How to fix vinyl siding that keeps coming loose

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okay guys and gals I'm Brandon and I have about  15 years experience installing vinyl siding   and what I'm going to show you today  is what I do when I come across a piece   of siding that's been unclipped like  this right here the bottom is floating and the reason why this is unclipped  is because this piece is too low   and it the clip isn't fully engaging now for  sake of demonstration you have a receiving clip   on the nail hem and you have the actual  clip on your succeeding piece of siding   okay and then these clip together just like this and what's happening is it's just too  low and a lot of ciders that I've seen   they don't follow my advice and install the  siding so that the clip is fully engaged   I always say to put the nail at the top of  the slot as well in the center of the slot   and what happens if you don't do that is  it's it's just hanging down a little bit so the first thing you want to do when it comes  to fixing this is you want to establish what the   reveal on your siding is you can see right here  we have four inches right here we're going to have   slightly less than four because this piece isn't  fully engaged and you can see it flexing up when   I push on the bottom that becomes problematic with  every succeeding course because you might let one   sink down more than the other and pretty soon you  look down the wall and it starts to wave like that   you always want to make sure that the  pieces are fully engaged in that clip and you can see right here it's supposed  to stay true to an eight inch layout   and right there we have 23 and three  quarters where we should be out 24.   right here we're almost out 5 8  where we should be at 32. Okay so I'll show you two different methods  to take care of this the first thing   you want to do is unclip the piece  that's flapping here fully unclip it and I'll toss these aside for now and all we're going to do is we're going to  get our arm in there I like to get my whole   forearm elbow to give myself plenty of  room you just need to be careful over   here if your piece that's into the corner  can't slide out like this one slid out   if it's staying tight in there you'll make  a little dimple in this piece and possibly   crack this piece so it's best to do all your  vinyl repairs if you can when it's warm out so it's going to pull that up and  get our Hammer Claw on that nail   and we'll just pull all the nails like  that we can go behind that ham or we can go   on top of it sometimes I'll go behind  it sometimes to go on top of it so foreign I guess I didn't use my elbow  like I was saying I was going to   all right now we have the piece fully  unclipped or fully all the nails are pulled   so all it takes is a little bump on one end and  now it's loose there and it'll come right out I'm gonna show you guys my  less preferred method first but it is something you can do  I think it's probably a little   faster it might be a little easier for some of you   so I'm not going to do it with my full piece here  because I want to save that I'll demonstrate on   the scrap but just keep in mind that you  could you would do this with a full piece   so what you could do is knife  off this entire Top Nail fin so you put your knife right in there like this  and just carefully you don't bust through and   cut your hand so you want to lightly knife  that just enough to score it and fold that and now that rips right off of there okay  now you could clip the whole piece in just like I'm doing with this small one what  I did once again is cook the piece in here   and make sure I'm holding it up tight  again this would be a full length piece   and you just hold the piece up tight as  you're going and Trace the back of this   joint there okay so make sure it's  up nice and tight and trace it out   and now we know where that piece is  contacting okay now what we want to do   is we know that we're gonna put this piece down  here and you can see that the piece is showing   behind that those nail slots so we need to get  rid of a little bit of the top of this piece so we can cut out maybe a quarter  inch or so eighth inch Maybe and now we'll be all nail this piece  here separate from this piece here   and we won't be nailing through this and  nailing this piece tight underneath okay so I have my slotted nail punch here   and all I'm going to do is pop a couple  holes you do this all the way down that piece I've got a qriket friend here  apparently he wanted to chime in   okay I would do this probably  every 12 inches or every 16 inches and clip it in just like any other  piece of siding hold it up tight solve some more room and don't nail it tight  you never nail vinyl tight oops there we go okay I won't use that nail hole so now  that we have that piece in there   we know it's not going anywhere we put this clip maybe just a just a fuzz above the line okay and you could also do this with  a piece of aluminum starter strip   and you'd probably have a little  bit more secure connection okay and again you don't want to nail  this tight either it needs to be all   sides see both these pieces can slide  Dock and slide and now you can zip this that into there the reason why I don't like this is because  to the train die you can see that this reveal   is different we didn't change that reveal  it's still at less than three and a half but that is a sure way to have it  uh connected back on there and you   know that nothing's going to come unclipped them all right guys we got those out of the way  now and now I'm on to Method two decided to   start raining a little bit more for me here and  what I'm gonna do is we're going to take down   two pieces here and we're gonna sink them  down okay so clip that unclip it quite a ways   and once again repeat that process  of taking all the nails out okay A little bump that gets out out I'm really hoping not my my  GoPro isn't getting all foggy all right so we have two pieces down and we unnailed  the third piece so what we're gonna do here is   you got to be very careful when you do this  we're going to let all these pieces hang down   just a little bit and how much is determined  by how much you need to lose before we hit this   four inch Mark there okay so if you have to lose  more you might have to go all the way down to the   you might have to go all the way down to the  starter strip and move their starter strip down   and that'll get you what you need and then you'll  be all fully engaged locks but for here we'll just   say that that's not an option and we'll go ahead  and let these pieces hang down just a little bit   okay so I'm gonna do is I'm  going to put it up tight   all the way up tight and then I'm going to put the  point of the nail at the bottom of that hole and   allow that nail to push the siding down a little  bit so now we rested it down just a little bit   and I'm going to do the same  thing in the middle here go up tight and then allow it to rest down and we'll do the same thing over here actually  this piece is about where we want it so   we won't go quite as much right here all  right so now we allowed it to sink down and   I'm going to fill in the middle being  careful not to pull the piece back up I'm also being careful not to push the  piece back down or down further than it is okay once again the same process   go up tight careful not to pull this  piece up when I pull this one up too bottom of the hole and we're letting  those rest down just a little bit it's kind of done by feel but I can  tell you one thing you don't want   to lose any more than an eighth inch on a piece because you're running the risk of having  it unclip so you can see right there we have   we're not quite losing an eighth inch we've got  three and fifteen sixteenths and now if we measure   between here we got seven and three quarters  I think it's going to turn out pretty good you want to make sure these nails  don't go tight like that one just did oh it's good timing okay and this piece can move  still it's got to be all slide back and forth okay now we made it to another piece of siding  here we can clip this one back in [Applause]   you can already see that's engaging pretty good and this piece I mean pretty bad it  does it's not even really big enough but   this is what they had on there okay  we're letting it rest down a little and last piece here you can see that's much closer I  think it's going to work out great foreign thank you okay I'm really hoping my GoPro isn't  all foggy now we got the piece nailed   we nailed about every 16 inches and  now it's time to clip it in foreign that clip down okay just like I've been doing  it rolls it down that's why you don't want to   do it when it's cold out because you'll  actually snap that thing right there now this this tool I'm actually kind of putting  a little bit like this it's out of angle   this way so I'm getting that very corner   you can kind of go more flat I think but I  just kind of got used to doing it that way and [Applause] all right that's it guys um ran  into a little bit of weather here   but those are my two methods on how  to fix siding that came unclipped so if there's anything else you guys  want to see let's just let me know I'll see you guys later
Channel: Siding School
Views: 147,066
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Keywords: diy how to fix vinyl siding, how to fix vinyl siding that keeps coming loose, how to fix vinyl siding, vinyl siding tips, vinyl siding hacks, vinyl siding tricks, vinyl siding repair, siding repair, how to fix siding that is unclipped, How to fix loose vinyl siding, Vinyl siding keeps coming loose, How to fix loose siding on house, How to fix siding that is falling off, Siding loose from wind
Id: TF-mflFo_aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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