Flipping a $500 craigslist car

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[Music] [Music] all right so we have to pull off the paint for just a little bit i got a guy wants to come out and check out the uh mazda6 i think she shined up pretty good what do y'all think not too bad everything works on it i haven't come across anything that's not working properly she's got a few little hail dens we all know about those already but she shined up great we got her running good she's not misfiring anymore no more rough idle any of that no more big dent in the bumper or any of that something else was straightened out the interior looks nice check it out i have to get some of my stuff out still got some my personal belongings in here i need to get all these cleaned out but man check out that interior i think that turned out pretty nice dash looks good check out the back here very nice far cry from where it was when it showed up so anyway the guy ought to be here in just a few minutes and uh i'm asking masking 1995 for it and uh we'll probably i don't know by around 1800 i guess i mean it ought to be at least worth that run and driving a car with no issues i mean nothing's wrong with it tires are good we had some tires put on it and uh we we ironed out all of this little it's little hiccups you know and she's good to go now i think it's a great car how many hey let's check it out while we're at it let's see how many miles we put on this thing all right so there's the miles that's what we ended up putting on it i believe that to be close to 3 000 miles we put on this car so far so and she's still doing good she starts up and runs fine fires right up no issues what more do you want man all the windows roll up and down well even the sunroof works to be honest i wish i could keep it i mean it's turned out to be a really good car i've been running my errands in it for several weeks and i've had no issues with it whatsoever she's fired up every time i've needed it to and no breakdowns nothing so great car all right you guys there goes the mazda6 she's out of here sold it got 1800 for it not too bad of a flip i'm actually going to miss that old car dude that was a great car but it went to a good home my nephew actually bought that car and i think it's going to make him a great little car it's his first car so you'll probably see it on the channel again because if he ever needs anything he's more than welcome to bring it on down here and we'll help him out with it so regular maintenance things like that you'll probably see it on the channel again best part is we'll be able to keep track of how many miles that old thing really can run all right everybody so we just got the next flip what do y'all think i know she is ugly oh my goodness she needs a paint job in the worst way but you guys i got this thing super cheap and it only has 115 000 miles it is an 09 chevy aveo the body's in great shape but she's just ugly as hell i mean she's in desperate need of a paint job i don't know what somebody's been doing but um some of this backyard body repair i don't know this is gray primer that someone has sprayed on here and of course primer's a sponge so it's been soaking up water for who knows how long and now it's got a little bit of surface rust in here but not to fear i think i could put a quickie paint job on this for cheap and we'll get it done pretty quick and we'll get this thing out for sale and i i i can't wait to tell you guys how cheap i got this old car for remember 115 000 miles ice cold ac everything works on it it runs and drives perfectly it just looks like hell that's okay we're going gonna get her straightened out for now i'm gonna go ahead and get this thing to the house and uh we got a little ways to go and uh like i said so far so good we'll get it down there we will go through it we'll figure out exactly what it's gonna cost for materials and we're gonna put a paint job on this thing i wanted to show you guys the interior i mean it is in really good shape no cracks on the dash no rips and the seats don't even have any stains even the carpet looks good the headliner is in good shape i think we did all right on this one let's get it to the house so we got a little ways to get back to the house we're still up in the city but so far so good she's running great no problem shifting she's got plenty of get up and go i mean i i can't complain so far i just can't yeah check it out 115 000 miles not too bad for an 0.9 i don't know if you guys can hear it but we do have what sounds to be kind of a wore out strut up front so we probably have to get some struts in the front of it not a big deal they're a little pricey at autozone i don't think i'll be going that route i think i'm going to look up rock auto or something like that see if we can get some a little cheaper for it but other than some noisy struts up front which aren't even really that bad i mean they're not banging around but you can kind of hear them uh other than that man i can't fault the car other than it's just it's ugly on the outside but we're gonna straighten that out man we're going to give it the weird beer treatment so don't you worry all right so we're down here at the o'reilly's getting our paint supplies got everything we need to get that paint job done and we're sitting at pretty much 300 bucks right now so let's go home and get it all done all right so we're back at the shop here's our supplies uh this is the paint right here these things were like 90 bucks a piece so that's where most of our money went was that right there uh then of course you got to get your uh reducers uh i got some primer sealer cheap lacquer thinner lint free rags i had to get a little bit of extra sandpaper 80 grit we got all the other ones already left over from other jobs and uh right here got me a little paint suit so we're good to go let's get started on this thing so this car is actually pretty straight it's not all beat up or anything it's just got this ugly primer sprayed over it for some reason somebody got in there and sprayed over the yellow maybe they didn't like the yellow i don't really know but this has got to go we can't leave it like this so basically really for the most part all we're going to do is get in here and just sand this thing scuff it down get it ready you know mask it off get it ready to shoot with the exception of this other side this over here it's got a little rough area right here i don't know what was going on but it's just it's all kind of peeling we're going to need to feather all of this back i'm going to get in here and i'm just going to smooth it all up with my block you know we'll get in here with probably like some a little bit of bodywork nothing major it's not really bad it's just kind of wavy feeling i'm going to straighten all this out right quick get it ready for primer and then we can move on from there because the rest will be pretty easy we'll just sand and shoot the rest all right so i'm going to start with 80 grit sandpaper on my d.a and we're just going to sand this whole area we'll get all of these rough imperfections get it all nice and smoothed out [Music] all right so all i've done so far is i just took my 80 grit on my da here and i just went through and smoothed up all the primer because it was really rough some of it was kind of feather you know just needed to be feathered back because it's kind of chipping away not really sure what was going on there but i just wanted to get most of it off and get back down to the factory paint because that's going to be the best foundation is the factory paint not not this primer that they sprayed on now i'm not really sure why but on the other side the primer actually looks fine it's not all peeling and messed up so i don't know if they just didn't prep the driver's side as good or what there's no tail on so anyway we're just getting it all smoothed up i'm going to keep on working and i'll probably have to come in right in here some dents so i'm going to probably come in with a little bit of feeler filler and just kind of fill this in block it down and get it all ready for primer and that's really all i'm shooting for right now you probably noticed i've already went ahead and kind of de-trimmed the door a little bit i'm still going to pull these handles out here in just a little while uh for now they're not in the way but uh don't worry i'll show you guys the process of you know the tear down process when we get over to the other side for now i just kind of want to get this done get it primed that way in the morning i could come out the primer will have set up plenty of time to set up you know overnights more than enough time and we come in and block it all down and then we're ready to seal and shoot after you know once we finish prepping the car we'll be able to seal it and shoot it i think it's going to turn out pretty nice all right so this is our filler i've already went through and just kind of wiped some filler on i'll show you guys some of that here in just a minute but i'm just going to come in this is my 36 grit sandpaper on a block i'm to come in and we're just going to block all of this down make it nice and smooth we'll do our crosshatch pattern like we always do when we do bodywork make it nice and straight and we'll do that through over the whole roof rail i mean basically this whole roof rail is going to need that same attention all the way back here same thing so we'll do the whole thing like that and i get it ready for primer all right so this is what it looks like after i've worked it with a 36 grit and a block now that it's nice and straight i mean we don't have any more whoopty woos or you know any waves any of that kind of stuff all the little dents are fixed so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to go over this i'm going to wipe it with my glaze which is going to fill in all those 36 grit scratches which are really deep scratches that's going to fill all of that in we'll work it down to 150 grit and this will be super smooth and ready for a primer [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] so all right so there it is with all of our glaze i know it looks like a lot you guys are probably thinking like oh my god you put a lot of filler in there but man like 75 of that gets sanded right back off you're left with a very light skim coat and the best part is it's nice and straight no more sanding scratches no more hail dings no more imperfections it'll be nice and straight ready for paint all right everybody so far so good we've got all the body work done we had a spot there on the fender we got the entire roof rail worked down everything is blocked out we've gone through and we've blocked down all of their primer all the existing primer that was on the vehicle we went through and we blocked down with 320 grit sandpaper 320 grit sandpaper wet so she is nice and slick now ready for primer what i'm going to do is i'm going to come in and i'm going to prime in this area here because remember you know we had to do some body work up here it's a little bit rough everything else is nice and smooth i think it'll be fine so let's get some primer on this area here and then i'm going to call it a night i'm going to let that primer sit overnight we'll come out here first thing in the morning we'll block all of that down so let's get that on there [Music] yes all right so we got it all masked off everything it's all cleaned ready to go prepped ready to go so we're gonna mix up a little bit of primer here get this primed up we'll let it dry overnight [Music] [Music] okay so this is self etch primer this is what you want to put over all your little bare metal spots anything over one square inch needs to have self etching primer on it if you just put regular primer over bare metal it will peel off later so you want self-etch primer on your bare metal then you put your regular primer on top of that it don't take much you just want to just put it on there really lightly you're not trying to cake it on there or anything like that it's just something to bite into that metal [Music] so [Music] uh foreign all right so it's all primed in i'll come out here in the morning after it sits overnight and i'll sand all this guy this is a guide coat to do is just spray this on here just dust the light black coat you'll come out here after this primer's all dry you'll block it off with 320 grit sandpaper you'll block all that black powder off that i'm spraying on there basically and when that's all gone you got a nice gray uniform finish you know it's ready to paint so alrighty everybody so we are past this part look at this man this is so freaking smooth so much better than it was so now that we're past that little situation we can move on the rest of it is super easy just to scuff and shoot we got a little bit of surface rust up here that's no problem that's going to get knocked right off with the sander so we're going to go over the whole thing with the sander 320 grit sandpaper on my d.a sandpaper we're going to go over the whole thing that with some scotch brite and uh we'll it'll be ready at that point it'll be ready no more body work no more block sanding none of that we just got to skim over it knock that surface rust knock the surface rust off excuse me and as you can see the other side it doesn't have any of the issues that the driver side had it's not dented up none of the primer's peeling back none of that so the rest of it like i said will go quick and easy so let's go ahead and just get it knocked out all right so the first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna get rid of all this loose masking this is just some loose masking that we do to try to keep the primer and the over spray out of our jams as you can see the previous guy he got a little bit in there but it's so light i should be able to wash that off with some lacquer thinner but i definitely didn't want to add more to it because then you get to the point where you got to sand it off and you don't want to be messing with all that you'll mess around and burn through the yellow and then you got to go back and paint the yellows and we don't want to do that so this will make it a lot easier it takes a few minutes but it's totally worth the effort all right so we're moving on to the roof we're not getting super carried away we're just going over it with a 320 grit sandpaper scuffing it up that's it i wanted to show you guys just how easy this surface rust is coming off comes off pretty easy [Music] all right that old roof is cleaning up nicely [Music] nice and smooth all the surface rust is gone we'll get over there and do the other side remember that's what it used to look like right and then get over here and it's all nice and clean and got a little bit of bare metal we'll go through with our etch our self-etch primer like we uh did on the sides and then we'll hit the whole thing with a nice coat of sealer get a nice uniform finish and then it'll be ready to paint all right so we're going to start on the other side we're going to get in here we're going to remove that molding like we just like we did on the other side you want to kind of get underneath it there break it loose a little bit you want to be real careful you don't want to bend it just kind of work your way down some of these are stuck on with two sided sticky tape and some of them clip on and this one this particular one clips on very easy to take off all right so the roof smoothed up nicely it really did we got rid of all the rough primer that it had going on smoothed up all the edges this thing's ready for a nice coat of sealer you could probably see some body work in there and it's not good bodywork either whoever did all that i think it had some hail dings they was probably trying to get rid of they made it better but it's it's not great but with a nice good even coat of sealer on there and then a nice coat of paint it'll look fine yellow is kind of forgiving especially out in the sunlight you won't see if it's got any little minor imperfection it'll be fine so we're moving on to the rest of it we're going to smooth all the rest of this out again we're using 320 grit sandpaper i'll probably do most of the rest of this wet just to keep dust down not a lot of work on this side we should breeze right through it so before we start the sanding process on the other side let's get in here and tear these doors down i promised you guys i'd show you some of the tear down process so here we go man this one is super easy just going to get in here with a trim tool and barely pop that out this is going to come right off i mean it's not hard at all there we go good lord came off so easy just jumped off the car so anyway there's that uh when was the last time you guys saw window cranks you don't come across that too often here's a special tool to get those off you can also use a rag i've heard of people like stuffing a rag in there and getting it real tight you know kind of move the thing around and whatever i don't know but i use this uh hell i can't remember where i bought this thing i've had it for so long all you're going to want to do is just kind of work this down in behind here it's really hard to do one-handed and the little clip will probably go shooting off across the shop so i'm going to put the camera down try to use both hands on this all right let's try this you want to kind of hold your hand down here because that clip will shoot out of there for sure there we go yeah i got it there's the clip all that does is just push that clip out of there hopefully y'all can see that all that does is just kind of push that clip out of there and then this will come right off kind of wiggle it around get this out of there kind of wiggle this around i mean it pops right off just like that you'll want to reinstall your clip before putting this back on and then once this is reinstalled this will just click right onto the right onto the little deal here alrighty before i so rudely interrupted that air compressor just is not youtube friendly but anyway and just try to slip it back into that little groove there and just get it there you go just like that once it's in there like that that mean that's it that right there will pop right back on the door all right hopefully i can do this with one hand let's see nope it took two but oh well there we go that's that's what we were after right there that just clips into the hole comes out pretty easy just got to get your trim tool in behind it just be careful you want to break anything but as you can see that turned out good nothing broke off all right so once you're to this point there'll be a little phillips screw down inside of there ours is missing so somebody must have been in here messing around at one point so anyway we're good to go there's a little spot under here you can get your trim tool into right there like that just want to kind of pull out on it you'll hear all the clips coming loose once all the clips are loose all the way up both sides it's going to slip right up off of there be careful this is still sticking out and yeah it's that simple and yeah definitely somebody's been in there that's electrical tape mirror comes off with these three screws here all right so it's time to get the handle out don't let handles scare you they're not that bad this one comes out by just pulling a plug out of the jamb all you want to all you want to do is get this yellow clip to come unclipped so i got my little my hook i'm gonna get in there just like that pull the rod out just like that all we have to do at this point is get inside of that hole there all right with the torque bit unscrew it this handle will pop right out i'll show you i'll show you that now all right so we got a t30 torque let's get up in there you'll see it it's just just inside of there unscrew this you don't have to worry about screwing it out too far and having it fall down in the door because it actually has a little catch that'll hold the bolt in place or the screw in place so now that that's out of the way you should be able to just pull the handle right out just like that this one will slide forward and out just like that you got it now most doors will have this little plastic piece here as kind of a gasket i guess you want to get make sure you get that off of there as well and then check it out man we could sand this with ease no problem at all nothing in the way and that literally took a minute and a half that's it it's all it took to pull that handle out now if you want the whole process what do we have into the door so far to get it to this point that's getting the door panel off getting the mirror out uh getting the handle yeah everything five minutes that's what we've got into it five minutes this car is extremely easy to work on we'll get our belt molding off of here it just has that screw on that one end you want to be careful when you're doing this this belt molding is good the one on the other side kind of sucks but this one's good and i want to keep it that way so you got to be really careful when you're taking these off of here just kind of work them down a little by little till it pops off otherwise you'll bend in so we got lucky on this one it didn't bend we'll reinstall the screw on the end so we don't lose it throw it up on the dashboard until it's time to reinstall it all right just like that pop that out of its channel get it down there out of the way [Applause] [Music] and there you have it one completely de-trimmed door everything's off of it everything's out of the way probably took less than 10 minutes and it will dramatically improve the quality of your paint job i promise you that totally worth the extra effort unfortunately we have to do that times four on this one but it's still worth it man i mean seriously i can generally tear a door down faster than i could tape one off by the time i tape around all of this crap on here i could have tore it down already so why not just tear it down all right so i wet center the entire side it is done officially done i do have a couple things that i need to take apart now we've gone as far as we could go without pulling this tail light out and uh de-badging and tearing down the entire trunk lid so let's go ahead and get started on that now this tail light is probably one of the easiest tail lights you could take out you don't even have to pull the interior trim panel or anything i mean just two screws right there you can use phillips or you can use a eight millimeter socket either way but it's gonna pop these two screws out and this tail light pops right out no problem at all just like that it's just got two little clips that go up in that little hole there hopefully you all can see that there's one there one there one there one there and then just pops in that and then the two screws you're good on this particular car you're gonna pop this up and there's the plug pretty easy there you go done all right with the tail light out of the way obviously we'll be able to get in here sand around their edges a lot easier and while we're at it we could get in here clean all this dirt i mean look at this you don't want all that in your paint job so this is a perfect opportunity kind of getting it clean some of that out it'll help tape stick better later when it comes time to masking and less dirt to blow into your paint job later i think while i'm back here i'm going to go ahead and just pull this bumper off get it out of the way these come off super easy [Music] all right so chevy was trying to be sneaky throwing us an extra two bolts on the inside [Music] that's all right they're still easy to get to just don't drop them like i just did all right now these are just located just inside the trunk just behind this panel here i need that all right these should be our last ones just these two here on the outside oh actually there's four of them we'll get this bumper off of here and we'll finish prepping it on the stand make it a lot easier to paint too oh there we go yeah they actually hit a couple of clips up under the bumper up inside there kind of crazy all right let's get this trunk lid tore apart start by getting this insulator off of here [Music] oh all of them fun this is how many screws they put into one little trunk molding look at this that was just to hold that on eight screws to hold this on y'all y'all say toyota's made so great so [Applause] all right so people ask me about this all the time this is just a 3m eraser wheel stick it right in the end of your drill and there you go man that simple works really really well getting that old adhesive off for trim panels emblems you name it works works really well they're about 20 bucks all right let's get this front bumper off of here now all right there there we go we're loose [Music] now all right so the car is completely tore down this will make it a lot easier to paint it and i think it'll turn out a lot better once it's done too all right so you probably noticed it has a red hood and everything else is yellow it's also got a red fender judging by the car packs it did get into a little fender bender back into i think it was like 2010 no structural damage no air bag deployment nothing just a slight little fender bender and you can look in here and see that the structure is just fine nothing's wrong with it but i'm not going to sell it like that i am going to go ahead and what we call edge defender in we're going to actually paint the fender yellow on the inside and we're going to paint the bottom side of the hood as well we're not going to send it out of here red so i'm going to take the hood off now just get it knocked out get it over with reinstall the hood so we can go ahead and paint the outside [Music] all right now that the hood's off we're just going to scuff it down with some scotch brite get it ready to paint i'm also going to tape up our little emissions emblem here [Music] all right so you might be asking yourself why we're painting the bottom of the hood black well it's cheaper that way if i were to paint the bottom of the hood yellow it would cost more money the yellow is a lot more expensive than just some satin black spray paint you know what i mean so this is actually acceptable no one will think anything about it i promise you i've done this a million times no one has ever showed up and asked me why is the bottom of the hood black no one ever cares kind of weird okay all right so i'm going to get this fender out of the way it's super easy you guys it's like four bowls comes right off i mean it's it's a baby fender it's not even a real fender so anyway i got this off so that i could edge it in a lot easier we're going to do this yellow because i want it to match the other fender all right we're not going to do it black like the hood man by the way that hood turned out pretty nice so all right so there's the hood all put back together got the hood insulator in there we got the tape back off the masking off of our emissions emblem there and i think it's ready to go back on the car tell me what do you guys think man having the bottom side of the hood or hey hang on just a minute i'll put it on the car then tell me what you think all right now tell me what y'all think i think it looks pretty good and i think it'll work i don't see any problem with that at all all right so i got me a little color mixed up in the gun we're going to do what you what we call edging this is how we would do it in the body shop we're just going to come in here and just paint the edges all the inside edges we'll turn my pressure up here a little bit all right so we had a little paint left in the gun i figured what could we use it for and here we are man i thought this would be a good spot for it this was the worst of it right here as far as jams go this was definitely the worst of it he got a little sloppy in there so let's cover it up okay so i got my fender back on there this thing is scuffed and ready to paint all i got to do is get it outside get it cleaned off it's got a lot of dirt look at this all this dust and stuff that's all got to come off there so we're going to rinse it off with the water hose right quick get it back in here let it dry and i'm going to start masking it off we're going to put a nice even coat of sealer and then after that it'll be on to paint unfortunately everybody we're gonna have to cut it off there this video is getting way too long but that's all right part two we will get this thing sprayed don't you guys worry we'll get that video out real quick we won't we won't keep you waiting on it and as usual you guys please like share and subscribe let youtube know you guys like the videos that you're enjoying the content that lets uh youtube know to suggest our videos that helps the channel grow the more the channel grows the better videos we can put out better content it's a win-win for everybody right so please like share subscribe i really appreciate it uh check out my instagram link in the description as always and uh hey man i'll see you guys next time we'll get back to you real quick we won't leave you hanging for very long i promise so we'll see you later
Channel: Weird Beard
Views: 416,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Copart, IAA, IAAI, Tarvarish, Salvage, Rebuild, DIY, BHPH, Car lot, flip, samcrac, DIY Gang, KARR, B is for Build, Auto Auction Rebuilds, Cars, Ford, Chevy, Dodge, Honda, Mercedes, Infiniti, Land Rover, Mazda, Nissan, Datsun, nason, oreillys, auto refinishing, auto repaint, how to flip cars, used car sales, licensed dealer, youtuber, how to get a dealers license, how to paint cars, how to do body work
Id: 9LcK8lFPHrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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