How to Flip Eggs | It's Only Food w/ Chef John Politte

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hey everybody and welcome back to it's only food with Chef John bleep today we are going to be teaching you how to cook eggs and flip eggs without having to use one of these cue the music [Music] all right well thanks so much for watching if this is your first time joining us please do me a favor go down hit that subscribe button and then hit that little bell to be notified each and every time I upload new videos all right will you clicked on this video to watch me show you how to flip eggs without using a spatula so let's get into the basics of this first let's go into the equipment what you want to do is you want to get a nice non-stick pan it does not have to be an expensive one you can go to Target or Walmart or any convenience store that sells these and just buy a nice one as long as it says a nonstick you don't want to wash it with a steel wool of course because you'll scratch it up but you can also go to thrift stores and look if they've got scratches it and they look beat-up you don't want to buy them but most likely you can find what you need at one of these chains of stores and you do not need to season these really because I think they're just ready to go you want to get a nice Teflon coating or Silverstone toe coating in there so that your food will not stick to that second of all you get your oil or your butter or whatever you want to use I'm going to use in this video I am going to use olive oil now I don't want to get into a big contracted deal with this I got I've gotten scolded before on this with the oil I use it in my egg video which I'll put right here shameless plug but you can use butter you can use oil grape seed vegetable oil corn oil sunflower oil olive oil you can use butter whatever you want to use to keep your eggs from sticking to that pan transfer heat and add flavor to your eggs use whatever you want you can use motor oil for all I care this is a video about technique not about what kind of oil to use when you're cooking your eggs so just let me be clear before you start commenting down in the comment section about what should kind of oil I should have been using in this that's where I'm coming from okay like I said you're not gonna need one of these because we're going to show you how to flip the egg in the pan you may need one of these and you'll see why in the video all right oh we got it now let's cook the eggs alright before we do anything with the eggs actually going to show you a practice on how to do to get the technique down with your wrist you're gonna use a piece of bread this is what I was taught with as well and basically all you're doing is you're learning to roll that piece of bread over into the pan you're not doing like trying to throw the egg up in the air like that like this because that would make a mess here what you want to do is it's all in your wrists right here you just wanna get that flipping action over you just want to roll it over that's all it is it's hard to do with bread now that I'm used to eggs but you don't want to try to throw with the egg up in the air you just want to roll it over you do want to do a rocking motion as well to get that back-and-forth motion so you can just do that see how that worked just get that rocking motion back and forth and then just flip it over alright get these crumbs off and let's start cooking some eggs alright once you see that your oil is not sluggish in that pan anymore and you can get it all over the pan that's when you want to drop your eggs in and you want to make sure that you don't hear a whole lot of noise when you do this because if it makes a lot of crackling and popping and splurt and spitting you got your heat on too high you don't want to burn the outside rim of this egg here because that doesn't look nice and it doesn't taste nice either and the texture is kind of gross unless of course you like that that's fine but I'm trying to show you how to cook restaurant-style eggs what we're gonna do now I'm just gonna kind of go in a little bit on these so we can talk a little bit more about the egg cookery and your pan you want to make sure you're not getting any spots that's stick that's where the spatula comes in bunch of eggs would be able to move all around the pan without sticking anywhere like this you see how they're moving very gently you just want to roll your eggs to make sure that you get them at the nine o'clock and 3 o'clock position with your handle so when you flip them over you're not trying to flip them with the 6 o'clock and midnight you know 12 and 6 because then you might not flip one and the other one will get flipped and then you got a real problem in size so when the inside of the egg gets a little color on it and it's not opaque anymore you go ahead just flip them over you don't want to start rolling them around because you want the egg to set a little bit first you don't want to do this after you've just flipped them you want them to set a little bit or else you're gonna get some some funny looking the eggs on that side over medium over easy however you make them that's all there is to it now you can do the same thing roll it around in your fan lift again if it doesn't come off we'll see we didn't we rolled it around a little bit and you get that maybe back out of here a little bit and you can see the flip [Music] I took pictures of our breakfast that we had this morning with some hash browns and toast I'm gonna throw those in this video right now with some really groovy music enjoy those when we come back we'll close out [Music] [Music] [Music] all right first of all thanks a lot for joining us this was again an egg video on a technique it was not on egg cookery so if these aren't over media we're over easy or basted or however you thought your expectations work for this video this was all about technique it was about how to flip eggs without using a spatula again buy yourself a nice pan it doesn't have to be expensive just make sure that you treat it with respect when you wash it don't use a scrubber pad on it or anything like that just wipe it out a little hot soapy water and then of course rinse and dry it off people worry well but just don't stack other pans in it because that will scratch it up use whatever oil you want to use again I'm not advocating a use of any kind of oil or worried about nutrition or health in this video this is again about technique about how to flip an egg so butter oil margarine wherever you want to use it's cool practice with your bread flip flip that bread or whatever you think would be a good idea to get that rocking motion in the in the wrist flip to get that bread to fall just to flip over remember three o'clock and 9 o'clock get those with the handles so you can just flip them right over and they come back at you and land otherwise you're gonna have an issue with one egg flip it over and one egg may be staying where it was and it's going to be an up and over easy so I'm gonna ramble on I'm sorry but I hope you liked this video take care of yourselves thanks again for watching don't forget to Like comment subscribe and share this video with everybody you know thanks again for watching this has been it's only food with Chef John Polly on how to flip eggs without a spatula take care of yourselves bye bye [Music]
Channel: It's Only Food w/Chef John Politte
Views: 92,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: egg flipping spatula, how to flip eggs without a spatula, flipping eggs without a spatula, It's Only Food, flipping eggs in a pan, egg flipping pan, how to flip eggs, flipping eggs, flipping eggs in the pan, flipping eggs without breaking yolk, egg flipping tool, Chef John Politte, how to recipes, cooking, how to make, how to cook, how do I make, food recipes, egg flipping technique, flipping eggs over easy, how to flip eggs over medium, how to flip eggs in a skillet
Id: u61rQeGkKVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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