How To Fix Your Posture In 3 Moves (Permanently)

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hi folks I'm Bob Shrum physical therapist Brad I need physical therapy how the most famous physical therapist on the internet and I'll pinion of course but I don't fix your posture in just three moves permanently right take care of that posture get it behind you and make sure it's done well and it's gonna make a big difference on your life in your life in your neck pain back pain shoulder pain it affects a lot of things that you wouldn't ever think that it does affect and furthermore teach your children and grandchildren the same thing start a matter early age yeah there you go oh by the way if you are new to our channel please take a second to subscribe to us we provide videos how to stay healthy fit pain for you and we upload everyday also if you haven't already please go over to the Facebook and like us because Brad and I as children were not liked and we're trying to turn things around we were bullied a little bit maybe I don't know about it yeah yeah one way or another if you like us here's the address like this Bob and Brad just look up Bob and Brad and you'll find us okay posture we're broke it down to the three components and if you do it this way it makes it a lot easier and the first thing we need to do is the posture thing is people tighten up in the front everything's pulling you over gravity is working against you right gravity your cell phone watching TV driving the car pretty much everything we do promote this protein - you know doing your homework right looking at some laptops or phones for precisely so it just happens to everyone yeah so these muscles in the front get tight the muscles in the back get weak and they get stretched out so the first thing we need to do is stretch out the muscles in the front so we're going through the first step all right def number one this is not a bad step because it doesn't take a lot of exercise but you have to do it and it's stretching so if you've got a doorway in your house that's not really wide which most everyone does Bob you want to share the doorway one so here's the doorway there I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put my arms on both sides of the doorway we're going to have a doorway somewhere sometime in our studio here then you start walking into the doorway and you lean into it like this and you can stretch that chest yeah now that no it's nice about a doorways you can actually also put your hands down like this and spirit levels and down here and stretch in that gets different fibers of the the PEC as well right other structures that need to get stretched and I would I would venture a guess spread that most people have a doorway right so or they may have a corner won't you'll hold on let me go ahead Brad can you see we gotta get Sam out of the way yeah we don't have anybody exactly so here I am again you can go into the corner stretch here or here and all that feels good no you can do it arms pointed down I usually go right about in here and you'll feel the different areas that are stretching now you can hold this for 30 seconds or if you want to do the pressure on and pressure off 10 repetitions that's gonna work as well it kind of depends on your temperament and you know what feels like it's working for you one of the good things to do Brad if you're wondering why we don't have anybody filming us today Lonnie I couldn't get in it's April what second today I think it's a third snowstorm of course in Minnesota but anyway one of the things you want to do is you do these throughout today don't just pick like I'm gonna do it once a day no go ahead and do it five times a day then walk up your doorway down take a second to do the stretch you know if you're at work and they ask you what you're doing you say I'm working on my bus or whatever stupid okay where are we at next Brad the next thing is a little easier Brittany's gravity Bob you can use a six inch roll like this which really works well works the best but if you don't have one of those you could take a towel and you're rolling up tight and then you can put some tape on it so it comes to be about six inches you're gonna put this we're gonna do it on the table at home I would like you to do it on a carpeted floor that's just something solid surface but for us because Lonnie's not here to move the camera as much it works a lot easier and you'll get the point I'm gonna lay with that towel right between my shoulder-blades my scapula is and lay there and just you could just feel gravity pull that chest apart you can bring your arms out like this to get an extra stretch and you can just lay here you know for three to five minutes depending on how comfortable is Bob but it was nice you put a pillow it's a great end of the day creativity that you can do you know you can do your meditation while you're doing this and I'm saying this is all serious I mean it's a great way just to relax great way to start the day - sure so if you do happen to have a roll six inch roll it's gonna be best if you have one that's a soft density cuz it's a little more comfortable unless you like a little discomfort some people like that some people like pain yep go ahead well you know there's a fine line between pleasure and pain now we do have this is our favorite roller by fire because two reasons it's good quality it's soft but not too soft and we've got two listed down below in our Amazon products we're thinking you don't have to go look around and hope you get the right one this will be the radio also come you can buy this pearl roller arch this is something you do day to day and you can't get your head down to the arch or down to the roll yet you can start off with the arch and work your way down yeah the goal is to have it off but there are some people particularly for you know your 50s or 60s that contraption process may have already started and you do the same thing on here just lay here and relax your arms go like this I like doing this after I work out but I've done my cool down oh sure it's a very relaxing oh all right now if relaxing yeah let's go to work all right next one now those muscles in the back weave so imagine this you've worked on stretching your front muscles all they're stretched out but now we've got to tighten the muscles up in the back so that it pulls your posture back we need to tighten those muscles up we're gonna do that well step number two oh yeah bring it on over Bob thanks Lani but we're gonna make it through even with the blizzard we're still that's right nothing stops us better believe it so one way to tighten up muscles is you can use the you know a stretch Bend like this and we like to use the st. Gann just because they're great quality and we're going to pull back and can you see that Bob I got it I'm squeezing those shoulder blades my chest goes out my shoulder blades go back and I'm going to work it here he's pulling his shoulder blades together he's right away we should mention our product Brad the wall anchor no more what he's attaching to the wall with that's also listed below very handy device really makes a big difference on efficiency you know it just works great now you can go arms down here that's gonna work your lower traps and we want to make sure we get all all angles and then Bob famous the hitch-hiker one now I got to get a little closer for this nests a nice thing about using these bands is they're gonna do it this way to work the upper fibers and we get a little rotator cuff a little rotator cuff cool though yeah good workout yeah it's a good strengthening one if you do not have this what you can do if you've got a can of soup or a couple cans of soup or some people do have some little dumbbells because you're not gonna need a lot of weight one or two pounders a muster really strong like Bowl strong like I don't say that for a while by somebody's full of bull yeah there's no doubt about that there's bull or two Bs flying around here all the time but you're gonna lay down if you're on a carpet put a couple pillows so you have a gap okay and then you can just do the the hitch-hiker one we just got doing you can do this without weights actually yeah cuz it's actually difficult to do it it's not hard to put yourself under stress what's all that towel roll towel roll we just had was laying on oh this one yeah oh good thanks yeah because your heads gonna get really tired if you're holding it like this so you get all that is much better I hope they can hear me yeah maybe they don't want to oh there we go yeah so we're gonna do and then we'll get repetitions a lot of times we forget to mention reps yeah fifteen ten to fifteen and you can go like it's a field goal you can go just straight up like a cross there you go and you can also do like a reverse y-yeah oh you couldn't feel it it feels good that you're tightening those muscles up and you just got to visualize yourself with good posture how you see yourself is how you'll be that really works quite well actually I just did those the other day yeah they really do focus on that area sometimes it's nice to tighten them up and then relax them posture is so important Bob but it's gonna make a difference in your breathing how your shoulders work how you look all you look they're gonna look a lot younger because you got a posh good posh you go to a job interview you're gonna get the job if you're looking strong you're not done yet but I know I'm just taking a rest okay number three all right I'll take over the camera yeah now we're just gonna use a flat wall everyone has a flat wall yeah I'm bringing over her thanks there you go this is my good side Bob thank you and the sacrum right there here's a good side yeah I don't really make them turn off the camera plant that right against the wall and then your shoulders we're already bringing them back they're working that postures are and then the head posture can you touch the back your head you occiput against the wall now if you have to go like this we don't want the chin up we want the chin down and em and for some people that's gonna be a little challenging and that may take a little while to achieve you may have to do some chin tucks what I like about this exercise Brad is actually you're kind of combining 1 & 2 here sure you're stretching yep because you're feeling a little stressed oh yeah I'm working too plus he's gonna do some strengthening now sure he's gonna do strengthen with the chin tucks if but also with the wall angels right exactly so if you can't get your head all the way that's a wall do the best you can that'll come with time and then out like this and if you can touch your shoulders now I got tight shoulders inherently for whatever reason maybe it's from my parents hands here and now this is really a struggle for me I think Bob you're able to do this easier tonight but one way or another it's both working the right muscles to maintain that good posture so basically you're you know you can start just doing wall-e and you can go all the way up all the way down yeah just like you do just to make snow angels as a child avoiding the yellow snow though right Brad yeah avoid the yellow snow is exactly why I think today when I get home that's sage advice that's why we don't have a dog that's one of the reasons anyway there now why your posture do these things now this is something you can do on a daily basis I did this stretching throughout the day do the thera-band or the the st. band exercises or the ones laying down now those you can do just once or twice a day and you know you can even take a day or two off during the week but the stretches do every day alright let's wrap it up Brad oh yeah this is out we got work to do sorry but it's just about anything except for a broken there you go we're working on it thanks for watching
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 786,173
Rating: 4.9363489 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, how to fix bad posture, rounded shoulders, hunchback posture, fix hunchback posture, how to fix your posture, fix bad posture, how to fix hunched posture, posture fix, exercises for bad posture, posture exercises, forward head, bad posture, fix posture, forward shoulders, how to fix rounded shoulders, how to fix hunchback posture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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