How To Deal With Incoming Orders and Emails Within WooCommerce

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hello people my name is fruity and in this tutorial I will show you how to deal with incoming orders on your woocommerce website we'll talk about handling incoming orders and how to adjust our order confirmation emails your buyers will get if you want to learn from start to finish how to create a complete webshop using Wordpress and woocommerce then watch this tutorial now let's get started I choose casual delivery I read and agree to the website terms and conditions and I click on place the order thank you your order has been received we see the order number we see the date the total amount the email the payment method and what we have bought and now I get an email with the confirmation for myself as a website owner that I have a new order over here from buy the Xbox series X or Playstation 5. in stock thank you for ordering purple hey fairy just let you know we received your order with the number and then more details over here is the message I gave when people buy the Nike hoodie they can see it over here the soap shop total the shipping the vet payment methods and the total amount they have to pay and over here it says thank you for using game consoles and build with woocommerce so we can adjust a lot of things and it's from the email by the way in a fairy corpse at gmail so this is the email I get because I bought this product if I would go to my Gmail account I see the email from Ek which means me New Order you receive an order from 30 corpse so this is what I received as the administrator so I need to send this product three times to this address for to this address awesome so how can I change all this stuff because I think it can look better this is totally not in the style of our website so let me do that I go to the customizer why I want to grab the color blue I go to the colors I grab this color I copy the color and I close this now I go to the back end to woocommerce settings and I go to emails these are all the emails that will be sent on different occasions so when there's New Order ISC administrator will receive email about in the order or when the order is canceled I will receive an email or when an order is filled I will receive an email and the customers receive all those emails depending on how they order something so if I take a look at to the email I got pay with cash up on delivery your order is being processed so I got this email and we can adjust that email but first we can scroll down and change the from name because right now this is the front name and this is the email address so let's change that I prefer to say game Come Souls and then the from address is info at gain game consoles .com we can have a header image let's talk about it in a minute right now I want to change the base color to Blue body text to 2222 save it then I go to the media and I search for the logo this one it's quite wide so I copy this to the clipboard I download it to my desktop and I want to upload it again there it is but this time I want to edit the image make it smaller let's say 300. I click on skill and that's it what I want to do I want to close this go to that image again copy the file the URL to the clipboard then I go back to woocommerce settings to emails and now over here at the header image I can place this link then there's the footer text built with woocommerce I don't need that I just want to show the site title or good luck with your game whatever so this looks better already so now I want to do a new order I buy this t-shirt Black Version add it to the cards view the cards proceed to the checkout and I place the order so now I get a new email [Music] but this time it is not from buy the Xbox it's from game consoles if I click over here it's from info at game which looks in my opinion better than this one awesome thank you for your order and look at the difference now there's my logo over here thank you for your order the color has changed and this text is different but wait we can do more because we know this is the processing email so if I go to that email again woocommerce settings emails and if I go to processing order it says your site title order has been received and that is what we see your buy the Xbox series order has been received I would prefer to say your your order has been received additional content thanks for using and then the side URL that's something you see over here thanks for using the website so I can also say good luck with your product if you have any question feel free to reach out to us save it so now again if I order something view the card proceed to the checkout place the order and go to my email now it says your order has been received instead of your buy the Xbox blah blah order has been received since I bought the the coaching code it says go to this link to book an appointment with me and it says good luck with your products if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me so step by step we can make it look better you can take it to the next steps it's up to you to do that how can you do that one more thing I go to woocommerce settings emails I can go to the processing order click on manage and then I can say copy the file to the theme that's what I will do and I see the changes now I go to the appearance theme file editor so we're gonna take a look at the code be careful with that don't mess things up then I scroll down I go to woocommerce emails customer processing order and I can change things over here so what I see in the email is just to let you know if I want to change the text I scroll down and I search for the text just to let you know receive your order so I can also say thank you for your order your order number is and this one is order number code we will let you know when your order is processed and on your and on its way to you updates awesome so now again we order something proceed to the checkout place the order so now we will see that the text over here is changed there we go you see thank you for your order your order numbers we will let you know when your order is processed and on its way to you okay when the order is received we see over here at woocommerce orders that there's in the order and that's being processed so if I click over here and what I will do I'll go to my living room where all my PlayStations are and all my products I will pack it I will go to the post office and I will send it to this address then I come back to my computer and I change the status to complete it I click on update when I do that this person gets an email over here thank you for shopping with us hey Freddie we have finished processing your order pay with cash upon delivery so instead and now you should know if you go to the settings and to emails into completed order I can copy this the file to the theme save the changes go to appearance theme file editor woocommerce emails customer completed I can say good news we packed your order and it is on its way to you updates I don't have to test this but then it would say hey we've completed your order and it's on its way to you so in that way you can change the colors you can enter logo change the name over here change the email address and change all the information and that's how you can make it better thank you for watching this video I hope it was helpful for you if you want to learn how to create a complete WordPress website from start to finish then watch this tutorial it will appear somewhere over here and if you want to subscribe it will also appear somewhere over here you can do that for more upcoming WordPress woocommerce affiliate marketing and e-commerce but the same as woocommerce related tutorials okay bye
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 11,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress, WooCommerce Incoming Orders, WooCommerce Incoming Email, Confirmation Emails, Style WooCommerce Emails, WooCommerce Emails, Configure WooCommerce Emails, woocommerce automated emails, customize woocommerce emails, how to customize woocommerce order confirmation emails, how to customize woocommerce emails, woocommerce email, woocommerce order confirmation email, woocommerce email templates, woocommerce email customizer plugin
Id: g_wR3VWvATg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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