How to Create QR Code In Excel (QR Code Generator)

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hello and welcome to another Excel tips video I am Sumit bansal and in today's video I am going to show you how to insert QR codes in Excel now if you're using the latest version of excel which is the Excel with Microsoft 365 then this can be done using a very simple formula and if you're using an older version of excel then also you can do this using three methods that I'm going to cover in this video so let's get started so the first method that I want to show you is going to use a new function which is called the image function and this function is available only in Excel that is available with Microsoft 365 or Excel on the web so if you are using an older version of Excel and you do not have this function then you can use the other methods that I'm going to cover but if you have Microsoft 365 let me show you how to generate QR codes for this data set now here I've taken a diverse data set I have the name which is my name my website URL and I have a random address this is the address of Sherlock Holmes so in this case I am going to generate QR codes here in the adjacent column so to do that I am going to use this free service this is a URL this is a Google API that you can use to quickly generate QR codes when you supply the data where where the data in this case would be the name or the URL so let me show you how it works I have this URL here and I'm going to open browser and put this URL now at the end of this URL so what this URL already specify is the size which is 100 by 100 and then at the end of this I can specify the text or the URL for which I want to create the QR code so in this case let me just type from and when I hit enter it is going to generate a QR code for this text and this is the QR code that it has generated now if you scan this it is going to show you this URL which is now instead of doing this in the browser I can use the image function to do this in Excel so here I am going to again copy this part here and here I have the size as 100 by 100 you can increase it you can decrease the size if you want I'm going to go with the same size and here I'm going to use the image function now the image function takes all these arguments but only one argument is mandatory which is the source where I have to specify the URL so that it can go to that URL and fetch the image these other arguments are the alt text or the alternate text the the sizing and the height and width in this case I do not want to supply all these I can only Supply the URL so I'm going to put the URL this code this chart API in double quotes and then I'm going to add an ampersand here sorry and click on this cell so that it can use this URL but then give me the QR code for whatever data I have here in cell A2 and now when I hit enter it is going to instantly generate the QR code in your case it may take a few seconds because it is going to fetch the data from this URL because I've already done this it has instantly generated but in your case it may show you busy for a couple of seconds and then give you the QR code and then I can drag this down and it is going to instantly give me these QR codes now one thing you need to know when using image function is that this image here is going to be within the cell you cannot move this image this image is going to be part of the cell if you increase or decrease the row height or column width then this image would automatically resize and you can see here is the image because the size we specified was 100 by 100 if I increase the size here this is a bit blurred it is going to become a little clearer so you can specify the size in this case so this is how you can easily get the QR code with this simple formula if you have Excel from Microsoft 365. now if you do not have that let me show you a couple of methods to get the QR code in Excel there are many third-party add-ins that you can add and then use to do different things and here I'm going to show you how to use a third party add-in to generate QR code so I'm going to go to the developer tab here and then click on add-ins and when I do that it is going to open this office add-ins dialog box and here I can click on store and then I am going to search for the add-in that I want now in this case because I want to create QR codes I'm going to search for QR codes now when I hit enter it is going to show me some of the add-ins I can use now there are these many add-ins and you can try any of these I have already tried Q4 our office and it also has a lot of ratings so I'm assuming that it is being used by many people so I'm going to add this one and when I click on ADD It'll ask for permission and then that add-in has been added and you can see that I have this pane that appears here which is qr4 office and here I can generate these add-ins now here I have this this drop down where you can specify the kind of information or data you have for which you you want to generate the add-in so you can generate add-in for these URLs with HTTP and https for an email address telephone number SMS and geography or the easiest way is you just click on custom and enter the text whatever your text is here whether it be a URL or an SMS or a phone number here and it is going to generate that QR code so in this case let me go with my name and I'm going to enter my name here and then you can specify whether you want to have a color what color you want what background you want the size and that QR code is getting generated here right in the preview section and now if you want to insert it you click on insert and this QR code is inserted now one big difference between this method and the image function method is that this is an object which is floating over the worksheet so you can bring it to any cell if you want it to be placed in one of the cells you can increase the size of the cell and then put it here but this is not going to be m embedded within the cell that is as it was with the image function where it became a part of the cell it was like a text that was in the cell in this case it is like an object a shape that is floating that you can place wherever you want similarly if you want to create it for the URL you bring it here you put the URL here instantly this code is generated you can specify the size the color and everything and then insert it and then come here and put it here again this is not the best way to do it but if you have a couple of data sets for which you want to generate QR codes then you can do it manually one by one let me show you another way which is again a one by one method which is using an external website and if you want to generate a QR codes in bulk for many different data points or many different cells and you do not have image function then in the end I'm also going to give you a VBA code that is going to do it for you another method you can use is by using an external website where you generate the QR code on the website then you copy the code or you download the code and then you put it in Excel now this is again not the most elegant method obviously not as good as the image function but if you have to only generate a few QR codes then this can work also when you're doing it through website sometimes there are more options for customization such as the color of the QR code or maybe putting it in a frame so in this case I'm going to show you how to do this using this website let me copy this website and open it in the browser and here you can see in this website you can generate all these kinds of QR codes and the QR code is going to be generated here once it is generated then you can download it and then upload it in Excel so let's generate it for the name I'll go back to this website here I would select text because it is a text type of data and as soon as I put the name here you can see it is giving me the QR code here now there are a couple of options and you can select these and it's going to put it in a frame sometimes it may also ask you to sign up it's a free sign up but again one more step to generate the QR code and you can see what all frames you have if you do not want a frame you can click here then you can also customize the shape and color so you can have all these options if you want you can also choose the color let's say I want it for red color then this has been generated now once you are happy with the QR code you can download it so when I click on the download button it is going to take a couple of seconds and then download this QR code on my device once I have the QR code on my device I can then go back to Excel and upload it so here you can see it has given me this QR code now I can go back to excel and go to insert and here in pictures go to this device and my QR code here is frame one so when I double click on this the QR code has been inserted in Excel I can resize this and put it in the cell where I want again this has a couple of steps and you will have to do this individually for each data point but if you only want to do it a couple of times then this is also a decent method to generate QR codes then put this back in Excel now let me show you a very simple VBA code where you can instantly generate QR codes for an entire column here again I have this same data set and I want to generate the QR codes in this column now I'm going to use a very simple VBA code so I have the code here in a notepad and I'm going to copy this and I'm also going to give you this VBA code in the description of this video so you can copy and use it now this code again uses the same URL the URL that we used in the image function and it then goes to that URL then comes back with the image and puts that image in the cell where we are going to use this function so what with this VBA code we are creating a function called get QR codes and then when we use this custom function in a Cell it is going to fetch the URL or the data from the referenced cell go to this URL which is the URL create that image and then bring back back that image in the cell so let's see how it works I'm going to copy this code and here I'm going to open the VB editor so you go to the developer tab and then click on the Visual Basic icon and it is going to open the VB editor you can also use the keyboard shortcut alt f11 so hold the ALT key and press the f11 key and when you do that it again opens the same VB editor now here I'm going to click on this insert option and then click on module and when I do that it is it inserts this module here where I'm going to copy paste my code so this is my code here and that's it the function get QR codes has been created now I can close the VB editor here or minimize it come here and then use the function get QR code just like any other worksheet function now this code here takes only one single argument which is the cell reference that has the data for which I want to generate the QR code so in this case the function here is get QR codes and the data here is this data this text here in this cell so I'm referencing cell A2 and now when I hit enter what's going to happen is in the back end it is going to go to that URL generate the image bring that image back in Excel as I hit enter it brings that QR code here in this cell and as again just like previous methods this is not embedded within the cell it is a shape or an object that is floating above the worksheet you so you will have to make space for this and then put this within the cell where you want but the good thing here is that you can generate these QR codes in bulk so for example if I want to generate it for these two cells I can just select these two cells copy the formula here so what has happened is image has come but this cell still has the formula and that formula returns nothing except this image so I can copy this formula come to these two cells and paste this formula and when I do that it is going to instantly generate the QR codes for all these data sets now again uh I have to make space for these QR codes so I will have to increase the row height of these QR codes here and that's it I'm done so apart from the image function I think VBA is another good way of quickly generating multiple QR codes if you have a long data set if you don't want to do the VBA method then you can always use the add-in or use an external website if you have a couple of data points for which you want to generate QR code so these are four methods that you can use to create QR codes in Excel that's it in this video I hope you found this useful also if you're liking these videos please subscribe to this YouTube channel and click on the Bell icon so that you never miss out on any new Excel tips video I come up with thank you and have a nice day
Channel: TrumpExcel
Views: 74,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Generate QR Codes in Excel, QR Code Generator in Excel, qr code generator, Insert QR Codes in Excel, how to generate qr code in excel using vba, vba code to generate qr code, add-in to generate qr code, qr code formula in excel, qr code generator formula in excel, advanced excel, excel, excel basics, excel tips, excel tutorials, learn excel, sumit bansal, trump excel
Id: Wfu4WZgQqw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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