Roblox Tongue Battles But I have Strong Tongue

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all right this game's called tongue battles it's because everyone's got tongues I just took them people out as you can hear I'm Ill and my tongue's not in the right place and you have to slap people with your tongue I don't know why that's the case we're going to find out why I guess you get new abilities and stuff oh yes we're licking everything get out ah you're not me out as well as yourself nice one mate nice oh you can Dash as well hang on I didn't even know that I didn't even know that was a thing all right this get us slapped off yeah and what yes we knocked you into lava see we're making friends that's what I like to see faster oh ow you made me trip over mate oh God and you go as well I can't even laugh my voice hurts ow what is that he's got the stone tongue you can unlock new tongues then that's is awesome ow he took me out oh my Lord how do I unlock new new tongues let's go to this lizard no no I don't where's new oh there you go trash tongue I could have bought the trash tongue but I didn't ah hang on let's have a look Tong let's have a look what this does so now our tongue is trash oh that's cool ah why you going for me for D Explorer ah ow what was that get that I gave her a slap but it's still basically slap Batts that's what it is he knocked himself out as well how he just slapped me with her tongue I don't believe this right the trash one's not that good he just threw himself off you're going to get it she got the same tongue as [Music] me come let's go you tablet player see people that play tablets uh Pro that's bloody hard to play them tablets it really is you know this I know this everyone knows [Music] this how I slapped at the same time you up bye yeah I got a bounty on me I know what that means I'm guessing it means uh people need to take me out and they get more money I have no idea but I'm going to lick this uh go here smack with my tongue I mean Jesus no it burned me at least I still got my tongue though hang on let's have a look we get it knockback tongue we need 400 was it 400 450 he trash you're trash bro oh you actually you actually she made me live bye oh well by bye get out of it get out of [Music] it did I just I just passed away we can get knock back now yes I don't know what it does open it knocks them back yes he's mine wa that knockback knocked him well far where' you think you're going she just threw herself off the side trying to take me out it didn't work that's good ow don't worry I've got this ow I get hit twice here I'm dead I ruined my life okay that knock back actually does knock him back quite far but not as far as I was expecting yay we got him that was so easy I just licked him up and he was gone no you don't see you coming after me that ow I see they're waiting for their power to charge up so they can run up to me that was pretty sad don't worry I'm going to be licking them that's the person over there I knocked him off I actually have no clue what's going on I'm just trying to survive everyone seem to have better tongues than me so that that tongue there with the stone that's actually pretty good the stone tongue think it's called Stone yeah Stone tongue yeah I like that one he trying to knock me off instead he just made himself look stupid you get more money breaking these things you do licking people get out get out of it get out of it you blond-headed macaroni cheese oh there she is bye what that is so overpowered what was that got slammed off the side so quickly don't even know what that was Rocky Boy how's he so fast I took him out wow he went absolutely FL out he went flying I knocked him off it's good having a good day how much is the next tongue then quite expensive I'm [Music] guessing Batman just knocked me out Batman lck Batman Leck this is the most random game going I do like slap battle and stuff like that I think you guys do as well you leave me comments tell me to go play it so something new we slap battle the people quite toxic on there this ain't too badad oh my God it's so toxic funny though how angry I get about everything ow how how did he grab me from there hang on a sec 800 we're almost there actually oh we're taking so many people [Music] out coming in do he use his power upit told you how do I know he's going to use his power nice call him come at me he knocked me off it looks really weird with a tongue like that doesn't it we go to next tongue now we are now stone stone tongue realize what I said oh oh okay that tongue is amazing ow that could slam was so much power Stone tongue is probably one of the best ones what he disappear to what this guy he can't be a okay he's got some serious lag there is a delay to it there's 100% delay to it no I fell into lava I was trying to act all cool as well I hit by the own my own tongue oh that's a trash B I'm come [Music] you how did you dive [Music] away that takes off so much health ow yeah yeah yeah oh you're doing well aren you you're doing well aren't you ah they didn't take me out though someone else hang on what's it what's it actually do the appearance is it just okay it does nothing it just changes my feet wow look like an idiot ah bro you want to get licked let's do this oh you can knock someone directly off with that doesn't mean you're good though does it ow he's got so much lag this guy you smacked them and I think his McDonald's Wi-Fi just cuts out what I'm back how did they just defend against that bye have a great time have a great time in lava be chilling it must be really hot out there no I was already knocked down that was unfair unjust horrible person how much is the next one cuz I'm not making a lot of money here do tell me anymore it's a battle going on but it's okay I'm here have no fear Elite is here my voice so deep how did that not hit him from that distance ow I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry to you what's that spinning tongue one I want that it's like a rainbow tongue can't see nothing there's the rainbow tongue get [Music] him he's Mr protong is he why is he running away then [Music] he's gone and I've took his organs oh thank you thank you for that I survived and they both got taken out oh that was amazing someone else took them out for me didn't see how much next tongue was that thing is so overpowered it grabs you and throws you out I think it's that one 1.2k okay we need some serious money I wasn't going to be crying from the inside yeah my voice is so deep at the moment because of the virus I have like a chest infection my voice is like super deep but time to you can't hit me with trash boy it's slapped you're not very good at this are you love how you just run away I knew you going to use your ability it missed oh I survived what about that hey I survived by luck bye that's what I thought oh everyone's coming after me now don't like my stone tongue we got 1K was very good [Music] oh we standing with that as [Music] well it does a lot of damage I think the teeth one does a lot of damage one that eats you take them out get out of it tablet boy yeah I hit both of them with that then no bad bacon [Music] boy you thought you could go for me I'm too skill with a tongue unas ow need to get all lined up I don't stand a chance against my tongue ow was six oh that's why everyone's after me I wonder why everyone's after me got hit with trash no yes now we've got the same thing that other guy's got the dash we got to test it first I don't know how it's going to work I remember rightly it's pretty good I'm proud at this maybe I'm not proud at this got slapped off straight away that's not fair he's going to fall off there [Music] laughing just trying to lick as many people as possible so I can get as many coins don't do as much damage as I thought it was going to do but it should be able to take him out she's lagging look at her I could slap her backside as she's falling she's lagging so bad that Dash is pretty [Music] good it's pretty hard to hit people that Dash get out of here boy get out of here boy no he licked me off horrible person no got him that's what you get being a noob be fair he's actually quite kind to [Music] me I survive yes I did I haven't got the camera on I've got no camera on my PC at all yeah and it's saying he can't find the camera I wonder why oh you got to turn off in the settings I don't know why it's on there this boy is on fire I got a trash can one it's pretty overpowered what you doing boy think teaming up with me [Music] oh my we have took so many people out whoa okay he was coming after me he end up falling off get taken out boy gu's chasing me don't know what he's doing he's trying to he's trying to sort his own life out go bye what on Earth is that [Music] nice well done Jump Right In The Fire good one I'm so proud it I'm So Pro had a streak as [Music] well you need to watch around the side of you mate he thinks he's safe but he's not I dodged him by jumping yes we sold his organs on eBay yeah you did it to me I did it back to him come on mate what are you doing Mr rainbow tongue what's that Queen Slayer Slayer queen uhoh I'm ruined Slayer Queen got me all right that person skin on the floor it's fine I'll going go after this person seems quite new at the game just attack those that are easier what bullies do yay that was meant to be [Music] mine you watch could try to do it to me now how do I know oh the game lagged someone just hit with trash oh this guy hi did he's so laggy though he's a laggy mess that rainbow one's so overpowered oh why running away ma'am I was trying to chase one guy and I'll get taken out I don't think that's very fair ow go he's got the rainbow tongue too uh I I just chopped myself and someone else off well done hello my friend oh I dived off why did I do that can't believe this really fun game though sorry [Music] mate I just jumped with him he he had no chance let's go ow I survived luckily enough didn't think I would though that's actually pretty nice she obviously don't have a clue what she's doing where she just disappeared to so this this is what I'm side missed him he's got no Health left ah it was mine for the taking the organs were mine oh get wrecked did you just see that it's like a skilled combo against him pretty cool kamakazi no hang on hang on hang on hang on I can get next tongue yes that's teeth I got teeth now I'm guessing oh I get it get out of here he just took all that health and I just took it off him and what mate and what come up come up froggy do you just see how many people I got with that teeth ow ah that's that knockback one that's really good you get a direct strike with it they go flying absolutely flying summon we'll summon Some Teeth Let's Go it takes half their health off that's quite impressive I think no oh I made it back hey that fun oh my God that teeth it eats them it does so much damage I like that it is so good ow oh my what is going on everyone's getting smacked ow okay I'm sorry I'm sorry well I'm going to think I'm going to leave it there this is my tongue for now I mean that was pretty cool that's actually a really really fun game I'm surprised super fun and I hope you guys have a fantastic day and uh yeah see you soon [Music]
Channel: Eliteplus
Views: 9,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, elitelupus, roblox elitelupus, roblox fun, family friendly, Roblox Tongue Battles But I have Strong Tongue, Roblox Tongue Battles, I have Strong Tongue, roblox tongue
Id: Yu6GJHbY84E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 44sec (1424 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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