How To Get A Cloud job With No Experience (How To Get First Cloud Architect Job)

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if you want to know about how to get a cloud architect job with no previous work experience this video is for you please subscribe and hit the bell to be informed of new cloud computing videos every wednesday hi my name is michael gibbs and i'm the founder and ceo of go cloud architects an organization dedicated towards providing high quality training to pass aws certified solution architect exams and one of the things that we deal with constantly is people are asking how can i get a job without experience because the reality is all jobs want experience and if you don't have experience how you're going to get the job that wants experience but we can have a help you with that because the point is nobody really has no experience and we'll talk to you all the reasons why that's true and what you can do to play to your strengths and we're going to give you five steps the first step's going to be related to certification the second step is going to be related to being an authority in your field the third step is going to be how to use social media to help your career but not crush your career because it can do both we'll talk about internships and volunteering and we're going to talk about playing to your strengths so when you have no experience you're going to be competing with people that have a lot of experience so here's the place where your certifications can help you certifications do not mean everything but certifications can very frequently help you get the job interview now what you do on that job interview will determine whether you get hired please see my video on how to get hired and how to interview for a position and that'll give you much more information how to answer questions that you know as well as questions that you don't know to put you in the best position to be able to get a cloud computing career but the first thing is if i've got someone with 10 years of experience and no no certifications and i've got someone that's got multiple professional certifications but no experience but they're young and they've just got done school that makes me think wow maybe they can learn and they can learn fast maybe they're that smart person so when you're new try to get high level certifications but you must know what they mean it's not going to do you any good to basically take some practice tests pass a bunch of exams and know nothing because while that may get you the interview they're still going to question you so what i want you to do is i want you to study study and study some more so become an aws certified solution architect professional maybe become a google cloud architect professional at the same time and maybe study a networking course maybe a ccna for example what or figure out what part of the world you want to be and if you want something on the development side make sure you you get some type of development certification along the way but get yourself at least one professional certification ideally two and from there specialize and study projects that are going to be make you happy for me i focus on the network than the security side as well as the infrastructure side but other people like the devops side it doesn't matter whatever it is find something you're passionate about learn learn learn and learn some more and in the process i want you to get lots of experience and i want to get things that are related to this so in cloud computing we're dealing with virtualization take a computer set up a vmware esxi server and i'll take a and i'll set up a linux system and on the linux system install kvm now practice building some for example set up an apache server on a linux machine set up a mysql database on a linux machine set up a firewall on a linux machine set up a squid proxy server test as many things as you can and learn how to do things because when you get that interview and you're going to get one and we'll give you some steps to help increase your chances you want to be able to dazzle them with your knowledge and what let them know what you know and let them know what you don't know because the expectation is if you're new you're not going to know everything but dazzle them with depth of knowledge about something so that brings us to our next phase which is to become an authority now how do you become an authority i mean it takes ten thousand hours of ex of something minimum to become an expert and that's a really short amount of time ten thousand hours it may take a lot more than that and that's five years working 40 hours a week full time so how do you become an authority well focus on something you love and learn it learn it and learn it some more but it's not just enough to know it you're going to have to show the world that you know know it and i'll give you an example from my career two examples actually and how that affected my career and then these are gonna be lessons that you can learn to improve your career in 2001 i wrote a paper called introduction to ipmulticast and it's a technology to send data once and have multiple people receive it it's how you use a video that you're getting from your cable company for the most part uh or or if you have fiber at the home they're often video delivered via multicast and very few people understood it and that made it wow this is a great place where i can become a subject matter expert plus i love the tech so i learned it but i wrote this paper and i put my heart into this paper i wrote it i rewrote it i rewrote it i rewrote it i sent it to my mentor my mentor helped me rewrite it i published it in 2020 multiple companies are still using that document and i get called from recruiters constantly i need an ip multicast engineer it's just from one paper that i published 20 years ago when i was at cisco systems i had been on the healthcare team and i had consulted with numerous organizations on how to build a highly available network that could meet all the applications required and these meetings were going so well that i said to myself oh my god i've been in three countries this week and i'll be in four countries next week how am i going to survive so i wrote a document i wrote three versions i wrote this 200 page architecture document for the engineers and architects i wrote a 10-page thing for management i wrote a three-page thing for the the cxo level executives you know what that document went so well it did not um solve my challenge of not traveling it increased my travel beyond anything i can describe because i was in so in demand from this paper i was all over the world just talking about my paper so i want you to become an authority find something you are passionate about learn a lot about it post it on social media write a blog or better yet publish a white paper and do something called authority hacking so write a paper and write it let's say it could be on cloudwatch for example or it could be on cloudtrail it could be on anything you find very interesting make it complete and i don't just mean a little complete i mean write this document as if you wanted to show it to the manager because your life depended upon it and you know what your career might because that one document if it's in the hands of the right person that i could say i need this person i need them on my team this person knows they can write they can speak and when it comes to architecture 50 of your job is going to be writing and speaking if not more so you're really looking for someone that has those skills so write a white paper and if you can do something called authority hacking it's going to help you a lot more so what authority hacking is when you write a white paper along with someone that's known to be an authority in their field it raises your value you're effectively writing their coattails so if you've got someone that's known to be really smart and capable and knowledgeable and your name is next to theirs you're instantly associated with being knowledgeable and i do this for my interns all the time i co-author papers with them and you know what if any of you are interested in you're really so passionate about a topic and you really want some experience write a white paper write something really really really good and reach out to me and ask me if i'd be willing to co-author it with you no i will tell you one thing i co-author papers with people constantly it helps me because i love to generate content and i will do it but i will push you harder than you've ever imagined i will send it back to you with comments i will send it back to you with suggestions i'll make more suggestions i'll make sure that you know that material better than anyone who could possibly because if you're going to write about it you must know it this is not a concept where you talk about a master class and it's basically introduction to junior level something co-author something make it good and feel free to reach out to me or find some other authority it really doesn't matter find somebody that you that you resonate with that's passionate about that's known to be an expert in their field reach out to them see if they're willing to do something with you maybe a youtube video maybe um a blog maybe a white paper something but do it and co-author it with someone that's got a big name and then you're going to share that everything with them because you want as many people to see it as possible so as we talk about sharing now we're going to get into the social media world social media can be the best thing for your career or the absolute worst thing so if you get on social media and while you're on social media someone has a question about a topic and ideally it's in a group of some kind if they have the question if you know it write a detailed strong answer and document it with the sources of your information don't just write an answer write it and then point them to the aws documentation for example that supports your answer so they know they're getting something good just like when you write a paper you have your sources write a response answer answer better than anyone else and then cite your sources and you know what if you don't know this might be an opportunity to go write do some research and write a one-page document explain it make it correct make it good and then post that as a response all of a sudden people are going to say wow look at you this person not only knows what they're doing they're helping others and when it comes to hiring people for your team you want someone that's going to bring out the best in others and if you're there helping people people will notice now what will kill your career never never never discuss money politics or religion on social media unless you're a financial advisor then talking about money is good if you're a religious figure talking about religion is good and if you're a political operative like your job is to help a political party then talk about politics but never never if you're not part of those categories do that and here's the reason roughly fifty percent of the population will completely disagree with you even if you don't know so by posting things that basically are your philosophical philosophies of what's politically correct which may be different than somebody else's you're really losing fifty percent of the entire population and that's just with politics so now if you discuss politics religion and money you and people see this on the internet they could basically write you off completely because you can offend much of the world no one needs to know about your personal perspectives they need to know can you bring out the best in others can you do a good job and are you going to make others feel good in your presence and if you can do all that you're always going to get hired now the next phase is i call it internships or volunteering you can always get experience there's always something going on if you need to come competing and you're interested in video and right now there's covid go find 10 personal training studios yoga studios pilates studios go set up their network for them do it for free set up their network set up their videos build some servers for them make it good but get some experience if you know someone that has a business and they need help ask for an internship find an internship through your university or honestly find uh people that are self-employed or on the internet or other small businesses and send them a request let them know that you're a student or you've just graduated you're looking to get experience and you would happily be a volunteer or an intern for them in exchange for them teaching you you'd be surprised how many people are really happy to help unmotivated person that's looking for a career change i know i have lots of interns i typically take them every few months they typically find jobs and then i find new ones but i love teaching people so just understand an internship or volunteering is a great way and lastly play to your strengths i do not believe under any circumstances that someone has zero experience never never never and here's why every experience we have in life will shape you and make you who you are so for example let's say you've spent five years while you're in school working as a host or a hostess at a restaurant the person that comes in and greets people and then takes the time and then finds tables for them you know what in that job here's what happens you're going to deal with people that don't want to wait you're going to deal with angry customers they came in angry you're going to deal with being too busy and not having places to put them wow oh my god you just have customer service experience you've learned how to communicate you've learned how to keep people happy that is real life experience that is transferable to another job so figure out what experience you actually have i mean really write it down and think about it and then think about the career that you're looking to get involved in how does this help i can tell you i was a nurse practitioner practicing internal medicine before i went into networking and when i went on my first networking interview which uh i started a couple days later and i was hired on the first time they they they they said well you don't have a lot of tech interview but you've got experience but you've got a lot of other experience how can that work i said well in dealing with sick people i get to do a lot learn a lot of things i learn how to deal with people that are not at their best and by being able to communicate with people that are not feeling well and trying to bring them up and get them to follow a recommended plan to get better it's no different than if i was designing a network and making recommendations and saying if you implement these recommendations you're going to be better i said in in medicine one system affects the other system i said the musculoskeletal system is related to the neurological system which is related to the circulatory system which is related to the lymphatic system and i started saying how when you affect one system it affects all parts of the body and that's very similar to networking where if you've got a router that's doing something funny or a switch that's doing funny or a cable cut it's going to cause havoc so systems always respond to other systems it really doesn't matter what i'm just trying to tell you is that in life you've had lots of experiences and these experiences can help you in your new job so figure out what your experiences are figure out the company that you want to join and show them how your experiences can help them do their job better if you do all these things you're never going to find a have a hard time finding a job when you have no experience because you do have experience thank you so much for watching this video we hope you've enjoyed this video and we look forward to seeing you next week please remember we have a free aws certified solution architect associate ebook it's free we make it public for free consistently we have free aws mentoring every monday and we do this because we understand them when you're taking our training whether you're reading our books or whether you're taking somebody else's training questions will pop up and we want to give you an answer where you can get expert answers we hate to see people going to the well we love and we're recommending you go to linkedin and facebook and answer people's questions that's great we what we hate is when we find somebody asked the question and they get 40 different answers and they don't know which answer is correct which is the same reason i told you make sure you look it up research it you're correct and then cite the source so you can prove that you're correct when you're answering something because you want people to know it's real in our particular case i just like to offer a free environment where everybody can come once a week build a community exchange ideas with each other and learn so that's why i do it so we look forward to seeing you on one of our free weekly aws certified solution architect mentoring sessions and uh we can't wait to see you in the next video take care and thank you again
Channel: Go Cloud Architects
Views: 29,825
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Keywords: How To Get A Cloud job With No Experience, cloud architect job with no experience, how to get aws job with no experience, cloud architect no experience, aws certification without experience, it certifications no experience, how to get first cloud architect job, how to get into the tech industry with no experience, how to get an entry level it job with no experience, get into it with no experience, how to get a cloud architect job with no experience, sap-c01, aws csa professional
Id: u9hTxTzrxcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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