that you're gonna it's gonna ask you do you want to install this application you're going to click install after that the installation is done should not take any longer than a minute it would say app is installed this is a crucial part you're going to click Open click open it's going to give you two options gonna say done or open your click open after that it's gonna it's gonna ask to restore the app this is just to scare modders and stuff just don't worry about just click open app do not ever click the store because every time you play bone lab after this after it's patented and everything it's going to ask you this you're always going to click open app because trust me you don't want to have to redo all this other again after that it's done you're gonna be presented with a flat screen three wedding dots this is what took me so long to understand it took it took me like a long time but I finally figured it out you're gonna wait uh 10 seconds 20 seconds anything really uh below a minute and you're gonna hold your Oculus button on the side of your Oculus Quest You're Gonna Hold It Down and you're gonna either power it off or restart it I restarted mine and after that turn it back on it's gonna come back on once you're done with this remember what we did earlier where we used the CX file explorer to get our obb files into another file we're gonna go back to that file that you've memorized click those two obv files or even one because some people have only one I'm gonna go to Android you're gonna put them back in the obb file uh storage once that is done this is what people accidentally either leave or mess up on you're gonna click bone lab okay it's gonna take ten or five it took me only five minutes but it is different for many people so I would say five to ten to fifteen minutes and if it's not done after this you might need to restart the process or just wait a little longer it puts you in but before you even get in it it's going to ask you the same questions from everyone like it's going to be like restore the app do not restore it open the app and after that should work and then after that you got it all figured out but you do need mods so you're going to be asking are you going to show us how to get the monster I'm going to be showing you how to get the mods in this episode but if you do want another episode about how to get the mods and all that uh ask me in the comments and hopefully you enjoyed the video and this helped you out a ton if you did if it did uh please consider subscribing or liking the video and that is out that is all with this video and bye foreign
Channel: Klook
Views: 23,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M19a7NSQSPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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