How to get Kappa as a Beginner in Escape From Tarkov!!

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[Music] yo what's going on guys uh I thought I'd give you guys a guide on how I was able to get Kappa uh my second wipe uh of playing tarkov as a newbie as a as a scrub I guess you could say um how I was able to do it in a relatively quick amount of time so the most important thing to realize about getting Kappa is you have to do a ton of quests if we look over here there is a ton of quests that you need to do for the most part I'd say about 70 to 80 percent of them are pretty easy to do pretty standard um they don't take too much time they're more just like um a roadblock in your way to Kappa um these ones can be done solo they're they're pretty easy to do uh I have certain uh guides on how to do some of them if you need certain items all that good stuff uh you can check those out like the sale was the ish girls all that stuff that's that's all the menial stuff when it comes down to the hard stuff now this is where it does get a little bit more tricky um I highly recommend for certain tasks that you look for outside assistance now whether this be trying to cheese the task or just have a buddy watch your back I highly recommend you do that um I was having trouble with around 10 to 15 percent of the tasks um where I needed a buddy to come in and help me out um you can frown upon it you can look down upon it but everyone does it uh even Landmark I watched a video where he had some of his uh followers come in and help him out with a couple tasks so don't be afraid to do it maybe look down upon but it is definitely something that you should do if you want to get Kappa effectively and without stress the next thing is making sure while you're doing these tasks you have enough money enough gear to get through as you can see I am uh well I'm not doing too great on on the good old inventory but that was just because I was solely like beelined it towards Kappa I wasn't focused on money and this is where if you're going at it too quickly it's a negative don't go at it too quickly unless you're you're absolutely insane at the game I highly recommend every now and then you scav you make some money you get gear all that good stuff and also for The Collector Quest you can get a lot of the items from your scav so don't be afraid to do that lastly and most importantly if you are gonna go for Kappa you have to know that it will take a toll on you mentally uh this is not a a quest line for the faint of heart this is not a reward for the faint of heart um it will be absolutely and utterly annoying I was planning on getting Kappa with around uh seven to eight other friends of mine this wipe and by week two or three every single one of those people actually stop going for it because it was that annoying to do now personally for me I won't be doing uh or won't be getting Kappa again until the game fully releases and there aren't any more wipes going on I I absolutely hated this grind I'll be honest it's not a grind that I enjoyed whatsoever um the reward is definitely nice but unless you're ready for it mentally it's not going to be worth it at the end of the day um if you guys want to see specifics or know about specifics how I was able to do um certain quests like shooterborn in heaven or or the like let me know in the comments I'm more than happy to share my insight on how I was able to achieve this feat I'm here to help you guys and that is the most important thing to me so do not be afraid to ask me questions um and I think that is all I have for this Kappa guide for newbies so thank you for watching this far I hope each and every one of you guys has a wonderful day and night afternoon morning whenever wherever you guys are watching and as always take care and I'll talk to you guys later
Channel: ToXc Commando
Views: 15,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eft, tarkov, escapefromtarkov, gaming
Id: pkIJenEVh28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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