How to Fix WordPress Not Sending Email Issue | SMTP Server Setup Tutorial

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if you guys are using Wordpress you might have discovered that most of the time emails sent from your website typically end up in spam or not delivered at all this is a very common issue with WordPress and today I'll show you how to fix it now does this mean that your web host sucks well no the most common reason for emails going missing is that your WordPress hosting server is not properly configured to use the PHP mail function Gmail and other email providers use a variety of tools to help reduce spam as a result many of the times emails sent from WordPress are marked as spam or not delivered at all to fix that we'll be using an SMTP plugin SMTP stands for simple mail transfer protocol so what does that do a WordPress s SMPT plugin helps you integrate your website with your S&P server to properly relate emails and send emails from your WordPress websites so we're going to fix this problem in three steps in step one we'll install a free plug-in to fix your SMTP in step two we'll create a free business email from your server to Route emails properly and step three we'll test the email all right so let me show you guys how to do this so let's first install the SMTP plugin so to do that over here under plugins I'll click on add new and then right here we're just going to type in SMTP SMTP it's a tongue twister there we go now here's the plugin that we're going to install of course all these right here work but uh this one here is probably the most popular one cuz it's really simple to use so right here I'll click on install now and then we'll click on activate all right cool so here they have a setup wizard but we don't need to do this just yet right here I'll click on and go back to dashboard all right cool now the next thing we're going to do is we are now going to create a free business email from our web post now on my YouTube channel I currently recommend hostinger and also pyr these are the two most popular web posts so in this video I'll be walking you guys through how to set your SMTP up with both web hosting however if you guys do want to make the switch I do have a coupon code even bigger than hostinger BL Friday sale now there is a link in the description of this video to go to and once you guys are here you guys can click on WordPress here I'll click on claim deal here they have three different plans but for emails you guys do get free emails with all plans so you guys can select the plan that works best for you so right here under business I'll click on add to cart and then here is a period so you guys can actually select 12 months 24 months or 48 months my discount code will actually apply for all time frames so you guys do get the largest discount code available no matter what period you pick but for now I'll select 12 months I'll scroll to the bottom and then for coupon code if you guys do enter the code Daryl 10 you guys will save the maximum possible so right here I'll enter Daryl 10 and it goes from 71% to 74% so you guys will get a larger discount if you guys use my code so you guys will go to the process and enter in your information and check out and once you guys do I'll meet you in your hosting or dashboard so here I am on my hostinger account and right here under free email I'll click on manage okay now right here you're going to see email accounts I'll click on email accounts and then I'll create a new email account and right here we're going to give this a name so this is howdy aty here I'll put in a password and this is optional if you want to enter a recovery email address right here I'll click on create new accounts and then here you can access the web mail and this is where you guys can actually access the email going to that specific server so I'll go ahead and enter that again all right so this is the hosting or email now there's nothing more that needs to be done right here so let's go back over to our account so we're going to go ahead and go back to done so next let's go click on home now right here you're going to see configure desktop app so click on configure desktop app and here you're going to see some login credentials now let me explain what we need for any web host you do need to have the incoming server information this includes the server name the port number and the credentials for the email that we just created and let's go back to our websites so first we'll scroll down and for the from email I now want to select that specific email that one that we just created right so howdy Dar Wilson you can actually put a from name so I'll put Daryl Wilson next we're going to scroll down and here you have the mailer we're going to select other SMTP and then scroll down so now we're going to copy and paste this information on to the plugin so let's go back over here and we're going to take the outgoing server information this is the host name right here so I'll go ahead and put the host name we're going to select SSL and then right here make sure you enter 465 so this can be found right here Port 465 right we'll scroll down and now you're going to enter the credentials for your email once you guys enter those credentials we'll scroll to the bottom and click on save settings and that's it so now we need to test this email and then I'll show you guys how to do this with pych round so over here under Tools you'll see that we can click on send to so I'll just send it to that specific email all right so it was a success and it says right here it might have been sent but just check just to make sure so let's go ahead and check our email account right here and I'll just refresh this I'm not going to edit the video oh there it is all right cool so you'll see now that it has been successfully sent to our specific email right so that's how you guys can pretty much route emails to any email that you guys choose so now that I showed you guys how to do this with host singer now let me show you guys how to do this with pyr so we'll scroll to the bottom and we're just going to go ahead and show you where these credentials are found so this is my saon account you'll make sure that you go to websites and click on websites and then you can go to any of your domain so for tutoral domain I'll click on site tools so here you're going to see email accounts I'll go ahead and click on email accounts and then you're going to do the same exact process so this is going to be hello at tutoral and then it enter a password here I'll click on create you guys can already see it has the email configuration information ready for us pretty simple right so here is the email right here and now we're just going to enter in our credentials you guys can also find this by clicking on the three dots and clicking on on mail configuration and then clicking on manual settings this is also where all the information is found for your email that you created so here's the current website on tutorial domain now I'm going to go over here and go to the same process now I already have the plugin installed so you'll see that uh if I scroll right here you'll see WP mail I'll click on settings and we're going to do the same exact thing so we're just going to enter in the same credentials from pyr so it was hello tutorial we'll put my name we'll scroll to the bottom here click on other SMTP and then we're going to enter in our SMTP information so now we're going to copy and paste the information so for the host name it's mail. so we go and copy this and we'll paste it there for the port number 465 and then we're going to enter in our credentials all right once you guys do that we'll then scroll to the bottom and then click on save settings all right cool now let's go ahead and test it so down here tools and we're going to send this to my current email over here which is my proton address so I'll go ahead and copy this go back to our inbox so we can see it and then we're going to go over here and we're just going to paste in our information my email and then let's click on send email all right so it says it was sent and let's just go ahead and wait I'm not going to edit the video let's see if it sends really really quick it really depends on your web host I'll click on the refresh button and voila you guys will see that it is now working and our emails are now being routed from our website using Sr hosting so this is properly how you guys can route emails directly from your WordPress websites I hope this tutorial was helpful when I first started using Wordpress I actually rated the web host ability to send emails as like the best web hosting because I was such a noob I didn't really know what to do right so I do hope that this video helped you guys out now this can be done with any web post right so uh I know showed you guys s ground and hostinger but all you need to do is get your credentials for your web poost install the plugin and everything should work just fine I hope this video helped let me know in the comments below if it did and until then I will see all of you party people in the next video guys take care
Channel: Darrel Wilson
Views: 42,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Fix WordPress Not Sending Email Issue, SMTP Server Setup, wordpress, wordpress emails not sending, smtp, smtp server setup, smtp server, wordpress email not sending, wordpress email not working, WP Mail SMTP, WP Mail SMTP by WPForms, wordpress not sending emails, wordpress smtp email setup
Id: O9-qcfXimhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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