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hi guys back with another video this video is going to be a combination of videos uh how to get code mods how to get uh bone lip how do you get bone menu uh all that good stuff and how to get limited of course but I'm not going to be showing that literally in this video I'm going to link that video down in the description I made one a while back so yeah thanks uh for all the support of you recently and let's get started first step I'm going to be showing you a video on screen on how to exactly change the version of bone life you're going to need this uh this is a crucial part before you even get lemon motor so follow these steps and then go to the video LinkedIn thank you Second Step you're going to go to the browser you're going to go to thunderstorm foreign [Music] once you type them type that in you're going to see a link to a site click it once you're here I've had a lot of confusion about the melon motor but I think I've figured it out I don't think you're supposed to really do anything because I'm I saw this guy asking me oh uh are we supposed to do you need to specify anything in the in the video of whether or not what we're supposed to do with the melon glitter zip file and I don't think you're really supposed to do anything so yeah you're just gonna click manually download it's going to appear down here you're not gonna be able to see it it's gonna be black on my screen but once that's done you're going to get to your file explorer of your choice and I'll show you how to do that let's go to the file explorer now we're here we're going to go to downloads you can see the guava gang melon motor zip file click it and something that I found out like I said earlier the set you're not even gonna do anything with this because I'm going to show you once you get into the uh bubble map files you should be able to see it uh I'm not getting any comments on the last video on whether or not y'all saw it so this video please tell me if you see this melon motor after you uh I mean if you see this memory loader file after you downloaded uh the zip once you're done with that you're going to go back to the browser back you're gonna go to Bong lib going to click manual download and this is required you see why uh we got one letter before because it's required for bone Loop so yes it is very important that you let me know that melon water the melon motor file worked you're going to go to the same place to downloads you're going to go to The Bongo zip up we're going to get to mods you're going to uh move this to the downloads from now once that's done sorry I already have done this um you're going to go to plugins you're going to get the updater ddl once that's done I'm going to tell you uh this XML you're not supposed to do anything uh with it as far as I know because I've looked through all my files I don't see it on my bone lab game so yeah don't worry about this XML you're going to go to the bundle of ddl in the boom lib updater video and you're going to move them like you usually would to the recorder [Music] Julia Mart you're going to paste it I'm not going to paste it because I already have them once you're done with that it should appear after all your file your mod files uh should appear right here now third step this is to show you how to get code mods on Boardwalk you're going to go to the thunderstorm um a site like we just did to get my motor and phone up bone whip let's click a mod thank you don't ask me about this Fusion does not work on uh Quest 2 Standalone so sorry [Music] I found my mod slide scale ex to click manual download after you get the Chevy lib BL you're going to need this it's a requirement going to click manual download on this it's going to appear down here shouldn't that take that long once that's done you're going to click manual download on Squad scale ex like I said once that's in let's go to the file explorer okay we're here we're going to go to downloads we're going to go to the devilib BF we're going to go to mods file we're going to get the Javi live ddl we're going to move that to where you would normally put your bone lab mods you're going to paste it it's paste like I said earlier all code mods should appear down here we're going to get this Glide scale ex zip file going to go to mods now you're going to get the slide scale dot Edo file I'm going to move it home now to where you would normally put your mods it should appear right here once those mods are done once you're done putting boom live and Bone menu inside the game and putting your mod choice you're going to go to on that time you go into the modded uh phone map it will always ask you to restore app always click open app [Music] this gets faster the more times you play ball thank you [Music] once here you're going to press B go to preferences and there should be the bone menu now enjoy your mod foreign mods might be glitchy for the quest 2. if you enjoyed this video or if it helped you out in any way make sure to subscribe [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Klook
Views: 33,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gRbFXpx6bTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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