How to fix VALORANT's "We couldn't install a required dependency" bug

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hey what's up guys it's LeBrock here I just wanted to make another youtube tutorial here because I just experienced a bug with the new game of valor and that I wanted to show everyone how to fix so I'm gonna show you a gif on screen here with what the issue is is when you go and start to play valor in' you get this update icon and you want to update the game and it says you can't install the dependency and it says to try to restart your your game or your client and then your computer I tried doing both of those things and it still didn't work I tried to contact riot support I tried researching on reddit and everything but because this game is so new there's not too many there's not too many people that know how to fix this issue yet and I will show you how to fix it so how I fixed it is that I actually had to delete riots new it's not new but riots anti cheat system for valor which is riot Vanguard and of course I wasn't able to do it the traditional way but let's see if it can work for you guys so the first method we're going to trying to do is we're gonna try to install it manually or uninstall it using Windows and then we'll move to manually if it doesn't work from there right so what you want to do is want to go to remove type in the search bar remove add or remove programs go in here and you have to search this list or you have to wait so it loads up a little bit and then we're gonna want to search up for we're going to search riot Vanguard right here and then regionally uninstall this so click on install it's gonna say if you click on install it's gonna say are you sure you want to continue this is a complete uninstall right rank guard from your computer games spending this functionality will stop working when I can thing you just hit yes and then it'll uninstall hopefully what happened with me though is that it didn't actually uninstall I tried doing it multiple times and it did not work for some reason and it was very upsetting I was spent like almost like two hours trying to figure out why couldn't uninstall variety a guard I even tried to delete the gate that the file for right Vanguard and it still wouldn't let me do it so if that doesn't work out for you and he can't uninstall it regularly here's how you would do it manually you're gonna want to search for command prompt right click run as administrator and it's going to ask you to run as make sure you click yes and now you have it as administrator now we're gonna have to type in these two commands here I'll show a picture on screen I'm basing these this is I'm getting this directly from riots Support website they have an on an installation guide that actually worked out for me I looked at the top when I was doing this and I didn't even see the manual installation at the bottom but then once I noticed it actually worked out so it's really good so you type in those two commands so it's SC delete VGC and SC delete vgk then once you do that you don't want to restart your computer yeah that restarted completely okay so if you're doing the manual install with the command prompt and now that you just restarted your PC you're gonna want to go to and make sure that you're your right Vanguard files are completely removed to bring it from your PC so that when you so in violence alone and valor in recompete leery installs riah vanguard you won't have any conflicting errors so go into file explorer C Drive Program Files and then search for riot Vanguard right here and after you restarted your PC and after you you did those commands now you can you can just right click and delete and it's gonna ask you for administrative privileges just say yes and just completely delete delete right Vanguard and then once you have it restarted you're actually just going to want to um run dollar and again what I did is I did grant as administrator just because I want to be sure I want to be safe so I ran it as administrator and then Valerie the game should say hey you need to finish installing riot Vanguard please exit and restart your computer to finish the process so you're gonna say oh my god i just restarted my game like i just read on my computer like two times already like give me a break but you have to do it one more time and then once you do that you should be in the game and you should have it completely installed and riot vanguard is installed correctly and you're now in the game ready to play so hopefully that helps if you guys have any questions please leave it in the comments below go on my discord and ask a question if you need to i'll be trying to be more active on there and that's pretty much it i'll be streaming some valor in soon so hopefully you guys can check out my stream on a wall i'm streaming and like and subscribe to my youtube channel thank you guys
Channel: Lebrac
Views: 816,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VALORANT, VALORANT bug, We couldn't install a required dependency, how to fix, VALORANT how to fix bug, How to fix bug on VALORANT, valorant bug, Dependency bug VALORANT, Riot Vanguard, Riot Vanguard bug VALORANT
Id: p7AjKLhi9Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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