BEST AI Voice Generator | Eleven Labs

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Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today we're going  to look at how you can use the most realistic   sounding text-to-speech software that currently  exists. Here's an example of what it sounds like.   Kevin Stratvert has a very small and growing  YouTube channel. He sounds a little robotic,   but he delivers solid content. You should  consider subscribing. Now I don't know about you,   but for me personally, that sounds  like an actual human read that text.   The vocal emotion, the intonation,  it all just sounds so realistic.   And in fact, it probably sounds even more  realistic or more human-like than I do.   Let's check out how you can use this for free  right now. To start turning text into speech, head   to the Eleven Labs homepage. You can click on the  card in the top right-hand corner, or you can also   click on the link down below in the description.  Right here on the homepage, you don't even have to   set up an account. You can just type in some  text and right here, you can select a voice   to narrate that text. Here you have all of these  different pre-made voices and later on, we'll look   at how you can even create your own customized  voice. You have a mix of males and also females.   Once you're ready to generate your speech, you  can click on this play icon right down below.   On the homepage, you are limited by how  many characters you can turn into speech.   To be able to turn more text into speech, up  above, let's click on the pricing tab. This   drops us onto the pricing page and here we see all  of the available plans. Now the great news is the   base plan is entirely free. So here you could  test out speech synthesis to see how it works.   Right down here on the free plan, you get  up to 10,000 characters per month that you   can convert into speech, and I found that that  works out to about 10 minutes' worth of speech.   One of the drawbacks of the free plan is you  cannot use it commercially and you also have to   attribute back to Eleven Labs. The next plan up  is the starter plan and this one's attractively   priced. For the first month, it's only $1 and then  it jumps up to $5, and the key difference is you   get up to 30,000 characters per month that you can  convert into speech, and that works out to about   30 minutes. And one of the really great parts of  this is you get instant voice cloning. What this   means is I can upload, let's say myself talking,  and then I can type, and it'll speak back using   my voice. That's pretty incredible. In the top  right-hand corner, I'll click on sign in, but if   you don't yet have an account, feel free to sign  up for a free account. Once you finish setting up   your account, here we drop into speech synthesis  and this is where we can type in some text,   and it'll generate speech based on that text. The  benefit of going through an account is you get   a much larger quota to convert text into speech.  Right up above, just like we saw on the homepage,   here you could select one of these voices and here  you could even preview what these voices sound   like by clicking on the preview icon. You can go  through and listen to all the different options.   Below that, you also have voice settings  and here you could adjust things like the   stability. If you go down to the left where  it's more variable, this will cause the voice   to sound more expressive. Here, you could also  modify the clarity and similarity enhancement.   You could try adjusting these different values  to see how that affects the voice. Down below,   here's where you can type in your text and the  more text you type in, the better the model will   work, and the reason why is it adjusts the  delivery based on the context of the text.   Here, for instance, I'll type in text.  Unfortunately, I have some bad news to report,   so it's bad news, so the voice will  probably be a little bit more downbeat,   and it'll factor that into the way it delivers the  voice. It's pretty incredible. Right down below,   all I need to do is click on generate and then  we could listen to the voice. Unfortunately, I   have some bad news to report. Mrs. Fields won the  best cookie of the year and not the Kevin Cookie   Company. That sounded really human-like. I am  still just blown away by how good this technology   has gotten. Right up above, I can change the  message and maybe we go with something a little   bit more positive or upbeat. Actually, we were  just kidding. The Kevin Cookie Company won. Right   up here, I can choose a different voice. Let's  try Elli to see how that one sounds. Down below,   I'll click on generate. Haha, just kidding. Great  news to report. The Kevin Cookie Company has the   best chocolate chip cookie. Yay, this is fantastic  news. That too also sounds fantastic. If you like   the voice, but you weren't quite satisfied with  the delivery, up above, you could click into   voice settings and you could try modifying these  different values or you can simply go back down to   generate and you can simply regenerate, and you'll  get a slightly different variation. Let's listen   again. Haha, just kidding. Great news to report.  The Kevin Cookie Company has the best chocolate   chip cookie. Yay, this is fantastic news. So,  there you get the same voice, but it's slightly   different and you could go through and generate  again and again until you find one that matches   exactly how you want it to sound. Along with  the pre-made voices, if you scroll up the page,   you also have the option to add your very own  voice. You can click on this or up on top, you can   click into the voice lab. Within the voice lab,  you have two different options for making a new   synthetic voice from scratch. Over here, you could  design a voice, or you can also clone a voice.   Let's test this out by clicking on add voice.  Let's start by looking at voice design. This   opens up a prompt where I can now generate my very  own voice. At the top, I can select a gender. I'll   select male. I can also select the age. I'll  go with old. Right here, I can also select the   accent. I'll select British and here I can define  the accent strength. Down below, I'll type in my   text. I can confirm the Kevin Cookie Company does  indeed have the best cookies in the world. And   down here, I'll click on generate. I can confirm  the Kevin Cookie Company does indeed have the best   cookies in the world. How would I know? I'm old,  wise, and a British accent speaks with authority.   We're going to have to use this in our next  marketing campaign. Here, I'll minimize this   section on the bottom and then I can select use  voice. Here, I can give my voice a name. I'll type   in a name and then click on create voice. Now,  anytime that I want to synthesize text to speech,   I can use this specific voice. So, this might  become the voice of our marketing campaigns,   and this way I can ensure that we always have the  same exact voice. Let's now add another voice,   but this time we're going to use the instant  voice cloning. Here, I'll click on add voice.   And right over here, let's select instant  voice cloning. I can now add my very own voice   by uploading sample audio and what better  voice to try than my very own voice. Here,   I'll type in Kevin for the voice name and here I  need to drag in sample audio. The good news is I   record my voice a lot anytime I pull together  videos. So, I have lots of sample audio. Here,   I’ll drag a file in. They recommend uploading at  least five minutes' worth of audio, providing more   doesn't really help the model that much. Right  down here, I could also apply different labels and   I need to enter a description. So, I might as well  say a handsome, amazing, incredible, brilliant   young man with a beautiful sounding voice. I mean,  that's an accurate description, right? Down here,   you also have to confirm that you have the rights  to this voice. This is my own voice. So of course,   I have the rights to it. Down at the very bottom,  I'll click on add voice. And just like that, it   has now added my voice and it went really fast. It  probably only took about 10 or 15 seconds to add   my voice. Right down here, I can now use my voice.  Let's test this out. This brings me back to the   speech synthesis page, and right here in the voice  list, we now see two new voices. Here, I have my   voice, the Kevin voice, and then I also have that  other voice, the marketing campaign voice that I   can choose from. I'll select my voice. I'll leave  the speech settings as is, and then right here,   I'll type in my text, and I'll use the intro  of this video to see if this AI text to speech   could potentially replace me. Down here, let's  click on generate and hear what it sounds like.   Hi, everyone. Kevin here. Today, we are going to  look at how you can use the most realistic text   to speech software that currently exists. Here's  an example of what it sounds like. Now personally,   I don't think it sounds like me that much, but let  me know what you think down below in the comments.   Did that sound like me or did it sound like a  computer was speaking it? Once you've converted   text into speech, up at the very top, click into  the history tab, and here you can see a history of   all of your different generated samples. You can  play them back again to hear what they sound like,   and if you'd like to download any of the generated  speech, you can click on this icon and then you   can download the selected speech. I am just blown  away by how good text to speech has gotten. The   next time you listen to an audio book, will it be  an actual human or a computer narrating the book?   And will you be able to tell the difference? I  don't know. To watch more videos like this one,   please consider subscribing and  I’ll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 287,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert
Id: seMNwAav55c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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