How to Forgive and Let Go of Your Past - Joyce Meyer

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if people can understand that as long as they don't forgive they're poisoning themselves it's like hating somebody who's hurt you is like taking poison hoping they'll die it's like me being mad at somebody who hurt me that's out having a good time and don't even care that I'm mad that doesn't hurt them yeah and so maybe this husband has been gone 20 years and he's been having a good time in life and you know he's married again and whatever and he couldn't care less that she's mad and still suffering he's moved on sadly but he's moved on and so it's it's pointless it's like okay you hurt me but now if I'm gonna hate you then I'm letting you continue to hurt me and have control in my life and you're controlling my life and I'm not gonna do that but John I think the other part of this is and I think this is very important I think a lot of people want to forgive but they don't know how to do it and so as I've pondered this and studied it and prayed about it the things that I feel like I've learned from God is this first of all - to do anything you need to do it the way God tells you to do it and so he said several different places in the Bible that you pray for your enemies so first of all are you praying for people that have hurt you well what do you pray I mean we're like well I don't really want them to be blessed I could have pray for them to be black but the truth is is really I mean you can take somebody that's really hurt you and ask God to bless them and the first thing he's going to bless them with is revelation of what they've done because they can't really have a right relationship with him if they don't admit what they've done and come to a place of truth in their life God desires truth in the inner being was what King David said after his shenanigans whistled with Bathsheba and he went a whole year without confessing his sin I guess making all kinds of excuses for it then Psalm 51 the great prayer that he prayed he said you desire truth in the inner being so every person before they can have a right relationship with God they have to face the truth you can't get to where you need to be if you don't face the truth about where you're at and so for forgiveness I don't think you can ever walk through I can decide I'm gonna forgive somebody but I can't walk it out in my life if there's not some things that I realize first of all God's not asking me to feel differently about them he's asking me to pray to bless and not curse which if you study that it means to speak even to speak well of instead of evil of so I need to stop talking about them in an unkind way change your vocabulary change your vocabulary so when I talk about what my dad did to me I don't do it to put him down I do it to help other people so if I'm talking about it with a good motive that's one thing but if I'm talking about it just to be talking about it and out of your own pain and out of my own pain and out of my own bitterness then that's another story now that doesn't mean you can't go get counseling if you need it or something like that but bless your enemies and do not curse them how many times do we read that don't even have a clue what is talking about so I pray for you I pray that God will bless you I pray you'll be saved I pray that God will open your eyes you know I pray in obedience to God and I mean I've even prayed and said you know God I don't really want you to bless them but you told me to pray for that so I'm gonna and God and God's not uncomfortable dr. got to pray in obedience anyway and then I make a decision to stop talking about them yeah and then I so I decide what I'm gonna do I pray I trust and then even if I still feel like I'm angry I don't say well I haven't forgiven because I still feel this way I say god I've done my part now your part is to change how I feel and so an example that I can think of if you want to take this a little bit further there was somebody that I went to church with one time that hurt me really really really bad I mean really bad I won't get into the details but one night we're in church and the pastor did what pastors love to do we'll go and hug somebody and tell them you love them so I turned the first person I see is her and I'm thinking ain't no way no way am i hugging you and I love you yeah and but I knew in the pit of my gut but that's what God wanted me to do okay well I didn't want to I didn't feel like it but you can still do in obedience to God what he tells you to do even if you don't want to and you don't feel like it and those are the things really I think that break the enemy's power off of us when no matter how we feel we will go and obey God anyway yeah it is that we don't go my feelings we go by faith and we go in obedience and then when we stake that simple medians God give us a power and a blessing to us for that act of obedience but you know a lot of times we learn little nifty phrases like that we walk by faith and not by sight but we don't really apply it sure to a situation like that yeah and so I had to literally in faith go and do what God told me to even though I didn't feel like it you know what I've learned that's really good when you do what's right when you feel all wrong about it boy that's when you're growing spiritually that's the stretch that's the stretch that's when you're growing spiritually and you know what course it's been a long journey and I didn't learn this overnight I won't stay mad at somebody now it's just I'm not doing that I don't have time to be angry I'm not wasting any more of my life being mad at people you're so unproductive that doesn't mean that I don't get hurt it doesn't mean that it's easy but you know the Bible says to bless those who curse you and one of the things that's great to do I tell pastors all the time if you have some young man that you've mentored and loved and he splits your church and takes a hundred of your people down the street and starts his own church don't hate him by Masson systems take up an offering yeah go take up an offering for him because yeah that's the way to do because we overcome evil with good that's right I mean Romans 12:21 I'm getting the devil back not every day that I opened my mouth and share God's Word that's how I get the devil back not by hating the man who hurt me
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 1,103,011
Rating: 4.8996267 out of 5
Keywords: truthtogo, huntleystreet, aug-12-14, HS9694, 100huntley, Christian, Joyce Meyer, forgiveness, history, pain, hurts
Id: 7un8uug7grc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 15 2014
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