How To Get Cheap Electronic Components (Salvaging From Circuit Boards)

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okay so here's my pal Caponi gender gender sex and sentence I've read Macbeth pillow and today I'm going to be showing you how I get my parts or most of my parts for that matter so most of my parts actually come from other appliances and they are recycled so what you see here around me our circuit boards from a great many different amount of devices so in this video I'm going to show you kind of how I get these circuit boards from these devices and how I'm able to decider the parts on these circuit boards to actually get the parts that I need for my projects which is actually pretty cool so let's start by diving into the sea of circuit boards to see what the circuit boards have on them that makes them so useful and where they come from well then take a look at some different devices and are able to harvest those circuit boards from then we will look and see how I can actually find the most useful components off these different circuit boards let's get started okay so let's take a look at some of these circuit boards let's start with this one for instance this circuit board came out of an old cathode ray tube television and this circuit board actually has quite a lot of useful components on first of all as the flyback transformer which can be used for great many different projects that require high voltage and also as this inductive choke here a transformer many many different capacitors many small transformers lots of high current MOSFETs that were switching applications as big capacitors resistors IC capacitors almost anything you could need these circuit boards are highly useful I also have circuit boards from garage door openers microwaves Wi-Fi modems computer power supplies alarm systems floppy drive control systems and so many other circuit boards there's just too many to name it's extremely useful to have a huge collection of circuit boards for use because you can find virtually almost any component you need inside this huge pile of circuit boards now I can find different appliances to harvest these circuit boards from from all different places some of the appliances or different things that I harvester cavorts out I find them inside of the roof it's actually quite interesting to see how many different appliances are just sitting on the side of the road especially televisions and some of them are just given to me by family friend another friend such as all these different devices that are stored in my shed right now I have a car battery charger a scanner printer another car battery charger then back here we have lamp and car stereo so you can get these different appliances or things that have circuit boards of them from almost anywhere and they're extremely cheap if not free to get so that is how you can get a plane now to get the circuit boards out it's actually quite easy you're just take out all the screws then you can cut the wires because you're not going to use the circuit board for its original purpose anymore and you can just remove the circuit board unscrew it and throw it near pilot rocket boards so now they know how to get circuit boards let's see how we can harvest every single component on one and sort them out for future use go now all these circuit boards made their components harvested for further sorting into drawers for a few trees but it takes a long time to harvest the components from each board so in this video specifically I'm going to show you how to harvest components from this circuit board now this circuit board came out of a UPS or I refferal powers of life now what does means is it has an inverter on but certainly the inverter is broken for some unknown reason and so this circuit board is junk as use for an inverter but it has many good components on them that can be used for other purposes so we'll click this to the bench and we'll see solder all the components and sort them into their desired spots now when you're detailing components you need a few important things now a V soldering iron is a super important device for use in soldering components on the circuit board for any watch what it is is it's a normal soldering iron but the tip is different in that it has a plastic bulb attached to it that you can squeeze to draw air out of this end so that way you can actually suck up solder into this little component right here now if you don't have one of these and I got this Radio Shack when you man everything 90% off you can use a normal soldering iron like this one in conjunction with a pump-action desolder now I'll show you how to use both of these later in this video so here's the circuit board one can be soldering components from now keep in mind that some components are not worth the soldering such as these resistors right here because you can easily buy resistors on eBay and you can buy a thousand of them for like four dollars so there's no real use in actually the soldering ministers because it's just too much of a work not enough pay off what some of the another large components on here have a very good use for other projects so we're going to start the soldering them let's start with the largest components with this transformer and these two MOSFET transistors now to discover these heat sinks what we're going to do first we're going to start with this pump action me soldering iron now to start using this D soldering iron which is the pump action one because of my other desoldering iron isn't heated up yet we can start by holding the soldering iron to one of the terminals of the heatsink and just waiting now this is going to take a long time to heat this up because the heat sink is dissipating so they a shoot you're trying to use to solder we can also use some more solder to help with a more even heat distribution throughout the entire terminal now if we press down on the plunger of this thing and we hold it to solder and then we press it we can see that we made a little hole right here we got rid of some of the solder around this little joint which means we're going to easily remove the heat sink okay you know what sometimes a soldering iron or a normal soldering iron like what I have is not powerful enough to melt the solder to remove large heat piece because they dissipate too much of the heat so first we're going to try and get rid of these transistors and we're going to use a butane torch to actually Garity and to remove the transistors we will use this desoldering arm so what I'll do is I'll I'll press it down first and then hold it to the solder joint and we're going to hold it here until the actual solder joint melt and once it's melted I'll suck it up and as you can see it removed all the solder around the solder joint I will do this to all the other points on the MOSFET transistor and suck up all the solder as you can see we have removed all the solder surrounding the pins of this MOSFET and then to be able to gently remove your MOSFET from its place and it should come out quite easily now we're going to put all the parts we find in a pile range so let's get to removing the rest of these large transistors there we go all three transistors that are made to-20 to package have been removed so you can set them over here and where you can start to remove some of the other parts starting with the heatsink now these heat things won't come off by normal means of date soldering we're going to have to be using a butane torch to get this off so I'll remove the soldering tips in this butane torch and add the torch take this butane torch we'll be able to melt the solder on the heat sinks very easily it's like I'm able to pull them off so I'll start the butane torch on the low and I will alight it and so we have a flame right here can then use this flame to heat up the solder around this heatsink and actually melt it off we go on both massive heat sinks and Ventura rooms we'll set those over here now it's time to remove this transformer and to remove the transformer where you can use our desoldering iron again there we go we now the transformer image we'll add that to the pile of different components now we have the rest of the parts in the circuit board and we can start removing those one by one now these capacitors are pretty useful so we'll be solder those also desolder the buzzer and the crystal and always metal oxide varistors along with the relay and capacitor right here we will also meet the solder this button leds fuse and a few other things these diodes we really don't need to desolder because these can also be cheaply bought and milk from china it's too much work to be soldered those so let's get to these lotteries now you should have your entire circuit board pretty much cleared it as you can see almost every single component is removed I'm not going to remove the SMD components or this IC or any of these metal oxide varistors because these things are kind of useless for most things now this circuit board is pretty much trash unless you want to use it as kind of display just hang on your wall because it looks kind of cool but I'm just going to throw this or get bored away so here we have all the components that I got now it's time to sort them okay so here's my pile of component as you can see I have two heat sinks a transformer a relay and then a lot of smaller components including a few transistors or maybe similar molted regulators lots of capacitors and lots of metal oxide varistors these things are meant to protect from surges but I also have a few LEDs to end some switches and a little crystal and another transistor now it's time to store all these components I'll start by putting the heat things inside my heatsink drawer and my transformer and my transformer brewer now about the metal oxide varistors I'm not exactly sure what you want to put those in because I don't really have a drawer dedicated to that I'm just going to put them in dinner and shouty diners drawer that way I kind of know because those don't really belong in anymore whatsoever I'll then take the relay and bring it up here to the relay juror will all put it away and then add the film capacitor to my thumb and capacitor door let's order some capacity I can add my buzzer to the buzzer mic and thicker drawer I can add this small 103 or 10 nano farad capacitor to the 10 nano farad capacitor drawer okay after that capacitor is added you can look at most of these capacitors and see that most of them fall under 50 micro farad's with the exception of this one so we can put all these inside the one the 50 micro farad capacitor door of electrolytic capacitors we just have the LEDs the switch and the capacitors we can add those into their respective drawers they all we have left is the transistors and now some people may just look up the datasheet of these transistors I find this method a lot better I have this device right here that is able to plug in any device or any circuit component and you can test to see exactly what component it is I made this 3d printed housing for it okay as I can see I didn't touch the pins good enough together one of the things the source didn't touch okay let's try that again that was the gate there we go as we can see this is a n-channel MOSFET these two MOSFETs can go inside the MOSFET drawer or n channel mosfet in the tio 22 package we have to do is check these three more transistors so this one if I put it in and sometimes it's a little bit hard to get it in there correctly we can see that this is a PNP transistor so we'll add that into the PNP transistor drawer as we can see we have another N channel MOSFET that'll go in the N channel MOSFET drawer and then to test the last circuit component from that circuit board we see that we have on two diodes which pretty much means this is a voltage regulator on here we can see that it is TL 780 which means it's an 8 volt regulator so I'll put that in the voltage regulator door so there you go that's a easy way to get some new components to restock my drawers so a lot of my components we're actually found using that same method of B soldering now it takes a little bit of time but afterwards it's worth it when you see that all your drawers restocked and whatever you're working on a project and you need a new part you can just reach into your drawer and find a component fairly easily so there you go that is how you can find circuit boards take off the components and use those components or other projects as always thanks for watching stay tuned for my next video
Channel: Tanner Tech
Views: 179,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tanner, tech, electronic, componnets, cool, components, circuit boards, free, cheap, hobby, electricity, genius, idea, awesome, capacitors, mosfets, collections, leds, technology
Id: pfNo7nH5qlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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