How To Generate Single & Batch QR Codes With Excel [Free Download]

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hello and welcome this is Randy with Excel for  freelancers and in this week's training we're   gonna be generating QR codes both for a single  product and for an entire item list we can   generate tons and tons of QR codes I'm gonna show  you how to do that how to change the colors format   size and everything you need about know about QR  codes we're gonna do all that so let's get started   alright thanks so much for joining me today we've  got a lot to cover we've got a very tall order in   fact today I want to show you how to generate a QR  code from data you have in Excel not only that I   want to you know give you the ability to actually  set its own back color attic to set its own front   color customize the size customize the size on  the table and also create an entire list of QR   codes based on some data that you have not only  that I want to do that all in about 30 minutes so   let's see if we can do that that's a tall order  I gotta get started right away on yeah I just   want to make sure that you've already subscribed  subscribing liking commenting that's gonna help   us to make sure we create these videos each and  every week for you I want to bring these to you   and I want to make sure you get alerted right  when they I create them each and every Tuesday   so make sure you click that notifications icon  valve these trainings are always free go ahead   and download this application it's free in the  description below if you want to support us I've   got some amazing courses including the mentorship  program in that metric program I'm gonna teach you   how to define design develop and deploy your  own excel applications basically taking your   Excel skills and bringing them to the forefront  allowing you to make a passive income that you   can use for the rest of your life by developing  your own applications I've done that in the past   I wanted to show you how to do that that's what  we're doing in the mentorship program while I   develop an incredible accounting application so  if you like that check out my excel   all the details there I'll also put the links down  below alright let's get started so basically what   I want to wanna be able to click this button and  generate tons of QR codes I want to also create a   button here and put a QR code for this particular  project product and what I want to do is I want to   customize that I want to give the user or you the  developer or your end user the ability to change   the size and the change the color like to have a  back color or a front core and I want to do that   using a pop-up color picker I want to be able to  set the size on the form and the size of that QR   code in the table so that's what we want to do  to choose the codes we're gonna be using a code   picker I believe I've got one saved here called  the color palette here that's gonna help us choose   the color so you'll be able to select a color and  have that color appear and customize it it's a lot   to show you also this item information if this  looks familiar this application was created in   a prior training called mobile inventory manager  we're not gonna create this form today we're gonna   use its functionality but we won't be creating  it if you want to know how I created it all you   got to do is find the mobile inventory manager  on my youtube channel and I'll go through it   in detail in that training video but we're just  gonna use it as a backdrop today because I want   to develop a code let's close that out okay so  we've got this so we've got a setup we've got a   palette of colors we want to be able to select  both the back color and the front color and in   the item I want to create an area that we can put  that QR code so let's do that right now I'm just   gonna put a border around it we're gonna do very  very basic here because I really want to show you   what's behind this particular API and how we're  gonna create this amazing barcode and I'm just   gonna put a button here and then we can actually  duplicate this button using control D and I'm   gonna delete the macro that's associated with it  an ungroup it so when we assign the Mac or just   click backspace and that's gonna clear all the  macros out that has been assigned not only to the   individual shapes and the group beyond that now  we can ungroup it and I already have a specific   icon that's gonna help us that we're gonna use so  let's go ahead and insert that icon this is going   to be a quick design there's not much I've got a  white one that's gonna help us it's kind of big   so let's format down to save point to something  nice and small that's even already a little too   big for our and we're gonna change the check  called generate QR something similar and let's   just create that we will bring this up to two  inches of nuts to big one point six should be   sufficient okay so that's nice and now we'll just  sew just a small button this can help us generate   the QR code and okay that should be sufficient now  I'm going to call the control and group those and   just create a button called generate QR I already  have one under the other one so that's fine for   now so basically I want to put that QR right here  alright so that's all we're gonna do it's pretty   simple to end it what do I want to do I wasn't  generated based on some day tonight you can use   any data you want okay I'm just gonna use the item  name it's the simplest so I want to generate data   a QR code based on this item name and in the item  list I'm gonna do the same thing I've got a button   here already set up so I want to generate based  on this name I don't want to run through for any   QR code that doesn't isn't here or doesn't exist  I wanted to generate you can generate it based on   pretty much anything a link a description there's  about 900 character limits or so you want to keep   it within that limit but anything less this should  be just fine and then the setup screen when user   selects the back color of accurate color I want  this thing to pop up otherwise I want it to hide   so let's just write some code for that and this  is called color palettes just to shape and it's   made up of individual rectangles of color and all  I'm gonna do is take the background color whatever   each of these shapes are I'm going to bring it  in to this I'm gonna deter put the color here and   I'm gonna determine what number doesn't put the  number here so how do we do that well that's in   the developers if you don't have the developers  tab open of course you can find it located here   in the options and then you just click on the  customize urban and then the developers right   here make sure that is selected there's also a  shortcut to get you into the vigil basic that's   alt f11 okay so what I've got here I've got item  information we've got item macros these are all   the macros that are associated with the item those  are already here that was written a part of a   prior training so like I said if you want to check  out that prior training it's the mobile inventory   manager there's a lot of part QR codes that's what  we're gonna focus on today we're basically gonna   write three different macros it's gonna be really  simple one macro is gonna run our colors one macro   is going to generate arc to generate this single  QR code and the other macro is gonna run is gonna   generate QR codes for all of these okay so what  is behind this macro what is the engine that's   gonna run this and that's a really great API from  a website that I'll use and it's called QR code   generator QR code generator and it's a great API  it's relatively simple and that's why I love it   so much this this one uses a website now there are  ways to generate code within the application but   it's a lot of coding obviously not something I'm  what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find that and I'm   gonna include it inside this workbook so that  means you're gonna have more than one way of   generating QR codes you can do it inside Excel but  it's very detailed very complicated macro so it's   not something we want to go over in the training  but I'll include it it does exist but there's it's   less limited this one is great because you can  customize it however the only drawback it takes   a little bit of time to generate because it's  actually making a call to the Internet and then   it's coming back so it does depend on your speed  but what you can do is once you generate you can   save the picture and then you don't need to use  it you don't need to generate it only one time   so that you know it's not something you do very  often only maybe only when you create a new item   or you update the item name ok so what's behind  this basically what we're gonna be doing is we're   gonna be making call to this web this particular  API and that's what it looks like a QR code and   so what we're going to be doing is we're going  to be using this link right here and then we're   gonna put the question mark and then I'm gonna put  the size and our sizes variable then I want to put   the data the data would be just whatever text you  know that we're going in it the data of course in   our case is going to be this item name right here  that's our data we're gonna add a little bit more   onto that we can customize even more that would  be the gist for a very basic QR but of course   this is excel for freelance as we go beyond that  so what I want to do i want to add colors i want   to add sizes i want to give lots of details so  how can we do that we can even do colors so we   can add colors with this this is kind of a basic  screen here there's more documentation called here   api command if we take a look at that we'll get  into a lot of parameters if you really want to get   into this you can there's a nice little explains  a lot QuickStart guide what parameters like what   kind of limits the the minimum character count is  1 the maximum is route about 900 characters or so   it's not specific to that some best practices  certain sizes obviously minimum would be 10 by   10 maximum would be 10000 I think I don't care  all right so it's a lot let's see what is that   one that's actually 1 million maximum is 1 million  by 1 million depends on that but we're gonna keep   it way lower than that we're gonna just create  basic here's some good examples of that and so   basically you can read this sheet I don't want to  read it all to you but you get the idea there's   tons I'll include this link somewhere in the  description down below or in the application   itself download the application it's free so just  make sure you use the links in the description   below whether you're Facebook or email ok great so  that's what we're getting it from that's how we're   gonna generate it so what I want to do first is  I really want to give the user the ability to set   those colors up right I want to I want to be able  to customize the colors because the API allows us   to change the background color it allows us to  change the key our color how can we do that well   let's do it let's give them the choice to show  this so I'm going to write a macro for that and   it's we're gonna call this simply set color so sub  set color and I'm gonna sign this entire macro to   every single shape in that that means I'm gonna  it's all grouped together as you see it's all   grouping there's individual shapes inside this  each shape so basically when I assign a single   macro to this group that macro then gets assigned  to every single shape inside that group and that's   really what I wanted so first of all what I want  to do is I want to know with the active cell value   we can use active cell or of course we can use  sheet 3 but I'll use active cell because that way   it's easier for you to you don't have to rewrite  the code too much active in case you put on a   different sheet active cell dot value it's equal  to this is gonna be really easy active sheet dot   shapes right what we want is I want to know what  is calling it what is the color right application   dot collar that means that's the shape this is  the name of the shape that's calling it the name   of the shape right so what do I want to do I don't  want to know the name of the shape I want to know   actually the fill and the four color I want to  know the color that's it notice that every shape   had a different color so I want the fill and  then I want the four color RGB and I want to   put that what do I want to put that I want to put  that in the active cell so if I select it and now   I think I actually in a prior simple I've already  assigned this macro so let's just copy this take   this right click assign the macro and it's already  been assigned you set color click OK and now if I   click this and click this there it's 255 or 154  automatically obviously we need to do more we   need to close this I need to write a little bit  more we don't need this this color palette open   but that's gonna get us our color automatically so  see how easy that is all we're taking is the all   it's taking is whatever we click it's gonna take  that and it's going to put whatever the fill color   is of that shape and it's gonna put that number  right in here but I want to do more I also want   to color Dee's I want a visual in other words we  don't know what by looking at this number we don't   know what color it is but it was nice I want to  put that color right in D so let's do that let's   do that let's continue on with our macro so active  cell dot offset means I don't want the exact cell   on an adjacent cell offset dot and then I'll go  off said I want the same row so we're gonna keep   that as zero and I want the column offset one  to the right so it's gonna be one left would be   negative 1 dot interior color I want to color the  cell interior dot color equals what is it equal   it equals the same thing we just did it equals  it right here this so all I need to do is copy   this and I'll fix that and then paste it here  ok so active cell offset there's no dot there   ok there's no dot after offset ok offset there we  go ok so add to sell-offs that equals the active   shape same thing all I'm gonna do is I'm going to  take in that same color that we put the number in   and I'm gonna put it right in the interior color  of this I'm just gonna change it to the interior   color that's it and the last thing I really want  to do is just hide that shape so active sheet dot   shapes and then what is it color palette PA la tte  I'll probably spell it wrong dot visible equals   MSO false okay let's give it a try so basically  that's what I want to do now let's give it a try   and so it's gonna hide it and there's a little  bit all we have to do but I want to select it and   then red perfect and then okay so great so that  worked but now we've hidden it so what I want to   do is I want to display that color palette but I  all want to display it if the user selects c3 or   c4 now that's on sheet selection change so how do  we do that we're in the setup screen that's setup   she and we wrong selection change so we want to  go worksheet selection change now if not if the   user makes it change to some fields what fields  of we just discussed we just discussed either   it's gonna be c3 or c4 so let's write that in c3  or c4 if they make a change to one of those make   a selection change to one of those Ben what do I  want to do I want to display that color palette   so then shapes again color palette in this case  the dot visible equals mmm so true right if they   selected else what is it else they it's gonna be  false right we want to hide it if they've selected   anything else I want to hide it so else based and  this is gonna be false I'll hide it okay that's   always deer let's try that now okay so we selected  something got this green nice that's what I want   okay the back color that's at the back color is  white perfect now let's set the front color is   maybe something like a blue here dark blue that's  good with a theme okay great our QR form we're   gonna set that to 150 150 pixels that means right  in here I want to put it right around 150 by 150   in our queue our table size I want to make it much  smaller we have a list I want to put those queue   ours 50 pixels by 50 pixels so when I generate  those QRS okay I can generate them here great   all right wow it's already 15 minutes out I've  got a rush I don't think I'm gonna complete this   in 30 minutes I talked too much okay not let's  go I had QR code macros we've got the set color   now all we need to do is write the macro that's  gonna generate our QR code so let's do that sub   generate single QR code just the single one is  all I want to do on this one okay and I wanted   I wanted to mention a few items because we have  to dimension there it's going to be a picture   that we're creating so we're gonna dimension the  QR pick as string the cue our URL as string and   the data is a string cue our data cue our data  as string okay and also I want to make sure the   for coloring back color strings for color as  string and the back color back color as string   okay great so the for color matte color has a  string now that's all the strings but I also   want to know what the size is let's dimension the  cue our sides cue our size that's gonna be long as   long as we remember we have those variables set  up already in our setup screen so we have the   cue our variable has a lot the size and now what  I want to do is with sheet 1 we're gonna focus on   sheet 1 the first thing I want to do is I want  to delete any cue our item that might be there   we're gonna give it a specific name so dots shapes  and then cue our item pick that's the name we're   gonna use automatically for that your honor pick  I want to delete that because if we're generating   a new one I want to delete Guilderland but if  it doesn't exist it's gonna create an error so   we're gonna do on-air resume next remember I use  autohotkey to automate my typing it's quick it's   easy I'll provide a training on that very soon I  think it's been suggested I think it's a good idea   to show you exactly how I do that okay an on-air  resume zero so that's gonna do that that will   delete the picture the current one if there is any  okay so continuing on we also want to know what   is the data what data do I want inside that I'm  gonna choose this data here of course you can use   anything you want up to nine I'm just gonna choose  east six so we know that it's dot range e six so   I'm gonna call it Q our data equals dot range e  six that's gonna be our item name also known as   QR data okay so we've got our QR data what else  do we need we need the size and that's gonna be   on a different sheet size is gonna be equal to and  that's gonna be in our setup screen sheet 3 dot   range and that's gonna be in C 5 C 5 remember C  6 is the smaller one that's going to go see 5 dot   value that is gonna be a large QR sighs okay than  that that was set to 150 okay so we've got our key   our size now all we need is our 4 color and our  back color so let's set that up so our 4 color is   equal to okay let's just copy and paste this and  in this case our 4 color is going to be located in   C 4 C 4 is our 4 color for color is in our Q B we  also know that we just call it Q artist called for   call a little bit more detail so it's but Q our  four color and the back color Q our black color   call that a little bit more descriptive okay so we  know that that's located in C 4 and we know that   our back codes look at it and see through so let's  just write that up C 4 for color and back color   we're gonna need more than that though I'm gonna  change this to back and then we're gonna change   this to C 3 okay but in actuality our QR code  cannot read you can only mean hex values and this   is not a hex form so we need to convert it into a  hex form in order for our URL to read it in for it   so in its current form in this current number form  it's not gonna be able to we need to convert it to   a hex so how do we convert it to a hex well we can  use write and then hacks to do that so it's just a   two-step process so let's do that inside that  okay so the 4 color I'm gonna make sure we're   going to use the right of in fact we're gonna use  the write up it just goes zero zero zero because   I want five zeros and that's gonna set us out the  right five zero two three four five because I want   the right of and and the hex right well I add the  hex of what this in this case hex of c4 and then   what I want is the hex comma right and what is the  length six I want six six characters okay that's   it okay let's continue on so that's gonna get us  partially but now let's continue on to give us the   full hex value for color equals right again but  in this case what do we want I want the current   for color in its current form after it's been  converted for color to I just wanted to write   the two last ones on the right and what a lot I  also want the mid form because we get to break it   up into three different parts the left the right  and the middle so how do we do that and the mid of   the four color in this case starting it three and  the length is going to be two characters and what   are we at in this case left the left of the four  color and then the length is two so it's gonna   separate into three different parts and give us  that hex value we're gonna do the same exact thing   for back color same exact thing so all we need to  do is copy this and paste it and of course we're   going to get rid of that change this to back color  for these two back in fact here's a quick little   way back and then back again and also back here  and then in this case well you another way you   can do is you can just do find we're looking  for for color and we're gonna replace it with   back color and that's only in the selected text  back color using control f and replace all okay   so it's replaced three that's another way to do  it as opposed to retyping it and I just want to   update this remember this is not C for this one  C three okay so basically what it's going to do   is going to take that number convert it to a hex  value using the right functions the mid functions   and left functions can get us our exact values  that we need and put it into hex form because it   is the hex form that it's gonna be read by the API  now we're ready to build our link and what is that   let's take a look we know we were looking inside  the API we know what is the basis of it we know   it's gonna be this right here let's copy this and  then build out the rest okay so back into our code   our cue our URL is equal to then we must put the  parentheses and but if we're next we're gonna put   in data I want data I want data after that data is  equal to what's data equal to and of course the QR   data cue our date it was already defined that and  what else and then I want the size right so then   and right sees in this case and inside the link  right and inside the URL not only and this and   combines combines our variable with our tax string  this and is inside the string we need that insight   to come to let the API know it this is a different  part ok so then in this case size is equal to n   quotation and of course the cue our size Q our  size and of course it's Thai Kieu our site sizes   to remember it's x times so we need you and again  this case X which means the times like vertical   times horizontal and again QR sighs one more  time QR sighs okay great what else let's go in   additional and let's go to the next line here and  so now that we have the size size by size we can   I want to add the character set right we want to  specify a character set that's gonna help to make   sure it's the right so and the character set is -  the source character set - source is recommended   by the API equals the UTF so it's in there  recommendation so I'm following those utf-8 okay   cuz that's the character set and also one more the  target UTF we need to specify that as an as stated   by the API and the character set that's target  - equals UTF - 8 e CC equals now okay we're done   with that that's going to cover the character code  just to make sure there's no heirs and what are   we now already for the color and the color what  is the color is gonna be the for color so color   is equal to and for color and that's already been  converted to hex and of course the next one is the   background color and and the quotation marks again  inside and we're separating it and this time it's   B G color equals what of course it equals the back  color back gotta have the an there and back color   okay what next and we have more to do one nice I  also want let's say we just add the margins the   basic margins here so let's do that the margin  and margin because that's also an option inside   the FBI equals just put a zero and the Qzone  whatever that means so and because I could look it   up equals l equals one and the format equal to PNG  all right that's it for our link now we've created   everything and next up what we're gonna be doing  is we're going to insert the URL into the sheet   now that we have all when you do it's insert so  again let's do this with sheet 1.6 dot insert and   now we just need to insert to cue our URL okay so  now with that what do we need to do with that we   need to sign it a name that way we know we can  delete it so the dot name is equal to again the   same name that we just deleted up here it's good  it's gonna be right here called QR item pick right   here and I'll just copy paste this in here so now  we have our QR name and are there and so once we   have that we can then position it where do we want  to position it well basically I want to position   right in here in this box here so it's gonna start  out and let's just say m8 and then all the way   down here m8 is probably a good good or and let's  put it at m7 and then we'll drop it and a 7-up   drop down a little bit m7 is probably better so  let's position it right there so the name Pig is   equal but I want to put it in the middle I want to  put it I want to Center didn't M so what I want to   do is I want to get the width of M and then I want  to get the width of our QR which is 150 and then I   want to divide the space between the two of them  by two so how do we do that that way it's going   to centered automatically so dot left is equal  to sheet 1 range m7 dot left + right + cuz we're   moving it over a little bit plus in this case  print sees sheet 1 I want to know dot range and   we'll just use m1 basically I want the width of  column Emma's really what I want width of calling   it - the width of the particular picture dot width  take all that and divide it by 2 so that's we're   gonna we're gonna add it we're basically going  to take the width of the column subtract out   the width of the shape and then divide that by 2  that's going to create a equal spacing on either   side okay great so now all we do is put the top  position and then we're done dot top is equal to   sheet 1 range m7 again m7 dot top okay and then a  little bit lower so plus let's say 5 plus 5 okay   so that's pretty much it now if case there's an  air sometimes there's heirs or or we do want to   add on air go-to but not correct not just yet  let's test our code first before we add on air   go to next so before we do that all right so let's  save it as we always want to do and then let's go   ahead and take this macro and assign it to our  button that we've already created it's a group   button here this button here right click assign  macro paste that in okay very good now let's run   our code check for errors in a probably pictured  all right we don't your space here we don't need   this space that's not gonna help us let's reset  this try to get and run it again application take   a look all right it's generated there perfect just  got to get that left possession right but that's   exactly what I want now our code is generated okay  let me just update the left there's probably a   some math in there plus this should be - not equal  so I messed that up all the time okay that's now   let's run it again all right that looks great now  we're done with that and now all we need to do is   ready to run our put our QR codes in our item  list all we need to do is pretty much copy and   paste this and then we run a loop so let's do that  let's create a brand new macro I'm gonna copy this   I'm gonna go down here I'm gonna call this sub  batch QR code okay sub batch QR code that's good   enough for me I'm gonna copy and paste everything  in just in a paste everything in just as I did but   now what we're going to do is we're just gonna add  a little bit more too long so we need to run the   last row I need to know basically what the first  row is I need to know the last row of the items I   need to check if a QR codes been generated if it  has not put it generated and if it has then just   skip it so first thing we need to go is last row  and we also need to loop through each row so let's   dimension those rows as long so we have the QR so  if we also need the last row as long the item row   specific row ID and bro as long okay and that's it  and then I want to actually dimension the QR shape   because I want to see if it's there QR shape has  a shape because Morgan is you're gonna run a test   because what we're gonna do is we're gonna run a  test to see if it's there okay so with sheet one   of course this time we're gonna focus on sheet  2 so we'll get rid of that and we just need to   update any of the sheet 1 issues so our QR data  is actually not going to be in East 6 is going to   be in hey what do I want to put in here I'm gonna  put in whatever is an A in the row that we're on   so I'm gonna put that I'm gonna update that a and  the item row of course we're gonna run the loop   that Road doesn't exist we don't need this booth  right now so we don't need that anymore so let's   first of all let's get our last our last row is  gonna be what equal to I just use autohotkey for   that equals got range a and the last row that's  gonna give us the last item row last item row and   just one caveat if last row is it's less than four  then exits sub there's no data than nothing we can   do okay for our item row equals it's gonna  start off with four and our first item Row   is located right here in four so for two last row  okay and now we have to close our lip we're gonna   close it all the way down here next item bro so  the first thing what I want to do is check does   the qr-code exist so what were winners we're  going to assign a specific name to the QR code   and it's gonna be very easy I'm gonna make it the  same so each one's gonna have a different name so   it's gonna be called item QR and then the item  row so that's what it's gonna be so let's write   some code to see if it exists first so we can do  with set the QR shape equal to dot shapes item QR   and the item row okay we're gonna set it but if  that doesn't exist it's going to create an error   so we need to do on air resume next and then on  air go to zero here and that's going to just in   case so if there's doesn't exist so now what we  can do is we can check to see if it exists if   not QR shape is nothing then then that means it  exists right then it already exists we don't need   to create it if it already exists then go to next  QR and all we need to do is just skip all the way   down here and right under the next one just put  in next Q R and then with a column there that's   gonna skip all that if it already exists no need  to create one if it doesn't exist if it exists   already okay so now we haven't we have our data or  did isn't going to be in column one we know the QR   sighs cure site actually is going to be changed  right we want the smaller size and our smaller   size is located right here in six so it's C six  we just need to update that c6 okay so the color   the background color that's not gonna change  the URL is not gonna change everything the pic   the name is going to change those so the name and  we're not with sheet one we don't want to insert   on sheet 1 in this case we want to insert it in  sheet 2 so we've already so let's just put sheet   2 we're gonna answer the QR and our name is gonna  be a little bit different so our name is going to   be Dianetics oh we have one different one for each  team so our name is going to be this should be Q   armed not wrq our item Q R this is basically what  our name is right here so we can just copy this so   our item name is gonna be this okay and so item QR  Nedim row so this time we want to position it but   obviously we're not going to position sheet one  so we do need to update that to sheet 2 where do   I want to put it I want to put it right here and  call them L I want to put it but again I want to   put it in call them not want to Center it and  call it hell and then I want to move it down a   little bit of tough so we're gonna do that so  again in this case it's going to be sheet 2 L   and the item row got left and then the column size  is going to be L I want to know the width of L 1   or any L in any row numbers fine sheet - L wanna  know the width of that so that's it I want to do   the same thing all I want to do is just put the  top and then plus I guess not quite 5 maybe - a   little bit doubt that so in this case the top  position is going to be L and the item row top   plus let's say - okay good I think that's almost  it pretty simple and just in case what I want to   do here is I want to set the QR to nothing just  to make sure it's cleared out each time set QR   shape equal to nothing okay let's run this code  let's save our work and let's go ahead and copy   this macro and assign it to that group of buttons  here so I'm gonna go up here and I'm gonna right   click and then I click sign macro I'm gonna paste  it in there okay and now let's run our code see if   there's any errors great and there we have it now  they're all appeared it takes a little time though   it depends on your internet connection okay so  keep that in mind when you do a lot of them if you   got a lot of them it's gonna take quite a while  because each one's gonna call but it gets done   and then of course you have to do all right that's  great now let's generate let's run this again it   should be very quick perfect see how quick it is  nothing happened because let's delete one and then   run it again it takes a little bit of time and  then it's there excellent wow that's great alright   and this chaining I've shown you how to generate  we're a little over the 30 minute but we got close   enough better than three hours like one was okay  generate batch code will show you how to generate   batch numbers of QR codes and we've shown you how  to customize the background color the front color   we have also shown you how to generate them in  a large for a specific item and showing you how   to create a really cool pop-up color palette and  setting them alright thanks so much I wanted to   try to make this little quick one so we can get in  lots of value in a shorter time all right thanks   so much we'll see you next week I appreciate  everything you're following thanks again
Channel: Excel For Freelancers
Views: 119,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Excel VBA, VBA In Excel, Excel Application, Excel Application Development, Excel Software, VBA in Excel, Free VBA Training, Free Excel Training, Free Excel Course, Free Excel Training Course, Excel QR Code, QR Code Excel, Generating QR Code Excel, Create QR Code with Excel, Batch QR Code Excel, Excel Batch QR Code, Free QR Code Download, Download QR Code Free, Create QR Code Free, Excel Inventory QR Code, Product QR Code, Excel Generating QR Code, Make QR Code with Excel
Id: jZxbIwmdzIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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