How to Fix Your NVE, QuantV and Reshade not working In the Lastest FiveM Update

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here's how to fix your nve Quan fee reshade not working in the latest 5m update first then go to where 5m is located I simply right click on the 5m app open file location and then go to 5m app data and then this is what you want to see or you can simply right click on the Windows button on the bottom click on run type in percentage Local app data click on OK scroll down in cc5m and then you should see the same thing right here but mine's downloaded somewhere else and now what you want to do is have the plugins folder open now we're going to right click on the folder and open up another folder where GTA 5 is installed so mine's installed right here you should have two folders looking like this and there's certain things you want to have copied into your plugins folder so we're going to have the reshade folder copied into the plugins folder you can copy drag it do whatever you like so we're just going to copy on over here we're going to drag and have all of these copied on over there so we're gonna drag keep going keep going keep going keep going all the way into right here copy this paste this all up in here now we're going to scroll down make sure you do put your research preset in there as well so this is my little preset that I made for Echo I do have Quant so you see quad ASL or quant.n but if you have nves say nve.asl or nve.n simply what you want to do is just copy these boom just copy and then paste them into the folder or you can just drag them whatever it feels best you can also copy the and put it in here as well now simply open up your 5m your nve or your reshade may not be working so what you want to do is go over here to settings and make sure that this fixed UI lag is completely off make sure it's off click on X restart your 5m and just like that it should be working you can see everything in my nve and my quantity is working and you can also see that my reshade is working as well
Channel: Patrick j
Views: 29,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LXwBDrzEtaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 36sec (96 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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