How To Flip Cars | FULL PROCESS [1]

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what is going on everybody it's buddy here today i'm going to show you guys how i took this poorly running no ac having 500 truck and turned it into thousands of dollars in profit now if you watched my channel before i'm mostly a diy channel but i am going to start a segment on flipping cars the process i do it i've done it many times in the past this is actually the first vehicle i fully documented here on video so if you want to learn how to get potentially profitable vehicles at low prices how to fix them up and flip them and make a bunch of money on the back end be sure to subscribe so you don't miss anything i'm gonna show you guys the entire process of how i bought it what i thought i should buy it for what i knew i could sell it for and ultimately how much money i put into it and how much money i made so without further ado let's jump right into the video so my favorite place to look for cars to flip is facebook marketplace i'm always on it checking for deals seeing what's out there so i stumble upon this little chevy blazer these are actual pictures of it here the exterior looked good there was no faded paint for an older truck the interior looked good there was no cracks there's no rips there was no tears in the seats or anything like that now i noticed the price was set at about fourteen hundred dollars the truck had 140 000 miles on it which is pretty low for a truck of this year and i know these chevy blazers will sell quick they're a popular truck at the right price they're going to fly off the shelf so upon reading the description of the vehicle it says ac does not work don't know what's wrong with it it stated there is minor rust on the undercarriage it also says the truck does not run smooth at idle vehicle will shut off at red lights but starts right back up runs great otherwise now the one thing i really did like in the description it said bought from original owner three months ago all service records were kept from mile 3000 in the service manual now considering the original owner bought this truck 20 years ago has the original owner's manual and documented every single bit of service in there i knew he was an older gentleman i knew he was an old-school guy who was probably very meticulous with his truck now what you guys are looking at here is the actual service manual of the truck this guy really did document every single little thing from the first service at 3 000 miles now i speak from experience when i say that is not a big selling point that is a huge selling point people absolutely love that this is already a really popular vehicle i know for a fact this thing fixed up will sell quick so i knew i had to get this truck so i went on kelly blue book and honestly i don't use kelly blue book to buy vehicles but 90 percent of people do if you're looking to sell it this is what most people are going to default to so you want to make sure that you know that this is kind of what everyone's looking at when they're looking to buy a car now the number i'm looking at right here is at 3119 that is the upper end of the kelly blue book value if this thing is running smooth the ac works great and someone sees that the whole life of the car has been documented in the back of the owner's manual where the service records are i know i'm going to be able to get that upper end for sure so i immediately set out to go see this truck here in person i did know that 1400 was gonna be a little steep for this truck just because i knew it definitely needed some things i know new parts for these old chevys are dirt cheap so i knew i didn't have to put that much money into it even if there was a couple more things wrong that wasn't specified on the description and that's also a very important note to keep in mind when you are looking for a vehicle to flip you want to make sure you don't shoot for those bmws those audis of course if you find a killer deal don't let it up but at the same time keep in mind the parts for those cars are a lot more expensive than something like this blazer now with this truck knowing that the ac was bad and it was running real rough i didn't know what i was gonna get into fixing it maybe just needed some freon to make the air cold again and something silly like an o2 sensor making it run really rough on the idle or it could need multiple components here on an ac system or it could have all kinds of different things wrong with it causing vacuum leaks bad sensors or whatever the case so 500 is definitely where i wanted to be to make sure i made a profit now upon arriving honestly i was very impressed with the vehicle's condition on the inside and outside there's no cracks no rips there's no dents there's no scratches there's no rust on the body everything looked really good i'ma play you guys a quick video of what the engine sounded like at idle it was a very rough idle this is actually after i took it home so this is actually the engine of the exact same truck we're talking about yeah it sounded pretty rough to say the least so the very first thing i did when i got to the seller's house was hook up my obd2 reader to the truck i always bring one of these with me anytime i go to buy a car it's definitely something important that everybody should have in their toolbox i'm gonna put a link in the description for three of them i recommend one's gonna be at a lower price point maybe 25 to 30 bucks one's going to be kind of a mid-grade around 60 to 70 and then one's going to be a little bit higher tier around 100 to 150. so when i hooked up my obd reader to the truck i got a code back p0171 system two lean bank one so what that means is either the engine is getting too little fuel or is getting too much air too much air is caused from a vacuum leak or not enough fuels getting into your engine either your fuel filter is clogged you gotta clog in one of your lines maybe one of your fuel injectors are clogged up or your fuel pump started to go out or if you get real lucky it's something as simple as just a mass airflow sensor needs to be cleaned or you got a bad o2 sensor now another thing i wanted to check before i made a seller and offer on the vehicle was the ac compressor now i knew the ac was blowing warm air but i wanted to see if that was because the ac compressor wasn't working or if it just had a freon leak now what i did is i brought a staple with me now i always bring a staple with me to any kind of car deal that i want to do that a vehicle has no ac in with a staple all you got to do is find the low side of the ac system find the little sensor and then just stick the staple inside of the sensor that goes into the low side so now you can see the compressor is spinning so our little staple trick worked now i also checked the radiator cap i didn't see any brown gunk like this and i also checked the oil cap and took a peek in the crankcase i didn't see any kind of sludge like this and that would be indicative of a blown head gasket and that's not something i want to deal with in this vehicle so now at least i know the compressor works there is a freon leak of course and there's also a vacuum leak or a fuel issue so now at this point it's time to make the seller my 500 offer i'm happy with the vehicle i think i can make a little money on it so this is the fun part this is when you get to finally make an offer you get to do a little negotiating this is the exciting part for me so you can write this part down i pretty much say this word for word every vehicle i buy so let's just say the seller's name was bob in this case i'll say hey bob so obviously the vehicle does need some work i'm going gonna have to put a little money into it it's actually a little worse than i thought so i'll be right up front with you i don't want to waste either of our time so i'll give you a straight offer i think the vehicle is worth 500 considering the multiple issues it has and that's what i'm willing to pay for it so probably about 30 of the time they're just gonna say fine take it away i've been looking at it too long because you gotta remember these vehicles don't run right so they've probably been sitting around for a while probably gave them a headache they probably tried changing some fuses they probably looked at a couple of youtube videos to see if there's a quick fix they already called their uncle in another state who used to work on cars point being they're sick of looking at these cars they want them gone so they're gonna take that five six seven hundred dollars they're gonna take that thousand dollars they're gonna take that low ball offer now if they start saying uh well what about a thousand what about 1500 the last thing i'm going to say is this and i almost say this word for word now i understand what you're saying bob and i know it's not what you wanted to hear but to be honest anyone who's going to buy this car is obviously going to be mechanically inclined and it's ultimately going to take a risk in buying this car we don't 1000 know what's all wrong with it all we know that it needs work and obviously new parts which cost money of course the last thing i want to do is rip you off but even more so i wouldn't want to buy a car and dump so much money into it that i end up spending more than what it's worth my offer stands firm at five hundred dollars i have the money in the car right now you'll never have to look at this thing again all you gotta do is say yes now at that point once you made sure that they know that you are firm at your offer and on top of that you're not trying to rip them off you just let them know where you're coming from in terms of the price you should be able to strike a deal and for whatever reason if they're one of the sellers that will not budge on the car for whatever reason you gotta learn to just walk away there's way too many people out there that are willing to give you their business get rid of that old car sitting in their driveway and be done with it now in this case i was able to convince the guy 500 is a good number for this car so i took the keys and i drove the car home so now that we got the truck back at the house it's time to start fixing it up so remember we have a rough idle caused by either too little fuel or too much air and on top of that we have an ac leak so what i'm gonna do is see if i can get the truck running smooth again before i even start messing with the ac so remember these are all the potential things that could be giving it a rough idle the first thing i was going to start with is the fuel filter i checked out under the car the fuel filter looked a little old even if the fuel filter wasn't the culprit of the rough vital i decided to do it anyways just because i had one laying around and it looks like it was about time for a new one anyways so i got under the truck i found the fuel filter i pulled out the old one and i replaced it with the new one now all these videos i'm going to show you are actual videos of me working on this exact chevy blazer so if you want to check out this video on how to change your fuel filter in a chevy and honestly it's similar for most vehicles not just chevys once you watch the video get a main idea of how to do it i'll go ahead and throw a link in the description for all the videos i made working on this vehicle so now we got the fuel filter change out it's time to start the truck up and see if we fix the rough idle so it looks like the fuel filter wasn't the cause of a rough idle so we're going to go ahead and cross that off our list so now it's time to start keeping track of how much money we got invested in this vehicle we have 500 into the truck itself and then about 15 for a fuel filter at autozone and as i said earlier i already had the fuel filter on hand but i'm just going to add it to the list anyways and if you're finding the video helpful please hit that thumbs up button i would really appreciate it it also lets me know you guys like these car flipping tutorial videos the next thing i'm going to try is the mass airflow sensor maybe it's just a little dirty and gunked up and it needs to be cleaned with some mass airflow sensor cleaner now upon removing the mass airflow sensor to clean it i actually made a discovery here now take a listen to the engine while the mass airflow sensor is unplugged then listen to again while it's plugged in now watch when i plug this in so this is kind of good news because what this means is there's either a vacuum leak the mass airflow sensor is dirty or it's faulty or there's a faulty o2 sensor so this kind of ruled it down to an air flow issue or a sensor issue and not a fuel issue so we're going to go ahead and cross these two off right here so cleaning the mass airflow sensor is a pretty easy procedure you just take the screws out that hold the hose clamps in you pull it off and then what you do is you spray it down with mass airflow sensor cleaner i have a whole video on this i'll put it in the description as well you definitely want to use mass airflow sensor cleaner you don't want to use carb cleaner wd-40 nothing like that mass airflow sensor cleaner only so let's put it back in the truck and see if it was just a dirty mass airflow sensor so it wasn't a dirty mass airflow sensor but maybe it was just a faulty unit altogether so let's swap it out for a new one and i bought this one on simply because the return policy i figured if it wasn't a faulty mass airflow sensor i'd be able to return it no issue i was working on a lot of cars at the time so i didn't mind waiting the two days for shipping when it finally came in i swapped it out with the old one so let's see if it fixed our rough idle [Music] so it looks like the mass airflow sensor was not the issue at all so i went ahead and returned it to amazon for a full refund so let's go ahead and cross the mass airflow sensor off of our list of potential problems so at this point i'm more suspicious of a vacuum leak as opposed to a faulty o2 sensor so what i did is i expected the entire engine bay for all the vacuum hoses for any rips tears dried or cracked vacuum hoses anything along the sort that would cause a vacuum leak and then i noticed all the hoses look really good the guy must actually replace them a few thousand miles ago because they all look fairly new and then i looked over at the brake booster because usually if your vacuum hoses are good your pcv valve your egr or your brake booster is what's causing the vacuum leak and i took a peek over the brake booster and actually looked pretty rusted out so here's a video of me vacuum testing the brake booster to see if that was the culprit of our vacuum leak in this blazer so on the left side of our brake booster we're gonna have this vacuum hose and we're gonna take this off and we're gonna actually plug it up and what i'm gonna use to plug this up is just the back of a 3a socket i'm going to play a quick clip of the video before we actually plug this hole [Music] and now this is what the idle sounds like with the hole plugged so you can see there right when i plugged up the vacuum hose for the brake booster it idled perfectly so i knew that was the cause of the vacuum leak i figured it out all i needed to do was replace the brake booster you can see here this is a video of me actually replacing the brake booster it's about an hour and a half job it's not horrible now the video is geared more towards chevy trucks but honestly they all are pretty similar so if you watch the whole video honestly you'll be able to do it on almost any vehicle i'll go ahead and leave the link for that video in the description and if you look here you can see the back of the brake booster is actually blown out from all the rust brake fluid is really corrosive so it ate away at all that metal that's what caused that vacuum leak so we're gonna pop the new one in there and the truck after that ran beautiful so going back to our chart to see how much money we have invested in this truck we have 500 for the truck we got 15 for the fuel filter and then we're going to tack on 110 for the brake booster now you can get them cheaper online but i decided to just go to advanced auto parts and just knock it out that day and remember we returned the mass airflow sensor back to amazon we popped the old one in and got a full refund for that so grand total all we have in this truck is 625 dollars for 625 we got a perfectly good running truck we are not doing bad at all the only issue is there's no ac so let's jump right into the ac issue so remember we did test the compressor at the seller's house with our staple trick and it worked so that leads me to believe that there is a freon leak in the vehicle so we went up to advanced auto parts again and we got some ac stop leak and some freon i pumped it into the system and it blew cold i was stoked i was hoping it would stay but unfortunately after about an hour all the freon leaked out so this hole was pretty big so at this point i performed a leak detection test to see where the actual leak is coming from so we could replace the component or the gasket that's leaking now again i do have a link in the description of this exact vehicle that i performed an ac die leak test on it's fairly simple all you need is a can of freon and some ac dye a black light flashlight and some uv glasses you just pump the ac dye in the system with the can of freon pushing it in there you let it run for about 20 minutes and then what you do is get your flashlight and your uv glasses go in a dark garage or wait till the sun drops and the ac dye is gonna glow really bright it's gonna pop out like a sore thumb you can't miss it and that's going to indicate what part is leaking or which gasket's leaking which fitting is leaking and what you need to replace when i performed this test on the vehicle i did not see any fittings or any components that had ac dye coming out so what that indicates either the condenser is leaking and i can't see it or something called the evaporator core is leaking so i was 100 sure what part is leaking so i went ahead and ordered a condenser and an evaporator for this blazer just to make sure i definitely fixed the leak so the price difference between getting these at advance and ordering them online was substantial so i went ahead and ordered these two online now changing the evaporator was the only thing on this vehicle that i didn't document on video just based on the fact that it is a very involved job you can see i took the tire off the whole left side of the engine bay off pull off the cover put the new one in and then put everything back together that did take about three and a half hours that was a pretty involved job like i said now as you can see i did make a video here on changing the condenser out the condenser was as simple as just pulling the radiator out pulling the condenser out from behind it and then sticking everything back together obviously it's a little easier said than done but if you check on my video you'll see exactly what i mean it's a pretty straightforward process so now that we got those installed let's take another look at our money invested we got 500 for the truck 15 for the fuel filter 110 for the brake booster believe it or not on the evaporator was only 65 bucks and the condenser was only 35 bucks and this is including shipping and everything now the ac system was all fixed up i took a drive down to advanced auto parts and picked up some freon and some compressor oil now i do have a video on how to properly put freon in your car or truck with the new ac parts i recharged the truck's ac system to factory specs i fired it up and i checked the temperature on the ac vents and it was blowing ice cold there was no leaks in the system the ac was completely fixed so now we're going to go back to our money invested chart and we're going to add freon in compressor oil came out to a whopping now i also grabbed five quarts of oil and an oil filter and that came out to 24 and then i got two spray cans one a rust inhibitor primer and the other one and trim and bumper paint and those came out to 11 bucks i changed the oil and the oil filter on the blazer i then sanded some parts down on the undercarriage and sprayed them with the rust inhibitor primer now you want to make sure if you do this you don't spray with any cheap paint you spray it with something that says stop rust on it because then it has rust inhibitor chemicals in it and then the last two things i did is restore the bumper and the door handles but this really changed the look of the truck it really dolled it up and made it look more presentable so i will have links in the description on how to restore your bumper or your handles any black trim in your car for that matter so now we are done going back to our money invested chart we're gonna add everything up the truck for 500 the fuel filter for 15 the brake booster for 110 the evaporator the condenser the freon everything together came out to a whopping 797 so we got a truck worth about thirty one hundred dollars and we only paid 797 less than 800 bucks for it we are on top of it on this one now the only thing left was to post some ads and find a buyer for this truck now you can see from this ad i made i really hyped the truck up you never want to put a short description of your vehicle you want to make a nice long descriptive description about your vehicle explaining all the good things about it everything works runs perfect nothing wrong with the truck at all truly diamond in the rough purchase from an elderly man who followed the owner's manual service guy to a t every oil change coolant flush brake flush power steering flush and everything between has been meticulously done by this elderly gentleman documented recorded since the first three thousand miles new ac condenser and evaporator and 140 000 pampered miles so this step might seem a little silly and unnecessary but trust me it's definitely appropriate you're going to get a whole lot more people messaging you about the vehicle and on top of that you're going to justify why you're asking for the upper end of the kelly blue book value after sitting on craigslist and facebook for about eight days i finally got someone who seemed fairly interested so we scheduled the time for him to come see the truck and then you can see here from the screenshot on my cell phone that is all she wrote he came and saw the truck he loved it he put a 500 deposit on it wired me two grand the next day and then brought another 500 cash with him when he came to pick it up i could tell instantly he liked the truck he was gonna buy it no matter what price so i held firm at my three thousand dollars and he shook my hand on the deal so remember all the money we had invested in this truck came out to a whopping 797 dollars we'll round that up to 800 bucks three thousand dollars as a sale price minus eight hundred dollars comes out to a profit of twenty two hundred dollars now that's just one example of a car i flipped i have a lot more cars coming up for you guys so be sure to subscribe check out my channel and show me some love by hitting that thumbs up button thanks for sticking around for the whole video guys as i said in the beginning of this video i am predominantly a diy channel so here's some videos that you guys might like so check out my channel and have a good rest of the day
Channel: Buddy's DIY
Views: 682,457
Rating: 4.9465723 out of 5
Keywords: how to flip cars, how to flip a car, how to flip cars and make money, how to buy and sell cars, how to flip cars for profit, how to flip cars on craigslist, best cars to flip, flipping cars for a living, pros and cons of flipping cars, car flipping 101, buy and sell cars part time, how to flip cars without a dealers license, craigslist car flippers, flipping cars, flipping cars for cash, flipping cars on craigslist, flipping cars for profit, best cars to flip 2020, flip cars
Id: 91SNTQ1CNtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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