How to get Gold from Quartz Hack!

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[Music] so here's the game plan today so this is a video i've been waiting to do for a long time it's one i've probably been the most excited about for a long time so i'll kind of walk you through what we're doing where i'm at with things um and hopefully what the end result is so uh and if you've seen these videos you've you've heard me say this before plug your ears i gotta say it again it's a lot of new people watch this so i'm way up in northern minnesota northeast minnesota um on the iron range is what it's called so there's mines all over up here so this is one of the biggest steel producing mining areas um in the country so these mines i mean really what they're after is is iron taconite i mean steel essentially is what they're after um and next to these mines and within these mines a lot of quartz veins and quartz houses gold so that's the goal so minnesota gold so you never thought you'd probably see that or hear that but this what i'm going to show you here holds true whether it's minnesota or any any state or really any country anywhere where you find quartz okay so i'll show you here let me show you what i'm doing so what i've done here over the last couple probably six weeks two months um is i just kind of as i've been hiking i've been collecting quartz okay so here's quartz if you're not familiar with it it's a real a lot of times it's like pure white the pure white almost flaky type of rock or mineral okay what i'm really finding are a lot of these dirty quartz that's what you really want to find some of these quartz if you look you can i can actually see some pyrite in there some fool's gold and some other minerals hopefully some gold sometimes you can even see gold in the courts now how you have to do this how you have to process it how you have to find the gold in it uh more silver um whatever you're after because that whole silver too is you really have to crush this into like a powder almost almost like a flower or sugar and then you have to pan it okay so the problem with crushing this that i've run into and i've already tried i sat through with a three pound mall on a concrete slab and crushed this stuff into a powder it's not too bad but it's really time consuming okay so the next level up is you can buy a rock crusher that attaches to like a dewalt grinder or you can go the next level get a gas powered crusher i mean these things get huge you can spend thousands of dollars on them but i don't want to do that i'm in northern minnesota again if i find a flake of gold i will be happy so what i'm trying here is after researching it online not really finding an easy way to crush this stuff without buying something expensive back in the mid 1800s to early 1900s i found some articles in australia where uh to process and get gold out of out of uh quartz what they would actually do is they would heat this stuff up they would create a bed of coals and they would essentially turn this stuff red hot and then it's supposed to be easy to smash almost like glass so what i'm gonna do there's angel collecting some wood for us um so what i'm gonna do is i i got as an experiment i got two different they're like pie tins is what they are and i just have one layer of quartz there from one location this is another layer of quartz from another location so one i'm going to do for a half hour what i'm going to do for an hour and then i'll show you what you do uh once you get that stuff red hot um to to try to try and change it to make it smash up easier so i i will fill you in as we go here so again i'm super excited we're gonna smash these up by the end of the video whether we have pyrite only black sand gold silver whatever i can find out here i'll show you so well boo it's starting to rain on our parade a little bit here it's calling for about 14 chance of rain but might be a little higher winds kicking up you can see it out there on the lake or the river i should say and it's just gorgeous out here though [Music] okay so we're gonna see if we can find a home for these i got these tongs at a thrift store i think there were two bucks i think figured they'd come in handy for picking rocks up and such so let's see if we can find a home here for these guys getting some nice coals the only concern i think i have is these pans potentially burning through i don't know so we're gonna do a half hour on one half hour on the other and let me get the fire built up a little bit here now i don't think i need to really be too concerned about any of the coals actually going into in with the rocks i think it actually might be helpful because as i'm rinsing them or panning it those will that those coals and dust will just simply float away so i'm not concerned too much about that [Music] well it seems to be working so i look in there and everything is just like getting molten red hot that's exactly what we wanted to get so look at this you gotta check this out i don't want to get you too close and melt the camera but if you look right in there you can see even if i'm flipping these rocks and looking at the rocks they're red they're actually red and color reddish i just hope that pie pin holds up and they don't it doesn't get melted through the bottom the other thing too i was kind of i figured might happen is um these quartz rocks i have heard them popping and i actually saw a piece of quartz will flinging out out of the fire pit so i'm assuming that there's some moisture that's trapped in that quartz that moisture is boiling and boiling and it's cracking that quartz open um and spitting out those those little hunks of course so so just be wary of that i have glasses safety glasses on so i'm fine but sure it's cool to see isn't it it's just red hot let's go look at the other side yeah it's just molten in there molten red yeah i'm so excited man you know like i said at the beginning here i've been waiting to do this forever so i want to pan this find a bunch of gold so if you don't see this video probably means i struck it rich if you do see this video i'm probably not but hopefully i'll have a he's a golden piece or two or at least some medals to show you yeah i can't wait man i'm stoked angel thinks i'm nuts she kind of rolls her eyes at me she's like it's stupid no it's not man i want to check it out i want to see what's inside those things i'm going to try and see if i can find a big piece of of stone a big piece of bedrock something like that except there's some huge hunks around here and see if i can use my hammer and break them break them apart on there if not i'll have to head to the basement and do it there and pan there i'd like to kind of pan right there and get it all all panned out but we'll see if the weather holds and i was going to try doing one pan for a half hour one pan for an hour just to see the difference but i don't think so i'm gonna do them both for a good hour it's just once i pull a pan out i'm afraid i'm gonna collapse that that nice coal base and that fire i have going so let's just do them both at an hour and see what happens [Music] okay so here's the goal here's what we're gonna do we have those two pans i bought that at thrift store two for 14 bucks nice metal pot so we're going to take one pan at a time we're going to put it in there we're going to bring it down to the water and we're going to cool those off as fast as we can so that's that's the goal is to get them cool as fast as we can and you turn them to like glass i don't know let's give it a try this is how they did it in the olden days [Music] some of these coals off [Music] let's see if i can get it in here with them torching myself oh look at how oh no it's melting and coming apart i might just have to do this yeah so that cake pan you ruined your thrift store i ruined my cake is hot i think next time i'll for the next one i'll ha ha ha ha i ruined your big tan too i know see the whole thing is just coming apart i think i got them all here's one big one all right let's go cool these down [Music] yeah those are hot now what are they gonna do when you put them in the water [Music] so i'm just trying to cool everything down as fast as i can and then that way too is sold some of these rocks might split so by keeping it in here anything that splits still going to be in the bottom of this pan i'm just kind of almost using this as like a bowl pan and just getting off some of the let's keep it cooling [Music] i can just hear a bubbling in there [Music] yeah see they're already starting to shatter and break apart i can see look at all the small pieces in there problem i'm gonna have is that when i'm panning i'm gonna be seeing some of this metal in there so that's a lesson to learn it's the next time you use a thicker metal i'm going to rinse this off in case there's any gold particles on there i'll make sure and bring that home with us it'd be interesting to know so they're cool to the touch now oh they just break apart oh yeah yeah they just kind of shattered oh i bet we can take the hammer to them yeah well let's go ahead and put the other one in here see the thing is now is that with the rock breaking apart like that because of a crappy pan i'm gonna have to mix the two batches together all right that might make it a little easier at least get some of these big ones [Music] okay so we're all ready to go here so here's where we're at let's take a look so these are the clean rocks that we had cooked there is our cooked pan so as you can see i mean it just everything just got mushed it just turned to a lot of it just turned to sand so there are some still some metals in there from that pan that fell through that's okay i'll pan that totally separate but i did rinse these hunks of quartz off so and they were they were breaking apart in my hand look at that just as i'm grabbing them so they should be pretty easy to get munched up all right let's start on that now you might lose some it might scatter off i'm okay with that wow man that breaks up easy so we need to get it to that wow that's great that definitely works i need to get it that nice flowery sugary granular consistency that is awesome night and day works no question now we just have to do it on a larger scale don't we all right guys check this out this is where i'm at so there's our product right there but pan you got to see this so this is just a big hunk of quartz here i'm getting down there all right so i'll just show you how much easier let's let's do this i got one handed so it's almost like mushy clay it's like this quartz actually sucks up the water and turns it into this mushy clay which is absolutely perfect and you don't have pieces spitting everywhere and it's just so easy yeah so it definitely works so i'm just cleaning up my last little pile here make sure we get every little piece that's what we've ended up with that's quite a nice haul an amount of time spent compared to what i was doing just crushing it with a hammer i would say it's gosh it's got to be ten to one faster by doing it this way definitely so really it's just a good way to test an area to see if there's anything there or in my case i'm in minnesota just to test to see if there's any gold in minnesota so let me finish cleaning this up head to the house um like i keep saying it's supposed to rain it's been sprinkling so we might have to pan this in the basement all right so let me finish cleaning this up and we'll be back in a minute all right so let's give this a whirl so we're learning together here i'm a flatlander man i'm from minnesota not exactly known as the best gold panner in the world but hey man i'm having a ton of fun so this is the part i've been waiting for forever and ever and ever and ever and ever so there is what we're gonna pan so i'm going to did put some jet dry in there i see everybody puts jet dry in there and their water when they're doing it like this helps to keep flanks of gold from floating out of your pan so i'm gonna get this nice nice and wet get everything settled down so the goal is to keep all the heavies uh to the bottom like black sands or gold or silvers or any metals pyrite get the heavy settled out of that quartz dust and then pan off let's see where we end up there's about 50 million ways to skin a cat panning gold there are a lot of you that can do way better than me but man this i i i can't wait i want to see what we got here it's now in minnesota from what i've read i mean a large piece of gold in minnesota historically is about the size of a grain of rice right our grain of wheat so we're not gonna be expecting anything huge so we're just looking for some maybe gold flowers some gold dust whatever we can get huh come on [Music] you guys suppose you get the more you do this the faster you get just like anything else but hey man i'm learning i love to learn it's what makes me keep doing this channel it's constantly doing new things right big rocks in there [Music] don't see much [Music] nothing nothing nothing nothing it's okay all right here we go pan number two by looking at this you know seeing some of it seems kind of big i could have pounded it down further right you could even classify it you know run it through a classifier and get those bigger pieces down a little bit more people are probably yelling you're doing it wrong you're losing all your gold maybe you're right still having fun see anything and i painted my pant and i panned and i panned and nothing but it is minnesota so i didn't totally expect to find anything um although i do have a bunch more quartz back in here i can play around with i think i have about a half of a five gallon bucket left too so um i'll pan out this little bit that i do have left i am not holding my breath or anything uh that's okay we know that quartz can easily be broken up if you heat it up at to an extreme temperature um maybe i'll get lucky next time i do this so i don't know hit subscribe this is the type of content that you like to see um we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: FlatlandersGo
Views: 90,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, minnesota gold, quartz, finding gold, mineral extraction, panning gold, northern minnesota, looking for gold, how to find gold, breaking quartz, mining, prospecting, geology, how to, about quartz stone, crushing rocks, breaking open rocks, cooking rocks, pyrite, iron pyrite, pyrite crystal, fools gold, pyrite stone, pyrite fools gold, gold prospecting, gold panning, gold hunting, where can you find gold, gold from pyrite, treasure, rocks, rockhounding, rocks and minerals
Id: K2lqsa9KWJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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