How to Fix Low Back Pain in 90 Seconds, Bob and Brad Concur!

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♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ The two most famous physical therapists ♪ ♪ On the internet ♪ - Hi folks, I'm Bob Schrupp, physical therapist. - Brad Heineck, physical therapist. - Together we are the most famous physical therapists on the internet. - In our opinion of course Bob. - We're gonna show you how to fix low back pain in 90 seconds. This is asking a lot Brad. Hoping you're gonna be, truthful. - Well Bob we concur on this. - Yeah we concur, Bob and Brad concur which for some people might mean agree. (Bob laughs) - One way or another- - We're gonna get it done. - We're gonna show you exactly what we mean. And this is exciting. I'm happy to bring this video out. - Right to the people. By the way, if you're new to our channel please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos, how to stay healthy, fit, pain free and we upload everyday. Also go to, 'cause we're always giving something away. What are we giving away? We don't know because this is a future video. - In the future. - Somewhere in the future. Just go to the giveaway section or also it'll be pinned to the top of the page on Facebook. The contest that is. If you want a 60 second version of us, go to Twitter, Instagram or TikTok we have 60 seconds a day of Bob and Brad. - There ya' go Bob. Carry on. Oh. - Wait now you carry on. (Brad laughing) - All right so this is nice. This is all under science. This has been studied. And it's more than, this solution- - It's not a hokey thing. This is something that has been proven. This does help. - In the clinic as well. - Sure. - And not only that, there's two therapists that are renowned worldwide, who have the similar treatment. And that's why we're working these together. And they're gonna help you out. So the first thing, if you have back pain we're talking about back pain here in this area, not up in the upper back. - You're talking about sciatica too right? - Right- - How this could help? - Right, it could help sciatica. But we're gonna kinda, just kinda brush that on the side if you- - I would say it's another tool. - Right. - You know, maybe not the main treatment for sciatica but I would certainly try this for that. - Exactly. So the first thing we're gonna do is, the approach laying on your stomach. So you have your back pain, spasms, things are not feeling good. You know you're kinda are walking crooked and life is not good. You need to treat it and you wanna get it cured quickly. Bob you're gonna have to move. - Sure, yeah. - You're gonna need, you could do this on the bed actually. A firmer bed would be better, floor is optional too. It's actually I would say for this, it's optional. - Sure. - And we're gonna lie on your stomach. So if you really got that sore back you may wanna get down like I'm doing here, very slowly. - [Bob] Yeah see how he kept his back straight the entire time there. This by the way is not a minor detail. When I hurt my back, I could not get into bed. And I remember Brad had just shown me this method. And thank God he did because I was able to get into bed that way. It really put, very little stress on the back if you do it correctly. - Yeah 'cause you don't wanna irritate your back getting into position. So what we're gonna do now, is find a position of comfort. This is a positional release technique. And what you're going to do is, you wanna arch the back. You can go on your forearms like this and do this. It's probably gonna be more comfortable if you take a pillow and put it under your chest so the weight of your chest is not being supported by your back muscles. 'Cause we need maximum relaxation in these muscles. So get your pillow, you could put two pillows- - [Bob] I was gonna say Brad right, you could use two pillows. - Exact, why don't you give me another pillow Bob. I'm gonna have another one. Once you get into this position then if it starts to feel better already in this position you may be at the position of comfort where you're gonna start your 90 second clock timer. However, if it's like, "oh it's better" and sometimes it takes you know 20 seconds, 30 seconds to calm down. But you can shift your hips to the left or to the right. But typically, if the pain is on the left side you're probably gonna go to the opposite. I'm sorry, I'm gonna go this way to the right. - [Bob] Yeah correct. - Pain is on the left, your hips will- - [Bob] So if I'm looking this way, pain is on the left you're gonna shift your hips to the right - Right. - [Bob] Pain is on the right, shift your hips to the left. That's the way that's most likely gonna help you calm that side down. - Exactly. I'm gonna go like this. Oh that's better. Now I'm already feeling better- - See now the muscles of the back are relaxed. You know, I don't push in it, you're not feeling like they're tensed up or contracted. - Yeah, exactly. Yeah so just plan on getting a few pillows ready. So you can use them adequately. Now if this doesn't seem to work you can also try this position. - Yeah so now this, again would be recommended probably it's gonna work the best if you put the knee up like this on the painful side. I would try that first. - Liz can you hear me? My mic is gettin' bounced around- - What that's doing is, it's rotating the back a little bit which is even putting the back on even more slack. - Right, so the whole idea is you're gonna experiment with little movements and you're going to go to the movement that relaxes and decreases the pain the most. - So Brad if the pain was on the other side you could try bending this knee? - Yeah, I could try this- - Just like that. - You could just actually roll one way or the other. Sometimes just getting on the pillows is simply good enough. It already went down to a zero over 10 no pain. - When you say roll you mean roll and hold it then? - Yeah, you may even wanna put a towel roll or something under your hip, so you don't have to hold it with, contract muscles. Ah, there we go! Perfect, see that? Now you're gonna put that right there. - [Bob] Yeah, absolutely. - Oh yeah, yeah so you're gonna find that very comfortable- - [Bob] Really not hard to do, you just take things you have at home, couple pillows and have a folded towel ready to go. And place it under this painful side and see if this calms it down. This is really a great position for your back. - Yeah, now I gotta move this because it's right on my speaker. - [Bob] Oh on your mic? - (laughs) yeah. - [Bob] Sure. - You probably shouldn't have a mic on when you do this. So anyways, you're gonna find that position of most comfort after you do, and once you do this once, if you do it again the pain- - [Bob] We'll go right into it. - Right, this'll go very quickly. And literally 90 seconds minimum. You need to hold it there for 90 seconds. This has been studied and you can go longer than 90 seconds- - [Bob] So no movement for 90 seconds? - And just relax and breathe and you know, nowadays with cell phones you can just put it there and watch instead. Put a timer with a beeper if you'd want to. And when you're done with the 90 seconds or longer if it continues to feel good. Don't go for minutes. You know I'm talking 90 to 120 seconds. Then, slowly get out of the position. Don't get out quickly. Nothing is done real quickly after this. - [Bob] Look again how he's getting out of bed here. - I touch my toe down here. - [Bob] Look how the back is completely straight. There's no stress on it. Yep and now he's gonna work his way up keeping the back straight the entire time. - And there you go. See how it feels when you get up, move around a little bit. Now this is more from Bob and I- - Right. - Our experience- - This part comes from us. - Go for a nice gentle walk. If you really wanna- - Level surfaces, no stairs, no hills. - I'm not talking about two miles. You know, maybe a few blocks. Whatever it is- - If you're tolerance is less than that, if you can only go, you know around the house a little bit, walk. - It's gonna depend on how severe your pain is prior to this and what the history was for the previous days. But you know, use good judgment. Now we're gonna show you a second technique, which is laying on your back. - Lay on your back's another option. - So if you try it on your stomach and it's not working out at all, this could be the option that your back is gonna tolerate better. You're gonna start out, and I would say a bed, is certainly fine with this. You could go on the floor but I don't have any problem with a bed on this. You're gonna take a pillow but not too big of a pillow- - Would you maybe use a throw pillow Brad? - Yeah exactly. That's what I was thinking. This pillow's probably a little too big for me. You need something, throw that one over there. - And this is gonna fill in the arch basically. - Yeah. And then of course, the size of the throw pillow is gonna have a influence. - Right. - If it's too big, it's gonna be like a big bump and if it's too small it won't be enough. - You're gonna have to find the right size. - Yeah. - But looking at, this is how he provides a little bit of arch to the back which again is putting the muscles on relax, on slack. - And you may have to adjust the pillow and kind of squish it around so it gets comfortable. And then the same thing is when you're on your stomach you can shift your hips. You know if the pain is on the right, you're probably gonna shift it - [Bob] To the left. - To the left. And same the other way. One way or another you're going to just shift and move- - [Bob] Find out which one works. - Whatever's the most comfortable. - [Bob] Yeah, which one feels best. - And again it might be just laying on that pillow and getting relaxed, and then you hit the timer for 90 seconds and just relax, think about breathing, relax, let things settle in. After 90 seconds, again not less maybe 120, you're gonna simply slowly get things out. Let those muscles stay relaxed. - [Bob] Show the other way for getting out of bed Brad, that does work for some people. The rolling on your side and then pushing up. - That's a good point. So, so when we keep those relaxed we don't start 'em to get knotted up again. Think about your trunk being in a cast or we call it 'logrolling' in the therapy world. And watch my knees are gonna go over together and my shoulders are gonna tighten up my stomach muscles slightly, not real hard just enough so everything stays together. We go together like this, bring your knees off and then the feet go off. And the feet are gonna drop towards the floor as I push with this hand and this elbow gently up. There we go. - [Bob] Now if that does not work for you, you can roll over all the way to your stomach and get off like Brad did the first time. - Yeah, again this is assuming you're doing this whole thing on the bed. If you're on the floor obviously it's- - [Bob] And don't roll off the bed. - Yeah like, we got a two and a half, you know 26 inch wide bed here (laughs). Which hopefully yours is wider. Get to here- - So again this is how I had to get up. I cold not, if I tried to get up this way, when my back was hurtin' like, "ow, ow , ow, ow!" I mean that entire thing. And what you definitely don't wanna do is this. Try to get up like that. - Right, right. - That's a no-no, no matter even if you have a good back. I don't want you getting out of bed like that. You should be always, roll on to your side and pushing up like that so. - We can't finish up like this Bob. - Okay, what do you want? Oh I gotta be on this side. - That's right, that's more like it. Wow, that was freakin' me out Bob (whistles). - All right Brad and I can fix just about anything- - Except for... - A broken heart. - But we're gonna work on it. - We spent so many hours on it you'd think we woulda' made some progress by now. We haven't. - Well, we're slow Bob but we're okay. - We're persistent. - I'm okay, you're okay. - All right, thanks for watching.
Channel: Bob & Brad
Views: 663,421
Rating: 4.8615117 out of 5
Keywords: family friendly, physicaltherapyvideo, famouspt, bob schrupp, brad heineck, famous physical therapists, physical therapy, Bob and Brad, low back pain, lower back pain, back pain relief, low back pain exercises, stretches for back pain, athlean x, jeff cavaliere, how to fix low back pain, physical therapists, back pain relief exercises, back pain exercises, exercises for low back pain, knee pain, ask doctor joe, back stretch, slipped disc, pinched nerve, pain relief
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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