How to flip an egg in a pan

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good day culinarians today i'm going to show you how to flip an egg flip one egg put two eggs in a saute pan i'm using an eight inch non-stick saute pan and an industry for breakfast cooking generally uh most restaurants use eight inch nonstick saute pan so if i can teach you how to flip an egg which i will um if you can flip an egg in a pan then you can go into saute sauteing is basically the same motion as flipping an egg in here i have a stale piece of bread it's the easiest way to learn how to flip an egg put a safety spread in here and do just gentle motion see how my arm and wrist are barely moving you're using a lot of a lot of coming off your wrist here when you go to flip it so i'm just taking the uh bread and i'm moving it from front to back i'm a rubber spatula from front to back if you can do this 10 times in a row that means you're good to go with using eggs i'm not going to give you eggs to start out with because if you start out with raw eggs you can go through a couple dozen eggs before you even learn how to do this you can make a mess all over the place so i'm using a stale bread just a simple motion my students get their whole arm into the action you want to do this just simple flip with your wrist okay front to back front to back if you do the bread you can do the eggs so i practiced i was able to flip the bread ten times i'm gonna take that out i'm gonna clean the bread crumbs out of there put my uh my skillet on a knot on the induction burner i'm going to be using abduction burner for cooking when you guys get into class um we've got plenty of these induction burners for you to try out and use in the industry more and more plates are going with these induction burners so i want to get you guys used to cooking with induction burgers along with gas on the stove here so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get my eggs [Music] single egg here put in my saute pan okay i got the got it on medium heat put my eggs in there and let's gets too hot on it just pull it away from the fire just pull it away just cool down a bit because you don't want too hot when you're cooking these eggs so end up getting brown on you and you want a nice white color so it's nice and cooked see it's nice and cooked there around the edges you see that white it's a little a little clear in the center just flip it straight over like that let it finish cooking i'm using this towel to hold the saute pan okay i have the towel nice and folded if i was working over the the fire here and this towel is loose catch on fire so i got the uh towel here plenty moving in here so it's not sticking to the pan i flip it back over put it on my plate okay i'll play that pan now we're going to do it with two eggs i'm using a little bit of clarified butter step one two eggs those says i'm breaking the eggs i'm breaking them on a flat surface whenever you crack eggs always crack it on a flat surface if you crack it on the side of the bowl or on the side of the container or on the side of something a lot of times what happens is that shell penetrates into the egg and you can break your yolk so the yolk would be broken before you even put it in the pan so i got a nice nice white starting develop on the outside there take my eggs flip it over nice and gentle you don't want to get too much height on the inside because if you get too much height as it leaves the pan and it comes back down that gill could break on okay so you want to get a nice gentle action okay eggs are cooked flip it back over beautiful see there's no brown it's just all white right there push it back put it right on my plate that's how you flip an egg
Channel: Keith Andreasen
Views: 19,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m917eEszA70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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