How To Craft Legendaries CHEAP in Guild Wars 2

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crafting legendaries in guild wars 2 can be really daunting especially if you've never done it before but it can also be a very enjoyable and satisfying experience once you've finished a legendary that you've been working on in this video i'll be going through the recipe of crafting a legendary and ways to finish the various components faster or cheaper whether you're looking to craft legendaries to equip yourself or you're wanting to use legendary crafting to make a lot of gold there should be some useful information in this video to make the process of acquiring the materials you need easier before we get started i want to make a distinction about the different generations of legendary items because they have different crafting recipes here's all of the generation 1 legendary weapons in guild wars 2. the generation 1 legendary weapons came out when the game launched the three legendary backpacks also used part of the same recipe as generation 1 legendaries here's all of the generation 2 legendaries these include weapons released with heart of thorns living world season 3 and path of fire as well as all three sets of legendary armor and all of the trinkets and last here's all the generation iii legendaries these include all of the arin weapons released with end of dragons only the generation 1 weapons and generation 3 weapons are tradable so if your goal is to make gold those are the ones that you're going to want to focus on for the majority of the video i'll be going over a generation 1 legendary weapon because that's the easiest to understand after that i'll briefly touch on the major differences that all of the other legendaries have and give a couple tips specific to those types of legendaries let's get started so beginning with the overall recipe legendaries are made in the mystic forge and all require four components a precursor a gift specific to that legendary a gift of mastery and a gift of fortune other generations of legendaries will have variations on these that we'll cover later for generation 1 weapon precursors you have two options you can either craft them or buy them crafting the precursors will require leveling the legendary crafting masteries has a page that shows which precursors are cheaper to craft but honestly i don't recommend crafting any of them it's much quicker and easier to buy these and for most precursors it's actually cheaper than crafting them it also means you don't need the legendary crafting masteries unlocked to get started for buying the precursor you have two options you can either buy it on the in-game trading post or from another player buying it from another player can generally cost a few more gold but it's usually faster than fighting for a bid and waiting for your order to fill in the in-game trading post for more information about player to player trading check out this video you can earn the gold for your precursor while you're working on the other components of the legendary if you're stuck on where you can get that gold i'd recommend taking a look at some of my other videos about gold making fortunately there's a bit more flexibility with the rest of the legendary components the gift that's specific to whichever legendary you're making is also referred to as the gift of the weapon this gif requires two crafting disciplines leveled to 400 which are different depending on which weapon you're crafting you'll have to go to miani also known as the forge wench and by the two recipes you need for that specific weapon before you're able to actually craft the components the gift of the weapon for generation 1 legendaries will require a handful of crafting materials that match the weapon thematically and 500 tales of dungeon delving you can now easily get 500 tails of dungeon delving by running five different explorable dungeon paths you can also use tyrion exchange vouchers for the tokens if you really hate running dungeons there's quite a few materials that can be required for this gift depending on the weapon that you're crafting if you've been hoarding your crafting materials diligently you'll probably find that you have a lot of what you already need in your material storage target farming whatever you're missing for this gift will generally not be worth doing but using spirit shards to convert cores into load stones could potentially save you a bit of gold if the gift you're trying to make requires lodestones check the spirit shard page on to make sure that the lodestones that you need are worth converting in general my advice here is to leave these materials until the end of your crafting process and passively acquire as much of them as you can seriously hoarding will go a long way here while you're doing this you can work on the remaining two components of the legendary then do whatever gold making method you prefer to acquire the necessary gold to buy the remaining materials that you need for this gift next we have the gift of mastery this requires several account bound components to craft we'll start with the easy ones you can purchase the bloodstone shard for 200 spirit shards from the mystic forge winch miani you'll acquire spirit shards from gaining experience after leveling your mastery tracks and from tomes of knowledge that you use on level 80 characters if you're crafting your first legendary you probably already have enough the quickest and easiest method of acquiring 250 obsidian shards is to complete the temple of balthazar meta event in the straits of devastation this opens up a vendor that will sell them for 2100 karma each another effective option is purchasing them in the living world season 3 maps for 100 unbound magic and 96 copper you can buy obsidian shards with volatile magic in the same way but i don't recommend doing that and i'll explain why later you'll also end up getting some obsidian shards from reward tracks and pvp in world versus world login rewards and silver wastes if you farm it the gift of battle is acquired from reaching the end of the gift of battle reward track in world vs world this part can be a bit off-putting for pve only players but there's a few things that you can do to make it easier first you can do your dailies in world vs world instead of doing the pve ones this gives you potions of reward track progress and can help you earn your gift of battle more easily over time second you can flip camps in the borderlands maps you start by capturing things until you reach tier 6 participation and then you just have to capture one camp every 10 minutes to maintain it every 5 minutes you'll receive progress on your reward track and be closer to your gift of battle without any boosts this takes about 7 to 8 hours of play time to finish a reward track but you can easily acquire a guild reward track boost for free and purchase experience boosters with laurels to reduce the time required to under 5 hours there's a few other reward track boosts that you can use if you want to like blacklion boosters festival gobblers a world versus world reward track enrichment for your ascended amulet in celebration or birthday boosters some of these are a bit harder to access though finally you can always just look for active world versus world squads on the map or in the lfg and choose to run with them your success doing that may vary two gifts of exploration are required from completing exploration in all maps in central tyria this is the largest time commitment of the entire generation 1 legendary crafting process i really recommend new players to do their first world exploration organically but if you really want to speed things along there's several third-party overlays that you can use to show you efficient routes for completing each map guild wars 2 taco has map completion routes that are relaxed and go through each map without waypointing in the middle of the run if you want to optimize your world exploration even more you can get the tase trails add-on for taco as well this add-on has a very efficient route for each map that makes use of waypoints and even shows you where to switch mounts to traverse different types of terrain as fast as possible links to these overlays can be found in the description if you're interested in legendary crafting to make gold it's worth noting that you can actually sell your gift of mastery to other players and get the majority of the profit out of it without needing to have the materials to craft the legendary yourself again i'd recommend watching my video on player to player trading and then checking out the discord featured in that video for further instructions on how to do that if you're interested as the name might imply the gift of fortune is the most expensive component of a generation 1 legendary weapon it requires 250 globs of ectoplasm 250 of every tier 6 trophy material and 77 mystic clovers the globs of ectoplasm come primarily from salvaging rare gear with a mystic or silver fed salvage kit with an average drop rate of 0.85 ectos per piece of gear that you salvage you can reduce the cost on these by simply playing the game and acquiring more gear to salvage there's a few strategies to reduce the cost of tier 6 trophies the first one is to do tier 5 to tier 6 promotions in the mystic forge if you have the extra spirit shards to do so you can save even more gold by salvaging ectos with a mystic or silver fed salvage kit to get the crystalline dust that you need for these promotions because it's almost always cheaper to do that than to buy the dust directly you can use the guild wars 2 efficiency page on spirit shards to get a rough idea of the most profitable tier 6 material to promote or you could make your own spreadsheet to calculate that in more detail another strategy is to use volatile magic to purchase trophy shipments in the living world season 4 maps these give tier 5 and tier 6 trophy materials you can keep the tier 6 materials and convert the tier 5s up to make even more tier 6. this strategy will require you to farm volatile magic through ls4 trains or dragonfall which are covered in this video using trophy shipments and promoting the tier v's can reduce your cost basis on the tier 6 trophies for your legendary by about half finally you can buy tier 6 crafting bags from the laurel vendor to reduce the amount that you have to spend on tier 6 trophies the easiest way to acquire mystic clovers is to gamble for them in the mystic forge with this recipe which has roughly a 1 in 3 chance of giving a clover this can get pretty expensive so i'll cover some cheap alternatives the first is the chest of loyalty at the end of your 28-day login reward calendar which will give you seven mystic clovers for free if you choose the legendary crafting materials option the next option is to buy the slightly discounted mystic clovers with currencies from raids strikes and fractals from those respective vendors for some players the currency might be worth more than the gold saved from doing this or they may not want to run that content another solid method for clovers is completing reward tracks in structured pvp or world versus world all repeatable reward tracks give a total of two mystic clovers all non-repeatable reward tracks give at least seven mystic clovers with some giving even more if you've not finished the non-repeatable reward tracks before they can save you a ton of gold on clovers the last method of getting easy clovers is doing the bonus return to living world achievements for the iceberg saga chapters this is only a one time option the bonus achievements involve doing various ice breed saga strikes and reward you with seven mystic clovers for each achievement completed in total you can get 35 free mystic clovers if you've not taken advantage of these achievements yet i highly recommend doing so so that covers the recipe and cost-saving methods for creating a generation 1 legendary weapon there's also a text guide i made a while back specifically for generation 1 legendaries so that'll be linked in the description just a quick aside the three legendary backpacks all require the same gift of fortune as generation 1 legendary weapons but they each have their own sets of achievements and unique material requirements that depend on which content they're themed around most of the account bound material requirements for legendary backpacks are actually relatively simple they just take a while to get now i'll move on to differences that generation 2 legendaries have from generation 1 and how you can save gold when making a gen 2. the first big difference for generation 2 weapons is you'll be required to complete collections and craft your precursor which requires the legendary crafting mastery to do the first big gold saver for crafting the precursor is to make the ascended materials yourself instead of buying them these craftable materials are time-gated but the gold you can save by making them yourself will be well worth the wait the next way to save gold crafting your precursor is to craft your own mystic curios for weapons that require them use your own mithril and elder wood from salvaging your own gear and make these yourself you'll save a ton if the weapon that you're making needs them you can also buy chests of legendary shards from weekly festival vendors to get your legendary shards for free but it will take a very long time to get enough of them from doing that alone there's several differences with the gift of the weapon required for generation 2 legendaries it requires 250 memories of battle which you can obtain from world versus world if you don't want to buy them it also requires a ball of dark energy which is best obtained from salvaging ascended weapons and armor to save on this you can participate in raids and fractals and salvage ascended gear that drops from that content so you don't have to craft gear to salvage if the legendary you're making requires legendary shards for this gift you can save gold by crafting your own mystic curios and buying chests of legendary shards from festival vendors same as when you're crafting your precursor the gift of mastery for generation 2 legendary weapons will either be a gift of maguma mastery or a gift of desert mastery with some weapons requiring a gift of maguma and others letting you choose between the two taco and taste trails both have routes for heart of thorns and path of fire exploration as well so you can use those to help you if you'd like for heart of thorns exploration you'll save a lot of time by participating in a hero point train this is because many of the hero challenges are designed to be completed in a group because the exploration is so much shorter for these gifts of mastery than for the central teriya version you'll have to do map events and metas to acquire various currencies to craft these gifts of mastery depending on which of the two gifts of master you're crafting you'll also need crystalline ingots or funerary incense these are going to require currencies from the corresponding maps as well as ectos and amalgamated gemstones to craft again ectos will come from just playing more content in the game if you don't want to buy the amalgamated gemstones they can be obtained from hero's choice chests which you get for completing the various heart of thorns path of fire and end of dragon's meta events once per day instead of a gift of fortune generation 2 legendaries require a mystic tribute this uses 250 mystic coins instead of 250 ectos and replaces some of the tier 6 trophies with tiers 3 4 and 5. the recipes for each of the trophy gifts will also need to be bought from the forge wench mystic coins are heavily time gated and more than likely you'll just need to buy some of them tier 3 and 4 trophies can drop from drizzlewood coast chests and reward tracks but the easiest way to get them is just to buy tier 3 and 4 material bags from a laurel vendor with your spare laurels if you still need all tiers of trophies i'd definitely recommend using laurels to acquire tiers 3 and 4 and then using one of the other methods previously discussed to acquire the tier 6 trophies for cheap methods of obtaining your mystic clovers refer back to the gift of fortune section of the video legendary armor trinkets runes and sigils require similar tradable materials to generation 2 legendary weapons for armor runes and sigils you'll need provisioner tokens and you can use this faction provisioner page on the wiki to see what the cheapest things to trade for them are the cheapest options will be account bound items like obsidian shards and reclaimed plates but you'll also need those items to craft the legendaries themselves so make sure you have extra before using them for provisioner tokens for legendary runes and sigils you can acquire the symbols and charms slowly over time by salvaging your own green and rare gear drops just a reminder this diagram is a decent and relatively simple way to process your gear the various types of legendary armor and the different legendary trinkets all have different requirements for a compound materials that are a bit too long-winded to cover in this video the general theme of the account bound materials required for these legendaries is you're going to have to do a type of content like raids world vs world or a particular season of the living world story and you're going to have to do a significant amount of achievements or spend a lot of time playing that content there's no real way around it for generation 3 legendary weapons you still have the choice between buying or crafting the precursor just like with generation 1 weapons in this case crafting can save a little under 100 gold for most precursors but the amount of time it takes to acquire the account bound materials needed makes crafting them not appealing for most players you do have the option of completing the return to living world achievements for one free generation 3 precursor of your choice but you can only do that once otherwise these precursors are fairly inexpensive and earning gold to buy them should not prove to be too big of an obstacle for most players if you need more ways to earn this gold i'd advise checking out my other videos on gold making the gift of the weapon for generation 3 legendaries is quite different like generation 2 legendaries you can cut down on the cost by playing world versus world to earn your own memories of battle and you can potentially get a free ball of dark energy and content like raids and fractals however there's a few other unique parts to the recipe for this gift first up are lamplighter badges you can get these by finishing exploration of end of dragon zones but that only gives you 4 of the 10 that you need if you don't want to buy the other 6 you can complete the repeatable jade lantern lighting achievements to get them for free doing one of these achievements also rewards you with more map exploration gifts that you can trade in for more lamplighter badges at one of the heart vendors this means that you can get two lamplighter badges from doing one lamplighter achievement next we have the hydrocatalytic reagents which can be purchased from various end of dragon's merchants for a total of 2500 research notes the fast farming site has a calculator that shows cheap methods of obtaining research notes so you can save a decent amount of gold by using that it's linked in the description if you have extra ascended gear chests you can also use those to get a lot of research notes for cheap you might have to stat change certain pieces of gear to turn them into the craftable variants before you can use them for research notes still that's cheaper and easier than the other options available the gift of jade mastery for generation 3 weapons also has several differences from the gifts of mastery from generations 1 and 2. first you'll need 100 antique summoning stones which can get really expensive if you're buying them from other players or the trading post to cut down on this you can get one for free every day by doing the dragon's end meta you can also buy five of them from this vendor in arborstone every week from various other materials and currencies doing this requires the globalization mastery the next most expensive components for this gift of mastery are the chunks of ancient ambergris or ambergris you can farm these by fishing or by killing leviathans in seitung province and new kinding city and easily reduce your cost the gift of jade mastery also requires 5 blessings of the jade empress which can be purchased from the keepers of the jade vault for a total of 2 500 imperial favor the imperial favor is obtained from completing various events and consuming writs from the end of dragon's maps you'll also need jade runestones and chunks of pure jade which you can easily acquire over time by looting chests and harvesting nodes in the end of dragon's maps of course the gift of jade mastery will require end of dragon's exploration which you can do by map completing or by doing the repeatable lantern lighting achievements guild wars 2 taco and taste trails have routes for both to make it easier if you want to use them instead of a gift of fortune or mystic tribute generation 3 legendaries require a draconic tribute this requires tier 3 4 and 6 trophies just like generation 2 legendaries and the same recipes so the same tricks apply that were discussed in that section of the video fortunately generation 3 legendaries only require half of the amount of trophies that generation 2 legendaries do you'll also only need half of the mystic clovers and all of the advice from the gift of fortune section of the video still applies to the clovers here the only noteworthy difference beyond that is the five amalgamated draconic lodestones but it doesn't always save you gold to craft them remember if you're making generation 3 legendaries to equip yourself you might also be crafting the different variants as well the variants require some of the same materials that have already been covered in this video so just remember to try and save gold on those as well so that just about wraps up the major ways to save time and gold when crafting legendaries obviously i didn't cover every single material and every single method available so if you have a specific recommendation that i missed feel free to leave a comment about it it's always good for players to have more options to help them reach their goals i hope this video was helpful regardless of whether you want to craft legendaries to make gold or equip them yourself if it was i'd appreciate you taking the time to give it a like and maybe even subscribe if you want to see more gold making videos in the future thanks for watching
Channel: Abree
Views: 188,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, GW, GW2, Gold, Making, Routine, Daily, Best, Makers, Dailies, Gameplay, Guide, GW2Guide, MMO, Guild, Wars, Build, Builds, GW2 PVP, GW2 WVW, Farming, Crafting, Strikes, Fractals, Icebrood Saga, End of Dragons, EoD, Expansion, 2022, guild wars 2 gameplay, guild wars 2 eod, guild wars 2 gold, mighty teapot, cellofrag, guild wars 2 raid, arenanet, wow, world of warcraft, ffxiv, ff14, eso, fast, guild wars 2 gold farming 2022, Legendary, Aurene, crafting, variant, trinket, mystic coin, armory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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