How To Flip Cars | FULL PROCESS [6]

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what is going on today everybody it's buddy and in this video i'm going to show you guys how i took this super neglected raggedy 23 year old pickup truck and turned it into thousands of dollars of profit and if you're new to the channel my name is buddy and i actually flip cars for a living full time and make videos on the entire process i use while doing it so if you want to learn how to get potentially profitable vehicles at low prices how to fix them up and flip them and make a whole lot of money on the back end be sure to subscribe now so you don't miss anything i'm about to go over the entire process i use from buying and selling a car from how much i know i should buy it for how much i knew i could sell it for how much money i had to put into it and ultimately how much money i made so without further ado let's jump right into the video now if you see my other car flipping videos you know that i find most of my deals here on facebook marketplace facebook marketplace is now the biggest private online for sale group for pretty much everything under the sun and that definitely includes cars and trucks but this time i found what seemed to be a killer deal here on offer up offer up is just another one of those for sale apps that people can sell all their stuff on including their cars and trucks like i said facebook is the biggest but offer up does seem to be the second biggest app next to facebook for private sales a lot of old school people and i'm also finding a lot of younger kids under the age of 21 don't have a facebook so many of them just use offer up for their for sale apps now one thing good about offer up is that there's not much competition with cars and trucks for sale so the prices tend to actually be a little bit lower on offer up so i was scrolling one night before bed and i saw this new post come across my screen it was a 1999 gmc sierra 1500 with 130 000 miles their ad price was set at 3 500 which was pretty undervalued considering the prices of used vehicles these days especially a truck right now so it definitely piqued my interest the ad was extremely vague and all it stated was 5.3 liter which is the engine size and it needs work now you can probably assume that needs work means it needs a lot of work especially considering this low price it's probably a safe bet that the seller is also not very mechanically inclined because i find almost every time i buy a vehicle from someone who is mechanically inclined their listing looks somewhat like this it has all the stuff that they just did to the car it also has everything it needs in the description so i can kind of assume that this guy is probably not very mechanically inclined and i was really happy to see that this was the 5.3 liter v8 engine and not the v6 because that price difference is pretty big now the pictures didn't help too much either there was only two pictures and they were really grainy now what i could make out is the back sticker saying 4x4 which is a huge plus because that means it's a four-wheel drive truck and four-wheel drive trucks are considerably more expensive than a regular two-wheel drive truck i couldn't really tell the condition of the paint or if there was any body damage considering the picture quality was just awful the interior picture was also garbage quality but it definitely was good enough to see that absolute mess of a driver's seat it literally looked like someone stuffed a grenade inside the seat pulled the pin and ran away it was so shredded you can even see the metal frame of the seat honestly in all the years i bought cars i've never seen a seat that jacked up looking but it's definitely repairable now this was the only interior picture on the ad but using some reasonable judgment here you can probably assume that the rest of the interior was pretty jacked up now a 5.3 liter v8 4x4 truck will sell fast it is a very sought after truck and the engine is big enough to haul things everyone loves a 4x4 truck so i knew this thing would sell in a few days and i knew if the price and condition was right this would be a great buy for me now i was pretty curious what this truck's blue book value was so i hopped on and entered in all the information about the truck and saw old trucks like this with the 5.3 are booked around 6 500 now i also hopped on facebook marketplace and did some looking on what a truck like this was listed at and i saw some people were asking a good bit more than 6 500 but these trucks were also a little bit newer so i figured the 6 500 mark was pretty accurate given the recent inflation in the used car market now i saw one guy trying to sell his 2004 for 20 000 which was absolutely absurd but nonetheless i think 6 500 is a pretty safe bet so anyways i was really curious about this truck so i decided to shoot the seller message and if you've watched my videos before you'll know that i do not like to talk too much numbers over text the absolute worst thing that you can do is message someone just spitting out a stupid lowball offer without even seeing the truck so what i did is i shot him a message and i just asked do you have any wiggle room on the price he replied with maybe i'm in suntree which is an area about 15 minutes from me and i wasn't gonna sit there and hammer him with a bunch of questions so we figured out a good time for the both of us to check it out and i set off to see the truck in person now while we're driving to the seller's house i want to talk about a few things real quick with you guys a question i get asked a lot is how do i know how much i should spend on a vehicle now he has it posted for 3 500 obviously and reasonably thinking with this thing fixed up it'd sell for about sixty five hundred dollars that's gonna leave us with about a three thousand dollar profit margin just based on those two numbers i'm obviously going to try and negotiate for a lower price but let's just go off those numbers real quick for argument's sake there's a three thousand dollar profit margin and yes that is good but what if it needs 2 000 worth of work then that profit margin goes all the way down to 1 000 and that's also assuming there's no surprises when fixing it because that's also going to cut into the profit margin also you need to determine how much your time is worth you don't want to spend 50 hours fixing a car and only come out with a thousand dollars either so you need to do a little bit of math ahead of time know what a good price to pay for the car depending on how much work you think it needs and come up with a number in your head before you offer it to the seller now a big part of knowing how much work a vehicle is going to need is being able to properly inspect a used vehicle and lucky for you guys i made an entire video series on how to inspect a used car before you buy it so you don't get ripped off now even if you don't want to get into car flipping these videos are going to help you guys out a lot even when you're making your own personal next car purchase there's a lot of valuable information that's packed into these videos be sure to check those out as well i'll leave a link for those in the description now you also need an obd reader if you want to buy a car with any sort of confidence i have never gone to buy a car without an obd reader with me and for you guys to say i'll link three obd readers in the description for you guys all on amazon at three different price points and i'm also going to leave this video in the description as well this video goes over the differences between cheap midgrade and more higher-end scan tools so you guys can actually be an educated decision maker when you're making your next purchase on your obd scanner so after about 15 minutes of driving we finally arrived here at the seller's house at first glance the truck was actually in better condition than i thought the paint seemed to be okay and didn't have any severe fading or rust now i did notice on the side of the truck it had a nice deep fresh scratch all the way down to the bare metal i can tell this scratch just happened recently because there's no rust forming on it yet so that's definitely a good sign another eye sword was this hood it almost looks like it's a bullet hole but i'm not gonna assume anything crazy here the hole was also rusted out and it was far too big to make a proper patch job so i knew this thing would definitely need to be replaced and that's a few hundred dollars right off the bat for a hood painted and everything now the front bumper was also sewing some clear coat peeling usually the front and the vehicles on older cars take most of the brunt because the wind's always hitting them they are going to be the first to wear out when it comes to clear coating and fading the fog lights were also completely shot out looking and they didn't work at all now going back here to the real tailgate it was super loose i noticed and it also didn't close properly you had to stick your finger in the latch pull up the handle at the same time to actually close the back tailgate but other than those few things the condition of the exterior was not a total disaster the only other minor thing i found was the driver's side visor was all cracked up but that seems like a pretty easy and inexpensive fix now the one thing i did notice about the exterior that was really good is that the tires were in awesome shape tires are not cheap at all so that's at least a little bit relieving now moving on to the interior was a whole other story the driver's seat was completely blown out but i already expected that here from the picture the seller was a pretty hefty built big guy and with a big guy like that getting in and out of the truck he literally took some of the seat with him every time he stepped out of this truck the seat either needed to be completely redone or replaced the rear seats were also pretty nasty with a nice size ripped on the side seat with what looked to be like some coffee colored stain no idea what it was no idea how to got there but it was a pretty big eyesore the center console was also completely broken so the lid was literally just sitting there not secured by anything and the smell was also pretty nasty in here i honestly don't believe this truck has ever in its life been detailed and it just had caked up gunk and dust everywhere and the cup holders and all around the dash it was just literally dirty in every single spot you looked and i'm starting to see why this truck was actually priced this low the dash didn't have any cracks though or any missing pieces so i guess that's one thing you can say was okay with the interior of this truck all in all it was pretty nasty and it needed a lot of love here in this interior so with the exterior being in kind of bad condition and the interior being in kind of really bad condition let's hope this thing is decent when it comes to mechanical issues i turned the key and to my surprise it started up nicely but honestly i wasn't surprised at all to see the dash light up like a christmas tree we had an abs light on the brake wear light on the old check engine light was definitely on now funny enough the only light that wasn't on was the gear indicator down here it should show the miles and what gear you're in whether it's in park neutral drive or manual gear now i also noticed after a few seconds of turning it on that the gas gauge was jumping around like crazy one second it would say full the next second would say empty one second and say a quarter tank it was just jumping all over the place so i knew something called the sending module in the truck was shot and we'll get to that a little later so i checked the window motors to see if they were working good and you can see here the driver side window was really slow and the motor here on the passenger side was so weak it couldn't even lift up the motor after i lowered it so those definitely need to be replaced i plugged in my obd reader to see what all the lights were showing and we got back three different codes so the first code was c2065 which means the anti-lock braking system pump relay is bad and i know from experience the modules on those abs pumps are pretty pricey now the next thing was a p0405 which means something called the egr is having some electrical issues and we'll get into that a little bit later and i'll explain what all that means and the last code is a p0463 and this code is just telling me that the fuel gauge is acting up which i already know of course because the fuel gauge is jumping up and down so now it's time for me to take her on a spin and see if she runs as bad as she looks and the engine actually ran beautiful to my pleasant surprise i instantly noticed though a rough shift from first to second gear and here's the video of what that looked like now you can't really feel it obviously because you're not seeing the truck with me but if you can see my hand right when the rpms drop and it shifts gears my hand kind of shakes a little bit it wasn't a terrible shift and it didn't feel like the training was slipping like it was trying to find a gear so i didn't really worry about needing a whole new but it was definitely something that needed to be repaired of course now i also noticed coming to a stop the brakes squealed here this truck has probably been sitting for a while and the pads and rotors were all rusted out not a huge deal but you can definitely see how many little problems are adding up and i'm finding a whole lot of little problems with this thing i kind of decided i wanted the truck even though there's a million different little things wrong with it there's nothing super major that i couldn't fix so now the fun part the negotiation so now that i know everything wrong with the truck i'm figuring that it needs anywhere from about 1500 to 2 000 worth of work to get it in really good condition and with a price of 3 500 as the price tag and a blue book value of 6 500 in good condition i know this deal didn't make too much sense at 3 500 so i needed to get this thing for cheaper so after the test drive i told the seller i'll be right back i went to my car grabbed a pen and a paper and i wrote down everything that was wrong with the truck and roughly how much i thought it would cost to fix it if i did my labor of course so after a few minutes i got out of my car and i walked up to him and i presented him with my offer so here is every little thing that is wrong with your truck here boss the abs module was bad the hood can't be repaired it's going to need to be replaced the seat is obviously done for both window motors are failing the tailgate won't close properly the visors busted here in the front the fog lights are busted and i went on and on about all the issues i found i told them i think reasonably with all the existing issues and not even to mention any of the issues that i might find down the road when actually working on the truck i'd feel much more comfortable about two thousand dollars i think it's going to be a fun project i think i can clean it up pretty nice and will still leave me with a pretty fat profit margin so i set my start price low at two thousand dollars and he hit me back with two thousand seven hundred fifty dollars and told me i can take it off his property so i said hey man let's meet somewhere in the middle at twenty five hundred dollars i pulled a stack of hundred dollar bills out of my pocket and i also continue to talk about the many different issues that was wrong with the truck so he shook my hand at 2 500 as a solid sale price so now we got possession of the truck we're gonna go head back to the house and we're gonna start getting this thing looking presentable again now on our way back to the house i want to talk to you guys about that negotiation process now when you have someone who wants to sell a car or truck at let's say 3 500 like the truck in this example and you want to knock him or her down on the price you really have to have a good reason for the sellers to consider that price and if i just told him straight up two thousand dollars without barely doing anything or barely talking to them he probably would have kicked me off his property but what i did in writing all that stuff down for the seller to actually see with his own eyes and hold that piece of paper it really made him see that the truck needed a whole lot of work and i'm just trying to be reasonable with him i'm not trying to steal his truck from him at a low price i'm just trying to get him to see where i'm coming from if you watch my other car flipping videos i talk about negotiation a lot so you definitely got to check those other ones out too if you haven't already now something else i really needed to do before i got back to the house was fill this thing up with some fresh gas now when i was opening the gas tank door to give it some fresh gas there was actually a wasp mess here on the inside of the door now obviously we clearly know this thing hasn't been filled up with fresh gas in a while now after a fresh tank of gas i drove the truck home there was no hiccups here on the drive home which was actually a really good sign considering all the little issues i found with it here at the seller's house so now that we got the truck back at the house in one piece it's time to start fixing it up but first let's start our money invested chart so we can stay a little organized and keep track of all the money we got going into this thing we have twenty five hundred dollars for the price of the truck of course and we got another twenty dollars that i threw in the gas tank on the way home now i also made this checklist here for every issue that will need to be addressed before i actually list this thing so let's not waste any time and jump right into it because we got a whole lot of problems here with this truck and the first issue was that p0405 code and that is the egr valve positioning sensor circuit low now a real quick summary of what the egr does is it lets hot exhaust air back into the engine so that the engine intake air goes back into the cylinder with less oxygen the combustion with less oxygen in the engine cylinder ultimately causes less harmful gases releasing to the environment so it's one of those environmentally friendly things now we got that explanation out of the way i pulled out the egr to see if the little valve was stuck now egrs have a valve that opens and closes obviously to let the air into the engine and i notice that the valve here was super stuck so i figured that was definitely the issue i pulled the old one out gave it a good cleaning i got the valve moving again but that still didn't fix the issue so i got a new egr for about 40 dollars popped in the new one and to my unpleasant surprise the light was still on after i reset the code so i looked at the live data here on the egr and i saw that the computer was not commanding the egr to even open cars obviously have a computer to regulate everything and the computer wasn't doing its job so what i tried next is hooked up my electric circuit tester to see if i can manually shoot a current into the egr to the computer to see what the scanner says and see if the computer's picking up any voltage and if you don't have one of these i obviously will recommend here a circuit tester for you guys that i'll put in the description if you want to start working on cars if you're already working on cars learning how to use one of these things is definitely going to be a lifesaver so upon shooting a few volts into the egr with my circuit tester i checked the scanner at the same time and still said no juice was going into the egr so the only thing left to conclude was that the pcm also known as the car's computer was completely shot out so i called up this company called flagship one and the cool thing about this company is that they actually take your vin and they program a computer for you at their facility and then they send it out to you ready to go and once i receive my pcm here in the mail all you do is plug it in and boom you're done and that fixed our egr issues and everything worked perfectly after and that's not an easy start to check off the first thing on our to-do list but nonetheless it is done and that's also why you should always lowball the seller because you're never going to know what kind of bs you're going to run into when you're fixing up your vehicles so next let's shut off that check engine light and work on this p0463 code and that is the fuel level sensor of course so if you look at how the car actually reads how much fuel you'll have you'll have to look at a fuel pump so the fuel pump back here that goes into the fuel tank has wires that run all the way up to the front of the vehicle to the computer and it tells your gauge to show you how much gas you have left in your tank so for this job we're going to need to get the truck lifted off the ground so we can pull that fuel tank out and take a look at what's going on so i actually got my uncle to help me with this fuel tank since they can be pretty heavy especially with a couple of gallons of gas in there definitely not light we popped off the straps that hold the fuel tank in place and it was just sitting on a bucket and a jack after we got the straps popped off and that made it easy for us to disconnect all the fuel lines and wiring and finally we were able to slide the fuel tank out from under the truck so we pulled out the old fuel pump and now with the old fuel pump out i'll show you guys how this works so this float here obviously floats on the top of your gas now that float thing here makes these two little tabs touch these copper connectors on the sending module this is how it tells the computer how much gas is left in your tank you can see on this old fuel pump the tabs didn't touch the connectors properly and that's why the fuel gauge is dancing around like that you can see here on the new fuel pump the tabs are nice and tight against the metal connectors like they're supposed to be so we fit the new fuel pump in the tank and tightened everything back up and now we officially fix the fuel gauge so we can shut off that engine light and be done with all the engine problems so now there's no more check engine light we can go back to our money invested chart and we can add everything we've done so far we got 40 for the new egr 150 for the new program pcm for the truck i also threw my uncle 50 bucks for helping me out with the fuel pump and we can add another 53 for the cost of the new fuel pump and that's gonna bring us to a grand total of 2 813 dollars so far and we got a decent running truck with no engine codes so not too bad at all so now let's attack that hard shift in the transmission now i know that hard shifts usually come from low or old transmission fluid but when i was expecting the truck i did notice that there was a new service tag on the rear differential and the training fluid looked brand new so i guess this guy actually serviced it right before he decided to post for sale but still had that rough shift so i did a little research on the issue and found a bunch of information online with a lot of people having the same issue with this transmission the part here is what everyone's saying to get and that's something called a shift accumulator apparently the factory ones fail pretty easily and this is going to be our ticket to solve that rush shift so first things first we got to drain all this training fluid out in a container because we're going to reuse it since it's pretty much brand new so just like changing your oil you pop the plug and you let all the fluid drain out so once i got most of training fluid out it was time to drop the training pan and swap out that accumulator it was fairly easy just three bolts and it came right out and we popped in the new one i put the pan back on filled it up with some transmission fluid and i added a little fresh fluid because we lost some in the process since it's a real messy job and after we got a beautiful shift from first to second and the ran smooth as butter it only came out to 45 for the part and i threw my uncle another 50 bucks for helping out with this messy ass job so let's tack that on to the money invested chart and we'll go back and cross that off the to-do list and keep on moving so the next thing i wanted to fix was that faulty shift indicator gauge not lighting up on the instrument cluster so i popped out the dash and it was really easy here on this truck these older american cars only four screws holding in the instrument cluster so it was a breeze now that i got it out on the kitchen table i popped all the tabs on the plastic that hold everything together and what i'm looking for here is any loose solder points that may have gotten disconnected so i dig around for a little in the instrument cluster until i found this this little metal connector here was completely split from the circuit board now i'm no soldering professional so don't make fun of me here for all you circuit board geeks but i did a good enough job to make sure that the connector was back on board i popped it all back together threw it back in the dash and i crossed my fingers and boom we got it fixed and if you've been paying attention you remember the truck was supposed to have 130 000 miles from the ad and not 141 000 like it actually had i really wasn't that mad because the guy could have honestly made a mistake and he wasn't super far off it wasn't even really worth calling him and complaining so i just rode with the punch here so let's cross off the instrument cluster off to to-do list and keep moving on so now we got the check engine light off and we got the instrument cluster fixed it's time to get that abs light taken care of now for you guys who don't know what abs stands for abs stands for anti-lock braking system it keeps your brakes from locking up when you have to press on the brake pedal hard so i went to check the fuse box and the abs fuse was disconnected i was hoping plugging this thing in would fix it but upon plugging in the fuse i figured out the issue here you can see even with the truck off the abs pump just constantly runs so it definitely needs an abs control module now i got one here for about 265 dollars from and like i said before these modules are pretty pricey now these abs modules are not very hard to change on these trucks on this one all you need to do is unscrew four screws on this top part here which is the control module and it pops off the pump all you do is slap the new one on and you're good well another setback happened these screws at the top were completely stripped out so the control module was not coming off so what i had to do now was a serious pain i had to unscrew all these brake lines out of the abs assembly and it was a super tight squeeze i use these crow foot brake line attachments loosen everything up slowly one by one brake fluid was dripping everywhere and brake fluid is no joke definitely one of the most corrosive fluids in a vehicle this stuff will eat up your skin real quick but i got all the brake lines off finally and i unscrewed the assembly and got it all out and as you can see here all the screws here are pretty much stripped out so i actually had to drill them out to be able to pop off the old control module grab some new screws from the shed and was able to secure the new module down to the pump and i threw it back in and now the abs fuse is plugged back in and we do not have that constant running anymore so we can go ahead and cross off the abs module off the list and move on to the next thing which was those squealing brakes so remember when i showed you guys that coming to a complete stop made the brakes squeak real bad now that can be from a few things like old or worn down brake pads or it can be from slightly warped rotors the rotor seems super old and rusted from sitting and the brake pads were cheap enough to replace so i just bought a set here from and you can see here a lot of the pads had uneven brake wear which was probably the cause of the squeak also one caliper was completely seized no matter what i did to the brake piston it would not go back and it even bent my caliper tool so i ran over to the parts store real quick with the old caliper as the core and walked out with a brand new one and after i got installed it looks pretty nice here with the new rotor the new pad and this new brake caliper and after it was all back together we have one last thing brake related to do and that was to bleed the brakes so since we had to pop off the whole abs assembly off the truck and now calls for a complete brake bleed anytime you remove a brake line it lets air into the brake lines and your brakes will be squishy and they won't work properly so i went ahead and performed the brake bleed on the truck and flushed out all the brake lines now this was actually pretty well past due on this truck you can see here this old fluid how nasty looks so i probably would have done it regardless no matter what anyways even if we didn't replace the abs control module now i do have an entire video on how to properly bleed the brakes on a vehicle all by yourself so you guys can check that out if you're interested in doing a brake bleed so now the brake lead is completely done we can cross that off the list and everything with the brakes is done so let's hop back to our money invested chart real quick and we're going to add 265 for the abs control module another hundred dollars for the brake pad and rotors kit another seventy dollars for the brake caliper and last but not least ten dollars for the brake fluid we used to flush the brake lines so now all the mechanical issues are fixed on this truck we got no more dash lights but this thing is still pretty ugly so let's get this thing looking presentable again so what i like to do is start on the interior now we're going to start with this disaster of a driver's seat this seat needed to be completely redone or replaced so i hopped to the junkyard website and saw a seat from them was over three hundred dollars so i just took it to my favorite upholstery shop and had them redo it for me it cost me a hefty 200 bucks but honestly the seat looked awesome when they were done and it was the same color so i didn't have to worry about finding the same color at a junkyard so let's cross the driver's seat off the list and keep moving on now i wanted to work on the window motors so when replacing the window motors the first thing you got to do is get the door panel off usually door panels are just held on by a few hidden screws and then you're able to lift them off without an issue now once the panel's off i found all the screws that were holding up with something called the window regulator but before i do that i had to tape up the window so the window wouldn't just fall out so i pulled out the window regulator and i pulled out the old weak motor off the regulator and then i got a new motor from that i slapped on and then you can just do everything in reverse and now we got a nice strong rotor that can lift up the window i obviously repeated the process on both sides and boom the window motors were fixed so now we can cross that off the list and we can keep moving on to the next thing so next me and my helper gave this thing a super thorough detail since this truck was so nasty this step took us a little bit considering how dirty literally every square inch of the truck was now i've never used this new lithium product before but for this detail i needed something really strong and i use this product called hyper cleanse this stuff is awesome it's even strong enough to clean old grease stains off the carpet don't really even need to scrub it just spray it on and it wipes off almost like magic this stuff's great we finished off the detail using a product also by lithium called inner space which leaves the panels with a really nice semi-gloss kind of like they just came out of the factory and lithium actually agreed to cut all my viewers an awesome deal on all their products that's 20 percent off everything store-wide with promo code but he's diy 20. and i'll leave all that information in the description for you guys legit best quality detailing products money can buy bar none so now that the interior is looking nice and clean it's time to cross that off the list and move on to getting these seats dyed now the back seat was the worst when it came to discoloration now i do get my seat die from and what they actually do is they take your vin and they give you the exact factory color of your interior so you can really make your leather look brand new again with a perfect matching color and as you can see here after the seat dye treatment my back seat looked practically brand new also the passenger seat as well since it did have some white stains and wear and tear and once i was finished dying the seats i slapped the seats back into the interior of the truck and now it is looking awesome so let's cross off the seat die and move on to fixing the center console so i guess it's a pretty common issue with these trucks having these hinges on the center console break off because you can find replacement lids on these things for pretty much anywhere had one for about 73 bucks it was pretty straightforward popping in the new one it only took me about two minutes to figure it out so we can jump this old crack center console and cross off repairing the center console off the list and now we're going to move on to the finishing touches so you can see here the steering wheel is super worn down looking and some leather dye will not save this wheel so what i did is get a nice quality branded steering wheel cover and covered it up and for the floor mats i decided to scrap the old factory mats since they were super worn down looking and got some cut to fit size from weathertech floor mats these mats are super awesome and you can literally cut them to any given size you want to give you the best fit possible they're reasonably cheap at only 70 bucks from and then also came with the back floor mat as well these two little details really made the interior pop and look awesome again this interior really came a long way and it's looking super super clean and i'm really stoked about it so real quick let's jump back to the money invested chart and add some things we got two hundred dollars for the driver's seat reupholstery we got seventy dollars for the two window motors we got seventy five dollars for the center console lid and last but not least we got ninety dollars for the interior accessories so now this truck is free of all mechanical issues the interior is looking completely redone and beautiful if i don't say so myself so now it's time to work on this exterior and get it looking awesome again so the first thing i'm going to start with is this busted visor i knew if i took this thing off it would leave a nice trail of gunk and it would take forever to get all the other visors off and scrub all that old adhesive so for time's sake i decided to just replace it i took my heat gun and i slowly but surely got all the plastic off i decided to just replace the driver's side and let the new owner have the other side as a backup since the passenger side was in pretty good shape but let's go ahead and cross the visor off the list and keep on moving on so now i wanted to fix this loose tailgate that didn't close right so i knew i needed new tailgate latches and for 50 bucks i was able to get two brand new latches here at taking off the old latches was really easy there's just two screws holding them on and then there's a little metal rod that sticks through the back of the latch and is secured by a small plastic piece i cut away the plastic piece on the old lash and was able to yank it off and then i took my new lash i pushed the little rod through snapped the plastic secure pin down and i threw the two bolts back in i repeated the process here on both sides and you can see here these new latches work perfectly everything closes it's super secured no more wiggling so we can go ahead and we can cross that off our to-do list as well so now that we got that done i wanted to seal the paint here on that scratch on the side of the truck i can tell the scratch was fresh because when you scratch your paint this deep rust will actually start to form because metal is just sitting there naked unprotected so i went to my local auto body supplier and i grabbed some touch-up paint and went along the whole scratch it doesn't look perfect by any means but at least rust won't start forming anytime soon for the new owner of the truck it's a 23 year old truck that would probably be used as a work truck so i didn't bother paying a professional hundred dollars fixed scratch because this would have been a pretty costly scratch to fix so now the scratch is taken care of it's time to move on to replacing these old raggedy looking fog lights so these fog lights were actually way cheaper than i thought to replace for only 30. i was able to buy a set with the bulbs everything installed ready to go now you're probably noticing i'm getting a lot of parts here from and just for a quick explanation i bought auto parts all over the web like rock auto parts geek and obviously you guys know i love ebay but with i've never lost a package and they literally have every single thing you can think on for all makes and models they're actually starting to become my favorite all-time place to get parts online and the shipping is quicker than all the other places that i've noticed so that's obviously a huge plus when you're trying to get a project car done i know they do stock all their own inventory so they can pass on those savings style outsourcing and no they are not paying me for this video so i just want to be clear about that now time to get back to the fog lights it was pretty straightforward pulling these old lights out with only one wiring cable and two little bolts holding them in i plugged in the new one and secured it down with the same two bolts it also had a little twist adjuster that i could twist and i can adjust the angle of the fog lights to make sure they were nice and level and a huge difference from the front end for only 30 dollars these old fog lights looked horrible and these new ones look beautiful so let's cross off the fog lights off the list and we'll keep on working so the next thing i want to take care of was this bumper the clear coat was peeling off bad and i knew this thing needed to be repainted so i opted to just paint it myself and my all-time favorite paint is that trim and bumper paint by rust-oleum this stuff is super super durable i've used it on my rim painting video and i've used on other videos as well i actually made a video on how to paint your car here with the stuff usually doing in a panel all the time painting takes a lot of steps so i'm just going to go ahead and leave a link here for that video for you guys if you are interested it gave the bumper a really nice matte look and it came out perfect so now back to the to-do list let's cross the bumper off and let's get this thing cleaned up so we get to finally take this thing here to the car wash and get it all nice and shiny and with the amount of change i found under the seats and in the cup holders this car wash was a hundred percent paid for by the seller so big shout out to dude that was too lazy to clean his change out so we can cross the car wash off the list and move on to the finishing touches and these trim cubes by lithium make restoring trim super quick and easy all you need to do is make sure the trim is nice and clean and then you just wipe it down here with these trim cubes it's literally that easy these trim cubes leave a super durable finish that is guaranteed for the life of the vehicle and i made a whole video about these awesome little cubes here and also guys don't forget 20 off all lithium products with the promo code buddies diy so the trim is all restored looking brand new again we can go back to our to-do list and cross it off so now it's time for everyone's favorite part and that is to restore these old looking faded headlights and lucky for you guys i have a video on the exact method i use on every single car i buy or flip this is the best and easiest method it's guaranteed to make your headlights look brand new again no matter how bad they look now and since we want these headlights to stay looking nice it's always good to add some ceramic coating to them to make sure they're protected from the sun so i treated them with this ram slam here by lithium and this stuff lasts not weeks but months so across the headlights off the list and last but not least it was time to get this hood replaced now i can't list this thing with a bullet hole here on the hood so i ordered a new hood here from and it came out here to about 200 which isn't bad at all for an entire hood so i got some paint here from my local auto body supplier hooked up my paint gun strapped the hood to the ceiling and blasted it down with a nice fresh coat of paint and clear coat and since it already came pre-primed delivered i didn't have to do any prep work besides just a quick wipe down with some alcohol now you guys do know i have my huge paint boot that i can put up in my backyard i used it in episode two of how to flip cars where i painted that bmw but for this hood i honestly just did it in my garage because it wasn't too big of a deal and i didn't have to mask anything off and after letting the paint and clear coat dry up properly it was a close enough match that i was really happy with the result much better than that bullet hole hood of course so we can cross off the last thing off the to-do list and get rid of this list all together so now it's finally time to add the final things to the money invested chart we have 45 dollars for the new visor set 50 for the tailgate latches eleven dollars for the touch-up paint thirty dollars for the fog lights and about five bucks worth of spray paint for spraying the bumper down two hundred dollars for the hood and about thirty dollars of spray paint for painting the hood so let's go ahead and add another seventy five dollars just for miscellaneous stuff like gas running around detailing products spare bolts and all that good stuff and now that the hood is back on the truck this thing is looking awesome if i do say so myself the exterior came out super clean the interior came such a long way from the tragedy looked like before and the truck is free of all mechanical issues and it's finally time to take some pictures and get this thing sold but first let's add everything up here on this money investor chart and all the things that you see here added up to a grand total of four thousand two hundred and fifty nine dollars invested in this truck so now let's get rid of this thing and see what kind of profit we're looking at now before i snap some pictures i wanted to give it a quick wipe down with this waterless wash by lithium that makes the paint really shine extra bright here for the pictures and then i hit some tires with this tire shine here by lithium as well and this tire shine lasts a few weeks not a few days and i know i'll have this thing sold before then since trucks are such a hot commodity right now so i took some pictures and a quick note is always take your pictures vertically because on first sale apps which i'm assuming most everybody uses now on their phone the pictures are a lot larger when taking vertically so here's an example what a vertical picture looks like to a horizontal picture so be sure to hold your phone upright when you're snapping these picks i posted a nice detailed description of all the new things i replaced on this truck and i really hammered home the fact this thing is now super clean and it has absolutely zero mechanical issues when you write a description you always want to make sure you include all the good things about the truck and add as much detail as you can i decided to price this thing right at the kelly blue book price since it's a clean 4x4 with a nice size 5.3 liter engine and i know it'll sell very close to that and within three days of listing it i had a serious buyer already so me and this guy scheduled a time that worked for the both of us and i could tell this dude was not messing around by the way he was talking he didn't shoot me some lowball offer all he wanted to do was come see the truck right away the gentleman came and within 20 minutes he pulled six thousand dollars out of his pocket and he was ready to buy it right then and there and i told him if he could find another 300 so he can pull it off the driveway and be done with it he searched his car he found another 300 so we shook hands and we made a deal and with a sale price of 6 300 minus the total amount we have invested in this truck which is 4 259 that leaves us with a net profit of 2041. not bad at all so now let's do a little bit of math together and figure out roughly how much money we made per hour it took about three hours to mess with the egr and diagnosing it with a bad pcm two hours to knock out that fuel pump since i had help from my uncle only about an hour and a half for the shift accumulator since it was only a few bolts i did fight with the abs module for a while so a solid four hours on that at least two hours for the full brake job and we'll add another hour on top of that brake job since i had a run to get the caliper real quick from the parts store about an hour to bleed the brakes two hours for the window motor since it was about an hour each side the console lid only took a few minutes so let's just put down 15 minutes and 30 minutes to cut the mats and slap on the steering wheel cover the tailgate latches took maybe about 45 minutes touch-up paint only took about 15 minutes an hour for the fog lights now painting the bumper did take a little bit since i had a mask so maybe about two hours for that painting the hood only took about an hour since i didn't have to mask anything off now dyeing the seats and detailing probably took a good six hours since it was quite the process removing all the seeds to make sure everything was super spotless and last but not least just to say another six hours of miscellaneous things like driving around shopping carts inspecting the car buying the car and all that good stuff so that's gonna give us a total of 34 hours of labor invested in this truck and with a net profit of two thousand and forty one dollars we can divide that by 34 hours to give us a grand total of roughly sixty dollars an hour not too bad for a blue collar dude like myself with a couple of wrenches and the best part about it i got no boss breathing down my neck telling me when to work or how to work or any of that now if you've seen my other flip videos you'll know that about 60 an hour is not usually where i want to be well you can't get a home run every single flip and i still had a lot of fun and this truck was still pretty profitable so i'd say it's a win now even though i only spent about 34 hours fixing this truck i'm about 40 hours into editing this video which is crazy since it takes longer to make these videos than it actually does to fix the vehicle so please show your boy some love hit the like button so youtube knows that you guys enjoyed these flip videos and obviously subscribe if you haven't because this series is not going anywhere there's many more flip videos to come in the future in 2022 and i'm going to share all those with you guys and here's a little sneak peek of the next car flip video and you guys definitely don't want to miss it it's going to be a good one i really try to improve on every video for you guys and make these more and more entertaining i do all my own editing filming and repairs so if you do want to support the channel so i can keep investing in these super detailed videos you can support me by either going to my patreon where you're going to have a direct link that you can ask me any car questions business questions pretty much anything you want my patrons always get a quick reply for me and if you don't want to be a patron you can go over to lithium auto care use my promo code for some super good quality detailing stuff it'll also make a great gift coming up for the holidays i'm not kidding when i say their stuff is the best stuff i've ever used i could have partnered up with literally any detailing company but honestly i chose them for a reason so go check out and you can use my code for 20 off anything store-wide and if you don't want to be a patron you don't want any detailing products you can always leave me a tip by hitting this little super like button right here i know there's a couple youtubers out there that also flip cars and they sell these courses for a bunch of money do not buy that the stuff is garbage i give you everything here for free my content is free and will stay free so definitely consider supporting the channel also i recently made an instagram so follow me on instagram because we're gonna be doing some tool giveaways for some free tools for you guys so don't miss out on that so like i said stay tuned because this next flip video is going to be an absolute banger let me know in the comments what cars you guys want me to flip coming 2022 stay safe guys and i'll see on the next video
Channel: Buddy's DIY
Views: 1,277,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to begin selling cars, how to flip cars without paying taxes, flipping cars in florida, best cars to flip for profit, how to flip cars legally, cargurus, is car flipping worth it, pros and cons of flipping cars, buying and selling cars for profit, how to flip cars reddit, car flipping business plan, how do i start a dealership, dealership, starting a dealership from home, dealers license, car side hustle, does flipping cars work, flipping luxury cars, flipping salvage cars
Id: toVPeCBZymQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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