How to Cook Over-Medium Eggs Perfectly every time

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hi everybody welcome to another edition of the old biker dude show home Edition where we cover recipes here in old biker dudes kitchen well it's really Mrs old biker dude's kitchen but I I kind of borrow it from time to time but I'm I'm going to talk about something really really important this morning and that's those of us who love over medium eggs and see only those who really love over medium eggs can appreciate this segment because I know that the rest of you just don't understand and those of us who love over medium eggs know exactly what I'm talking about have you ever been to a restaurant and they bring you a couple of over medium eggs and they're just not perfect and you've kind of picked through the part next to the yellow Oak yolk and there's a little bit of white runniness and you tell the server about it and they look at you like there's something wrong with you and you know maybe even the cook looks at you from the window like what's wrong with those Only We Know a perfect over medium egg is a perfect over medium egg and there is no substitute so this morning I'm going to show you how to make a perfect over medium egg the most important thing about an over medium egg is the pan that you use now I prefer to use a ninja it's got a you know a non-stick surface on it but I also add to that by melting one teaspoon of of a high Flashpoint oil like avocado oil and a little bit of unsalted butter and I put it on very low so that it covers the entire surface and I melt that very slowly then I turn I turn my stove up to medium Heat and I wait until I know that that oil is at just the right temperature before I put my eggs in the pan very important okay now of course it's nice if you've got a couple of farm fresh brown eggs because they do seem to taste the best but most important part is how you put the egg in the pan and that's by separating it where the yellow is in as much of the middle as possible and you should hear a little bit of crackling noise to show that your egg is at the right temperature now what a lot of people do is they make the mistake of putting their egg in the pan and then they walk off and leave it you can't do that the key to a proper over medium egg is heat distribution so you have to roll the egg around in the pan to make sure that as much of it covers the center as possible so that you get a nice even heat distribution across the bottom of the egg and what I like to do is just sit and do that very seldom does the Pan actually stay on the eye when I make a an over medium egg because I've already got my pan at the right temperature and then now the next key of course is knowing when to flip it and I like to do this where the egg moves in a clockwise fashion around the pan I usually get about two revolutions and then I know that it's time to do them the very most important part which is flipping the egg now there are people who can flip an egg and there are people who cannot flip an egg it's a very simple process there we go and by evenly just circulating the egg after the flip I don't set it on the eye I never leave it sitting still at this point I'm going to Simply roll it around in the pan constantly as it Heats because I don't want to Scorch I got a little bit of scorch on this one on the underside but that's okay um but I don't want to Scorch that outer shell of the Yoke bag to be too hard and of course I don't want to bust my yellow now once you've done this for a minute put your pan down for just a second rebuild a little heat and then continue to circulate it like this the whole process only takes about two minutes but this is the key heat distribution and for those who think they can just set it on the stove come back and flip it that's why you're not able to make the perfect over medium eggs and there are two of them right there now to verify that these are two perfect over medium eggs we're going to come back and cut right here see the perfect yellow run but yet the white part is solid and there is no runny white as you can see that's got a nice even cut but yet when you poke your your top you've got a nice thick running yellow part that is a perfect over medium egg and then of course if you're like me you like a couple of pieces of buttered toast and I like to chop my egg up like this right here and just put it right on the end and I'll usually take my little piece of spicy sausage and put that on there too and that to me is the perfect bite of breakfast but there you go that's the home edition of the old biker dude show showing you how to make two perfectly over medium eggs folks I appreciate you checking out this uh little abbreviated edition of the old biker dude show home Edition and uh of course uh I'd love for you to subscribe to my channel uh hit the like button it helps the channel um for all you people that love over medium eggs I think uh we need to band together and and create an awareness group so the rest of the world understands us you know what I mean but uh I sure appreciate y'all watching and give me a you know give me a comment on this down below if you think this is a good idea the little home home edition of the old biker dude show uh any suggestions that you have I'm always interested in what my subscribers think as far as you know what direction we want to go in what kind of things we find entertaining and uh you know I just appreciate y'all watching and have a great day we'll see you next time
Channel: Old Biker Dude
Views: 22,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, moto cooking, travel, old biker dude, chef, prepare food, recipes, cook at home, how to make, motorcycles, making food, things to eat, eat food, over medium eggs, over medium, eggs, cooking eggs
Id: wKb7VH68cw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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