A PERFECT EARLY GAME START! Anno 1800 - Let's Play #1

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hey guys how's it going and welcome back into some more no 1800 okay so I have a new series that we're going to be starting today it's going to be a little bit different from what you are used to though uh the last series on the channel which unfortunately did end rather abruptly because of you know some glitchy saves that were crashing on me and everything uh it was a it was a heavily modded save and it was so much fun to play like that but here lately I've seen a lot of new players coming into the game and a lot of new people asking me about you know just a more updated current playthrough of the game without mods and sometimes without dlc's and you know I thought that would actually be an interesting way to go about it it's been a long time since we've just done a basic simple playthrough of the game and with so many people coming into ano still to this day even almost 5 years after release I thought it would be kind of fun to do this for you all So the plan is we're going to have three different series each of those three will be normal Advanced and expert we're going to be playing just with the Bas default settings uh no changing custom settings or anything else like that just whatever you know the three basic settings of normal Advanced and expert we will be playing on Sandbox with no mods or anything and with no DLC so this will be a good way for especially you console players out there to see how you can play the game and just how to go through and just kind of finish the base game and what do I mean by finish the base game uh we'll just be going up to 5,000 investors 5,000 investors is what you need to finish and get the World's Fair completed after you have the World's Fair there is a an additional sort of goal to have 10,000 investors which is what you need to have the Sumptuous exhibition but I'm going to kind of call it quits at 5,000 investors cuz that will at least get the World's Fair built and unlocked and from there you know you should have a really good handle on how to manage everything and getting another 5,000 investors really isn't that difficult it's just you know a matter of going through the steps and everything to build and expand and all that kind of stuff so it's really not that difficult to do after that but I figure going up to 5,000 investors would be you know a good stopping point that gives me a good start and finish because everybody knows that I am terrible about completing a series on this channel uh I I I get bored after you know part 50 sometimes so this should be a fairly short series I I don't know how many parts it's going to be I won't be showing every single thing there will be some cuts and some time lapses and stuff but we will be talking about everything that I have done as we go along so with that let's go ahead and get ourselves a game set up all right and again we are just going to be starting on normal that's going to give us Willie bar barl and Princess Ching 75,000 starting High influence large world and Islands abundant minerals and fertilities Full Construction refunds and free building relocation uh one thing it does not tell you with this right here is this of course does start you on a predetermined Island you don't get to choose your Island and it starts with the map reveal uh turned off and everything so you do have to kind of explore and find everything I believe it also does archipelago I think is the is the normal is the default map is the archipelago but yeah we're just going to go with that right there normally I do custom and I always recommend custom but a lot of people just like to play normal so we're going to go with it just to show you how you can go about doing it and why Barrel is yes she's a pain but she's not of pain if you know what you're doing so let's get started all right so our first island is not bad uh we did get nigher I'm usually not a big fan of ner but I don't want to sit here and constantly try to roll and restart to um you know not get nighter uh so we'll just go with this right here uh we do have potatoes and grain you typically always will have those red pepper pretty decent again the nighter is not the best but you know we'll we we'll live with it so let's go ahead while we're doing this and I'm going to go take him and go start exploring and while he's exploring I'm going to start laying out the city I'm going to go ahead into blueprint mode to do that I do have a bunch of stamps uh if you're interested in stamps and everything you can check out all of the stamps over on my Discord server okay I got our ship going around doing some exploring uh if you didn't know you can actually hold down shift and just right click and it kind of cues up points so I have him going around exploring um found Willie barrel and Chen obviously I know this map archipelago so all four starting islands are right in the middle so I knew everybody was going to be already got some houses going uh about 216 what we got like 262 people right here so I'm ready to go ahead and get them some supplies fish and our work clo I'm going to put all this right here actually I'm going to shift you up a little bit so I can get the work the framework Knitter right there okay cool get that supplied ah perfect first Quest super important to do these things super important do all the quests that pop up especially for barrel uh you want to hurt we don't want make sure we got on her good side early on so do these quests as soon as you see them pop up they do give you some cash very important what I'm looking for is I need to find Archie and a was good way you can do that oh see we've got a he actually has a quest for me right there go over here and grab that Quest um she does not have a quest if you tilt your map down like this you can look around and if you know what you're looking for you can find the different neutral Traders all right so here's Eli's Island right here this silhouette right here so that's Eli i s I found him ah here's Archie you can tell Archie is because it have that big building on top like that so there's Archie's Island so that's what we're looking for cool don't Puzzle Quest To Find The Farmer's husband he's usually at the pub there he is get the BOS okay cool all right speed things up here yeah you can have that bit of Timber so let's go over here and find Archie and we are ready to do some upgrades here in just a second we're just waiting for that to get filled up now double check our consumptions here we're fine I do want to go ahead and grab an island uh This Island right here is what I want I want this island right here because it's got some zinc and some copper uh plenty of coal iron and it also has hops and fur and grapes on it so this is a lovely Island I definitely want to go get that all right I'm not going to build anything else right now I'm just going to keep expanding our population for a few it's kind of where we're at we still just need to expand our population cool all right so that gives us our first expansion Island right there which is going to be useful here shortly going turn off those trade notifications because they get really annoying all right I do want to get my first fire station in because fires will start happening here pretty soon and I want to be sure I have some coverage for that so right here will work keep doing quests in the early game uh like this right here oh my gosh 14,000 for just a pickup quest for some flatsome easy enough so that's going to give us a nice chunk of cash coming in right there and be very useful we're low on fish and work clothes so we need to increase that production all right let's go ahead and get some of that worker stuff going here we want a Clay [Music] Pit and I want two of those are you open to trade uh trade rights for 4500 I will take that because it does give us some bonus reputation so that's helpful going to go ahead and also start selling off some of this stuff right here that I don't really need excess of in stock start making some extra cash coming in for us cool all right very important right here we want steel beams and we want uh bricks yep we want all of this stuff right here so let's grab this bring this down more quests always do these quests uh we shall go and do that here in just a second let me go drop this stuff off these are good times old Herold there he is Some Coal okay that's not bad I'll take that up here oh wait no looks like the Pirates are over here oh yep never mind there's the Pirates I saw red okay so the Pirates are up here right next to Archie that sucks oh that really sucks oh well we'll we'll make do we shall make do a compor raised a all right looks like Barrel has started her expansion want to get some sails coming in on us Willie has some quests oh nice okay this is going to give us reputation with both of them so that'll be good so Barrel took this island down here perfectly fine not worried about it you've got potential delivery quest for dang flower and six weapons I do have the weapons uh the flower actually would not be hard to get let's go ahead and set ourselves up might be like right let's just go up here and do it all right I need 12 flour 6 minutes it'll take me to get that so not bad all right so in the meantime we will just keep expanding all of our Productions ready to get soap going one two three four five I do not like that layout what is this layout that I just did here all right well whatever that layout is it's a mood I guess all right so there is soap how we doing on reputation with everybody we're at 60 and 60 she don't like anything just yet uh non-aggression packs non-aggression packs are really good if you can get what because it instantly gives you 10 reputation so those are really really good to have can't get with one with her just yet I could give her some cash for two more reputation cool all right there's that another Puzzle Quest for wild Narcissus nice trade agreement with him too I will take that wild narcissus Island I'll let him go ahead and settle an island I don't need too many islands all right cool there's that let's upgrade this let's pop over here to Archie some more of these guys we'll throw in a bakery now too uh we'll put that Bakery up here I guess double check everything uh work clothes a little shy again so we shall expand that production I'm not really worried about where everything's going cuz eventually all of this stuff will move and there's the school we just need a little bit more that grab that that'll work go on down here all right so uh by the way and I forgot to mention this at the beginning of the episode when we started I'm not going to use the call Paloma to bring in like the actor and Bruno and stuff the reason being is simply because um since I am trying to make this something that console players can follow console players do not have access to those Specialists uh from the grand Gallery which is kind of unfortunate but is just kind of the how it how it goes so I'm not going to use any of those Specialists that way it's completely fair and even the console players can follow you know what I'm doing without any of the lovely cheat eat that those bring all right I am going to basically just move this entire operation up here just hold on I'm I know you're going to get real mad here in a second but it's okay there okay cool move that out move that up there out of the way oh we got some fire over here another fire station a few more and now we are in Artisans okay so first expedition to the new world is ready let's go ahead and assign that Flagship uh we are going to take some fish some of that and a BOS and all right and that's all I want just that that and go all right that introduces us to Ann harlo as well and we also wish to spread Harmony uh uh don't um I'm not going to do alliances with anybody even though these three right here are actually the best ones to do alliances with I'm not going to do that going hold off just for the second um I am going to go ahead and do this though let's get a ceasefire with an harlo for 20K we're going to start farming that reputation with her I need him to start selling some ships till then we'll get a sailing Shipyard built need 750 Artisans to get a Clipper but we can at least get a schooner out upgrade some more of those guys we are completely out of steel so let's just go ahead and tell it to buy all the steel bricks and that up this to 45 we'll tell this to sell one above 45 actually we'll tell to sell one over 50 yeah yeah just do 50 okay cool ship instructor all right so there is our Schooner all right let's see what quests we have from everybody again quests always very important to do seven tons of soap I can do that deliver that to her double check all of our consumptions again so now we need some more bread and we need some some more um sausages throw down that over here come back ah there's some steel good oh wait no well we low on those two things I'll be all right for a second a photography Quest these are such these are the best oh I love these all right easy a pickup quest for some flatsome okay I can go and do that want to check Archie to see if he's selling uh he is selling a frig actually uh I will take that I will take a frig in case I need an escort Quest or something they only cost 20K so they're not bad going go ahead and build myself another Schooner yeah we don't have anything crafting so it's fine the new world Expedition is usually pretty easy to do all right let's just keep upgrading our workers there we go okay all right that gets us to 600 Artisans not bad doing okay on all of our consumptions right [Music] here constru could turn off one Fisher and I'm going to keep that on actually all right need a little more steel to come in so I'm going to go ahead over here and just probably have to buy some guess I got to get my windows going now my ship finally coming it has you spank you he's so weird I don't want you to spank me at all freak all right and windows will go in next all right so we got a souvenir seller not bad that'll be helpful when we uh are ready to build the public Mooring on the island here in a little while go ahead and buy up all of that again somebody's at War who is she at war with she's at war with uh Barrel okay all right Barrel is liking us a lot more right now for ten would like to do that but only have the one frig unless he has another frig for sale yeah he does actually you know what well I I can't buy the other frig there's Eli all right so that gives us two frig right there get some windows going now uh going to also go ahead and throw down our other rendering works now because I want to start selling uh I want to start selling off soap to Eli since I finally met him and don't ask me what's going on with this up here it's a it's a whole thing I don't know what I'm doing with it all right so where was Eli there's Eli I still haven't found kahina this kahina you hiding out at is that her no that's not kahina we Ken into the unknown huh OD she's got to be one of those two spots right there so okay let's go ahead and finish this part yeah we don't care don't care got a reward though uh from bananas don't care and continue on all right and we are here in the New World cool let's just go ahead with our Clipper or our Flagship real quick and I'm just right clicking all over the place to start discovering the region take our ship go I trust you uh oh this is actually a perfect Island right there there's no rivers on it it's got 15 oil fields I am yeah this is a great Island to start with shut up lady Okay cool so we're going to go grab this island first hopefully do some exploration in this region pop back up here he's got a quest for me an escort quest for 13k which I will do because I've got two frig now so that'll be helpful keep a minimum stock of 20 soap and then we're just going to sell off the excess soap to Eli ah there she is andde okay there she is oh it's just these yeah I don't want to do that all right I'm also going to go ahead to uh kahina and I'm going to buy and sell or buy Rum from her the rum is going to be very useful for our Artisans early on it's going to give us some extra cash coming in cuz right now they are very unhappy cuz I've given them basically nothing but that's okay they'll have plenty of stuff here very soon there's a church for them I feel unfulfilled so basically right now I'm just kind of in a waiting phase I need to get some more Windows coming in I need to stock up on more steel beans uh we got to get up to our little island which we are there and I want to go ahead and claim that I want to go grab a few more Islands here in the new world that I might want uh This Island right here looks pretty good this island down here looks better I don't have anything with corn yet corn and yeah got corn corn on it it's got corn but a whole lot of rivers course that has a lot of rivers too go this way so I'm going to go finish exploring the new world uh going to uh settle a couple more islands and everything and get the islands settling done that I want in the new world I want at least three islands in the new world I think that would be I think that would be an adequate number of islands is three uh This Island right here looks decent it's not exactly huge but it's decent and it has corn on it and just kind of keep stocking up on some materials that I need here in the old world and then the next one when we come back I will probably move on to engineers and get through the engineer phase and start moving into investors as we expand around onto our different Islands so that's a good kind of just quick breakdown we got to Artisans we got to the new world what I'm looking for in islands and how I'm looking for things and also what a lot of people don't understand is how to make make nice with the AI cuz they you can you can make nice with the AI it's really not that difficult you just have to do constantly do Quests for them every time you see that little star pop up on the map go do that and you will quickly find some find some friends in the AI let's go get this right here done have your inv on straight and so there's a ship up here that I got to go escort he's going to declare war on me here pretty soon and that's fine CU I'll I'll just sign a ceasefire with him as well again yeah we're going through a lot of our money right now uh just because we are using up okay there's the run that came in we are buying a lot of that stuff but it's okay we'll we'll get there with it so so that is it for this first part of our no 1800 normal difficulty basic vanilla playthrough right here I hope you will join me for the second part we'll get through the artisan and engineer phase uh go ahead and expand out through the new world and get all that set up and running and continue from there with that guys I hope to see you in the next one until then take [Music] care
Channel: Taka
Views: 14,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anno 1800, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 tips, anno 1800 beginner tips, anno 1800 tips for beginners, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 tips and tricks, anno 1800 takarazuka, anno 1800 game, how to play anno 1800, anno 1800 how to, anno 1800 beginner guide, anno 1800 how to start, anno 1800 beginners guide, anno 1800 in 2024, anno 1800 lets play 2024, anno 1800 gameplay 2024
Id: jwnqETFlR2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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