How to get a soundboard! (FREE!) | #gorillatag

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[Music] hey guys before we get into this video I just want to say that this is completely free this is I think the only free tutorial on YouTube right now and it works completely good it it works really good actually so I hope you enjoy um if you do enjoy please leave a like And subscribe it really helps me out now let's get into the tutorial okay so um the first thing you need to do is you need to install voice mod now with voice mod um it's free and you can get five sounds for free plus the three sounds that come with it so you go to the first link in the description now this is it so you just get it for free download that I've already downloaded it so I don't need to download it but you just enter your enter your Google account Twitch account or Discord doesn't matter I entered email and you just need to do all that and then once you do all that install it now once you once you have it installed put it on your desktop or you can just have it in your taskbar so this is what you'll see when you open up you'll see voice changers um just make sure to turn voice changer off and hear myself off cuz you don't need that what you need to do though is you need to go to settings and if you don't already have Oculus and all your steam setup there's different tutorials for that so yeah but you will need Steam uh you will need steam to do this so you go to your settings on voice mod and you select input now for me I have my microphone set but for you you are going to need to put headset microphone Oculus Virtual device for input and then output headphones Oculus Virtual device also once you go to your soundboard press communtity sounds it will bring you to a page and then this is where I get all my sounds so you can search sounds um you can pick sounds and you just download it and you put it um you download it and then you this is what so it'll say browse files it'll open up your files and you have a bunch of songs after you import the sound you can add keybinds I'll talk about keybinds and Oculus controllers later though so anyways after you're done uh getting sounds and stuff and setting up voice mod you should be good after the voice mod set up you're going to need to go go on to step two step two is a little complicated but it's it's worth it so basically we're going to go hop onto our headset and I'm going to show you how to hook up the soundboard all right so once you're on your headset oh shoot it's a little laggy you're going to want to go to settings Audio Oh shoot it's a little laggy and then for output device you're going to want to put line voice mod virtual audio device okay for input you put virtual voice mod or yeah microphone virtual voice mod device and then once you have that you just can close out and if you want to you can play some gorilla tag but yeah you can run some gorilla tag this is actually what my camera mod looks like this is what I see so I see this well you guys see out of that but yeah oh shoot you can run uh but the only thing is you're probably wondering how do you get on the buttons on your well I don't have it right now on the buttons but you're probably wondering that well basically I'll teach you how to do that on step three which is the hardest step yet but if you want to you can just open up your steam uh press desktops and then you go to vo mod mod I don't have it open anyways you open up your voice mod you can't see it for me because I'm not sharing my whole entire screen but it's right here you go to Soundboard and then you could just press like you can press them but you probably want them to go like you probably want them to go on your hand that's what I'm going to teach you it's really hard but I'll teach you it uh let's go on to it okay so what I'm going to need you to do go to the second link in the description um it says download when um press it and press and you'll see this GitHub I I'm going to need you to press download wind Roar not buy renar but download renar um after you download renar uh you have to go to open VR um open VR 2 key uh it's how you make it go onto your buttons um you can go to the latest version but I'm pretty yeah this is the latest version you just download that real quick I already have it down downloaded so I don't need to okay next what I'm going to need you to do is you're going to need to press new and press folder now once you have that new folder which for me it's this folder right here but you're going to make it that folder you're going to open up this folder right here and uh like I said you downloaded Ren raar you're just going to want to drag winar out here uh make sure it's on your desktop right here and then you're just going to put Runar in that folder so now when you open that folder R Runar is going to be there now you're going to open up uh your folder that you have rnar in you're going to right click it and you're going to press extract here and it should yep extract all these right here um but yeah now you'll have this folder right here now I just usually put mine in the top right corner cuz it's out of so it's out of the way um now that you have it up there um the main part that you need is open VR two key right here so you're just going to open this up real quick this will be here um you just Mize that now you see all these keybinds I'm going to teach you all right so it says disconnected cuz I'm not on Steam VR uh but see these are the keybinds that I use your soundboard and you're going to pick the thing press the little add keybind button like that right there and then you're going to press the keybind on your keyboard uh just it's not actually F2 but you see right here F9 F12 f11 f8 and then when you go on to uh your PC which I'll show right now um it will just automatically open this right here and you'll see I'll show you now that I'm on gorilla tag when you load in you should be able to press your buttons and uh your keybinds will work so so yeah you can go troll with this but be careful careful cuz if you do get banned it is not my fault it is your fault completely cuz I'm just doing this for fun like little stuff like if people ask you to leave please leave the server but yeah I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you want more tutorials on stuff just tell me what you want a tutorial on um it has to be VR related but I'll do it [Music] hi
Channel: Tripix
Views: 106,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bOF8ChrthSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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