LION PRIDE loses a QUEEN | The Lion Whisperer

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gonna set you out with Ginny poo bum he says don't call me Jenny poover look at those teeth he's a big boy he's got a beautiful head of hair everyone loves rayetti that's what he's after [Music] ran away all right guys good morning good morning good morning um today we're going to be taking vayeti and Jenny out for an enrichment walk and it pains me to actually say that because it's normally in the past been a very engine so Livi is no longer with us and this episode today is really going to be a bit of a tribute to that lovely cat oh oh look at that we going walking ready one two and three whoo he just wants to get away from her get me away from her I've been cooped up with this lioness for weeks and so guys this is something I was explaining to somebody the other day is that why are these enrichment walks are so important is that the lines do get to just to do what they like to do as a lions so the male lion really does want to explore he wants to it's instinctive so the instincts of America really go get up and go and explore territories and Mark and demarcate and the line is is really about looking at what she can go and grab and I see some animals down in the corner inside of she but she's playing it cool which is cool that she's seen them you see that's exactly what I'm talking about she's concerned about what she can catch and he's concerned about what he can roll in and what he can mock so he's all about territory she's all about catching things and that is how they get oh get close in there she's starting to run away look at her clawing the tree it's another reason why [Music] um it's great for them to come out here Jenny was um a little bit more reserved than Livia I think Livy was the naughtier one if I if I recall this is going back a long way now so I'm jogging my memory but I do remember journey to be a little bit more reserved both naughty but Livi was exceptionally bad she was a challenge and it's it's really really sad for me um that she passed so suddenly because it was for me one of the real success stories of kind of not writing an animal off she became one of the most incredible lionesses that I can tell you now guys I trusted with my life it was for many of you know the relationship I have with Megan head with Amy it was that kind of relationship it developed from nothing to everything over the years Jenny Olivia and vayeti became a real item became a real really bonded tightly knit group a tight pride and you know we've never really had any dramas with them up until Livy's passing and she passed uh for those who still don't know many have asked how did she pass and it was a misothelioma which is a cancer a lung cancer let's go go and say hello you haven't even said hello to me today you horrible thing you just jumped up and ran away is still on his mission let's talk about rayetti hello my boy is that my boy [Applause] so finally I get my greeting from vayeti and this is just normal because he's actually chilled out a bit now so when you first let them out obviously they are super excited to go and mark their territory while he is she wants to go hunting Impala or warthog and now they've slowed right down look at that slowed down slow down to a snail Pace he's marking his territory still which is what big boys do and he's gonna lie down on me and that is one of the endearing qualities of this lion which I absolutely love one of the enduring qualities of Mr Big is that affection and that that you know kind of like boom I'll just flop down on top of you which is fantastic what a nice animal hello big boy that's what he's after Vayas is back on the move Teddy's little rest we've come to another boundary and then are kind of like saying to bobcat and Gabby hey how you doing look at us we're walking freely and you guys are in a camp haha but no aggression no aggression whatsoever from Mr Big fayetti Meet the character he was a bit of a scaredy cat let me let me use that as the right phraseology for to to describe him when he was younger um so yeah he wasn't exactly the bravest of the brave but he would take his lead from from me and he's always been just very calm and collected in everything he does so he's not like a suja who's a very a very nervous cat it's just fights he's not brave he's not gonna go and pick a fight when he doesn't have to he's got something on his back paw there can I get it off you boy okay you're going to get it off yourself it's a thorn ow ow so he uses his rough tongue to get rid of that thorn I'll show you their Thorn now there's a mega thorn they are horrible look at that okay sovietsi he's a yeah I ran out of superlatives to describe him he's such a beautiful cat um he's your epitome of a really gorgeous male lion a lot of people absolutely love him because of his wonderful nature I've got to tell you I'm one of those people he doesn't like hyena like most lions I just got to the point where he's now seen the hyenas and uh this is all part and parcel of fun at the sanctuary part of the enrichment and there's not much you know that's about as excited as my AC kids it's really it's quite entertaining it's about the extent of his excitement hey what do you say what do you say the girls just thought oh this is boring chasing hyenas through fences is not is not exciting but that's that's seriously guys that's the level of aggression that he shows so you know he stalks he stalks them he has some fun chasing you know up to the fence and even about 20 meters down the fence and then it's like wait a moment this is way way way too much energy for one line I'd rather just go and mock from the tree she's sniffing sniffing sniffing she's on a bit of a scent Trail a lot of uh warthog I think it's a warthog because I could see the digging marks in the soil so it's most likely a water that she is trying to locate good sense of smell and Ginny just talking about the characters Jenny has been an absolutely incredible Huntress she's caught so many animals in her time but what she was really really good at catching was a wildebeest and which is the other thing she used to catch a lot of good at good at catching Impala but uh Olivia and Jenny used to really really be good at catching voldemiest hide here give her a fright Libby used to be the prankster so I'm taking the role of Levy [Laughter] you lazy now hey you're lazy now it's so funny because just like me as they get older oh they're dead world to play just a dwindles guys twindles but she's still got a little bit of spunk lift you know if I did that to Thor's group I would have been taken out foreign out I think they are looking for a nice bit of shade certainly that would be lovely and I will then make the call to the Uber services okay George okay guys so hope I've covered all aspects of lovey Jenny and vayeti this is I meet the characters episode but as a dedication to Livi who passed away recently this is for you Olivia you wonderful wonderful cat you brought a lot of joy into my life and you brought a lot of joy into everyone in the world's lives you were such a bubbly Spirit you gave me a lot of gray hair especially when you're a cub but you're an absolute pleasure as a as an adult lioness you were a very graceful and very pretty uh catch you had a beautiful Soul beautiful temperament and you even in death exuded that because one of the things I must just tell you all is they're in the post-mortem was done uh the lady emailed me and you know wrote me the nicest message about um that Livi just looked like the most happy animal that had ever lived and I said to her it's so it's so wonderful obviously to receive that message because that's exactly how we remember lovey as this happy curious naughty cat good girl and you Indigo come big boy yeah all this list for me to say guys is until next time from me Kevin fayetti and Jenny bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Lion Whisperer
Views: 287,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aqd_CBZEd8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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