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good morning welcome back to my channel have you ever dreamed of buying a house in italy or just wanted to study italian in tuscany or the amalfi coast or find a job for a year in rome perhaps you're tempted to retire with your partner to sicily or somewhere in the south maybe you have european parents or grandparents and you'd like to process a european passport or you might be curious about whether it's possible to freelance from italy or start a business here as an entrepreneur since i moved to italy 10 years ago i have made many tv shows i have made hundreds of episodes here on this channel about learning the language cooking the recipes understanding the customs and the people but arguably the most difficult part of moving to italy for any reason or any period of time is obtaining a visa or european passport when it comes to visas every country is slightly different anecdotal advice is not ideal as someone who has applied for every visa imaginable trust me when you're dealing with consulates they don't care about the story of some friend or youtuber who told you it was okay to submit a certain document they simply reject your application and that's it you're best of listening to a legal expert so i found you one and made a list of your most common questions so you have the best chance of attempting the notoriously infuriating process of becoming more than a tourist in italy [Music] michele kapeki is an italian lawyer who completed his masters in the united states has worked around the world but came back to his home of florence in tuscany where his firm specializes in helping foreign corporate and individual clients navigate all things legal in italy he came to meet me at my boyfriend's office in florence and while we do suggest you seek legal advice for your specific situation and country and even state because i found in australia the consulate rules varied slightly depending on the state hopefully this discussion will be helpful for a general introduction to the possibilities of moving to italy and over the past 15 years i've been basically doing this like helping foreign investors and family to to relocate and set up their business their family their life here in italy if we could i wanted to talk today about um sort of different groups of people first i think the the person who is just wanting to study here florence hosts over 60 study abroad programs some through american universities that they have their affiliate their sister companies here other through international programs it's just a matter of a few weeks ago that a new law was actually enacted that allows american students coming to attend a a program through an american university that has a site here to avoid if they are planning to say up to 150 days the need of having a visa so it's a new it's part of a new agenda to try to simplify the the process for students also i think as a consequence of the covet situation to try to reduce amount of paperwork and and bureaucracy behind collecting a visa obtaining a permit to say so now it doesn't apply to every student but a lot of students that can now come here basically just with their passport stamping stamping their passport when they arrive going to request a direct sony presence like a presence declaration at the local immigration office and that's it all the other students all those people that are not necessarily undergrad students there are a lot of people that are more grown up decide to come to study to study in florence and generally speaking um if the program start in the study program lasts up to three months you don't if you're coming from a country again like america like united states or canada where you're not in uh requested to have an entry visa to to come here as a tourist you don't need it first to study the process obtain a study visa requires to have a program that you enroll generally speaking is requested a program that lasts at least 20 hours per week instead of counseling will put on your passport eventually if a visa is a sticker attached to your passport with that document you'll be able to enter in italy within eight days that's very important you have to request a permit to stay a lot of people come to me and say like we i have a visa i've been here under a visa the visa to be very precise is just the document that allows you to enter from your home country to it is that that's that's the sticker once you are here you need to obtain a permit to stay permissory which is the actual document is a plastic card with your information inside that allows you to stay here and to travel around europe and that you can renew if you continue your program for more than six months a year you can renew passing through the immigration office as well and allows you to stay here longer than what you originally planned you cannot move from one study abroad program to another one so you cannot go from study language to study photography or something else from other universities you have to say within the same program within the same school how much time do you recommend someone leaves because a lot of the time i get people writing to me saying that's it i've decided i want to move to italy and i i would like to go in six months i mean do you think that's unrealistic that someone should leave more time like say 12 months for everything to process it's hard to say like generally speaking i think that six months is a good time it depends on whether you're coming through an organized program like your university if you're planning to come to study with your independent study abroad program so it's by yourself only complication can be collecting the document from the institute from the entity that will be hosting you and it's very important to ask questions to this entity like can you are you a pro is your program recognized to come to study abroad i learned that the hard way because you assume that okay if it's a language school and if i have the hours that will be enough but not all schools initially are actually registered absolutely it doesn't have to be a university it can be also a private program but it's important to be sure that is a program that obtained through the region through the government the authorization to offer courses yes say are you entitled to offer programs for which i can request my student visa yeah that's very important yeah and also um i i found with my own stroke visa struggles because over 10 years i've i've got different types of working holiday visa study visa all kinds of things and and one of the questions that they ask of you is to show proof of accommodation now i would love your expert opinion on this because often i find myself in a situation that i don't want to commit to a lease and many people i imagine don't want to commit to a lease without seeing it they're over in their in their home country but uh can does it suffice to put a hotel or a temporary airbnb apartment for example tell that definitely doesn't because it must be a place where you have that covers basically the duration of your study abroad program right it's also possible of course like if you if you come here with the intention of staying for three months having a contract of three months is very very basic is not extremely complicated and you very much depend on whether you're doing by yourself you're doing through an agency you can always ask to an agency the possibility to have some flexibility like obviously the owner of the apartment has the right to receive a notice if you're planning to leave the apartment before the the end of the contract that you originally signed so in that respect it's not impossible to change the apartment before the natural expiration of the contract you sign sometime when you're still at your home country that's the reason why i say it's important to negotiate with the with the real estate agency if you're doing it through a real estate agency or through the owner of the apartment saying listen i'm happy to stay here for one year but what if i don't like if i need i want to be in somewhere else i want to change my my location in different part of the city are so that's when generally speaking the contract actually the contract must provide for um the time the notice time that you're expected to give to the owner to the landlord in order to leave to leave the properties airbnb airbnb depends on the kind of agreement that you're established with the airbnb owner again because you are expected to cover the entire duration so if with the airbnb owner you set up a rental agreement for three months the owner by law is respect expected to give you a written contract because any contract lasting more than 30 days are expected to be already to be in written form and to be registered with the i with the agency of elentrate revenue agency so uh with the the study visa uh i i found that they the when you call the consulate or sometimes they won't respond or they won't they'll very seldom reply to emails at least this is my experience in australia and it becomes uh very frustrating for someone to plan particularly because at least with uh with my experience with australia and correct me if i'm if i'm wrong but i i found that i had to uh buy a purchase the travel insurance and my ticket without having received the confirmation that i have the visa now this was for me quite i said oh but what if the visa is rejected is this true that this is you have to take that risk is that right it's that you have to take that risk you definitely need you need to arrive at the appointment with a consulate with a full package to be sure that your study abroad program really exists and that you're really able to uh to be covered so in terms of insurance because what if something happens to you while you're in italy and you're you're not covered the italian healthcare system is amazing but it is not a free ride for any anyone who wants to come here there are a lot of opportunities for people that decide to stay here to enroll in a healthcare program but in in principle if you're coming for a temporary amount of time so if you're not a taxpayer in other words to and you don't participate to to like support in the healthcare system you're expected to come with within insurance and that's part of the package that you have to provide when you when you complete the before completing the process and when you are in the process of obtaining the visa if we're looking at something beyond just study if we if we move now into talking about those who might want to either work either freelance work for themselves and and retain the clients that they have in their home country or potentially find work here initially what happens then is that important information that while you're studying abroad first you can also support yourself by studying abroad because you can work part-time your permit to stay and eventually you obtain a permit to stay to study you are entitled to work part time with any company up to 20 hours a week so it's a part time it's a part-time that sometimes it's an excellent way to support yourself but it's also an excellent way to get in touch with the potential clients our company a company that can maybe get to know you if they like if they like you there's actually the possibility of converting your study program that your study permit to stay in a work permit to stay so this is important while you're studying abroad during the duration of your program while your permit to stay is still valid so it's not expired yet there is a possibility under a specific requirement to convert your study abroad permit to stay and work permit to stay otherwise if you have a great idea just finish your master's study abroad master program you want to use the connections that maybe in the meantime you you created and you want to remain here in italy you can do it by converting your student permit to stay in a self-employed freelance consultancy permit to stay and may i ask i know it's it's a it's a very difficult question to answer but i'm i'm curious about your opinion because a lot of people ask me how difficult is it to find work in italy if you don't speak italian or if you speak rudimentary italian and i i never know how to answer because you speak very well italian still i still make a million mistakes but i wonder because you know your wife is american and so you must you must be frequenting quite a few expats here and i think that learning language is a key is a key for success and it's the key to love and enjoy fully uh the place where you're living like if you decide to stay in italy is because obviously it's not only uh it's not for the for the efficiency it's not because it's not bureaucratic country there are a lot of cons in in this country compared to many countries maybe the countries where these people are coming from but the quality of life the the heart of people uh the the the landscape the even the standard of living that sometimes you can enjoy here in italy is unparalleled and i think that coming here with the intention of setting up a business activity without uh being fully in without having the full intention to learn the language is would be absolutely problematic from a from a bureaucratic from a practical point of view because it's not only about um you know setting up a company you can say yeah my my clients will be international yes but you have to get a lease for the place where you want to work you have to pay utilities the internet can stop working the plumber the the plumbing system can break suddenly and they have like not have any more electricity there is a leak in that in in in in the walls like so there are you you think that you can set up your shop activity business activity online activity with a permission it comes out that you need to have long lists of requirements and you don't speak the language so i think speaking a language is essential for the success of the business but especially for the success of your of your life abroad otherwise it would be like you are missing the the majority of the reason why you're not coming here just to make money you come here because you have something that your home country cannot give you and not speaking the languages absolutely would force you to like not to enjoy a lot of these things for for me i'm a huge advocate of of learning languages just because i think it's also it's a show a sign of respect to the country i have a lot of clients they come they came they come on a regular basis we just obtained the work visa for many of these clients some of these people don't speak a word of english of italian but they have a very international mindset they know what they have been here before this is something that probably i would suggest like if you're planning to do like a big move to come if you want to come to italy and set up your business move your life here i would definitely suggest to try a few times maybe trying to come different during different moments of the years and maybe trying not always go in the same place trying different places because again florence is very international cities there are a lot of people that can survive easily without speaking a word of italian for for many months for many years sometimes but then as soon as you move out of florence and you go a little bit more in the countryside or in smaller cities you understand you realize immediately that the the the amount of people that can actually speak back to you in english gets much smaller and that's when you have to say you have to uh you have to jump into that the culture and the language of the country you have to to do it and and let's talk about uh uh cost of living because uh often with visas they they will ask you to have a certain amount in your bank account like we as a law firm we are many of many times requested to collect part of the documents part of the document must be collected for instance through the chamber of commerce and there are so called parameters economic parameters so depending on the kind of job you want to establish to set up immediately there could be like different parameters provided to to the applicants through the chapter of commerce telling for this kind of activity you are expected to have at least 20 000 you are in your bank account and is again it's it's a kiss bike is a situation where you have to justify to the consulate that according to the parameters and the standard of living you're going to have in your apartment in your in your apartment that you're you're renting and what you're planning to do you're able to cover those costs so and that is when you have to show uh a recent bank statement proving that you have that cash and sometimes you also requested if you're coming forward to provide your last tax return to show that you've been able to generate business at home at your in your home country uh in amount that is sufficient then for you to to keep on surviving also with your business in your in your in your new place in italy so then as a as a freelancer that would be uh someone who is uh working for themselves and probably remotely online a lot of the time uh that they would look to going towards a a self-employed visa visa okay and and in terms of the the timing for that what do you recommend usually uh sorry i know it's difficult it's not difficult like um we just completed as i said in extremely efficient way like we had the quotas that came out in october 22nd of october and we immediately started collecting applicants application from international people that got if we provided like a like a post online saying hey there are new quotas is there anyone who is interested in obtaining the work visa to come as a freelance and we will receive the many inquiries in this respect and so in in about two months in a super efficient way we were able to submit to collect all the documents and to submit the the applications around the second week of december so in less less than two months we were able to collect and to put together all the documents for the to to be shared to be submitted italian consulate of the place where the person is living it's very important to notice this if you are calm if you are still in your home country the application for your freelance visa must be submitted at the consulate of the place where you're living you can't choose the consulate it's where the place where you're paying your bills where you have your bank account so and that's one of the things that they ask you the consulate can you provide evidence that you live under our jurisdiction many times online we are we've been helping a lot of life coaches in digital graphic designers or marketing strategists people working with an incredible international clienteles some busy immediately trying to expand their business abroad many with the american clients that they had before moving to italy in this case it's important to collect documents and it's one of the things that we do very efficiently is to help them collect this information through the chamber of commerce through the immigration office through the to the labor desk there are numbers of documents that need to be collected in italy and if the person that is planning to come to italy is still in his home country they need to appoint a legal proxy someone who is in italy helping them to collect these documents yes and that part is quite complicated and i so many times i would try to search for a solution that didn't involve me uh buying a two thousand dollar flight back to australia because then i wasn't sure how long i'd have to wait in australia because the consulate couldn't tell me how long it would take to process so i was trying to see if it could happen online but you must present yourself in person is that right if you live in your home country you definitely need to apply through the italian consulate of the place where you're living if you're coming here as a tourist just to say and you fall in love with the country you fall in love maybe with a person and you don't want to go back home you cannot and be very careful about this you cannot uh come here as a stu as a tourist and then change your status from from tourists to worker um without going back home and applying for the visa because the visa is a document that can only be provided by the italian consulate in your home country yes and and sometimes i have encountered uh foreigners here who say ah no but you know they it's fine i'll overstay my visa and i said but they fine you don't i mean i i have you encountered any any people people overseeing yeah people oh yeah yeah people it's extremely risky yes overseen is not risky from the only from a point of view that if you're caught you can be extra like can be expelled from italy because you don't have a permit to stay or if you or if your visa expired is a problem also when you decide to travel somewhere else because assuming that you decide to stay in italy for two years three years without renewing your permit or without having a pyramid you maybe you come as a tourist and you decide to stay here for an extended amount of time beyond the 90 days that you have as a tourist every 180 days at some point you have to leave if you want to leave and you want to go back to your home country you have to get an airplane at that point the custom authorities will see when the stamp on your password passport was put and they will say you entered six months ago and you are expected to leave after three months how do you justify your oversay if you don't have a valid justification related to a health problem and emergency uh situation of pandemic like the one that we're facing they you can be really be put in the black list of people that overstayed and you could have serious issues the next time that you're trying to come back you could be banned from the whole schengen area not just italy is that right it is correct because the the regulation that um the regulations that govern the the traveling in in italy are part of the european union there is a free movement treatment treaty that regulates the entire european union so we have external borders not internationals so in when you're traveling from italy to france the controls are of course there are some controls through the airport that are minimal but the big control is done in any european country every time that you're arriving in europe or you're leaving from from europe from european union and therefore every time that you're showing your passport you could really face someone at the custom office telling you you overstayed you didn't respect european union regulation it's not italian regulation it's european union regulation about how many days you can see here as a tourist yeah which is 90 right which is 90 days every 180 days so it means that every six months you can't stay more than three months more or less because some people used to think oh it's fine i'll just catch a flight to london and then come back in no it's michele let's talk about the ultimate dream which is to to buy a villa or a ruin or maybe just a little one-bedroom cottage apartment uh in italy uh this i think is is quite common with with my audience that they've been to italy either once or numerous times in their life they they know they love it uh they're either looking to retire here or um or really to move their whole life here even if they're you know in their 30s or whatever what is involved with buying a property uh here and what what visa is required because it you don't automatically have the right to live in the country uh just because you purchase a property is that correct that's very correct buying a property easily immediately as you said is the ultimate dreams of a lot of person because it's so easily so easy to reach so you can fly easily especially from our from america from canada a lot of countries you can easily from england there are so many from so many british citizens that especially recently over the past couple of years have decided to come to to buy a property in italy and um the real estate market is extremely complex is like we are we've been helping people that are in the real estate market they've been in the real estate market for for decades and then arriving from in italy and they are expecting to be able to use the same principle the same knowledge the same know-how and say well i've been doing this for 30 years and then one suddenly said yes but you cannot do that in italy so in terms of the the incredible amount of pitfalls that you could face the first recommendation that i have is find a legal advisor of course we do that but find a legal advisor if you already have one be sure that they know how to handle real estate transactions because buying a property is it goes beyond the contract that you have to sign in front of a notary neatly with every purchase agreement must be a public deed that must be done passing through a written agreement that is notarized the notary is not the public notary that there is of the comolo system of england or or united states is an officer that is a public officer kind of between a judge and a lawyer who is there to execute the trans transfer of a property between one person and the other but is there as a third neutral and of course his role is to be sure that all the rules are are respected he also can advise normally speaking generally speaking the note you can advise the buyer in order to be sure that he's doing a good thing but a lot of people a lot of persons prefer to have their personal advisor their legal advisors that tells them in advance before arriving in front of the military whether a property's value is appropriate if it's too expensive what to expect once you have the ownership sometimes people arrive to the notre dame thinking that they will be able to move the window and you cannot touch external aspect of the buildings unless you are authorized the zoning in italy is extremely the regulation is extremely severe a lot of buildings we're talking about sometimes you buy improper in in places like florence you can easily buy a pro a building that goes back in the 15th century 15th century building of course there are specific requirements a lot of time these buildings are covered by fine art restrictions so that there are specific restrictions where the government is basically telling you what you can what you cannot do inside your own house and people think that i can can can i set up like i'm gonna tear down that wall because i want to have a kitchen large kitchen i'm gonna put their huge windows no you can't no exactly and i and i find that for for people outside of italy that's quite a shock with with all the popularity of these renovation shows and and people thinking oh i'll take a falling down uh ruin somewhere in tuscany and i can just redo it but um the thing is that as you said i mean even i know with my partner's family has a property and and there's this little room that is like basically a dungeon but they're not allowed to to do anything to that room they can't even widen the door even because it's against the law and and or even the color of the shutters and and the paint they use there are some issues involving even the colors because especially if you are in in an area where the landscape italy is known for its landscape you see the same hills soft hills of valdorta of siena of the tuscany hills the same landscape designed by michelangelo sometimes you can see the same compare the same landscape designed by michelangelo better fellow and you see it there so it's exactly the same as it was for engineers it's amazing the reason why the buildings must keep a certain color and setting up a building that is completely pink or red or of another color that is completely uh not fitting within that kind of landscape is one of the reasons why even the property is not covered by internal finance fine art restrictions very often countries and houses are covered and under a restriction related to landscape restrictions so again if you want to set up a balcony uh raise one floor or to the other thing sometimes it's possible i'm not saying that you cannot do anything ever but again it's reason why before arriving and the notre dame did to have passed through uh like the good consultancy meeting with uh with the surveyors with a technician with a lawyer who can help you to first of all to set up a good uh a good offer to write a contract that protects you in case there are certain kind of things like legal aspect of the property that you want to be sure that there are not burdens you there are not things that can make it then harder for you to sell after many some years so and then finally you want to be sure that you can really transform that property in your dream house yes and do you have the permission to run it as an aggro turismo because i think many people are thinking okay we retire and maybe if it's a a big property with it with a garden and then a pool perhaps we can do airbnb but or you know to run it as an advertisement but you have to understand the the the details of this you have to know the details about this kind of things you have to be careful when you start promoting it because if you promote it as a bed and breakfast agriturismo casa vacanza each one of those terms qualify a different kind of business entity this different business structure business model for each one of these models there there are rules that need to be respected likewise a lot of people think that okay i'm going to buy a nice apartment like it's going to be just 60 square meters apartment and on the river it's going to be beautiful i'm going to use it at breakfast i'm going to set up maybe a small company to handle to manage the two or three apartments going to buy in florence then it comes out that maybe the building that property is inside a building where there is a condominium regulation where business activities are not permitted right hospitality businesses are not permitted by an agreement that you need to to accept because it's not that you say i didn't know that because it's a public document that belongs to the building and whoever buys is aware of the fact that they cannot do certain kind of business activities maybe related to hospitality it's a big pitfall it's a big surprise that a few times happened to discuss with clients they were ready to down put down a big investment check and they they understood that oh i can't do that like no you're buying a property that has specific regulation where airbnb are not permitted how would you uh do things in terms of timing because imagine someone is saying right i they want to obviously come over and drive around perhaps rent a car drive around the region and and find a real estate agent and see a number of properties but before they go if they want to arrange their their visa before buying the property would they would they go for a long a long-stay visa is it called okay you can buy property as a tourist meaning like you don't need to have a permit to stay to buy a property tourists under um general conditions if they're coming from our countries there is only to be respected reciprocity principle so that an italian that goes in that country can buy a property but generally speaking with countries like the countries like america or in united states canada australia brazil like generally speaking there are no restrictions in terms of a possibility for tourists to come and to buy property in italy so people can buy property as a tourist no problem um if they want to say like i would like to spend a year in italy to enjoy to to travel around i want to try to stay to stay three months in a place two months in a place it's possible but you need a visa again you cannot do as a tourist and you cannot ascend your tourist status so people's thinking i've been here for 90 days can i extend my tourist status while i'm looking for property no you have to go back home and you have to wait three months and then come back here in italy again for three more months as a tourist what you can do if you are sure if you want to take let's say a sabbatical year to have one year um an experience that lasts for one year in a foreign country you can do that proving that you are able to stay in that in italy without working for one year meaning you have to prove that you have sufficient passive income generated in your home country that allows with the amount of money that you receive from brand from dividend from an investment from a fund that generates again money or a company that you own that but you don't need to go every day to clocking clock out so a business that generate a business and generate income to you if you can prove that you have sufficient income again passive income you can request a specific visa that is called for elective resident elective residency visa sometimes is also some people they call it a golden visa it's not golden visa because the golden visa is something completely different that we don't have immediately but is a visa that allows a person that doesn't need to stay doesn't need to work to stay in italy to submit an application through the consulate providing the document requested by the consulate to prove that you are economically independent that you don't need to work because your assets in your home country are sufficient to support you while you're living abroad if the consulate agrees with your application you get a visa that allows you to stay in italy as long as you want to travel around italy and to do whatever you want in italy and maybe eventually find the property of your dream and buy it if you don't have a a company that is giving you this passive income but you do have the funds do you know off the top of your head or how much it would be because i i feel like i've read that somewhere before that you can if you have a certain is it 30 000 or something the law doesn't provide a number the law is very vague in this respect and that's one of those big area blurry situations where each consulate can give you different number generally speaking i've never seen an application where your passive income is less than between 45 and 50 000 euro for the first person for the second person so the two person a couple coming doesn't have to be a hundred thousand so generally speaking 60 70 000 euros is sufficient but again it's very um case-by-case case by case is very it's also depend on what kind of passive income because again if you have money coming from from your pension so you know that every every month you have three thousand euro of pension three thousand euro is a good amount of money if you're again renting an apartment that cost you two thousand euro three thousand euro pension is not sufficient if you're taking a little student in the countryside it costs you seven hundred euro a month maybe for the consulate the your 30 40 000 euro could be sufficient but again it's this situation that must be seen on on a case-by-case scenario if for example a couple buys a property and the property is in the name of uh one one member of the couple uh the the other member can they apply for anything as a spouse can they say i am the spouse of this property owner in no both of them have to get the elective residence there are a few important cabinet important things that are coming to our attention people asking us these kind of things and all related to properties first misleading information i bought a property in italy i bought a beautiful villa i have can i have a permit to stay to use my property that i bought in italy no owning a property in italy is not like in other european countries where owning a property entitles you to have a permit to say having a property in italy doesn't give you automatically the possibility to come having a property of course can be calculated toward the passive income because if you have already property you don't need the three thousand euro to to rent the property because you already have a property so having a property can simplify the application and the legal let's say the lease of document to prove that you are economically able to stay in italy without working so first misconception i have a property i can stay in italy i can as long as i want or without a visa no you still need a visa to come to say here if you're planning to save more than 90 days every 180 18 days the other misconception i have a property nearly i am subject to italian taxation i have to pay taxes all my taxes in italy just because i have a property no you pay property taxes related to the property only to the property that you have in italy i'm coming to visit to save my property for three months four months five months a year do i have to to to report my taxes to the italian government because i have the property again unless you you're you spend more than 183 days or so the majority of the year or if you set up your residency or formal domicile in the property that you own you don't have obligation besides reporting the property that you have in italy or the income of course that you generate in italy because you're working in italy another thing you were talking about my husband owns a property in italy if your husband or the person who owns the property is a foreign citizen like you and therefore if you both work live abroad the fact that one of you owns the property of course it's not sufficient to qualify any of you to have a permit to say if you have one of the two persons has already appeared me to stay for other reasons for work for elective residency for because have been living for maybe european union citizen and they already have a permit to stay or that allows them to stay of course the spouse can request a family visa that allows the person to stay here but it means that the other person has already a document a title a permit to say that allows a person to stay in italy this brings me to my last question then i'll let you go but a lot of uh people who who watch my channel are italo canadians they have grandparents or parents who were born here in italy or in in in the schengen zone perhaps they're french or or whatever or german and and they want to get their own passport now for me i have a greek mother but to get my greek passport it took me seven years so it was a long process personally i wish i had uh worked with a lawyer a lot sooner i i spent a lot of money i mean every time i went back to the concert they made they charged me again to translate the documents to then they said oh now it's past five years so we have to they're not updated so we have to re-translate them what is uh your just a last bit of advice for those who are trying to get a european passport this is an incredible part of actually business activity like we deal we help in like as a law firm we help hundreds of people every year in uh recovering reacquiring their italian citizenship it is true that if you come from if you someone in your family even 150 years ago where italian you are potentially still entitled to recover your italian citizenship how it works we have to go back to the member of the family that was born in italy so your great-grandparents that was born your great-grandfather grandmother were born in infield in napoli whatever maybe even 100 we can go back to in the 1875 65 so more than 150 years ago so that's how back we can go when italy became a nation so before italy didn't exist as a nation so but starting from 1875 65 if someone was already born in italy was automatically he was italian so if that person late years later decided to leave the country the blood italian blood was transferred from that person to all the next generation because what kind of qualifies you as an italian is the fact that you come from italian family so even if you're born abroad collect the birth marriage and death certificate of each one of the person showing that they had the child the child had another child and so on up to the person that is now trying to recover their it's italian citizenship what we do now from from italy is helping them to collect the italian documents so we go back in those little vital record office in the small communities small municipality around italy to collect those documents it's very important to um to clarify something that is not said in on the italian website many times that uh not only the paternal side of the family can entitles you to recover your italian citizenship there is a discus misconception if you read on italian consulates only the paternal side can allow you to recover your italian citizenship that is true because that is the old law that regulates citizenship that says only men can transfer the italian italian blood as a matter of fact through through the years our through the enactment of a new constitution in 1948 and the interpretation provided by the supreme court for at this point 50 years also women has reached the the right to transfer their italian citizenship to to the achievements we filed an application in the court we are asking the judge to not apply a specific aspect of the law and to give an interpretation of the of the citizenship law that is coherent with our constitutional value where men and women are treated equally so we're asking is it possible to to to come to italy without a visa generally speaking it's not possible but if we have worked [Music] us from italy that the person from in their own country in for collection of all the documents so we have recreated the line of blood from that italian ancestor to three generation birth marriage death certificate up to the person all the documents are properly translated properly certified as authentic this person can bring this document in italy and and request them to be processed through an italian community where he or she established their residency you can request a residency and you have to live in italy of course but the entire time of the process it's not that you can submit the application then go back but if you establish your residence in italy you can use your residency to submit the application for citizenship instead of in front of the consulate in front of the vital record office of the commune where you establish your residency it's incredible the amount of cases where we had clients say like just to be sure we did everything we're ready to come and we're already about to fly just want to be sure that we didn't miss something so just to review the document and that is why i said i would move your flight like you're not ready to come like you're missing this you're missing this this is you discrepancy like hey but it's clear that we're talking about the same grandmother's no we're not it's not clear it's not subject to the interpretation miguel gracia gracimile you've been so knowledgeable and i think maybe we would have to do a part two to cover everything completely but uh for the for the moment thank you for this bueno nico and um thank you so much for having me and it was wonderful and thank you so much
Channel: Kylie Flavell
Views: 127,024
Rating: 4.9595017 out of 5
Keywords: move to Italy, visa for Italy, buying property Italy, buying a house in Italy, lawyer Italy, Italian passport, study visa Italy, study in Italy, Italian courses Italy, Florence, Rome, Tuscany, move to Tuscany, dream house Italy, Italian villa, buying villa Italy
Id: ZX_pnRzlfVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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