How to get FREE PS PLUS PREMIUM trial on the SAME CONSOLE!

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hey guys this is Dr glitch and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to Avail the free PlayStation Plus trial on your PlayStation console without even needing a credit card or a debit card or any kind of payment information at all so just so you guys know I'm I'm on my PS4 um and I've already had free trials free ps+ trials on this console before and using this method would let you still get the ps+ trial on your console even if if you have had free trials in the past so let me just quickly show you guys how to get the free trial even if you've had one in the past all right guys so the first thing that I want you guys to do is go on to switch user and then go on to new user hit create a user accept the terms and conditions click on next and essentially what I want you guys to do is create a brand new PlayStation account with your region set as India now what that is going to do is that's going to give you an option to get a free PlayStation Plus trial and the reason why they can't ask for your credit card information is because recuring payments on credit card is banned in India so they're not going to ask for your credit card they're going to give you the free trial and you're not going to have to even enter your payment information and even if you've had a ps+ subscription trial in the past you're still going to get one once again uh if you set your region as India and create a brand new PlayStation PlayStation account all right so this is an account that I just created and now when I go on to PlayStation Plus and then just go on to subscribe and right here guys as you guys can see you get an option for a 7-Day free trial for PlayStation Deluxe and a 7-Day free trial for PlayStation Plus extra now PlayStation Plus Delux is basically the same as PlayStation Plus premium except it has a few features missing which is uh I guess it's cloud gaming so if you have PlayStation Plus Deluxe you can't really use cloud streaming but other than that everything else is pretty much exactly the same so this is pretty much how you do it guys so just go ahead and create a brand new PlayStation account with your region as set as India and you should be good to go that being said that was it for today hope you guys find this video helpful and if you do please not forget to leave a like to this video and also do not forget to subscribe to my channel thanks a lot for watching and I'll talk to you guys in the next one
Channel: Doctor Glitch
Views: 396,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PlayStation Plus trial, PlayStation Plus free trial, PlayStation Plus benefits, PlayStation Plus discounts, PlayStation Plus games, PlayStation Plus trial offer, PlayStation Plus 14-day trial, PS Plus trial without credit card, PS Plus free trial without credit card, PS Plus free games, PS Plus free multiplayer, PS Plus discounts, PS Plus subscription trial, PS Plus trial redemption, free ps plus, free ps plus trial, how to get free ps plus
Id: OrFonJ4Amww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 39sec (159 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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