Finding Tarkov’s Hardest Items!

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it's interesting oh hello everyone it's gigabeath here and today we're finding the far forward devices this took me 50 Labs ways to complete 8.3 million rubles in access cards alone and a portion of my sanity I've learned the hard way so you don't have to all of these raids were streamed live and I've recently set up YouTube streaming too so come over when I'm live to ask any questions in real time the two items in question today are the far forward current converter or MCC and the far forward GPS amplifier or gpsa you need both of these items to Max The Hideout with the MCC used to build solar power and by extension Bitcoin Farm 3 and the gpsa is needed for Intel Center 3. what makes these so difficult is firstly they only spawn on labs and secondly they are banned from the secure container meaning that you have to actually extract successfully and can't just stick one in your pouch once found at the beginning of this patch 0.13 when they were first introduced they were able to spawn at high value electronic spots on a few Maps but after the first few weeks it seems that they were restricted to Labs only I have not heard of any reports of players finding them elsewhere recently so after lab as we go but this isn't going to be a full guide we will need to cover enough to get in find the items and get out though whilst minimizing the difficulty of this location I will try to make it as clear as possible for those who don't play the map very often both the MCC and the gpsa spawn in the same high value Tech spots which means that we're looking for both of them at the same time which is kind of useful although you can get unlucky like I did and find one of them way more often than the other this is what they actually look like in raid given that they always appear as loose loot the MCC is much easier to spot because it is physically larger and is Tan in color whereas the GPS 8 is much smaller occupies a one by one instead and is gray so it Blends in more easily into the lab's loop locations there are no spawns in the basement at all as far as I'm aware so you have to venture to the upper floors to find these items and there are specific places to check I'll be using the labs map from the wiki to show these locations on this map we have the basement section on the left which for our purposes is just useful for extractions which we'll look at later the first level in the middle and the second level on the right getting our bearings first off let's start in the bottom left corner of the basement by one of the sets of stairs to the upper levels in game the basement is level -5 the first level is -4 and the second level is -3 as Labs is under streets somewhere lore wise this puts us at the bottom left corner of Floor 2 at the end of the corridors with most of the colored keycard rooms where the Chads tend to play our first spot is along this Corridor and through the first set of Med tents on the left into the main area the sections with the dark offices is on the left and I would personally bring a melee weapon to smash the glass although it's pretty loud so shooting it is not that big of a deal once inside the most likely spot seems to be on top of the safe here next to the filing cabinet and this bottom right of the bookshelf in the far Corner however they might be able to spawn at this Central bookcase as well as the other Corner as well and this desk next to the safe also spawns streamer items but I haven't seen the tech items here either but it's still worth a check the little white dot is your friend by the way this indicates that loot is nearby so use this to identify if something is stuck inside the Shelf texture as sometimes things aren't even visible or only a tiny bit is poking out next we'll hop over to the other office room we need to check the rare spawn just on top of these boxes outside first though you can either run along the corridor to the right or go downstairs and back up going down feels safer but these stairs are an absolute death trap when you get caught here so I've stopped using them completely inside the second office there is another safe with a rare spawn on top as well as in the bookshelf next to it I check the table but I haven't seen much there and the same goes for the shells in the center too out of this room there is glass here that I always forget about and it's practically invisible from the inside but as we head down the stairs you'll see the classic Dome structure ahead and behind it this big white sectioned off part if we head down there the door is on the other side and once we're in you should check all of this left hand side on the tables and potentially the floor too do bear in mind though that this room has no ceiling this got me killed the first time before I realized out of here and through the tunnel section takes you to the Dome entrance apparently there can be a ledx in here on the barrels although I've never seen one myself moving over to the other side of the open plan area this takes us closer to Hangar gate which is one of the button extracts and there is another white sectioned off area full of servers there's a couple of rare spawns here so check the server racking and both sets of desks right next to this is weapon testing room you can look for the far forward items with no problem without any keys at all but this one is usually under 100K and it gives you another quick place to check so I do think it's worth getting if you're committed and I have seen them spawn in here check around on the floor next to the loot boxes which is where they generally tend to spawn out of weapon testing we carry on to the hangar gate area and move to the right to use the red set of metal stairs up here and into the control room check on the two opposite Corners away from the door so here and here from Hangar gate we stay on the second level and move towards the top part of the map through the kitchen if we look back across the room the server area is through this wall so we go opposite to that through the double doors and over this Crossroad type bit in if we keep going through the kitchen portion and keep opening doors eventually we end up at the far right side of the uppermost Corridor that goes past red key card area halfway along this Corridor to the left we have the cat room with two statues there seems to be a high spawn chance here so check next to the black weapon box on the table and around the shelving all on this Northern side of the table back into the corridor again we have admin office this is closed by default so if the door is open you know that someone has been here before you I always check these two shelves and the one at the back but the most likely spot seems to be the floor here the table has been pretty lackluster like the other ones but you may as well try it from here out and right takes us to the parking button room that looks like it needs a card but is always open there is a rare spawn on the seat on the left that is a good chance and also over on the desks the final spot is down in the car park itself so you have to leave the room and go left down the little staircase and then either side of this car over here and maybe on this thing too but I'm not entirely sure about that one alright so now that we know the spots we need to actually to get in and out of the map extracts are more important as you can fumble your way around the spawns and only risk getting killed without doing anything and lose your key card money but finding the far forward items and then struggling to leave is much more annoying if you're up in this top section of the map then you have two decent options which you can choose from depending on what is going on the main elevator and the sewers sewers is better for the right hand side and is one of labs's safest extracts whereas main is more left side focused and a bit quicker although it can be slightly more risky as it's more Central this is my favorite route to the sewers starting outside of red key card room cat room is down the corridor on the left and the kitchen is over here next to the men's toilet sign outside of red there is a set of stairs take this and turn right at the bottom on the right hand side there is another staircase that goes to the basement level and we can jump over this border thing to get down slightly faster now we take a right and another right to sort of loop back on ourselves and the sewer entrance is on our left through this door this is the start of a very long tunnel that takes you all the way down to the extract in inside the extract room you have to press the button first on the wall on the back left and wait for a while before you can leave out on the back right this is supposed to play a sound to pump the water out but sometimes it doesn't so just be patient the massive benefit to sewers is that nobody comes here as there is zero loot in this area and you don't have to go underneath any hot spots either so those left in the map won't even know that you went there starting in the same place outside red the other way is to the main elevator down the stairs into the lobby area and through this door we end up in a machine room this left door takes you to parking and we go right instead which brings you directly next to the lever for the main elevator pull this lever and you will hear the following audio personally players that know the Liverpool audio will know that sector R means the main lift button each extract has its own audio cue that you can look up on the wiki if you really want to so you do announce exactly where you are when you pull the lever if I'm coming past at some point in the raid I like to pull it at a random time so that I can use it later without telegraphing my location the list stays on for the rest of the game once it has been pulled so there's really no hardship to doing that early so now we head across the corridor and threw this little door on the right through this room and the lift is right here press the button wait for it to appear get in and press the button again to leave on the bottom section of the map there are a couple more extracts the first being the med elevator which is one of the most well used so it can be more dangerous but is fortunately quite simple we'll start back in the long medical Corridor in the basement this is where we first started and can be accessed from the stairs that we talked about at the beginning as well as the second staircase part way along that links the three floors together at the far end of the corridor there is a small room with some machines and the switch for the lift also bear in mind that you can get into this room via the server room through the hole in the floor while in ceiling if you're inside just remember to drop your bag through first as it will hurt even more if you're overweight oh and make sure you have a splint or some painkillers just in case once pulled the elevator is back along the corridor and on the left the other one that people recommend is the ventilation shaft extract which is a no backpack exit personal really I feel that if you're already in this section you may as well use the med exit Raiders can be in this area more so than down by the med elevator and so I don't think it's any more safe but it's up to you from the stairs it's down the parallel Corridor through these doors into the dark area and in this little corner of the cage section the three other extracts are a bit more opportunistic I feel cargo elevator requires you to Traverse all the flaws so I'm not a huge fan of it the switch is in a room off the med Corridor again about halfway along and after pulling it you have to go right up to the top floor this is more useful later on when there is less traffic from other players the final two are Hangar gate on the right and parking gate on the left these need their respective buttons to be pushed in the control rooms but aren't guaranteed so can't always be pressed when the buttons are active the extract will open with a push but they can spawn Raiders Inside so you have to be very very careful if someone else has opened it already and cleared them out it can be a simple way of leaving the raid if you spot that the hangers are actually open finally onto the spawn points themselves we're going to look at the first few seconds of a few raids to see where we can be and to get our bearings first one this is a random underground bit yellow pipe two corridors means that we're here in this section from this spawn I tend to go up into parking to the bottom room first to start the Run by going through this Corridor taking a little and then up the stairs next one this is one of my favorite spawns and I get it a lot we're in this corner right in the top right near to Red Room on the second floor start by running through the corridor and hitting cat this can be a little bit risky but it's a good place to begin the search players can come from the first spawn as well as others and appear either here or here one quick note the bulletproof glass does some strange things to hype and rounds it can be penetrated but it's a bit inconsistent and I've been both killed and failed to get a kill through it so just bear that in mind this room is right next to Hangar gate these stairs take you to the server room the best place to start I think is in the control room for Hangar gate up the red stairs again this one we spawn in one of the main stairwells it's hard to tell where you are until you come out as this is blocked off and the toilets are on the left it's the top level level 2 in the bottom corner from here I usually head straight to the dark offices this one is the other main stairwell as when we leave there's a corridor on our right hand side I find this a bit of an awkward spawn but you can either try to reach across and get to dark offices again or go the other way to hang a gate first this one we spawn at the crossroads bit by the kitchen we would normally cut through and go to cats but we get engaged on this is a good example of a successful sewers raid although I didn't take the fast route that I showed before because I was a little bit flustered foreign let's go oh my God we'll look at these guys in a minute I don't want to be sat still too much just just yet anyway uh what's up here little chain alert nothing there and going to cat in a second what is that weird noise when you jump sometimes oh okay well that's actually the one that we don't want but run down there maybe which parking is open okay here we go is there no sound for this did it not work does it not always work there we go from my first lab session looking for these items it took me 50 raids to finally get the gpsa out I found it once in the start and once again right at the end and also saw six mcc's along the way we can listen at the same time now we're good all right cat here we go going about the way we came and then we're going to think about our life choices right what's the easiest way to get out from here this way me thinks we're gonna go to sewer if possible it's usually quite low low populated people here you go to events around like yeah that's the thing it's just like not worth it as soon as out the way so no one will hear you yes there we go guys there we go oh my word friends ladies and gentlemen we found it we found it I can put you out on the screen say hello to YouTube everybody they hide it well I know we're on YouTube but YouTube Vlogs that is so I hope this helps you speed along your far forward Journey as usual a big shout out to all my patrons hit all the buttons if you've enjoyed the video and as always have fun in your raids
Channel: Gigabeef
Views: 111,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tarkov far forward current converter, Tarkov far forward gps signal amplifier, Tarkov far forward, Tarkov far forward gps, Tarkov far forward items Tarkov gps signal amplifier, Tarkov gpsa, Tarkov mcc
Id: 0thUtOYpZ8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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