GLOBAL WAR! - Let's Play ANNO 1800 - S2 Ep.101 [All DLC]

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hello everybody Darren here and welcome back to Anno 1800 and the last episode we began preparations to go to war with Arthur Gasparov he's been a thorn in my side for pretty much 100 episodes now and after we wiped lady Margaret off the map Arthur slowly expanded and kind of filled the void left behind he took pretty much every island available and then he began to bully benty Jorgensen taking advantage of her good innocent nature until she had almost nothing left this forced us to keep her alive through the use of pirate fleets intercepting his fleets and defending her coastlines for her recently Arthur has been attempting to even buy out my islands and even going so far as the drop propaganda on my capital ladies and gentlemen this madness has to end so recently we had a windfall of influence from the latest DLC and this influence has been used to build up my defenses on my most prominent Islands build new ships and also have the capacity to actually hold Islands once we take them which is very important and that's exactly what we're going to be doing today taking Ireland's Waging War destroying Arthur it's the crack of dawn we've rallied together some airships we've got a whole brand new Fleet built lots of defenses on our biggest islands like I said spotlights are aiming up from the flat cannons waiting for any sign of the airships trying to take on Manola also loads of armor-piercing cannons flame cannons at the back repair cranes Harbor Masters sounding off on the dynamic loudspeakers keeping the defenses going we're ready now this various stages to the how ready we could have been of course I could sit here just farming influence forever 10 hours 20 hours you name it and we could have thousands of influence and raise a fleet of 600 ships but that'd be a little bit boring a little bit too easy I've let some time pass I've made some ships I've made some preparations But ultimately one of our fleets is this size the other one is our OG pirate Fleet we then have the Airship Fleet and that's basically it other than that there are defenses on numerous Islands we're protected hopefully in the Arctic by some flat monitors again spotlight's aiming out looking to the skies but we don't actually have much defenses on this island on these other ones we do have a little bit and of course bombers can come in and basically wipe out our gas so we'll see you know I expect to lose a few Islands here or there to be honest the probably the one that's the most at risk is Crown Farms I've built nothing and I've got nothing there but neither does Arthur have been looking around the theaters he doesn't really have much in the way of military fleets that's changing slightly but I'm gonna risk it it's gonna be fine and then down in embassa I've built a bunch of cannons and things as well now influence again is getting low I've invested I don't know probably like a thousand influence into military right now something like that and uh it's mostly in these defense it's just a deterrent to keep Arthur and his fleets and his patrolling airships away from my biggest islands now if I do lose Islands it's not that big of a deal we can hopefully get them back in the future I can go back to an older save and just have a look at how they were laid out just rebuild them you know the rebuilding effort can always just commence just fine in between episodes so you don't have to watch me doing stuff I've already done anyway without any further delay let's just commit to it I feel like enough time has passed that I just want to get started now ultimately the what's the word the tactics is to Target islands that make ships we can cut off his ability to make ships well then it should be just a domino effect of knocking down Islands after that so this island here flanour is having a car in the vial right now and they seem to be the place where he makes his airships his military airships which is everyone of course as soon as we're done taking out the biggest islands we get the hell out of this session and get over to wherever we're needed next so let's bring the the airships off their patrol not only do we have them just in little handy little group here we've got plenty of stuff 300 bombs 200 C mines we are ready now I've actually just actually defended bent the organson from another attack so she kind of got set back a bit again and honestly she really does not put the effort into rebuilding that much anymore so not seeing too much resistance in this place anymore I was initially which is why I brought so much up uh mostly this is just I think what is it one two three six battleships nothing crazy they got some items on them to make them a little bit better you know our Flagship here the celestial four let's just rename this already have one but we're gonna name it the Caesar gotta do it now we've got three little monitors is it three flag monitors and a couple of flame monitor monitors right there they're actually the blue flame monitors we see a red flame either way all right so that's that Fleet we're gonna slide on down right here sneak around the side wage war bomb the coast take out the Airship Hangar hopefully Destroy This Island nice and fast before then we move on to probably this one over here and then Circle back to our own so what I'm planning on doing is having our Fleet where are they there they are just kind of sit around and defend just in case the little pirate Fleet can go around defending the bigger Battleship Fleet are going to be the ones actually attacking if we recover any influence we'll build some more ships and of course we should probably get look into running a new stadium event just so we can actually hold some of these islands so we'll start it now they should have pretty much enough of everything except oh man that's gonna be a tough one Furs and champagne so we do have airships that can go back home and look to pick them up so we're gonna go to Lusk back here at Lusk I've dealt a couple of extra little defenses here but again not much because there's just no Coastal space really available although on this side we've got a little bit more again some smaller mounted guns some bigger Cannon Towers oh we're ready just about um so yeah I might put on a hold which is going to be a little crazy on saying don't consume champagne because we're gonna have to go just grab it and what was the other one first so if I just also tanked my economy and just turn off this building we should be able to just pick up all those Furs so I'll have to remember when those ships get here gotta pick them up bring them back if you want to get that influence otherwise we'll get a little bit but not enough all right let's commit to it the airships are now pretty much here we're going to do the honorable thing and Ally benty first that's the way it goes we weren't allies already we wear allies you just didn't know it I was out there defending the whole time I'd love to tell her now you know we go behind the table behind the scenes and we say benty that was they weren't Pirates it was us the whole time trying to help you out all right Arthur you a little piece let's say screw you and they mimic um and declare the war The Honorable thing to do not just suddenly spring it on him ready gotta do it the right way first all right let's get moving makes it more interesting ship under attack ships are on the go actually we're probably gonna have to turn off that warning because it's gonna get really repetitive quite quickly this is these are the guys are pretty much ready gonna put them on a patrol stance actually so you can Patrol pretty much around here all right they'll do a little circle and they'll take out any of these smaller ships now I'm guessing the ships that are under attack nothing really that important just smaller little things for now is under attack that's a decent sized Fleet he's actually gotten the old world Harbor's under attack uh it's not really though is it okay we'll be okay we're going to get a lot of that for sure all right under attack commence the bombing run actually we'll wait just to get these other guys just uh right is there and ready to Crest the corner we'll come in with the bombing run then hopefully that'll take his airships offline for good as far as I can tell it's the only place he makes them your Harbor is under attack that's the one that's most important to me just if I'm ever getting attacked by a harbor see this is Cape trelawny we got nothing here and he's just picking away at us but it's just one shift we have one Cannon right that can fire back I'm sure so that should be fine should be fine it's fine all right are we ready to go I think we are let's go bombs bombing run right in there please we've already blasted his Airship hanger it's gone I'm gonna tell these guys to get out as soon as they're done with it and really yeah drop run in progress okay let's go wow those ships at the front are taking a beating probably a bad idea to do this with the entire fleet I guess because they're just gonna die there we go finally keep all right let's fire our cannons oh my God he's making ships right here well let's just keep attacking his face for now yeah one of our airships got destroyed that's okay it's not too big of a deal let's fly to the other side now and we'll drop another bomb on that side because there's some defenses over there your ship has returned all right we should be totally fine to keep going with that let's just get another one of those airships that we just lost we got a baby one taken down yeah so that's not resistance is crumbling it's not gonna fall until he uh loses this so we have to wait till we get up there please engage all right let's fire the mortars airships are coming in now this is what our flat guns are for got three of them bombs are going down again there we go ladies and gentlemen the first island down conquered my damn Island back all right airship battle over the mountains let's go created ships under attack Target established under attack holy don't let him get away all right excellent so let's just tell them to say stop telling me about ships under attack it's fine don't worry about that in fact I'll just turn that off even though it's some of it's going to be important but it's either that or we have it listed listen to it constantly there's runes in my cities what's happening holy crap build that back up immediately holy crap that needs to that we cannot have we cannot afford this place to go that'd be insane we'll be fine that'll be fine don't worry about that all right are we ready to swoop in yet again the airships have taken a bit of a bit of damage and they're getting a little close to there for some reason oh because I told him to chase that other guy that's fine that's fine all right let's bring him back this is for benty just remember that broke up just trying to see on the radar do we see much else around here not really I think we can kind of swoop in now and go for this place as well so let's have a look at what we got got two guns here one big one at the back three on the side the main one as well he has a shipyard down here so this is a crucial place to attack you want to hit it with the bombing run at the same time if we can let's try this again [Music] I think the swoop actually is it's kind of weird the way it's doing it so we'll just click to here and then go across bringing the boys in let's go we're prepared a couple of these got the sea mines on so what we'll do is we'll send them out maybe actually even send them back home maybe light them up light em up uh this one this one was better that's all he's got left right I don't see anything on the other sides I'd like to see you do anything you will burn Majesty into a monstrosity all right we're negative influence that's okay though for a little while now you've got more Islands than me aha we'll give them all to you benty this is all for you okay oh we've got the sad music now okay bring this to the new world of course Manola please and you're gonna go over here and pick up hopefully some uh what's it called champagne all these ships are under a little piecemeal attack here and there they'll be fine they'll be fine all right back we go that's the two biggest islands taken out that's his airships and his Naval recruitment until he builds more so we might have to go take a detour over our own islands and fly up to get repaired we're hitting ships left right and center now how are we everywhere else the Arctic we've got a battleship lone Battleship cruising around our flak monitors are okay he's got a few airships in the distance he hasn't gone for any of our Islands out here in Cape trelawny same sort of situation he's not hitting any of our big places in Besa he's still just circling around down there nothing too bad at all you could go for one of these smaller places it's got nothing to defend it so see if he does all right we've taken that out um there is this little baby Island up here maybe the Pirates could do this on their own one two three four five in total maybe the other guys are better prepared just trying to think where these guys need to move to next you guys definitely need to go and repair the repairs are all the way back up here though it's quite far away although actually we do have repair kits forgot about them there we go yeah two of them were repairing maybe let's just send the one that's not repaired yeah that would make the most sense stations all right everyone else can stick with us and keep keep the attack going so we're gonna creep in here next we'll bring the pirates with us for this one then actually that makes the most sense so once they gather here we'll hit this island and then we'll just mop them up one by one and get the hell out of here and go protect anywhere else that needs it thank you hopefully we're okay everywhere else it seems like we probably are let's just pick up that champagne now trying to buy shares can you imagine desperation small airships almost there all right so yeah we'll pick up some champagne and we'll try to take that to the new world he couldn't defeat an island of mine that's good good to hear no defenses just pure look I guess all right give me that champagne I told people not to drink it that should be enough actually I think let me just check what we have in the new world so that's 99. oh that's just a that's just um a pirate Fleet whoops fire left runes okay so let's check in Manola what do we have in terms of champagne that's here in stock 12. and we needed 150 or something oh but some of it's probably already gone in so what do we need oh yeah yeah do we have enough then great get out of here try not to die while you're at it as well actually it's going to be kind of difficult let me know when you get there to the edge and then I'll send you out all right what's next let's go back to Mornington I was gonna do something here oh yeah sorry lift the uh allow them to have their champagne it's time for celebrations almost ships are under attack all the time oh no the chocolate oh the humanity got no military vessels out this way I was hoping that defenses would do the job but he's gonna harass my lines a little bit but that's okay ships can be replaced it's Islands that'd be the worst thing we're positive for influence now because of the things we've lost all right they're almost there this needs to be out of this group otherwise I'm going to keep sending it in by accident enemy Siege repelled war declared and GC Island acquired devious hostile takeover success there are runes in my cities oh my God you hit the Town Center or sorry the marketplace of bird's eye rebuild some of our defenses there not a problem this is benty's original Island we gotta go for that it's personal a lot of our trade does flow right past here so that's a bit of an issue should we make a battleship why not make one battleship at least our docklands is safe that's the real important thing if I lost an island like tambourine any Capital Islands in any session it'd be a really really big satellite putting it very mildly all right these guys are almost here we're almost at the corner so there's just two big Islands left to go and then it's all small one so very quick indeed then I don't know if I should do it before the war is over but I'd like to just release them so benty can start going out and taking them for herself but probably wise to at least leave it until we're sure that Arthur's not going to come back for a while my um bomber fleet's ready to go again and uh oh yeah so on this one I've actually got tons of pamphlets we could make a run over uh Arthur's home Island shall we do that that should be fun all right so we're gonna try to fly to yeah let's go be safe to get to watching we've got a 200 pamphlets to drop tell them that they're on the wrong side defect um so what do we got C mines oh man I haven't used them at all yet I keep forgetting to might not be a bad idea to send sleep ready the two sea mines somewhere where they'll be useful so go back to Lusk as well actually you guys we'll use them in the old world actually he's on a bit of a predictive path out in the new world so maybe there or um in Besa with a new wave of ideas oh my God he defeated an island of mine I was just saying I was gonna go to invasa maybe losing your Island will polish you all mm-hmm all right well I expected to lose something that was part of the fun where are they now which ones did I just select bomber one bomber two bummer three minor one minor two all right miners you're heading off to invasa get the tab ring ready for order you guys you need to pick up more of those bombs which I think we've got some more a little bit it's hard to see them sometimes did I just go buy it again I don't know oh my God come on where are you somewhere here definitely there they are okay cool yeah bombs you need to see mines all right so we can change our production now come down destroyed some of my buildings make some bombs again please fire left ruins behind all right that's good enough straight you guys flying out this way please they'll be there in no time we could just swoop in with this this is big enough I think one boy oh he's he's bruised and battered can't actually remember what was on that island the small one some sort of spices or something like that I think Fleet coming in awesome power firing everything I have every shell keep going guys you need to move up foreign monstrosity right you've got the champagne bring it to the new world please all right our propaganda shift is here we're gonna fly pretty much straight right over here I don't think it's gonna do that much but it'll make him unhappy now there is a I'm seeing a lot of flack actually we could take in a more unorthodox route maybe the ship is so good to go down though he's actually quite well defended that Island maybe we'll wait we'll wait especially because it's on its own all right so nailed it next one over let's go right here these three can drop their Bombs over this way in a moment stations good do your repairs whoever needs it so this is just the little piecemeal Islands now he's only got like three or four defenses for each one pretty much uh and then also we need to drop off this stuff don't we there we go the fur has arrived you guys can sit outside now so that's just for the soccer stadium again so we're halfway to running out of time on that they need about 70 more champagne they're making the costumes they got plenty of those that's fine the tortillas shouldn't be a problem and then 70 Furs have just been dropped in there so they should be fine for all that stuff not a big deal uh you fool you're after going way too far forward on your own it's a shame some people said why don't you get white flags for your ships it's because it got like 100 ships you know doing trade so not really worth it he's dead I wish I could smoke screen and save them just Light It Up Guys just slide it up pick up the captain though he'll be okay gonna have to have a look around and assess any situations see if we need to get out of here anytime soon all right got it all right let's hop around let's see how it's going everywhere else so the Old Worlds any major threats I'm looking for Blobs of ships like this we're losing cargo ships all the time just from his defenses No Doubt your ship has returned from it we got no defenses on this side we've loads of defenses on this side just not on that one for him passing by here so he's hitting my repair cranes that's a good move broke out not gonna deny it's a good move what about Cape trelawny that place seems okay so far the Arctic I want you there with me that's deep all right everything looks okay let's hop back to the new world let's come in for another bombing run so we're gonna go like this we're gonna say just do it right here and then fly on past it all right our bombers are coming through I learned that tactic from Arthur what you gonna do with the benty so much sorry Nate he's disappointed at me I'm a bit busy all right the Island's done good okay I just gotta do that a few more times here how much more do we have in my monstrosity not that much actually we can start moving our airships now into different places I see you kind of bentia kind of stations all right so we'll circle around this way we'll come around to this island and then it's pretty much a straight run all the way around yeah ultimately we just need to get to there and then there so we'll just cue up that move left ruins behind these guys are repairing it's fine ships do Repair actually eventually even if you don't do anything and I forgot yeah we made a couple extra airships so just make another one or two can't do it we're out of sales oh interesting sales I think we make some up here I'll have a look though if not we can just send them from the old world I think we'll hit the old world next actually just to clear out oh no well that is nice to leave his big island for last but it's annoying that I'm just watching my cargo ships go down leave a few leaks God bless you oh my God he hit scary I need them he hasn't killed it though he's only taking one Island so far for me it's the one in invesa this one here I vaguely remember building it but I just don't actually remember what was on at bird's eye has the oh crap let's drop some sea mines right on him see if I can do that I don't know if it'll work out but we need to do something he's just hitting me Islands Under Siege so it cannot be repaired one of the time to build any defenses they're all cut off because I didn't realize they'd gotten so bad they're going so slow we're going against the wind and carrying a payload but maybe if we drop right mines right on top of them maybe we'll save it this is trickling down very slowly a fire broke up because he's not actually attacking the defenses and the defenses are shooting back look at that perfect just do that and go straight I want the mines dropped on their faces they won't drop it all though either so it won't be too bad all right let's hop back to the new world how we doing we're cresting the island taking the turn this is almost completely my new world which is good this is getting kind of low though come on guys it's taking so long this would be a pain in the butt to rebuild this sucks as well man because it just he's just outside the range of our things our amount of guns they are attacking correctly it's almost tempting to draw for like half of the uh payload just to get there a bit quicker oh he's got another Battleship coming around as well bye I'll leave the village alone maybe he's backing off maybe oh my God we're so slow hurry up come on man Elite Gunner Elite Airship Gunner attack range 10 accuracy 10 maintenance cost increase [Music] yeah go go slower one of you need to go that way for him although this one's the one that's weakest so I have hope this obey is a pretty way all right we're going in he's still got a bit of time before we good drop the mines yes okay please ready the blood simply have to come down come on oh my God it's so close we're dropping mines don't do it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes survive [Music] how many months you've left oh my God they only dropped 10 that time that's insane that's great drop them again keep doing this I'm going with the Wind on this one just in case that Battleship shot at us wow the mines are pretty good all right we'll do that hopefully that'll count for something come on guys you can make it these two are absolute Heroes all right that's good uh let's just keep doing that oh my God they've got the layer ships as well these guys won't make it you guys you got to get to invasa now all right we're turning the corner to take out this island so one two three four in total left in the new world not many Fleet ready come on surely by now right we've done it can't repair anything yet I'm not allowed but there hasn't been a ship near here in a while work for sure yeah yeah I know you'll be fine if we could just let you repair something two minutes 50. if no March damage is dealt the iron Siege will end soon that's a two and a half minutes though ready for interesting all right let's brighten it up they're just hovering around quite close to me but I think we're gonna be okay all right let's go I might separate this Fleet then we could do two islands at once I think Maybe I'd probably need to be just a bit quicker also um we need to deliver sales and I never delivered the other thing they've got 10 minutes remaining right you go back home or is there sales here because this construction material I think uh no this not all right go home we'll get you some sales firing the cannons pretty much all on the same spot basically get that one it's it's pissing flames on you foreign let's get moving this is where we need to go for the next one there is just this little baby Island this one and then this one tucked away in the side one of the new ones that was added recently oh all right back to embassa we have one minute on the clock to keep this island defended these two are absolute Heroes for what they did to defend this place that's all I'm gonna say can they pick up something what was dropped they're actually full of Minds right now anyway so it's fine we've got other ships on the way as well I need them he couldn't defeat an island to mine you damn right he couldn't with this one little frigate oh man you have to go through the tight bits in here 29 minutes of a cooldown before it can be taken back three minutes for the first island we ever took before that can be attacked again but I'm not seeing any ships I keep looking in the bottom left not seeing anything down there and then what I'm probably going to do is I can load up the a previous save have a look at all the ships I have you know just like the counter and then see which groups have been like you know which have lost some cargo ships and that way I can just put them back on and away we go it won't really be too big of a deal to just get the supply lines back up and running yeah all right we did it we defended that was a close one what are you lacking oh my goodness they don't have any wood here oh you guys are all having issues we'll put you back on in a moment let me just dump this stuff for now you're part of the war effort now boys let's go over this way drop that stuff off and we'll put you back on the thing afterwards no roots are having major issues stop lying to me everything's fine soon enough the other airships will be here look at them go the bomber one two and three I don't think they've got any bombs on them right now but still right pick up as many sales as you can and get going we want to make some new ships we're out of influence actually but might be able to these are all the islands we have now get to uh Puerto Venus hey we made our battleship uh two in Besa one little extra ship might help might might make the difference all right here we are again new world left ruins get our Big Blob together stations anyone that shouldn't be picked here not really you are actually all the way over here and ready to go now we'll get them to join on the next Island all right I want you to go here and then swoop in that way tabby tabarine you know what to do you know what to do oh wow we took it down straight up good shot so thinking if another ship comes by we're dropping those mines those are basically like bombs because I was just dropping them right on I wasn't even sure if that was gonna work um I thought you know they really had to um sail over it but I guess not we got okay with that so we have 17 bombs it's something it is something but at least we're here to defend them more in the air that's really why they're here what do you reckon should we see mine this guy it's just we're really slow with the amount of Mines recurring yeah I think stay here is probably just a little bit wiser until we get the materials together stronger those flame cannons are absolutely devastating especially to Wooden Ships oops activated pirate mode by accident all right so this will be the next one oh you actually built um a new Shipyard here sweet so we'll go over and take that out interestingly there is a battle cruiser here and we're not using he's defeated an island of mine this is in Cape trelawny that was my fur producing Island it was just built purely with a fur basically now I've got no defenses whatsoever on uh on this place so I'm just gonna build something I think I can get one thing down I will choose when to scrap my work all right guys are you ready let's go it's been fun the golden Fleet we're either Pirates or I've used the kind of um Regal skin destroyed one of his buildings yeah I would be too one of our ships is in Pirate mode that's why that's being attacked excuse me it's kind of a mistake our flag monitors shoot this shoot them out of the sky good humans where are my news is when I need them all right we'll circle around go for the coast and then there's only one other Island left in the New World and then it's just a cleanup job after that I didn't really plan on having them all stacked together like this but I guess it's just the way it is received you can go to investor please should we go for an air battle could be fun we have all these sea mines on on board though right now Nimble agile no items on any of these do we oh we've got a couple yep got a few let's just have a quick look so some of these are new right we have the Airship Munitions loader damage for shot attack speed increase accuracy same thing here really attack range accuracy it's a little different I guess got another one then movement speed loading speed cargo slowdown that would actually be good oh it is on the miner that's good damage for shot attack speed accuracy she's a bit different as well damage for shot 20 attacks V 25 accuracy 10. they've got five ships total we'll have six when the other one gets here I um so we won't really be able to hit them but they'll be able to hit us so we have to go around this way ready am I still in Pirate mode yeah it is sorry they're like there's one pirate amongst you Island holding firm still can drop off the sales for future shipbuilding efforts and I just realized this has been empty because I forgot to deliver them cotton so we can save 500 Workforce turning those off and yeah we got the sales now and we have the influence to make some of these guys damage per second is 52 with these bigger ones let's get a couple of those foreign oh crap the um The Pirate Bay has actually sent some ships out to deal with me I'm just gonna have to activate pirate flags then and take them out because they're gonna sink my ship if I don't that's why it says for sale I could just buy it mid-fight I don't have the influence though sunk yet that's the going price you need to get over to the repairs all right we got to commit to the Island come on I don't know if they're gonna make it but Godspeed I want them to face much more you want to buy a shirt do you want to buy a share hey I just bought your share that's what you get the fire I'm not mad kill that little thing as well please I don't think I've lost anything yet these guys seem like they're okay still this one is really weak airships down good good good good good good still being hit by pirate ships though that's so loud a perforian battle oh my God that was so loud I'll do my best to edit and lower the noises in this all right we're gonna fly over or move over here heal I'll probably station a couple ships to stay here maybe the old OG pirate ships and then we'll take all the battle cruises with us we still have to take this one last Island other than that though we're good to start freeing them up and letting um benty take over or hopefully go for some of them he's got a Clipper and an airship all right we're gonna have an air battle aerial Warfare we've got all small ships transfer disrupted oh what oh no that's not good they're hitting the commuter Pierce specifically they really do need to get to the old world just to protect these islands oh the damage man barely made it how's that soccer game going I'm sure they're living life magnificent meeting place of the new world championship in progress great that will give us the influence we need to just either make more ships take more Islands well but we can seemingly just take the islands right and go over the limit that seems to be no problem but I can't do anything else then I was gonna tell you to travel individual now just get up there that means that they'll they won't travel as a group the fastest ones will just go the other ones will be left behind that's fine though foreign so these are actually all bigger ships I didn't realize that I thought they were all the small ones well that means we should easily win that fight I think just don't want to be directly over one of his ports because it'll fire up at us I think our guys are together so let's get moving stay as a group you guys all right back to the new world our boys are pulling in anyone that's full up on healthy can pull out the ogc series here the Royal Caesar the battleship Caesar that's right our battle cruiser is here now let the games begin kind of tempted to actually send them to the old world I think they're probably best served if they just can get to I'm trying to think of which way they're going to come in I think they'll be okay to come in this way yeah just get to rush you can do that so if we're in basa in invasive oh my God I don't know what that was we're probably gonna come in from somewhere over here and Scoot past here it might be a little dangerous but hopefully they'll make it and they're gonna go for this island this one is being attacked right now and that is not good we need to do something about that we need to do something about that really right now which way is the wind blowing which ones are the mines YouTube as much as I wanted to fight there you gotta rush to rush and you'll be going with the wind so hopefully good speed might be maybe I mean I don't know but maybe get there in time and like throw down the mines Maybe it's worth trying something to the any guys available otherwise Russia is going to collapse and I've got nothing else like I could make ships here maybe almost make a battle cruiser battlecruiser is on the way as well and we do have pamphlets we can drop not the best military weapon right now all right you guys pull back pull back you guys get in you pull in these guys are like super fast as well all right we're almost ready to go for his final Island here he's actually got a few ships there he's just built a shipyard that's funny yeah he stacked the island it used to be basically empty at the start of this I think uh well that's not daily dally let's get going yeah this can join later we have to come down a rusty nail in the enemy's socket all right we're back at rush the attack seems to have stopped or it's really slow like he's firing he's spinning up oh my God this tactic he's just spinning 360 Battleship firing on all sides oh actually they don't fire from broadsides they just have mounted guns don't they yeah it's so cool to see for guys look at them and they're like perfect Town they're under attack they don't even know they per kid's playing in the playground they don't know what's about to happen their lives are about to get vaporized it's like Terminator 2 the playground Sarah Connors banging on the the fence like you don't understand you're all crazy battleships right up in their face now where's the airships there they are they're halfway there that's not bad there is a chance and if the wind stays good is it still the space in the same way it's actually not but not terrible it's not against us either this will be the last thing we'll probably get to do this episode see if we can hold that on because we kind of need to and then hopefully get done here in the new world I'm surprised he didn't attack the Arctic I mean you did apparently try it could be because of the defenses you know obviously if you put down defenses then the AI goes well I can't to take I can't take this island is what I have so I do believe putting down defenses in certain places was a good idea like I built some here and it says Island holding firm there's four guns actually only three that one's not built three guns there four shortage three here and then three out here or four even so work Falls shortage I spent a lot of the influence going around making sure all that was relatively stable what oh Shawty he does have ships actually coming in right now like I don't know I've got mortars on these ships to hopefully help me yeah he's coming in actually now these are just flak monitors so I don't think they're really gonna do much oh we missed our shots that's not good moving to think he looked like he's doing much is he gonna just Target my little Flack monitors he could just sit there and destroy them with his battle cruiser we can't attack him I missed my shots as you just saw damage from ships negative 20 and active healing by lobbing over him all right still waiting on the airships to get in here there should be arriving now I think there they are they're in they're on the side of the map all right well they know where to go this is actually saying basically the same it's like really slowly going down so we'll get them to drop their minds right on this Battleship that should save the day in the new worlds back to the new world our guys are just about ready these are the ones are just about healed as well back to Ascension it's just this one guy left he took a beating what is that symbol actually this for this minor fires are on the ships that's interesting what does that do slows movement slows attack effect stage three to three six minutes remaining for the fires it put out okay all right we're going to be going against the wind with some of these ships he's one ship of the line there these guys actually need to stay as a group now all right what do we got big gun small gun flat gun flame gun bit of everything I need to check that actually really quickly just keep moving oh my God you're taking a beating that's the Flames for you oh no that one's down I think yeah man down I'd love to pick up those items make sure we get them can I pick this up I wonder why all right GG that is Arthur gone in the new world now he's got one ship remaining and one airship so just move over there let's check the uh Rush do we have our airships airships over here all right we're gonna fly over drop where are my Muses when I need them all right we're gonna drop the mines he's looking I'm destroying my docklands ready for action all right we're just gonna keep doing that yeah the selection is different if you've only got one ship selected you can like choose two drop locations but if you only got one ship uh if you've got two ships you can only set One Direction please awaiting orders all right they've defended the island again these are these guys are absolute Heroes I don't care what anyone says Heroes Heroes of the entire series those two ships [Music] all right so the situation a little bit of a sit rep here at the end of the episode we've taken Arthur out completely in the new world just about they just want to chase down that final ship there if we can just make sure we got him uh then we're gonna go now back to the we're gonna divide our Fleet a little bit we can send a couple ships here to mbasa just to make sure everything's okay keep the airships here as well uh send stuff to Cape trelawny and then yeah pretty much capture line in the old world and then we'll start working through the old world Islands also um the main one being obviously his Capital his Capital has pretty big defense you know it's got defense on the other side this isn't even the main side he's got flagged in place since Cannon Towers Canon test black emplacements more there more there he's got the Big Bertha or whatever it's called Big Betty so that's a huge one he's got um on this side similar situation just loads of defenses this is where his actual storage is yes he was the rage and of course we want to make I think the tactic for Big Bertha I'm just gonna call it Bertha is to just drop bombs on it because at least it can't fire up in the air once that's down then maybe we swoop in drop pamphlets and stuff cause Havoc work for shortage maybe accidentally do a little bombing I don't know just to see um Workforce shortage yeah the economy is going to be struggling a lot and I'll have to just uh compare it to the previous episodes or the previous saves I have just to see what we've really lost in terms of cargo ships and stuff like that right our Fleet is basically together now individual please chase them down moving to coordinates so with these yeah you just click it and then they fire a shot boom good shot I was wondering if I'd be doing it right because with the mortars you actually get a reticule but with the other ones you don't all right that's GG for Arthur in the new world like I said he's coming in every now and then with a few little ships he's no reason to come in here unless he plans on sending military uh and that's going to take off take out effectively all this shipbuilding out here in the New World so you're gonna go back here we'll pile everyone together organize the ships and then start The Next Episode by dividing up our fleets and continuing to eliminate Islands so that's gonna have to be it for today hope you enjoyed this war focused episode the next one's gonna be War focused as well probably and then hopefully that'll be the last one and uh we'll just sort out the economy in a peaceful world and give benty some islands she's going to be living life [Music] it's very traumatic music for those wondering it was Battlefield 1 soundtrack all right that's gonna be it for me thank you very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one hey everyone thank you so much for watching the video consider liking it if you enjoyed it subscribe for more and if you want to support even further consider becoming a channel member channel members get early access to my videos ad free and also access to my Discord where we've just set up a new valheim and satisfactory server for people to play on hopefully we can grow a community and add more games and perks in the future either way I appreciate people just watching this far into the video thank you
Channel: What Darren Plays
Views: 20,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anno 1800, Industrial Zone, Cosmetic DLC, anno 1800 cosmetic, anno 1800 dlc, empire of the skies, anno 1800 how to, anno 1800 gameplay, anno 1800 guide, anno 1800 republic of play, anno 1800 what darren plays, anno 1800 darren
Id: FENkLCz71bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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