How to Fix or Troubleshoot a Laptop That Won’t Turn On [#3] (No Sign of Life)

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foreign Tex in this tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can troubleshoot a laptop that won't come on when you press the power button this video is the third in this series where I take you through my step-by-step troubleshooting approach for scenarios like this now needless to say that there are several possible reasons why your laptop may not boot up when you press the power button from minor faults to Major faults maybe nothing happens entirely when you press the power button like in this case or you get some indications of partial startup maybe some LEDs bling or you hear the cooling fan spinning but nothing on the screen or it tries to build up both shots down instantly there are different kinds of size you can have so in this series I try to present the different scenarios I come across and then I take you through my thought process and the steps I take to check the different possible causes of this issue and eventually how I managed to get the laptop to boot up again I record these steps and share the successful ones or at least those that I feel can help you resolve your problems so if the scenario I will cover in this tutorial doesn't fix your issue then you can try the other tutorials I did in this series I will add the links down the video description and now we have further Ado let's jump right into it [Music] okay so today I have this HP elitebook 840 G5 is an 8th gen Intel Core i5 processor which is very decent so when I plug this to power and press the power button nothing happens nothing comes up on the screen no backlights no texts no blinking LEDs no light on the power button no spinning sound from cooling fan so absolutely nothing happens now in each of the videos in this series I try to explain the role of the BIOS in coordinating the startup function on your laptop the BIOS is short for basic input output system which is basically some kind of flash memory chip that comes embedded on your motherboard it coordinates Hardware initialization during startup and also provides other runtime services for your operating system and programs now when you initially press the power button it first Powers up the BIOS which then tries to find an operating system from the attached drives according to the preset boot order so in this case it could be that the power hasn't gotten to the BIOS at all because usually when power gets to a functional bios chip even if it's not yet able to communicate with the display to put out the state of the startup or what could be wrong with the computer or any other information it would at least result to some other means or close such as beeps or blinking LEDs depending on the make and model of your computer now in the initial video I did in this series the laptop gave some beeps to indicate the state of the startup or could be preventing the startup this is a strong indicator I've been expecting this but I'm surprised it's coming this time and this speed is coming from your bios in the second scenario we had a caps lock LED blinking the first sign I noticed was the blinking of the caps lock LED now this laptop model has no cooling fan and it uses m.2 however in this scenario none of that happened so my primary suspect here is power it appears that power is not getting across the BIOS to enable IT issues some close regarding the problem of course I understand that the BIOS chip might also be dead or corrupt but that is a more trivial issue to deal with so before I think of that I first try all the quick and easier tests beginning with the power supply so I'm going to test to ensure the power supply is working fine and that is delivering the right amount of power to the board to that I simply do a multimeter test so I will unplug the power adapter and then carefully test to see if it works fine I will set the multimeter to 200 volts DC I guess I could also set it to 20 volts because most laptop chargers are rated between 18.5 to 20 volts DC but either you set it to 20 or 200 that should work fine now here the polarity of the multimeter doesn't really matter just pay attention to the numbers foreign 19.4 volts which tells me that the charger is very likely working fine I use the word likely here because there could be scenarios where the charger is putting out the rated power but still not making the proper contact so we can't be too sure here yet however at least we can see that there is power on the charger now considering that power is a very likely cause of the issue in this case I'm being a bit more critical with all power related components so upon inspecting the power adapter I can see here that the outer shift of the cable on the DC part is broken and has been pulled down from its position quite a bit now while this is unlikely to be the issue since the multimeter says the power adapter works fine I will still use a replacement adapter just in case there is something going on in this area that is preventing proper power flow also since I have a matching power adapter readily available now generally I try to eliminate any potential known issues so I'll have less unknowns to deal with so now that I have a more dependable adapter I'll try to use it to see if that resolves the issue unfortunately that wasn't the issue so I will proceed with the next potential cause of the problem here I will be discharging the motherboard of any residual power and also clearing the memory of any triggers that might have tripped of the laptop and has continued to prevent it from booting up this is done by first removing all power sources from your laptop but battery and AC source [Music] foreign then press and hold down the power button for some 30 to 40 seconds and then release it this discharges the motherboard of any residual voltage and clears your memory of any triggers that might have been tripped off to prevent the laptop from booting up again now retain the battery and then try to power it on again [Music] as you can see in this case that didn't resolve the problem either now one common cause of laptops not booting up as we saw in the first video of this series is the drum or broken Ram sockets now that will hardly be the issue here because there has been no sign of life at all usually when power gets to the BIOS then it will be able to put out some clues in the form of beeps or LED blinking to show a faulty Ram but since I have the laptop already disassembled and the ramps are easily accessible I will go ahead and quickly remove the ram modules one at a time to see if maybe one of the modules is bad [Music] foreign [Music] not surprisingly that wasn't the problem now normally I will try to change the ram modules or clean up the connectors and receive them more firmly to ensure proper contact but I'm not doing that here today because like I said earlier there has been no signal from the BIOS to suggest any issues with the ram so I won't be doing more than just removing and testing them one at a time and then move to other possible tests here I will continue to check more on the power related components and in that line the next part of call would be the battery now this laptop as you can see is fairly new it's an 8th gen Intel processor and hasn't been used for too long in addition the user hasn't reported any issues with the battery prior to this problem but that notwithstanding I will try to detach the battery and try to power up the laptop from only the power adapter to see if that makes any difference now I will advise doing this 30 seconds press to discharge residual power and clear trigger memories once again this is because even after the component causing the power glitch is removed that wouldn't change the state of the protective triggers so always discharge after each change when dealing with power issues like this foreign behold we now have some signs of life I can see the LED is blinking let's wait and see if we'll get some message from the BIOS or if it boots up completely to the welcome screen yes as you can see the laptop seems to be coming up fine now one thing I like to do when I find a likely cost like this is to reverse the state of the component and see if the problem returns so I will put back the battery and see if that prevents the boot up again now as you can see the laptop won't boot up again so here we can conclude that the battery has some issues now this is different from the battery being weak or dead because even a completely dead battery shouldn't stop a laptop from booting up this is more likely a circuitry problem with the circuit board on the battery so more than likely a battery replacement will be required in this case for the time I would leave the battery disconnected from the board so the user can try to still make use of the laptop and as you can see here I still need to do this 30 seconds discharge after removing the battery and that suggests that the battery is triggering one of the protective sensors possibly the over current protection which causes the laptop to go into this non-stat mode until after it's been discharged now if you have a similar issue and you decide to change the battery pay close attention to the model number and the ratings of the battery with regards to voltage also the shape of the battery and the connector type has to match now you don't have to pay much attention to the amps or the wattage because um those just um indicate the capacity of the battery so the bigger amp wouldn't be a problem but the connector and the shape has to match otherwise it won't fit into the system and if the voltage is absolutely off it might also cause more issues to your laptop also if you choose to use the laptop without connecting the battery or while you wait for the new battery to arrive you can either remove it completely from the laptop or use some non-conductive tape to isolate the connectors to avoid making unwanted contacts with other components on the board once again there are several other possible reasons why you may experience this problem so if this fix doesn't work for you check out the other videos in the series to see if any of them would help you out and that is it for this tutorial give this video a thumbs up if you found it useful and share with anyone you think might want to see drop us a comment if you have any questions or feedbacks don't forget to subscribe notification for updates on future tech support videos like this one thanks for watching and see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: EasyTechs
Views: 487,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows 10 Will not Boot Up, Windows 10 not Booting Up, pc stuck at bios screen, pc stuck on bios screen, computer stuck at bios, stuck on bios screen, computer stuck on bios screen, pc stuck on bios, pc stuck on bios loading screen, windows stuck on bios screen, stuck at bios screen, computer stuck on bios, windows 10 not starting, windows 10 startup problems, laptop not booting, laptop not booting up, laptop wont turn on, laptop is not turning on, wont boot, easytechs
Id: SwoyGzpM9TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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