How To Fix or Troubleshoot a Laptop That Won't Turn On [#1]

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hi guys this is dude from ez techs in this video I'll be showing you how to troubleshoot a laptop that won't come on for one reason or the other now I come across these situations quite a bit so I decided to start recording my troubleshooting processes and sharing with you guys here on this channel of course there are several possible reasons why your laptop might not turn on some major and some minor so certainly some repairs are easier than others what I'll be sharing with you in this video and in subsequent videos in this category are some repairing tips and approach to troubleshooting this kind of issues in case you have in one yourself and if at the time of watching this video I have made it full of videos then you can also check them out to see if any of them matches the situation of your laptop in case this one doesn't there are situations where you press your power button no lights come on no some to show that the hard drive is spinning no sound from the cooling fan so basically nothing happens but there are other situations like the case of this Dell laptop where you press the power button and the LEDs come on the fan and the hard drives seem to be spinning but nothing happens on the screen no buck lights no texts so there is no single fix for all situations I'll be troubleshooting each case based on the characteristics or symptoms of the problem and now without further ado let's see what could be the issue in this situation [Music] okay so for the case of this laptop what happens is where I press the power button it shows off the LED on the power button and these other LEDs as you can see they think we read and then they go off but the LED on the power button remains and then not interested on the screen whatsoever there's no life is no backlight and there is no text basically there is no sign of life on the display so right now all we have is this LED on the power button and of course it's LEDs showed up before you know completely now there are times when you've pressed your call button and not it shows off completely no and also when you listen carefully you might not the video but what I listen I can get some sounds I hear some sounds of spinning hard drive and the clean phone as well so there is definitely life on this computer but no life on this credit nothing is happening on the display so usually if you have the kind of scenario it is absolutely no power or no life at all at the computer then the first you want to start checking is your power is your power source and usually the laptops I mean even when there is nothing on like in this case the laptops have some kind of LED indicating the presence of power usually it good I mean sometimes it could be close to the power that support we connect your power that at your top but they also times like in the case of this laptop waste placed right in front of this partner so you might want to set your own on Sirius is placed but if you absolutely have no LED indicator around your computer I've seen that as well then you might want to use a multimeter to test your power now for the case of this laptop is kind of an additional advantage as you can see it has an LED around this this block here so is definitely confirmed presence of power here so we don't have to worry about it but no charges no no power that just have this LED so if your adapter doesn't have any then you want to use a multimeter to test that is unethical so yeah and then you might want to check just in case I mean to check the pin and be sure that the pin is intact and also check that they connect on here it's not displaced in any way so for the case of this laptop you just miss on the case of power but just in case you have that for your issue okay now the next thing we want to check is that the BIOS has not been triggered of either buying power surge from the battery or the power that now normally when you press the power button the first thing that comes on is your values your BIOS coordinates with your assistant components to bring your computer your printing system to life now in this case when we press up our knowledge so on this screen whatsoever usually you're going to see the logo like this is you're going to see their logo and some background text or what-have-you now that is your BIOS but you're not coordinating with your other system components to bring your computers right now in this case we haven't seen that so there are chances that the palace is a big to protect itself a stripped of when it experiences certain kind of search from either a battery or a power adapter it could trigger certain elements of the BIOS to trim it off and then you see this kind of situations where you press the power button and nothing happens so your BIOS doesn't even come on in this case now we are going to try to fix that a simple way to do that is to first remove all the power sources from your computer so we're going to remove it power adapter and then we are going to remove but now we are going to press and pause we're going to press and hold the power button for about 20 to 30 seconds and what I'm doing here basically is to discharge for residual power this correct footage from the capacitors from these transistors and from any other components including the BIOS so we are we sitting the pirates basically so that whatever might have driven it off would be click now after 30 seconds or so I'm going to return the power sources so I'm going to also because I'm not sure how much power actually I'm washer onto the battery so I'm going to keep using the adapter the factory at Center now I'm going to try to turn this on once again and see if it helps okay became the LEDs come on this one's the show once and go what led for the power botton remains and I still get some sounds from the cooling farm and from the hard drive so life in the laptop was still nothing on the screen so this isn't the case of the virus okay so now the next thing we're going to be checking here is the display now obviously when you experience this kind of problem it's natural to think that your screen has gone bad but from experience that is not always the case however having tested these the BIOS and also having confirmed that this is not the case of power here the next thing we are going to be checking is the screen but this time around we're not going to be removing the screen or anything like that of course it's possible that a bug like the LED or the part light in the case of this this laptop might have gone bad or if there is in the LED time maybe later combat but in any case were going to be testing this by connecting our display through the serial port to an external display now if you don't have a list now display you can use your television or someone else way way but in this case I'm going to be here so I'm going to because this was a function according to the user so it's it should show some text or some kind of initial screen and this display everything was fine for this so modern like this is not the case of display or something like that so the next thing we'll be checking is the run now usually some laptops will give some clue on this but not at all times oh ok ok ok now this is what you this is a this is a strong indicator this is a strong indicator I've been expecting this what a surprise is coming this time this week is coming from your tires now there are different terms for this be that could indicate different Falls but usually it's either your monitor as a problem or your RAM has a problem those are the two common reasons where you are going to be any speed for the case of around if this absolutely it is completely no RAM in any of these slots then you are going to get is be indicating that there is no rock but that will come immediately when you power on the PC but not all laptops do that anyways but not in this case the babies come here repeatedly I'm not exactly sure all this be their different homes and different means but I don't remember exactly what is about but if this is what about this screen then is definitely about run so now we are going to check around to see if is intact and if is responsible for this problem I'll turn it off talk to the table it suggests this a bit okay this is picked off a daring process if you are not used to opening your computer but usually around is located in places that are easily accessible normally if if you have different compartments underneath your laptop there will be some kind of indication of your RAM in the case of this laptop we just have one huge compartment so there are no indications if they are multiple compartments then you're going to create off and see which one has your your a minute now for this case I'm going to open up and try to locate the around okay this clay enough so as you can see here I have two rum slots now I'm going to try to test I mean this could be the case of the ROM itself in but it could also be the case of this connector where you put your round being bad but then we're going to first start by testing out their arms so usually you will have two around slots you might have one y okay so you could just basically get somewhat around and replace and see if it works but for this case I'm going to try the two runs one after the other okay I'm going to leave the one inside and then try to power on and see if it works again the LEDs ratio of one time and disappear but the LED on the power button remains no sign of life on the display and now I'm not hearing the beep again maybe the view comes a bit later but anyways I'm going to go ahead and test the second see oh whoa whoa okay okay now yes it has an operating system and now is booting up I don't know if you can see that as you can see the laptop has Windows 10 installed on it and now he's booting up okay okay now I'm going to turn this off let's exhaust the possibilities because right now we can't be too sure if the problem is the RAM slot or they run it so it has to be the ROM itself because we pulled out the other round from this slot it could also be that the two Rams do not call in it well but that would really be the case because good boat runs use 1.5 volt power but I'm still going to I'm still going to connect this other round to another port I'll believe in Delta for this time and try again and see if it works [Applause] okay okay so again we have power on the led yay and this is should I begin as usual but no life on the screen so now we can come to a conclusion but this will not be sorry this hynix run is bad and we have the Samsung one which works one so in this case of course the computer can power and can run fairly fine with two big one but for Windows 10 and this is an 8 processor I think so ok guys that is it for today's troubleshooting if you have any questions or comments regarding the procedures in this video or if your laptop shows or that sign is different from the one in this video you can post in the comment section and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible give this video a thumbs up if you found it useful share with anyone you think might want to see and like I mentioned earlier I'll be making more troubleshooting videos like this one for different cases of laptops not coming on together with other tech support videos as well so don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon for notification on future tech support videos like this one thanks for watching and see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: EasyTechs
Views: 1,476,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laptop wont turn on, laptop display not working, EasyTechs, laptop repair, laptop doesn't turn on, my computer wont turn on, laptop is not turning on, black screen, blank, power, bios, troubleshoot, DIY, turn on, stopped, freezes, shuts off, wont start up, wont boot, Broken Laptop, fix, how to, freezing, crashing, crashed, crashes, come on, battery, wont, turn, on, quick and easy, need help fixing laptop, dell latitude wont turn on, no power, power on, wake up, sleep mode
Id: Tj3lwjxvKt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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