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Hello my wonderful friend! Today's video is on how  to get a girlfriend 5 crazy effective tips. Like   crazy effective. If you are tired of being single,  tired of feeling lonely, then you are in the right   spot. Now if you're watching this video right  now maybe you've never had a girlfriend and   you're just really really wanting that special  someone who loves you for you. Or maybe you've   had girlfriends in the past but you're really  looking for that special someone that you hope   to ultimately spend the rest of your life with.  You don't want just any girlfriend, you want that   special someone that you would ultimately want to  marry, right? Well in this video you are going to   learn the strategy that no one talks about but  it's the only way to get your dream girlfriend.   You know that kind of relationship, those couples  you see when you're like, "Man, how did they have   that kind of relationship?" that's what you're  going to learn in this video. And probably the   most important thing to remember is at the end  of this video so make sure you stay tuned to the   end. But real quick be sure to subscribe and ring  the notification bell. My name is Melannie. I'm a   Christian dating coach for men. This is the number  one place to learn how to find, attract, and keep   the girl of your dreams without mind games or  tricks that frankly don't work. So make sure   you subscribe and ring that notification bell.  Okay, as we get started you have two scenarios.   Tell me which scenario you want. Scenario number  one: You have a girlfriend and I mean, you know,   she's pretty attractive and you care about her  but you just kind of always feel like something's   missing. Like you want just something even more  out of a relationship. You kind of don't feel like   you can be yourself around her. Maybe you don't  really agree on a lot of things. And maybe there's   even some drama and you get kind of exhausted  or nervous because of that drama. You don't   feel connected to her. Like you don't feel like  she understands you and you kind of don't really   have as much in common as you would like. Maybe  you have a little bit in common but not not as   much as you want. Maybe you even see what might  be some toxic signs and maybe you kind of wonder   in the back of your head, "Man, does she even  think I'm attractive?" It's one thing to think   she's attractive but you want her to think you're  attractive too, right? And if you think about   spending the rest of your life with this woman,  if you think about marrying this woman, you think,   "Wow, I don't really want to come home to her  every night." You maybe start to wonder if this   is as good as relationships get. Is this a normal  relationship? Is this how it's supposed to be?   Have you maybe even been in that situation? If  you have tell me about it in the comments. Okay,   that's scenario number one. Now let's move on  to scenario number two: You have a girlfriend   and she's beautiful. She's absolutely beautiful.  She takes very good care of herself and you know   that she thinks you're incredibly attractive  too. She flirts with you. She's playful.   She makes you feel like more of a man. She  like boosts your confidence and makes you feel   even more amazing and masculine when you are  around her. You guys laugh together. You make   memories together. When you are not together you  cannot wait to see her again. It's so much fun   to be with her. Just hearing her voice makes you  feel happy all over and you get butterflies when   you are around her and you feel safe with her. You  feel like she loves you for you. You guys agree on   most things. And what things maybe you don't agree  with there's not a lot of drama about it. You're   both reasonable and you work through things.  She understands you and she doesn't judge you   and you can picture yourself being married to  someone like this. You can imagine coming home   to her every night and she is your safe place. You  can see yourself raising children with this woman.   You can see this happy family with adorable  children with this woman. You feel safe,   you feel loved, and you enjoy life. Now which  scenario would you pick? Scenario number two,   right? That's your dream relationship, right?  Here's what you need to understand as we go   through this video. Scenario number one with the  kind of not so awesome relationship, that's the   kind of girlfriend just about anyone can teach you  how to get. Information on how to get that kind of   girlfriend, just a girlfriend, is everywhere.  But what you're going to learn in this video   is how to get the second kind of scenario, your  dream relationship. Because the truth is, guys,   that relationship exists and you can have it. You  just can't get it using the same tactics everybody   else is teaching. If those tactics worked  everyone would have their dream relationship,   right? So I'm going to be walking you through the  five steps to getting your dream girl. These are   the same steps I share with my paid clients in  my program, How To Get A Girlfriend. When you   are ready to fast track it to success, to stop  being alone, to stop being single, to stop having   average relationships that are unfulfilling and  lonely, my program is the place you need to go.   As I mentioned I'm going to be running you through  the five steps in this video. However, to learn   more about that program I have a free masterclass  for you. Just go to   You'll learn about how you can enroll in that,  why it works, how it works, all of that. So just   go to to learn  more. The coolest part about this strategy and   these steps I'm sharing with you is how easy  they are and how fast you can see results.   You can see results incredibly quickly, it's so  exciting. So with that let's get started. How to   get a girlfriend step number one is figure out  who your dream girl is. Do not skip this step.   Most people will skip this step, most people don't  even know it exists, but if you skip this step it   messes up all the other steps, okay? So don't  skip this step. What do I mean by figure out   who your dream girl is? I don't mean a particular  person at this point. What I mean at this point is   when we think about our dream relationships it's  kind of just a feeling. A feeling of what we want.   But we don't really create clarity on that.  And what happens when you don't have clarity   is it's kind of like somebody blindfolding you,  spinning you around in circles a whole bunch of   times, and telling you to hit a target. You don't  know what the target is or where the target is   so you can't hit it. So it's very important that  you create clarity, that you understand what it is   you even want in a future partner.  Because the truth is you get to decide.   You get to decide what traits you are looking for  in a partner. And that's really exciting, right?   Something most people don't understand  about falling in love is that falling in   love has two stages. And the first stage is  infatuation. Now, you can be infatuated with   the wrong person all day long. As a matter  of fact most people become infatuated with   a lot of people over their lifetime. However, all  infatuation is is a brain chemical. And so if you   think that infatuation is love and you pursue that  person you can end up very miserable. As a matter   of fact that's why our divorce rate is so high  right now, is people think infatuation is love.   This is why you need to be make sure you have  clarity so you understand what you're looking   for. And then when you feel that infatuation you  can make a smart decision even if you're feeling   all those butterflies. Now that's not to say  that infatuation is bad. It's actually very good.   You just need to keep it in check. Bottom line,  become clear on what you want in your dream girl,   the traits you are looking for in a future wife.  As a matter of fact let's practice right now.   In the comments I want you to tell me two things  you are looking for in your dream girlfriend and   your future wife. Seriously I love comments like  this. I love to hear you guys' feedback. So please   tell me two things you are looking for in a future  wife. Okay, how to get a girlfriend step two.   Find out what your dream girl wants. I tell my  clients all the time, guys, the key to getting   your dream girl is to be her dream guy. So you  start by saying, "What do I want?" You have to   figure out what you want first and then you say,  "Okay, that's what I want. What does she want?"   Because if you are what she wants well then  of course she's gonna fall in love with you,   right? If you are the obvious choice then that's  who she's going to choose. Now I never mean to   pretend to be something you're not. This is never  about changing who you are just to get the girl.   What that is, is that's actually a mind game. And  a lot of people are afraid they have to change who   they are when in reality that's because they've  been taught a lot of mind games. And I never   teach you guys mind games. This isn't about  changing your personality. It's just about having   those attractive qualities, those attractive  habits that she's looking for while still keeping   your personality. I'm going to be perfectly  honest, guys, this is one of the benefits of   having a female coach. When you understand what  women are looking for, especially Christian women,   it's going to comfort you so much and really  just excite you. The world and society at large,   they tell you a lot of lies about what women want.  And the truth is you're mostly told what toxic   women want, if we're being completely honest  here. Where high quality women, classy women,   Christian women, they're not looking for those  traits at all. So really creating that clarity   empowers you like you would not believe. At the  end of the day when you know what she's looking   for and you know how to turn those things into  habits you become irresistible to her because you   are her dream man. Is this video making  sense so far, and would you like me to do   more videos on how to get a girlfriend? If  you would let me know in the comments. Just   comment "how to get a girlfriend" and I will  know that that's a topic you want me to do   for future videos. Thank you guys so much for  leaving your comments and your feedback it   helps me. So again if you want more videos like  this comment "how to get a girlfriend." Okay,   step number three for how to get a girlfriend is  to turn the traits she's looking for into habits.   Again this is how you stay true to who you are  while becoming her absolute dream man. Like her   her total and complete dream man. I gotta be  honest with you guys, this part of my program   is my very favorite part. This is where people see  the results the fastest and where their confidence   really just starts to explode. It's so exciting.  If you've been taught a lot of mind games this   can seem really scary because a lot of people  again they think they have to change who they   are. But in reality what women want are very very  simple things like dressing to empower like you   learned about in this video. Or setting boundaries  like you learned in this video. It's also about   using your body language to increase your  confidence and be even more attractive to her.   It's also as simple as living a healthy lifestyle  so you feel good and you look good. Those are   the types of traits a woman is looking for in a  partner and frankly the kind of traits that make   you feel amazing which is what you deserve because  the best relationships make you feel amazing and   make her feel amazing too. When you are ready to  skyrocket your confidence and physical attraction   like dozens and dozens of men who have already  been through my program make sure you go to to learn more about  this program, how you can sign up, why it works,   how it works, all of the good stuff. This really  is the place to go if you are tired of being   lonely, tired of being single, tired of subpar  relationships, and ready to get that dream girl.   So again  I'll put a link in the description below   and a link in the pinned comment. Okay, are you  ready for step number four? Step number four for   how to get a girlfriend is to understand how to  keep her. Have you ever been ghosted? Have you   ever been rejected? Or do you just go through a  lot of breakups? Maybe you get into a relationship   for a while and then it just crumbles.  It's painful, right? It's like this vicious   hamster wheel and it hurts and it damages your  self-esteem. As important as it is to find her and   to get her it's equally or even more important to  keep her, right? There's no good in getting your   dream girlfriend if you just lose her. This is why  I'm very careful to teach this step in my program   and why I'm sharing it with you here. Some of the  biggest mistakes that will cause you to lose her   even after you get your dream girl are things like  not pursuing her, moving at the wrong pace. This   is like too fast, too aggressive, too needy, or  even too slow. Giving her your heart way too soon,   marrying her before you marry her, will also cause  you to lose her. If you want to keep your dream   girl you need to make sure you understand how  to have the right mindset, how to pursue her,   how to move at the right pace, and really just  those good relationship basics. And that's   again what I do teach in my program in detail.  Okay, our next step for how to get a girlfriend   is to understand how to find her. I'm going  to let you in on a secret. Finding her   is a two-step process. Step number one is to  understand how to attract her. Step number two   is to find her. Finding her is nowhere near as  important as understanding how to attract her.   You could find her all day long, but if you're not  attracting her it really won't matter, will it?   If you have not yet seen this video on this topic  you really need to see it. Do yourself a favor and   watch that. There's a link in the description  below. Many men think that they just haven't   found the right girl yet when in reality it's  that they're not attracting her. Why are they   not attracting her? Well it's because they skipped  all the previous steps. There are five steps to   this process for a reason. And if you skip all  the other steps and just go right to finding her   you're not going to attract her. That's why these  steps are so important. That makes sense, doesn't   it? If you are struggling to get your dream girl,  if you're struggling to have the relationship that   just sets your heart on fire, that is your  problem. You need all five of these steps.   Do not just skip to finding her. Now when you have  all these other steps in place and you understand   how to attract her it is of course very helpful to  understand where to look for her. Because there is   obviously something to that. This is why one of  the resources I share in my program is Top Places   To Meet Christian Women. It looks like this. If  you've already been through my program, guys,   make sure you are utilizing that. Just remember  that as important as it is to know where to look   make sure you follow all the steps so  that you are irresistible to her. Now,   here's probably the most important part of this  video. So do I have your attention? Are you with   me? At the time of filming this video it is march  2021. We've just been through a really hard and   really lonely 2020, right? We've been through  some traumatic things. That's real talk right   there. However, things are starting to get better.  Everywhere you look restrictions are starting   to lift and the vaccine is out and people  are starting to get out and it's really   only a matter of time before life is as back to  normal as it can be. Which is exciting, right?   It means you can start getting out there, you can  start meeting women, you can find your dream girl.   But I can tell you right now that some people  are going to make some big mistakes and I do not   want it to be you. So again pay close attention.  You're going to have three types of people when   this is all over. Because everyone's so lonely  and because no one wants to spend their lives   alone ever again people are going to throw  themselves into relationships and start chasing   relationships. Men as well as women. Now some  people, we'll call them group number one,   they are going to settle for this average type  of relationship. They're going to be infatuated,   they're going to think it's love, and they're  going to get married, and they're going to wake   up in a year and they're going to go, "I  have nothing in common with this person. I   don't really feel like they understand me. I don't  enjoy spending time with them." and they're going   to be crushed. The second group of people, same  thing. They're going to find this first person,   they're charming, they make them feel amazing,  they're infatuated, they're going to get married,   and in two years they're going to wake up and say,  "This person is toxic. They abuse me emotionally.   What do I do?" And at that point they will already  be married to them. And then you have the third   group. These are the people who said, "You know  what? I never want to be alone again. Ever. But   I'm going to learn how to do this right because I  want that dream relationship. I want that someone   who I can trust completely, that someone who I  know my love is safe with." And they're going to   learn how to do it the right way. They're going  to learn how to have that relationship. Because,   guys, society doesn't teach us how to have good  relationships anymore. They taught your parents,   they taught your grandparents, they don't  teach you. That's why the divorce rate is so   high right now. Nobody knows what they're doing.  But those people who are going to learn how to do   it the right way, you know what's going to happen?  They're going to have their dream relationship.   They're going to have a crazy happy, crazy in love  relationship. And their children are going to be   raised by two parents who love each other and who  love them. So my question for you is which group   are you going to be in? Because it's your choice.  I have given you so much information in this video   and set you up for success. But you know what?  Most people are going to watch this video   and then they're going to do nothing about it and  they're going to forget everything they learned   and they're going to end up in group one or group  two. This information does nothing unless you   apply it, you take it, and you run with it. As  your coach, as your mentor, and honestly as your   friend, because, guys, I call you my friends for  a reason, I honestly see you as my dear friends,   I don't want you to settle, okay? That is why  I do what I do and that is why I created my   program for you. Learn more about that so you can  actually apply each of these steps very in-depth,   very easily, and you can get that dream girl who  just really just melts your heart and frankly   so you can melt her heart because that's what she  wants too. Go to   to watch that, to learn more. I will also put a  link in the description below and in the pinned   comment. I'm so excited to help you get your  dream girl fast and easy. Thank you so much   for watching my wonderful friend! Be sure  to give me a big thumbs up and subscribe   and ring that notification bell if you haven't  yet. I want to hear from you in the comments.   Do you want more videos on how to get a girlfriend  and tips on how to get a girlfriend? If you do,   comment "how to get a girlfriend" to let me know.  Do you have a friend who is also tired of being   single, tired of subpar relationships, or no  relationships? Please please please share this   with him. I know it will help him so much. If  we're not yet friends on social media there are   links in the description below and I share  exclusive content in my Instagram stories,   so make sure you especially follow me there. Thank  you so much again for watching my amazing friend!   Never forget that I believe in you and have an  amazing day. [blooper beep] I'm going to try to   get through this without too many bloopers. I  make no guarantee. Okay. Oh, good. I forgot to   make sure the mic was on. [laughter] We're only  20 minutes in. I'm really glad it was on. Okay.
Channel: Coach Melannie
Views: 5,866
Rating: 4.8717947 out of 5
Keywords: how to get a girlfriend, how to get a girlfriend 5 crazy effective steps, how to get a girlfriend tips, how to get a girlfriend steps, tips on how to get a girlfriend, how to get a girlfriend in real life, how to get a girlfriend 5 steps, how to get a girl to like you, how to get a girlfriend if you are shy, how to get a girlfriend when you are an introvert, how to get a girlfriend when you’ve never had one, how to get a good girlfriend, Coach Melannie
Id: tezu256AI_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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