How to GET GOOD at Guild Wars 2 | Guide to Practicing Your Rotation and Class

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learning how to play your class is going to make everything you do in Guild Wars I so much easier but it's hard to know where to start so today I'm going to walk you through exactly how I learn a new class and show you just how quickly you can become an absolute Powerhouse in Guild Wars 2 I've put countless hours into Guild Wars 2 I've spent the last 2 years making guides on YouTube and squired Away hours learning build after build after build so after all this time I can say without a shadow of a doubt a bit of time learning your class as early as possible is one of the best things you can do to get the most out of your Guild Wars II experience being better at playing and piloting your class is going to make everything you do in Guild Wars 2 easier and good news everyone this learning process doesn't even have to take that long today we'll be focusing on practicing your PVE builds it's also my area of expertise so cool beans with a bit of preparation a can do attitude and me to walk you through the process you will be mastering Guild Wars I in no time to start off on the right foot let's get you sorted with a good build making builds in Guild Wars I can be rather complicated there are countless trait and utility skill combinations not to mention the seemingly infinite armor weapon Rune and sigil setups you have access to fortunately there are some insanely smart people in the community that have you covered there's tons of great build resources out there which I've Linked In the description they each cover different areas of theame game but no matter which build you pick up at least you're off to a good start for newer players picking an already optimized build is going to save you a huge amount of time effort and heartache not to mention these builds have been thoroughly tested and have things like DPS benchmarks and DPS logs which you can use to check your progress no matter what build you pick take the time it doesn't necessarily have to be all at once to read your skill and trait tool tips know what your skills and traits do how they work together and any other bonuses you need to be mindful of and this will already put you miles ahead of where you would be otherwise now Guild Wars I doesn't do the best job of telling you exactly how you're performing if you're in a group of 10 people and the boss dies 20 seconds faster than it did the last time do you know how much better you did there's no way for you to know just how much you've improved that's where Arc DPS comes in with Arc DPS you can see your total damage per second along with a whole host of other useful information over the course of an entire fight this add-on has been an absolute staple of the Guild Wars II endgame Community for years and I personally can't imagine my life without it I won't go into detail here about how to get it set up but you can check out my previous video where I walk you through step by step how to easily install and customize AR DPS this is completely optional but I do highly recommend it now that you're all set up let's introduce you to the best place in Guild Wars II to focus in and practice your class the special forces training area here you can summon a Golem to whack away out until your heart's content and as you go along you'll get a readout of your DPS in the gam chat window you can apply Boon to yourself conditions to the Golem and even toggle on different levels of damage to practice your healing for your convenience you can also use your special action key to recharge all of your skills if you want to jump right back into practicing as quick as possible before we dive in we need to get the Golem set up correctly if you want to compare your performance to the best players in the game we need to set up similar conditions fortunately for us if you want the exact same conditions that the wonderful people over at snowcrows use when setting the highest possible DPS benchmarks there's a guide just for that which I've included down in the description below however if you want a quick way to get started simply do the following come over to the right console and Grant yourself every single Boon there are some cases where classes get extra benefits based on the number of BS that they have so granting all of these BS can slightly inflate the DPS numbers of these specific classes anyway for most cases though especially when you're practicing simply do not worry about if we want to practice on the Golem we need to remove as many barriers as possible just give yourself every Boon and move right on the same applies to conditions on the Golem as well which you can apply on the left console over here having conditions on the Golem especially vulnerability a 25% damage increase really amps up your damage so again Grant Boon to yourself apply conditions to the Golem summon a small hitbox 4 million HP Golem this is what most people tend to use then you're good to go also if you want to have the best time possible on the golem make sure you use the food and utility that your build requires food and utility accounts for a huge portion of your stats and you're leaving a couple of thousand DPS on the table if you leave home without it one of the most common questions people have when they start practicing on the Golem is why is my damage so low quite often it turns out they didn't apply Boons to themselves conditions to the Golem and weren't using any food or utility then instead of doing over 30k DPS which they are more than capable they may be struggling to break 15K bounds conditions food and utility are important don't leave home without them now how are you going to practice first up find a rotation guide you can find these on websites like snowcrow my YouTube channel there are so many sources out there that will tell you what skills you should be using at any point have this rotation section open in another Tab and keep on referring back to it focus on a small section of your rotation and practice it over and over again until you start to feel it becoming muscle memory it will f awkward at the start but after a few minutes it will become easier and easier use the special action key when in the training room to refresh your skills do this so you can practice the section you're focusing on with no downtime at all once you're comfortable pick a new part of the rotation to focus on or simply continue your rotation from where you got to before before you know it you're going to be working your way through your full rotation focus on pressing the right buttons in the right order as you get more comfortable try and press your skills faster and faster the point here is to try and get the correct rotation at least partially committed to muscle memory so when you take your class to open world raids fractals or strike missions you'll at least have a good idea of what you're meant to be doing you'll also be able to pick up very quickly if you do something wrong this little bit of practice you've done now will make any mistakes stand out like a sore thumb you don't need all that long smacking the Golem at this stage personally I may only spend about 30 minutes getting a good idea of the rotation and getting that muscle memory down now give yourself a pat on the back simply doing this step is probably going to place you near the top of your random PB groups when it comes to DPS make a mental note of what your DPS was in the Golem then take your build run some raids strikes fractals or World bosses with it and leave this poor soul behind you now every enemy you encounter is a chance to practice your rotation after a while you're going to start feeling really comfortable with your class you know the order that you need to press your skills you know the timings how they feel depressed and you've even started making tweaks for certain enemies to make things flow that little bit better now after a few days weeks or even months come back to the Golem training room practice your rotation just like you did before and watch as your DPS has magically increased by getting a rough understanding of your rotation blasting through some content you're now well ahead of the curve double check the ideal order of your skills in whatever rotation guide you're looking at and see if any bad habits have crept in you you might have taken to pressing some utility skills at different points in your rotation or skipped certain skills entirely now is the best time to Iron out those Kinks again you don't need to spend long here just enough time to get a few rounds on the Golem in see how much your DPS has increased and correct a few bad habits do this every now and again and you'll easily find yourself at the top of the DPS charts now for the Eternal question what exactly doesn't mean to be good this has always been a bit of a moving Target depending on how the overall balance in Guild Wars I is getting on but let's pull some numbers to get started most of the top DPS builds in Guild Wars I have a benchmark number sitting somewhere in the realm of 40 to 45k DPS if you're hitting numbers in this range then congratulations you are at the top of the pile in Guild Wars 2 and it's time to crack open your favorite beverage put your feed up and bask in your magnificence from here on out we're getting a nice big dose of my personal opinion so buckle up if you've got a DPS build and you're consistently pulling over 30k DPS on the Golem then for the vast majority of endgame content in Guild Wars I you're totally fine you'll easily be clearing content and people won't be side eyeing you in razal strikes on the whole if you join as a DPS player in a raid and that's your level of performance people will be happy if you're below that though then spending a bit of time smacking the Golem is going to do you wonders if you're on an offensive support build though basically a DPS build that provides bones think a quickness Herald or an alacrity Scourge then I think if you can hit somewhere over over 20k DPS while keeping up your key boes then people will be happy with you you're not going to be overly judged in terms of your DPS on these types of builds but people really want to see high Boon up time for quickness and alacrity in particular endgame groups in Guild Wars I are fully built around having as close to a 100% up time of Might quickness Fury and alacrity as possible so if you can keep these Boons up or at least the Boon that your build provides in particular while doing over 20k DPS on the Golem you're golden for Healers it's a bit different though Benchmark I like to personally use is if you can out heal the extreme damaging AOE on the Golem while keeping all your Boones up that is a great starting point a lot of being a Healer in Guild Wars II is reacting to specific fight mechanics and being able to adapt your build to suit different encounters but this is a great start though another way I like to think about DPS numbers is in terms of percentages of The Benchmark numbers if you have a build set up correctly and you hit your damaging skills off coold down reasonably quickly that should get get you about 70% of The Benchmark pressing your skills in the correct order at a reasonable Pace I.E doing the correct rotation should get you to 80% performing the rotation correctly while pressing your buttons as quick as possible with minimal downtime will get you to around 90% of the Benchmark personally for me I consider this to be the point where I know a rotation 95% of The Benchmark means you've now basically mastered the rotation and then there are only a very few specific trips for the Golem in particular or bits of RNG you need need to push your number that little bit higher 100% again you are The Benchmark these are just some rules of thumb I use to gauge my progression as I practice on the Golem either for our build guides or any other build that I feel like playing practicing like I've worked through earlier with you means that'll hit 80% of the Benchmark usually within a few spawns of the Golem it might be an hour or two of practice before I hit 90% And then honestly a lot more hours a bit less if I'm practicing a build I'm already familiar with to hit 95% or above however like I mentioned before or if you can hit 80% of a benchmark then that will get you above 30k DPS and most groups you join will be totally happy with you and you should be as well and that my friends is exactly how you can practice your build in Guild Wars I and I guarantee if you follow this process make sure to enjoy yourself along the way then you will be blasting your way to the top of the DPS charts and blitzing through all of the wonderful content Guild Wars I has to offer in no time let me know in the comments below if you have any more questions about how to practice your class or what is your favorite way to practice ice your class in Guild Wars I once again if you want another leg up in terms of practicing and getting better at Guild Wars I check out my guide on how to install and customize Arc DPS one of the best add-ons out there for Guild Wars I and with that I'll catch you all next time cheers
Channel: ConnorConCarne
Views: 5,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guildwars2, gw2, mmo, arcdps, golem, practice, guide, rotation, gameplay, gitgud, getgood
Id: ZzEMc0AwdtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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