Joyce Meyer Sermons 2020 - Listen To This Before Going To Bed

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to ice this cake now and send everybody out with a full meal deal so i thank you lord that they're going to hear me even though maybe they've heard these things before that today they're going to hear it in a new way and it's going to sink down on the inside of them and i ask you to be with me and be with my mouth and let me only say what you want me to say in jesus name amen all right now i want to talk to you this afternoon about the difference between what you are in christ and what you feel in your emotions the difference between what the bible says about you and the things that the devil puts in your mind sometimes how many of you know that uh just because you feel something that's not the way it is good about 18 people know that let's ask again how many of you know that just because you feel something that doesn't mean that's the way it is and how many of you know that just because you think something that's not the way it is well if we know that then why do we keep living by how we feel and what we think well that's a good question i guess you know why because we know but there's levels of knowing and we know but we need to really know i mean we need to know that we know that we know that we know you can't afford to let your feelings vote more than anything else feelings keep people out of the will of god more than anything else people want to tell you how they feel and they want to tell you what they think you are a spirit you have a soul you live in a body the bible talks about the mind of the spirit the mind of the flesh your spirit can be trying to tell you one thing and at the same time your flesh can be opposing that and trying to tell you something totally different that's why the bible says in hebrews 4 that we must learn how to divide soul and spirit if you never learn that then you never walk in victory let me say it again if you never learn that then you never walk in victory just because i feel something that doesn't make it true just because i think something that doesn't make it true and we have to learn how to live deeper lives is there anybody who came here searching for a deeper walk with god now are you sure well then i'll tell you what that means if you really really mean that you want a deeper walk with god then that means that you have to be committed as of today to no longer be led around by how you feel and what you think now i can never stop the devil from putting thoughts in your mind you can never stop him from putting thoughts into your mind the good news is you don't have to keep them you don't have to meditate on them but not one of us is ever going to go through life and never have the devil lie to us it's just not going to happen there's not anything that i can do there's no message that i can teach that can get you to the point where you never have some weird feelings [Music] i can't preach a message that will keep you from ever feeling like giving up or from time to time feeling like nobody cares about you and [Music] all these feelings feelings feelings feeling like life is not fair feeling like god doesn't love you feeling like your prayers aren't being answered feeling like god is not with you i can't i can't preach you a message that can guarantee that you won't feel wrong things that you won't think wrong things but i can preach you a message to tell you what to do about it and and that message is live deeper live deeper i just titled this this afternoon you don't have to feel confident to be confident you just say i am confident you don't say i feel confident i don't feel confident you say i am confident everybody shout that out i am confident [Applause] now if you'd start saying that about 100 times a day instead of i'm afraid i don't know if i can hear from god i'm just shy i'm timid i don't feel anointed i don't think i'm any good see we talk way too much about we feel what we think and not enough about the truth the truth you may have some facts in your life but truth overrides facts the fact might be that you were married to somebody that just walked out on you for another woman but the truth is god's got a good plan for you the truth is you don't have to take all of that on yourself the truth is you can get over it and you can go on and yes if there's something to learn by it you can learn from it but the devil's always going to tell you that you're at a dead end there's no point in going on nobody cares anyway you have to know the difference between facts and truth some things i want to suggest to you when you're dealing with people first of all look people in the eye when you talk to them don't look over here and look over there and look down and look people in the eye when you talk to them now i'm not talking about like you know a dead on stare but i'm talking about look people in the eye stand up straight don't be going around through life like this stand up straight act like you know who you are in christ you know if you went to england where the queen was you wouldn't see her walking down the street no she sits erect in her carriage but when you think about the way royalty acts no royalty acts like royalty and you happen to be royalty whether you know it or not royal daughters of the king of kings you need to know who you are in christ and you need to act like it and i'm not talking about having i'm better than everybody else's attitude but you just need to know who you are you need to know who you are in christ amen you know i think the statement i don't think i can comes from a deeper problem which is i don't think i am but we're saying i don't think i can the real problem is i don't think i am we need to know who we are in christ and if you've listened to me very long you've heard my messages about learning the difference between your who and your do and this and that and something else but today i'm telling you that you are not your feelings you are not your feelings your feelings can just carry on all kinds of different ways you can feel a thousand and one different ways in 30 days about the same thing when you meet people you need to hold your head up you need to speak clearly don't mumble and smile it makes other people feel confident if you smile at them and you can do all that while you're shaking and sweating and having a dry mouth and trembling now you know i don't know what it is you do think or don't think about me and you know how i always feel when i'm up here but you know i just want to let you in on a secret that i don't always feel anointed and to be honest with you doesn't happen very often but every once in a while i just feel like my message is lousy but you never know it you would never know because i decided a long time ago i can't base my life on what i feel or don't feel or what i think or don't think i'm either gonna get up here and believe that god is with me and that i've heard from god or i'm gonna go crazy one of the two because you see if the devil thinks that he can control me with that then i'm done for matter of fact god told me one time i mean he actually spoke this to me because i was going through a lot of that you know being a woman in ministry for the last 30 years there's a lot more acceptance of women now in ministry there was when i first started and you know i mean i've experienced going to a church and people not knowing i was the guest speaker and when i got up and they saw that it was a woman they'd get up and walk out you know you experience different things and if you're insecure every time somebody looks at their watch you think you're preaching bad every time somebody gets up to go to the bathroom you think they're leaving because they don't like you preaching it's amazing the lies that satan can tell you i remember one situation in particular where a woman was sitting right down on the second row and i've been preaching about five minutes and she got up and got all her stuff together walked out well the whole rest of that service the devil tormented me because you see when you are not confident the devil can torment you when you have no confidence it's an open door in your life for the devil to come in and torment you the bible says fear hath torment it torments you and i was so tormented the rest of that service i mean right from the get-go the devil got the meeting and god finally told me he said you are either going to have to be confident in me or you're in for a lifetime of misery because every time that you get insecure in one of these meetings you give the meeting to the devil so i have to maintain a high level of confidence well i can't always do anything about the way i feel i don't know what it is but you know some mornings for a woman you get up one hormone got up one stayed in bed and you don't know what the problem is but there's no flow i mean everything is just going in a different direction amen you know as you begin to get a little bit older different things happen to your body you know lisa said she's growing chin hairs well i've been getting a little concerned about myself because i've started sleeping in a recliner and old people sleep in recliners my you know my dad slept in a recliner my aunt sleeps in a recliner i've gone to sleeping in a recliner and all of a sudden i just thought man is this a sign or what i mean i love that recliner i like it better than the bed now but you know some days you just don't feel it like you want to feel it so that whole meeting i was tormented because that lady got up and walked out and the devil kept lying to me and telling me the preaching was bad it was horrible and well you you have to be doing this to understand how horrible that is i mean isn't that just the worst feeling you can have lisa i mean i always say when you're a preacher and you're looking at your own watch look at waiting for it to get over you got a real problem i mean when i go to looking at my watch thinking god i'll be glad when this is over i know i got a problem after that meeting it was even later on that afternoon somebody came and said oh there was a lady who wanted me to give you a message joyce she was the lady that was sitting up in the front and she had to leave just a few minutes after you started you started teaching she just said to tell you that she loves you so much and she had to go to work this afternoon but she drove a long way she said even if she could hear you for five minutes it would be worth it to her to drive two hours and she's so sorry she had to leave so here this woman was paying me a great compliment by coming for five minutes and going out of her way to do it but the devil lied to me and told me i shouldn't like my preaching and left and you know what we're the only ones that can decide if we're going to have enough confidence to not believe the lies of the devil you see i've come to the point now where i don't wait to see if i feel annoying and i mean sometimes you know i sometimes i mean i just get in the flow of being honest to god i feel like i'm flying i mean i feel like i can preach forever and then there's a few times when i'm thinking i'll be glad when this is over but i don't judge my gift by that because i've gone beyond what i feel i made a decision i don't know somewhere in this journey 10 15 years ago and if you haven't made this decision yet i want you to make it today i made the decision that i was going to go deeper and i was not going to live by how i felt my feelings can do what they want to but i'm not going to live by my feelings because they don't tell you the truth they're fickle they're one way one day another way the next day good one lady over here get this i feel i feel i don't feel i feel like cleaning house today i don't feel like cleaning house today i feel like going shopping i feel like buying that i feel like eating that i feel like slapping you upside the head [Applause] now any person here knows that you cannot do what you feel like and have victory you just cannot do what you feel like and have victory a matter of fact i've been saying this now for about three years every meeting i wouldn't want to miss this one i think this is possibly one of the most important things that god's ever given me to say and i've said a lot so you ought to hang on to what i'm getting ready to say i believe the only way you ever have victory is by learning how to do what's right when it feels wrong you have to learn to do what's right well you don't want to and you have to learn how to keep on keeping on when you feel like giving up you have to learn how to love people when you'd like to choke them you have to learn to give away what you'd love to keep you have to learn to stay places that you would love to run away from and you have to learn how to leave some places that in the natural you would love to stay because you see the bible says that the spirit wars against the flesh and the flesh wars against the spirit they're continually antagonistic toward each other continually do you understand that galatians 5 17 says they are continually not occasionally once in a while but continue that that doesn't mean that you never have any relief but it does mean you just never know when your flesh is going to show up you just never know when it's just going to show up and have a little fit so you have to learn not to live by those feelings you have to learn to live by what you know what you know not what you feel what you know and you know i can i can be up here and i mean i can feel like it was the lousiest message but it but if i just go and get quiet for just a minute god's taught me how to do this okay now joyce i don't hear about how you feel what you think just zip your lip for a minute get quiet and tell me what's in your heart okay well lord truth is i know you're with me i know i studied and did the best i could i believe i had the right word i believe it was anointed i believe it helped people that's what i know okay then you walk by what you know not how you feel you walk by what you know the devil says your kids are not going to make it lord what do i know well i know that i've raised them the best i can and i know that your word says if i will raise them in the word that when they're old they won't depart from it i believe you've heard my prayers therefore i believe you got a plan for my family and so that's what i know god i know you're faithful that's what i know you know what oh i'd like to come and unzip you and just cram you full of this and zip you back up and send you home just come out there you can go home now this is it if you can go home and learn to live by your heart and not your head if you can learn to follow your heart and not the crowd too many people follow the crowd and they never follow their own heart so they live unfulfilled miserable boring empty unexciting lives well why are you doing that well they expect me to why do you dress like that well they say that's in style they say they they they they who is this they that's running our lives we don't even know who they are they say you can't do this and they say you can't do this and they say you should do this and they they if you just listen and people are always saying they said they said they said they said they said we don't even know who they are and i think a lot of times they is the devil and he just puts all these things in our mind about how we have to run our lives you know i did my best last night to make a point with that boat and if you think it was fun trying to preach out of that thing it was not it actually was a little disconcerting to me because i had to be so careful getting in and out of it that for me i felt like it was kind of breaking my flow a little bit but i want you to remember that boat and just remember that you've got to get out of the boat if you want to walk on water jesus called peter out of the boat he didn't come get in the boat and pat the 11 disciples on the head that stayed there fearful now i don't want you to misunderstand me god loves you and he'll meet you where you're at and i believe that there's even a period of time in our life where god will get in the boat with us and just pamper us and comfort us and pamper us and comfort us but there's going to come a time sooner or later in your life where that's going to have to change because i can tell you what babies do that is cute is not cute when they're farty we thought it was funny the first time we took our son's diaper off and he peed all over us well i would not think that was funny now not at all amen there are a lot of things that babies do that we just think are so cute but it's not cute when they're 40. and there's a lot of things that we get by with as baby christians and i think in some ways god even thinks it's funny and he laughs at it but sooner or later god is going to get in the middle of you and he's going to say it is time to grow up it is time to grow up and i would imagine that god has already been saying that to a lot of you it's time to stop living by how you feel i'm just shy i'm timid i'm not aggressive i'm not bold yes you are that's a lie from the pit of hell we don't all have the same personalities but we have all got the same spirit of god dwelling on the inside of us and the spirit of god is not cowardly afraid timid shy passive you may have a different expression of it you may not ever be as loud as me you may not flail your arms and carry on like this but you can do whatever you need to do because you're not timid and shy and fearful and this and that and something else you're a child of god you can do whatever you need to do and i believe that god's calling a lot of people out of the boat these days i believe he's calling a lot of people to invite him to change some things in your life you know a confident woman is not afraid of change did you hear me matter of fact i think a confident woman wants god to shake things up a little bit in her life from that from time to time because i just get kind of tired of saying all the same old same old same old all these changes in our conference has been good for me you know i kind of fought them at first well you know i don't want a fog machine well i don't know if i want all that wild music let's just keep singing the hymns you know or and there's you know there's not they're beautiful they're beautiful but you know what we do sometimes we keep ministering to all the people that have already been ministered to for the last 30 years and they've already decided they've gone as far as they're going to go and we're letting the younger generation just go by the wayside and go to hell because we don't want to show them anything that they can relate to well you know then the religious people they judge you well now you know joyce has gone and done this and she's gone and done that can you believe she's preaching in blue jeans and have you seen the way daniel you mean you mean yeah again well you don't know how many years i said i will never preach in jeans i mean i laughed at dave this morning come here come here babe come up here and stand around turn around i mean dave used to cut no come here so the camera can get you please just turn around i mean you know he looks like he's got on his lumberjack shirt this morning and our hunting vest i mean just less than three years ago dave and i would have not gone anywhere without the three-piece suit and all the rhinestones and the high heels and i'd go home and cry because my feet hurt so bad dave came out this morning he said right you think this is okay he said you think i'm going a little too far i said looks good where you know it's not really about the kind of material we put on it's about being clean and neat and just loving god and being excellent and so anyway i don't have time to get into all that but you know i didn't like all this when we first did it but now i love it and you know you may i think all of us there's something in us we kind of resist change in the beginning but you have to understand that you need change god did not create you for the same old same old same old same old same same same same same same same same same that's one of the reasons why people don't enjoy their lives and they're not happy they never do anything different and i'm encouraging you on purpose to do something a little different once in a while try to shock yourself i can't believe i did that praise the lord you don't have to be afraid of change if you've got confidence a confident woman follows her heart she doesn't follow her feelings she steps out of the boat when she senses god calling and you know in matthew 14 28 where this scripture is about peter getting out of the boat there is something that's said there that i feel like i really need to make mention of before this day is over peter wanted to get out of that boat he he wanted to get out and walk on the water but he didn't just jump out he said lord if it's you bid me come to you on the water now see this is very important because when i started talking to people about being bold and doing it afraid if you don't understand that i'm not just talking about doing whatever you want to do but i'm talking about doing what god leads you to do if you don't understand that you'll get yourself in trouble because invariably when i preach like this somebody will come and just say something off the wall you know like well i'm doing it afraid i just feel like i need to tell you that i didn't like you at all the first three years that i knew you [Laughter] that's not the kind of stuff i'm talking about [Laughter] i'm talking about getting out of the boat and following god i'm not talking about just jumping out and doing every stupid thing that comes down the pike well i did it afraid joyce and i drowned that i don't understand why well did jesus tell you to get out of the boat or are you telling yourself to get out of the boat so you just need to make to the best of your ability you need to try to hear from god and then i know we go through this thing well i don't know if i'm hearing from god how am i going to know how am i going to do it if i miss god i miss god and you know you get too far with that too sooner or if you've done your later to seek god and you you've you've done what you know how to do to hear from god and you feel like what's in here is right then you've got to step out and find out and the good news is now get ready a confident woman is not afraid to step out because she's not afraid of making mistakes she knows that if she makes a mistake she can recover from it do you know what i am so convinced that god loves me and i am so convinced that he knows my heart and i'll tell you something else i believe you have to know if you're going to be confident i think you have to know your own heart you have to know your own heart and you know what i know my heart i know i love god i know i'm not perfect i make mistakes i know what my weaknesses are i'm impatient my mouth gets me in trouble i'm working with god on that stuff and god knows it i pray about it every day but i know my heart i know that every day of my life i get out of bed and i do the best i can and therefore i'm not afraid if i make mistakes because i know that god knows that i'm doing all i know how to do and that i'm on a journey and i'm not where i need to be but thank god i'm not where i used to be and i've decided that it's okay with god if i'm excited about my progress rather than depressed about how far i have to go did you hear me and not only that i'll even go so far as to say and oh this just makes religious devil so mad i mean every religious devil is just shaking right now i believe that god approves of me what what i didn't say he approves of everything i do say we don't always listen i did not say that god approves of everything i do but he approves of me [Music] because i love him and i've got my faith in him and i'm doing the best i can to follow him and you know what when jesus began his public ministry at his baptism a voice came out from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased now what if jesus would have said oh no no oh man i just that's recorded three times in the new testament i think that's interesting that means me we must need to hear that pretty often in ephesians 6 where it talks about spiritual warfare put on the breastplate of righteousness one of the translations says put on the breastplate of god's approval yes some of you just have no idea how much good it would do you if you'd go home and look in the mirror and just say god approves of you every little religious thing in you is going to just act up i said if your heart is right god approves you and i am so convinced of that that's what makes me bold that's what allows me to step out and try new things and do new things you know why if i make a mistake it's just no big deal it just really doesn't matter all that much you know why because god can fix it he can fix it god is god and he can take some of the dumbest stuff that we do and somehow or another he can work it into his overall plan for our life and he can make this dumb thing that we did that we did work out for our good [Applause] god can you do that oh god what if i miss you what if i miss you god what if i miss you what if i miss you and so many people are stuck in the boat praying that same boring prayer god i feel you want me to do this but what if i'm wrong what if i'm issue what if i miss you what if i miss you you know i believe god wants to say to you the same thing he said to me almost 25 26 years ago joyce if you miss me i'll find you you know what if you miss god he knows where you're at don't live in fear don't be double-minded a confident woman is not double-minded she doesn't make a decision change your mind make a decision change your mind make a decision change your mind she's decisive you need to know what you believe and stick with it you need to know what you want to do and you need to lock onto it and refuse to let it go you need to know what you believe that god wants for you in life and you need to go for it with all of your heart stop sitting in the boat wishing i wish i had i wish i was i wish i was and i wish i would i wish i wouldn't have i wish i did i wish i didn't wish and it's just totally useless you know we're not playing wish upon a star rub the magic bottle and have three wishes we're women of faith and women of faith know the word of god and they step out of the boat and they stand on the word of god are you hearing me faith is all about what you cannot see faith is about believing something that's the opposite of what you feel how many times have i thought in these hotel rooms i just i can't i can't do this another year but then i say to myself what i'm saying to you i can do whatever i don't entertain my feelings i don't invite them to spend the day with me and let's just sit down have a pity party when we walked in here the other day before the conference started i wanted to come down and see everything because i don't get to see it once i get here and friends of ours were with us and on the way back this man said joyce dave [Music] how do you feel when you walk in here and you see all this how does it make you feel and you know what i don't mean to sound stupid but i just said i don't know i don't ask myself this is what i'm supposed to do i know it's god i know it's not me god made sure of that before he ever promoted me trust me he worked me over good. and i just said you know and to be honest with you when i go home tonight i'm not gonna lay in my recliner go oh the people clapped for me oh they cheered for me oh wasn't i awesome when i laid in the boat oh wasn't it great when i bawled my head off oh no the bible says don't let your left hand know what your right hand's doing and you know what i i can't afford to get into all that i mean you know what i'll do i'll uh tomorrow morning i'll probably be studying for houston which is in two weeks or the tv i got to do next week you know you can't you know what if you won't let yourself get impressed with yourself then you then you probably won't get so discouraged with yourself bottom line is i belong to god i'm getting up every day and doing the best i can if i do something good it's his fault if i do something bad it's my fault and that's the way it is and i know my name is written in the lamb's book of life and i know that my redeemer lives let me ask you a few things about what you know and you know maybe you're going to come out of this saying well i you know tell you the truth after listening to you i don't know that i know much [Laughter] because i'm not talking about a little head knowledge i'm talking about what do you know i'm talking about what has taken root i'm telling my what has gotten down in you and gotten a hold of you and wrapped its roots around you to such a major degree that nothing no devil in hell and no person on earth and no trial and no tribulation and no devastation and no disappointment can pull it out of you i want to know what you know because that's what changes it all when information becomes revelation there's only one way that you're going to know what you need to know and that is if you study and i'm not just talking about reading the bible everybody talks about reading the bible reading the bible do you read your bible i think we ought to read the bible but i think it's got to go way beyond that i think you need to study study the word of god and i especially think you need to study in areas where you have problems because the bible has an answer for every problem that you have you don't have to spend your life having no self-control because the bible says that you've been given the fruit of self-control so you get in here and you study it until the words are almost worn off the pages don't just sit in the boat and wish you had revelation i wish i had revelation i wish i knew what joyce knows well i didn't get it wishing i wish i had a ministry like joyce i didn't get it wishing this has cost me everything everything starting with my reputation i had to lose one before i got a good one did anybody hear me i had to lose friends because before i got good friends i want to say something to you hear me hear me some of you are so afraid you won't invest what you have to find out what you could have you just keep hanging on to this little pitiful thing that you have some of you've even got friends you don't like they tear you down they're negative they're critical they're gossips they're judgmental you don't even like them you don't even like being around them so why do you keep hanging out with them yeah i don't know ain't got nobody else don't know what else to do don't want to eat lunch by myself why not learn to like yourself learn to spend time with yourself give up what you got and see what god will give you get away from those people that are poisoning your life so what if you're lonely for a few years you'll get to know god really well it might interest you to know that was probably one of the biggest problems i had in the early years of this ministry especially when i left my position at the church because i was accustomed to being part of this large group of people and you know we patted each other and loved each other and encouraged each other and so on and so forth and man when god called me out on my own i was so stinking lonely i just thought i would die you think it's fun hiding in the back room all the time in the green room that's never green people think people like me are trying to get away from i'd love to get out in the middle of all you gals and just party and hug and shake hands and you know but i can't do that because you'd kill me there's too many of you and it would just zap all my strength so while you're out there partying and having a good time i'm hiding in the green room that's not green and i was lonely i was so lonely i felt like i couldn't stand it and who would ever think that about somebody that's up here you know well you know what i'm not lonely anymore i mean i got to know god so well praise the lord i've got good friends now everywhere i look but more important than that i mean i know god paul said that i might know him and the power of his resurrection that lifts me out from among the dead even while i'm in the body paul said that i might know him and you know what he said it is my determined purpose he said i am determined and i have set myself i'm not going to stay in the vote wishing that i knew him i am determined to know him you know how you get to know god you spend time with him [Applause] i want you to go to job 19 25. hallelujah lord have mercy got 10 minutes to go and i'm not even anywhere near done but you're getting it are you getting it don't live by your feelings live by what you know and if you don't know what you should know then start finding out you leave here today and you say i'm gonna get to know god you leave here today and you say i'm gonna i am by this time next year i'm having a revelation on the love of god not information but a revelation [Applause] i'm going to get to know god and i'm going to know who i am in christ you know i had so much guilt and condemnation in my life from the sexual abuse i had such a spirit of shame and i have studied righteousness and studied righteousness i have written out scriptures in longhand i have looked up definitions i could quote you scriptures all over the bible on righteousness and just about every time the devil tries to condemn me i mean it just comes up automatically i am the righteousness of god in christ god loves me i put on christ i put on righteousness shut up devil i ain't listening to you no more i know who i am i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i don't think i don't feel i know stop asking yourself how you feel somebody said to me a couple of years ago how do you feel about all this traveling you do how do you feel about having to stay in these hotels all the time i said you know what i haven't asked myself in a long time i used to ask myself how i felt about stuff i don't even bother doing that now and dave said to our friend who asked us how he felt about all this dave just said you know what really i don't have a whole lot of emotion about it he said now he didn't mean it like i mean dave and i sit and cry about what god's letting us do so it's not that we don't have that kind of emotion but dave just said this is what we're supposed to do that's why we're happy and fulfilled because we're just doing what we're supposed to do and you know what i think a lot of other people would do what they were supposed to do if they'd stop asking themselves how they feel about it is anybody hearing me today in this place i'm looking at the pastor of our dream center church down in the inner city and yeah i don't know you know maybe jeff would like to be up here doing this or traveling on the road doing what i'm doing but god's called him to pastor a church in the inner city not the most fun place to be not the most exciting place to be i suppose when they bring the people in from under the bridge it doesn't smell the best in there [Music] but he told me recently i know this is what i'm supposed to do i know it's not about what you feel it's about what you know if i can just get you to go beyond your feelings to live deeper in luke chapter five the bible says the disciples have been fishing all night and they caught nothing they washed their nets and put them away they were tired and worn out disappointed because they didn't have a catch and jesus showed up and he didn't say oh man i know how you feel it's a shame you didn't catch nothing i feel so bad for your guys no you know what he said get back in your boat and go out in deeper water luke 5 get back in your boat and go out in deeper water peter said lord we're exhausted i told him how he felt we didn't catch anything we already been out there told him what he thought we don't really want to do that told him what he wanted but then he said it however on the ground of your word we will on the ground of your word we will lower the nets again and the bible says that time when they lowered their nets they caught so many fish that they couldn't even get them in the boats and they had to call all the people they knew to come and share in their harvest dear god somebody ought to shout roll in the floor scream yell something i feel i feel i don't feel i think i think i want to think i feel i want to think i feel i want to think i feel i want to think i feel i want to thank of you what about me what about me what about me what about me what about me what about me beep beep what about me what about me what about me [Applause] i just wondered this morning when the one woman out of these 19 000 women chosen to be princess of the day i wondered how many women maybe were thinking what about me i wonder when the one woman out of 19 000 was chosen for a makeover how many people might have thought always somebody else never me when they had the lady on the platform yes he's showing what the makeover did for i was so tempted to run out here and just walk across the stage going what about me what about me what about me [Music] sometimes when you feel like god has forgotten you you're just a breath away from your breakthrough sometimes the greatest pressure comes right before the greatest victory i mean these guys were tired they were worn out they had just had failure failure failure and jesus said here's what i want you to do get in the boat again in essence he was saying doesn't matter how you feel doesn't matter what you want doesn't matter what you think get in the boat only this time go deeper go deeper well lord we don't want to we don't think it's a good idea we don't feel like it but on the ground of your word we will lower the nets again you've got to learn how to live by the word of god if you want to ever have enough in your life for yourself and a whole bunch of other people besides you've got to learn how to lower the nets and go deeper beyond what you feel and what you think and what you want job 19 25. i always say that psalms are right after job because after getting beat up in job you need some sounds you know god only knows what this man was going through how hard it must have been lost his whole family boiled all over his body all of his friends coming against him and what does he say for i know that my redeemer and my vindicator lives i know i know that my redeemer and i love this part now by bible and my vindicator [Applause] god is a god of justice and see to be honest with you i don't even get too whacked out anymore when people come against me because i don't have to defend myself i know my heart i know who i am i know what i'm doing i know my motives for doing what i'm doing i know that everything i have i've worked hard for it so i don't really care what anybody thinks and i know that god is my vindicator and i don't have to try to defend myself because if i need to be vindicated god will do it it may take him a year or two or three or four or five or even 10. but sooner or later god will come around and vindicate you as long as you don't try to do it yourself [Applause] two three years ago we had a huge media hit here in our city all kinds of bad things written about us i was so embarrassed when i even went out to get a cup of coffee i wanted to crawl in a hole my face was on the front of all these newspapers and laying in stacks where i'd go to get my coffee and of course you know they had the worst pictures they could find you know what they had pictures of and ushers carrying stacks of offering buckets well what was the message mean preacher out to get your money i guess i don't know and oh god that hurt me so bad i mean that was one time where i had to pray through gritted teeth father i forgive them but you know the funny thing and i am telling you the honest to god is true our ministry has nothing but growth since then you know all that happened was it just stirred up people's interests and so they wanted to watch the program and oh yeah that's that lady that's been in the paper [Applause] oh well she don't seem too bad to be our income grew the number of people participating in our ministry grew our partnership grew new doors have opened for new opportunities and not only that it opened up opportunities for me since been i've been on larry king live good morning america twice you know i mean it's just like the devil can throw his best shot at you and still be a loser if you will let god be your vindicator but if you don't know that god is your vindicator if you don't know that he's your vindicator then you'll get in there and try to defend yourself oh if you can just keep your hands off of it say brother i love you i love you sister i pray for god to bless you you poor ignorant thing you i mean what did jesus say father forgive them they don't know what they do [Applause] i mean to be honest with you to be honest god truthful with you if you're really a servant of god you're going after with all your heart i mean you ought to pray for people that mistreat you because god doesn't take it kindly i'll tell you one thing i don't like it when somebody messes with my kids and i know if i feel that way i can't even imagine how god feels i know that my redeemer lives i know that he lives and if you'll just indulge me one more scripture go to matthew 16. oh i'm having so much fun now in case you want to know today i feel annoyed and it's much better when you feel it but you know what i'm gonna do it whether i feel it or not and that's the thing that defeats the devil oh the feeling good times are great but you got to make your mind up that if you don't have one feeling in your favor you're going to do it anyway are you ready matthew 16. verse 13. now when jesus went into the region of cerisesaria philippi he asked his disciples who do people say that the son of man is and they answered well some say john the baptist others say elijah and others jeremiah are one of the prophets but he said to them who do you yourselves say that i am it doesn't matter what everybody else thinks about god what do you think and simon peter said you are the christ the son of the living god now let me tell you something interesting about peter indulge me a couple minutes here peter did so many dumb things i look at peter and i think man if god could use peter there's hope for anybody i mean you got to be especially stupid to rebuke jesus and peter rebuked jesus the bible says that peter rebuked him and said oh no you must not go to jerusalem yeah let's just stop the whole plan of salvation because it doesn't feel good [Laughter] well jesus knew what to do get thee behind me satan you are a hindrance and you are in my way but you know why i believe that god used peter even though he did all this dumb stuff there was a couple of things that he did that really make god stand up and take notice one he was the only disciple that got out of the boat you ain't hearing me i said he was the only disciple that got out of the boat and god likes that kind of aggressive bold i'll give it a try jesus spirits the other 11 sat there and shook but peter got out of the boat you know what i like about paul paul overcame his past and you hear more in the bible about peter and paul than anybody peter got out of the boat he knew who god was you are the christ the son of the living god paul overcame his past he had such a miserable wretched past mistreating christians helping to imprison them and beat them and even put them to death and yet he received the forgiveness of god and he said one thing that i do it is my one aspiration forgetting what lies behind is there anybody in this place today that's bold enough to forget what lies behind is there anybody here today that's gonna stop living in the shadow of your past what you did what somebody did to you what you didn't do what somebody didn't do for you is there anybody here today that will say i'm going to be a paul i'm going to forget my past i'm going to be a peter i'm going to get out of the votes now listen to this and i'm closing who do you say that i am he said you are the christ the son of the living god and jesus said blessed are you fortunate and to be envied simon barjona for flesh and blood have not revealed this to you but my father who's in heaven if you'll start spending time with god he'll reveal things to you you won't have information you'll have revelation now listen [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: JoyceMeyer2020
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Keywords: joyce meyer, joyce meyer 2019, joyce meyer en espaƱol, joyce meyer ministries deutschland, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer speech, joyce meyer sermons 2020
Id: uhtufa73iAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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