EEVblog #488 - Dumpster Dive Parts Salvage

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hi welcome to tear down cheers day why am I sitting on the floor on a blue drop sheath in my bare feet well we're gonna get a bit messy today maybe this one will be a bit different usually we open our products to see how they work inside how they're designed or manufactured all that sort of stuff but I thought well I just take some mark dumpster dive in that office stuff I've got from the junk room and take them apart and see if there's any useful stuff in them so I've had these sitting around for some time they've just taken up room here in the lab getting really annoying so I thought we'd take them apart salvage all the useful stuff out of them or stuff that'll sit in the junk box for you know 20 years until I toss it out then or sagen tosses out ah who knows I've still got stuff in my junk bin from 30 years ago geez let's not go there anyway see what useful stuff is inside these things just basic office equipment we've got these up multifunction printer fax scanner type things we've got laser printers and a fax machine so just your general office stuff that you might think ah heap of garbage is there anything good in them usable well let's find out so you know we say you're on the eevblog don't turn it on take it apart first cab off the rank this samsung fax machine very basic thing it's an SF SF 3 for 1 PE jet all-in-one so no it's not as good as say a laser base one laser isn't going to have a bit more goodness in them but anyway um we'll see if there's anything useful inside a basic fax machine like this it looks like we're getting down in some useful parts already of course there's nothing on these type of our front panel PCBs as an LCD but it's you know it's going to be a custom type really no point scrounging that of course what do you do with membranes like that another front panel jazz not really much but you know you're stuck it into some of the boards in here which we're getting into is a couple of motors down in here as some gears if you're into cogs and stuff if you're into what that sort of thing and uh another motor over there so we're getting there there's some ferrite down in there we've got a couple of ferrets over here are not this stuff really good they're worth that salvaging we've got a power supply mains power supply board down the bottom there of course that would still be usable so yeah not too bad I mean of course the you know main logic are control cards like this they're good for um things like you know a surface mount a soldering or D soldering or rework ER you know a training and practice and stuff like that but apart from that um you know you might be able to find the odd useful part there's some nice-looking night inductors there because you're not going to bother salvaging the caps out of them really and all the you know what are you going to do with like a big arm shark processor or something over here I don't know not much but yeah it's looking worthwhile now of course this inch it mechanism here the inkjet cartridge just sat in here that's no good of course but as a whole assembly it might be useful for some people motor driven here of course and that can just move this sucker back and forth like that so if you've got an application for you know something that you know you could attach an arm onto here or something and have that go across like that then your derp keep that in one piece I really wouldn't bother personally I'd rather sort of you know get the motors cogs ISM that Springs on the back here of course you'd add those to your little spring drawer of you know random Springs and stuff like that you know not much you can do with the roll as I don't know some people might have a application for that sort of thing yet personally I wouldn't keep that as a complete mechanism myself unless I had something in mind but yeah certainly scrap the motor the springs all the flat flex cables of course pretty useless unless you you know it's worth keeping a couple of flat flex cables for something perhaps but you know what do you do with the belt in there for example couple of cogs I don't know so here's our swag of I think useful stuff out of this we've got ourselves a speaker got ourselves a flat flex we might keep that in the parts draw we've got three ferrets in there we can unwrap though yep there they are that's the only useful thing on that board three ferrets put ourselves out three motors there's one basic DC motor over there which I haven't taken out of the whole rig there you could keep that and we've got a reduction mechanism there there we go got some reduction gears there maybe you'd keep that or just scrap the motor out they look like they two identical motors Harley let's have a look SB 42 ID yes they look all right not quite almost identical there you go anyway are they useful we've got ourselves a line interface board here not too much on here but we have ourselves a well these are photo interrupter things where you put something in there and it interrupts the there's a lead in one side and a photo dyed in the other and it interrupts they're very useful worth getting those out a couple of little lion isolation our transformers in there got ourselves a relay have we yet got ourselves a relay you'd Nick that out of there a couple of optocouplers and well that's about it out of that not terribly exciting wouldn't write home about that but we've got ourselves a power supply and it's got it's got the AC input directly on it it's looks Miano it probably does the job there but yeah you might keep that as a whole item we've got ourselves a 24 volts and 5 volts not you might use that as an entire power supply module in its own right and then we've got our main board up here once again you can Nick those inductors down there looks like we've got a motor driver down here you could possibly like you know hack some of that board off you could even like a saw right through it or something and maybe use the motor driver chip out of that if you are really desperate perhaps but yeah not a huge amount of useful stuff on logic boards like this you know what do you do suck off the Samsung uh ARM processor I don't think so not really going to happen but yeah you would at least keep it once and as I said you know solver in practice or something like that perhaps but there you go that's a reasonably useful uh swag we've got ourselves a ferrite here for a flat flex cable they're really useful there's something you don't often get so you'll definitely keep that but yeah that's not a bad little slow oh oh hang on I forgot I forgot yes you're thinking where's the where's the line scanner there it is there's the line scanner came out of a fax machine obviously um scans an entire route line at a time not sure if you could dine an image code never heard of them deal 100 I don't know you'd have to google that see if you can get the data on it but pretty simplistic interface you might be able to use that scanner for something I don't know the resolution of this didn't look like a you know top-of-the-line fax machine so the resolution wouldn't be that great but there you go certainly worth um scrapping one of these low-end fax machines I think actually I stand corrected on the LCD module from this thing um it looks like it's a standard Hitoshi interface one v HX r 1610 looks like the yut standard interface at least so uh yeah you could definitely use that I mean that's a nice little sort of you know a plastic protective case you could certainly add something like that as an LCD to a product and you know it's fully protected very nice that's useful I'll scrounge that one too thank you very much and I'm those even on this front panel board couple of little photos interrupt the sensors there ah worth desoldering and next up here we've got ourselves a HP photosmart c 42 83 once again one of these combined office scanner inkjet printer things no it's not laser its uses Viera HP inks and whatever arm this one does have like a little like color display on it something like that so you definitely whip that module out of there but let's crack this one open see what it has to offer once again it didn't take us long to uncover some goodness here here's the scanner mechanism with the CCFL cold cathode tube in there which shot like I believe it is anyway which shot lights this thing up and it looks like that dries its self so we got ourselves a motor on the back of there there we go does that have a little driver on that no it's just like a little interrupter weĆ­ll probably yet very just see it in there little photo interrupter wheel in there and that's how they that's how they get the positional count on this thing of course got ourselves ton of flat flex you know you'd probably keep them you wouldn't get too many of those generally and you've got you know very long ones here you might be able to custom use those for a you know some sort of uh you know we had asked product or something like that look at ourselves the USB interface board over here not much on that we just got ourselves some ferrets and things like that big big ass inductor on there we can salvage but yeah we've got more stuff happening down here there's another motor down in there so we're getting there ah not too bad at all so far and on the bottom of the top platform of course we knew we get a nice piece of glass out of this so yeah definitely well worth keeping looks like we can just ankle that from their board over here where our LCD is well we you know we can get the LCD module out of the back of that we've just got ourselves some flat flex in there but apart from that there's another photo sensor there but you know it's just got chip on board there that's no good so that boards not worth salvaging apart from the LCD under there it once again if you had a use for a mechanism like this for the printhead uh you would certainly keep it there's the just a basic DC motor on the bottom and you can see how they get the feedback on that thing I'd need to get the macro lens out for that one to give you a close-up look at that there you go you'll probably have to watch this in HD to get that but you can see that's how they get the feedback in there you can see that they've got a tiny little stripe pattern in there if I know in distance you'd have to know what the distance is of course but even if you didn't know you could actually calibrate the thing based on nut number accounts it'd be a photo sensor in the head down in here that that tape runs through that you can get a pulse count out of no doubt so you know that could be very very useful there you go is a close-up of that looks like it's got some gunk on there but could certainly use that I mean it's absolute position relative to the you know the relative to the mechanical wireframe over here isn't going to be very good of course but you could certainly use it as a relative position so I'm not sure what the distance is in there but it's you know it's pretty fine it's probably as fine as you would want for a positional feedback and there's our photo sensor down in there for that there it is this popped it out so that ones are probably you know it's probably going to Gina a tiny little slit in it's a capable of very good resolution but yeah I'm not sure if you get to reuse that board you know who knows I don't know there's an ST part how I'm not going to Google it now but you know presumably you would have to assume that that would be a bit of a lost cause trying to get data out of this thing you'd take it directly from the photo sensor there if you really wanted to I mean the chip on there as you know maybe not even got much if anything to do with the positional sense at all may just feed it back I mean that's obviously in there for the printheads there they are you can see the individual wires they're going down to the the printhead mechanism down all this is a dual one looks like it has our black and color or something like that and yeah I don't know probably can't reuse that board I just get the sensor and then turf it and this drive mechanism down in here that one has also got a nice little photo interrupter wheel down in there going down to a photo probably can't see it but there's a photo sensor board down in there so whether or not you actually kept you know this whole you know this whole mechanism right across here for us something I don't know I doubt it usually you just unless you had a very specific application in mind you would generally just salvage the motor out of that but yeah like no it's just a shame to so that you know toss out a very nice high resolution photo interrupter wheel like that and there it is you can see it I mean I'd need the macro lens again to get a look at the resolution on that wheel there but that is you know that is going to be quite remarkable and I don't know anyone got any good ideas what you would do with an intact mechanism like that there you go between nine and ten there anyone want to count those so there's our little life swag out of that not very big but useful nonetheless first of all we've got this lovely bit of glass out of the front so that's pretty darn useful you definitely here keep that for something we've got a couple of motors we got a card reader here look at this it's you know it's one of those all in you know five in one card reader things I don't know I'd have to look up the SMSC number on that but basically that's you know all are self-contained it looks like it's just you know serial data out of that maybe you could use that as a complete module apply power and uh yeah I don't know anyway um you could hook that up to you I'd we know something perhaps no idea but I got a couple of motors is that photosensor complete on a board with its own little flat flex we got ourselves another little flat flex up ferrite there once again you would keep those they're quite useful and there's our sensor board with well there's a third motor in there of course and that's got a pretty simplistic interface there if you wanted to have a play around with that but that's probably got a cold cathode lamp in that plus art sensor not entirely sure haven't taken that apart any further anyway um that's useful we've got ourselves here's our module here we go there is our lovely I believe it's a from I did actually power this thing up a couple of months back when I actually got it and and I believe that was a little color um LCD module so well worth that scrapping that and of course you could probably cut the board off or so you know cut it across there or something if you wanted to actually get access to the connector because you know often there's no point getting these little modules if you don't get the flat flex connector to go with it so you'd salvage that no doubt not a photo sensor there chip on board the rest of its um well the LCD I can't remember what the LCD gave out but very simple interface could possibly reuse that so there you go the rest of it you wouldn't would you bother getting the tactile buttons that I doubt it but anyway nice little LCD module score I like it once again the main processor board here not of a huge amount of use like you know surface mount our regulator there low dropout reg but there's a nice big inductor you'd that's worth that desoldering for sure but apart from that you know they like you generally don't die Salvage caps for these things unless you're pretty desperate but yeah it's not of much use but not bad worth taking apart next up the humble laser printers as HP LaserJet 1010 I've got a fair few of these as well and no doubt of course up its a laser printer so there's obviously going to be a laser in there if you want to play around with some laser stuff and of course there'll be a whole bunch of motors and rollers and sensors and all sorts of stuff very similar to the photocopy tear down if you haven't seen that by the way it'll be linked in down below here you can see me taking apart a massive art photocopier which was that quite an epic anyway let's see what's useful inside this one and we're into the guts of this thing of course you know the middle in there is that practically empty of course so a lot of your stuff is all going to be on the outside here's a here's well control board which was on this side here nothing really interesting on there at all I'm afraid that's not worthwhile look I found on the side of the case though right this thing here that's not a microswitch look what's on the back of this there's a diode in there and there's a resistor what on earth are they doing with that I have no idea that's just that's just crazy um anyone um it's almost as if like it's an afterthought or some sort of Nod yeah this is a some sort of protection resistor and protection Dyer that designed to burn out and if they burn out it's going to burn out in its own little thing there Ike I don't know beats the hell out of me it's not like it's a contact thing I mean they're just using this as a contact it looks very convoluted to design all that I mean it's not like some sort of switch mechanism and it comes and makes contact or something like that and we certainly have ourselves a big nice power supply board here there it is primary secondary all over here this would be driving the heater of course this is I think that's probably one of the main why is going over there for the fuser are who knows I'm not going to sort out the architectural details of the sink useful microswitch up there I don't mind it you could don't rip the Transformers out out of there probably as it stands not maybe a hugely useful power supply I'm not sure but yeah I don't know you would just keep the entire board and there's our fuse a roller mechanism I mean you know you wouldn't even bother keeping that at all really there's nothing of huge value in there unless you wanted the heater element out of that thing but anyway here's the main board that came out of that not bad at 200 volt secondary on that so I don't know if you want to muck around with high voltage stuff like that I mean that you know once again it's all integral you know you've got your IEC input there and you switch and it's all you know it's all raring to go so well worth salvaging that and there's not much else left in there here's our laser module of course that'll come out as a complete module that's what scans the laser across the drum there we've got one big-ass motor there's a fair bit of mechanical goodness in there but once again unless you had a very specific need to hook that up or you're wanting to get innovative then you do I don't know or we're after is the motor pretty much and the laser mechanism of course is the laser module in there is the big score in this thing I have opened these that laser modules before I may do it wow look at that beautiful and there it is pops up there's the there's the output lens of course because this thing has to scan across the entire page like that and it's got to do it in a linear fashion of course it has to be absolutely spot-on so we've done a tear down of one of one of these from a photocopier before and some very nice precision laser optics in there this is the well this is a driver board for the motor it went off to the stepper motor which we scored by the way excellent not a problem with so look at that that's a Mitsumi there we go seven point five degrees per step stepper motor very useful indeed and but this sucker looks like we might be able to just pop the lid off that and have a squeeze inside and tada there it is look at that beautiful I mean the laser module bounces off the rotating drum here that's where that's basically the principle and then it scans and then the drum based on the timing of course goes through this complicated two-step lens here and that scans across the page like that and as I said it can do it completely linearly and it looks like it has the driver on there of course so wha you know should be able to hack and drive this thing fairly easily I mean here's the laser module over here so I've got ourselves looks like the laser module WA driver this isn't going to be a complete teardown but you know looks like pretty simplistic interface and then that's our laser module so if you just wanted the you know just want the laser diode out of this thing you could just rip that out and have the driver board on its own but anyway it's designed to go down through that lens in there and then bounce off the I shouldn't turn up my hands are all grubby and and crap here but around there and that bounces off that of course and then just scans out there so the laser comes through here like this yeah I'm not sure why that one's on an angle like that I mean it's coming out lasers coming out like that then it sort of needs to then that lens is on an angle anyway I'm not sure the exact optics of what's going on here but it bounces off there and then that just scans around like that and can do the entire page brilliant but that looks very usable and of course if you did want to more easily reverse engineer this thing then you'd keep all the electronics so you'd just open it up and probe it while the things actually working and actually yeah probe the here and I see what we get but it looks like that's basically just a motor drive down in there for that bottom board that we looked at and this is the laser interface over here so we'd have the you know the high-speed data coming in here to drive the laser and done it but you know pretty done simple by the looks of it and I'm guessing there that this safety shutter is just as the name would suggest when you like if you open the cover on this and there you know to take out the toner while it's actually up working and it just BAM shut that down so the laser doesn't come out so from all that junk over there from this laser printer then not this is our haul down here and you know it's up surprisingly little but of course the jewel in the crown is the laser module these things are just pornographic they really are they're definitely worth saving and yeah we have it like a motor driver board whoop-dee-doo we have a useless digital board whoop-dee-doo have a very nice-looking beasty stepper motor there that could be very interesting once more you've always you always get these photo sensors in these things and we've got ourselves a solenoid there solenoids are always useful you would have a drawer in your junk box just for solenoids very useful and of course we scored a high voltage at 200 volt DC you know high current high-power power supply so that in its own right very useful so definitely worth scoring and old laser printer like this and we scored a whole bunch of screws you can put those in there you know your miscellaneous screw box or something like that and we got a few Springs out of these products I probably didn't salvage every last art one out of there but yeah definitely worth having a little spring drawer just in case now of course the first port O'Call of this gear is to you know try and reuse them and you know fix them and reuse them of course and yeah give them their you know either donate them to a up worthwhile cause or something like that but if you can't then well you know definitely worth that saving and you know especially if there are you know they're sort of not worth fixing or something like that and the good thing is if you tear these things down I didn't really need anything serious I just needed a number two phillips screwdriver which basically did everything a big flat head just for levering stuff pair of pliers usually comes in handy small pair of needlenose for you know getting out springs and stuff like that and one of them are did actually need a art talks but yeah if you want to go and rip these things apart on site you know if you're hiding out in the dumpster you don't want to take it out well yeah you know disassembling one of these things in the dumpster and salvaging all the parts out of it then yeah you don't need to take along a big tool kit with you generally you know a couple of screwdrivers these are going to let you work salvage all the stuff you like and a pair of outside cutters as well just for cutting you know ripping through any Kate and cable harnesses that get in the way wafer you know your speedy exit from the dumpster so I hope you liked the video if you want to discuss it jump on over to the eevblog forum and if you like teardown tuesday as always thumbs up catch you next time I better go clean my hands I have actually cleaned them a bit but yeah there's still a little bit dirty see it and back down here in the garbage room aka Aladdin's cave we have another three of these multifunction things or our office things there is the HP Officejet l 7580 um you know presumably not working they usually got you know some sort of little fault with them hey we've got another monitor down there tiny little thing either I've already got like 18 monitors we've got a phaser 3100 MFP you may remember I've mentioned that one before that's the one that was dumped on top of the LCD monitor that time and we've got another HP LaserJet something or other and once again these are all you know the scanner type and of course this has got a yeah sheet feeder on top it's probably another motor or two in there and stuff like that this one's also work sheet feeder so these things are a dime a dozen they really are it's crazy and for those people who ask because I get a lot of people asking where is this garbage room and can I go there is it publicly accessible no it's not it's a private garbage room and you do need a key to get in it's in a corporate are the eevblog corporate towers here down in the basement sorry you've got to find your own but yet all of these are large industrial parks and big commercial buildings they'll all have a garbage room like this and well this one just happens to have a high percentage of these sorts of office products anyway catch you next time you you
Channel: EEVblog
Views: 220,793
Rating: 4.9008851 out of 5
Keywords: fax machine, printer, laser printer, multi-function scanner, scanner, dumpster diving, dumpster, garbage
Id: 7wAPWTzK8iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2013
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