How to Format an ebook for Kindle Self-Publishing With Microsoft Word - In Less Than 10 Mins

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hey everyone shondo in here and today i wanted to go over a very simple way to format your e-book to Amazon Kindle now this is something that if you're working with a ghost writing company they usually do for you but it's good to know yourself so if you need to make any changes you can always go and do it yourself it's very very quick it only takes a couple minutes and if you're a writer and you are writing the book yourself and you need somebody to format your book if you go and go to like Fiverr or other freelancer website and ask for formatting you know you could be charged 50 60 70 dollars per book or more just to do the formatting when you can go and format it yourself couple minutes super easy what I'm going to show you is a very basic formatting it's nothing special but it'll look good and it'll pass the kindle review when you're uploading the book so let's get started alright so we have our example book here and the very very first thing you want to do is to click on this button here this is the show/hide button it'll show you all the like this is the marquee yet for like extra spacing so basically when you click return and add a space it'll show up here but a lot of times or not a lot of times but sometimes you know when you get a book back and it's showing like this and they do they simply just add a space to make the next page start from the next page but this doesn't work in the terms of you know if you just upload a book like this to Kindle this doesn't count as making a book start from the next page sometimes you know this next page will just start right after here if that makes sense so what you want to do is delete any extra space you have and then go to insert page break so by inserting a page break it's telling it's telling it that the page ends right here so anything after that will start from the next page but again we have this extra space here so this is starting from the next page but then we have two sentences or two lines all the extra spaces so you can always go and delete that if if you want the book to start from the top of the page and the next thing we want to do is format our title super simple the title is title here and then you can go and change to whatever fonts you want to use and then we have the subtitle this can be a subtitle right here or sometimes I just leave it on normal and it's fine too but let's just change the font color make it a little darker change it to bold looks a little better and you want to always match the font style just looks better that way alright so the next thing we want to do is just keep going and right here again insert a page break delete extra spaces here insert page break now as we format our book the table of contents is the last thing we do because we need to format each chapter with heading 1 so that when we create a table of contents it'll pick it up I'll show you what I mean later but first let's just keep going and delete extra space now this is our chapter title so all chapter titles is always going to be heading 1 if you have any other section within the chapter that you want to show up in a table of contents then you can do heading 2 heading 3 but I usually just keep it a heading 1 so what you want to do is heading 1 and then you can move it into like the middle or the left side it is up to you and you can change the you know if it's a boat or a size to make it simple though what you could do is just right click here modify so that every time you click on heading 1 it's gonna automatically be set to here so what I like to do is double space and 16 font bold so click OK and every time you click on heading 1 it's gonna automatically give you that setting so keep going oh and for the body text what you want to do is justify all right so just like that we're gonna keep going so we're going to put page break and delete extra space this is the chapter title so go back to home and click on heading 1 move it in the middle and the body text will be justified so justify it that is not justified that's justified ok so the next one keep going now since you want to kind of end the page here right and instead of putting a page break here you can just put a page break here BAM so it's a nice cut off point delete the space and put heading 1 alright so the same thing justify insert page break we're almost done this is a short book so okay and it looks like this is already heading one so I'll just move it to the middle justify page break Oh page break okay heading one so it's super simple super easy now that I have an assistant I have my assistant do this and he does a great job but you know in the beginning I was doing all of this myself and it only took me a couple minutes to really do the entire book so I had page break delete the space it's heading one move it in the middle justify delete space page break all righty so gonna serve page break almost done guys almost done justify all right so this is the last one conclusion heading one and justify so we're good to go in the manuscript so the last thing we need to do is to go back up to the table the table of contents and most likely you won't have the table contents even if you do since we kind of touched a heading one or the chapter titles we need to kind of redo it so delete all the table contents and just go to references table contents click this arrow thing custom table of contents you can show levels so if you have like heading two heading three this means it'll show up two heading three you can just leave it like this because we only have heading one so it doesn't really matter anyways but you don't want to show page number because this is for Kindle eBook and you wanna click on use hyperlinks instead of page numbers so what happens here and also you can kind of you know do your own style like whatever you like but I just keep it like this from template delete here and yeah just keep this on and click OK replace the table contents yes and what's going to happen is every time you click on it it'll just take you there for some reason it picked up the title formatting and also the copyright page which is okay its own heading one so that's why it picked up which is fine it happens a lot of times but all I do is just delete it and also delete this because it's not really relevant in the table contents there is no right or wrong answer you can leave it in I don't think it's gonna be a problem your gonna even format this in terms of adding space making it bigger it's up to you but the hyperlink is still gonna stay even if you do that so you can click here it'll take you there and the hyperlink is working so let me try one more inclusion BAM so the only other formatting that you could possibly do is like hyperlink within a text so you gonna have like click here to leave a review ok and what you could do is hyperlink this and put a link to the Amazon review page and so people can just click on it and leave a review and make it simple for them you know but the way to do that is simply to highlight right click hyperlink paste the Amazon or review page link here click OK and that's it it's gonna show up as a URL link and it'll be clickable so that's all you have to do it's very basic very easy to do this formatting so hope that makes sense hope you enjoy the video if you have any questions let me know in the comments and I will see you on the next one
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 65,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to format your ebook, how to format for kindle, how to format an ebook on kindle, formatting a ebook, how to format your book, how to format a book, kindle publishing, kindle success, kindle publishing business full training, kindle publishing keywords, passive income, ebook, createspace, kindle marketing, kindle marketing book, book marketing, how to sell more ebooks, selling more books, publishing, self-publish, self publishing, amazon, amazon kindle, ereader, emeka ossai
Id: 5bGKUYaDpe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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