Door Jamb Not Flush with Wall? How to Install Extension Jamb and Trim

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in this video we're going to trim out this door and we're going to do it right now I have to trim out this door and in most cases all you would have to do is cut a piece of trim for each side and for the top and nail it into place but if you take a close look you'll notice that this Jam to the door doesn't come out flush with the dry wall and that would be the ideal situation but I'm going to have to do something to extend that jam it's called an extension Jam actually and I've gotten a ton of comments asking me how to do this so I figured I'd make this video some reasons why this might happen is this door could have actually been made for a 2x4 framed house and this could be a 2x6 framed house although that's not the case with this house you might see why this happened a little later not really important what's important is I'm going to show you how to fix it if you have a similar situation the first thing you want to do if you have existing door trim on here is remove it all and make sure all of the nails are out of the jam they're out of the wall make sure this is all cleaned up nice I took off the trim that was here because there were pieces that were broken there was gaps it was kind of pieced together so we're just going to put it all back together brand new once you do that you can move on to the next step I'm going to go around and if you notice this drywall is loose so what I want to do is put some drywall screws in here I'm gonna hold them far enough away from the edge because I want to cut this back actually for two reasons number one I want to be able to get a piece in here of three quarter and I'm going to have kind of a reveal right here so it's going to have to go this way a little bit and if I cut this back that'll give me an opportunity to insulate this you might be thinking that this is spray foam but it's not this is actually a piece of foam board and I think this is the reason that the jam is so far back because I believe there's a piece of foam board here and on the outside uh I guess as an extra step and insulation so because there is an extra maybe half inch or 3/4 right here I got 2in screws so I can actually reach the studs we'll see if those are long enough I'm going to put them about right here and the trim is going to cover that so I'm not wor about it there's the stud I'm going to sink them in not too far but so they're nice and flush and the trim will go over it nice so I'll do that same thing all the way around the [Music] door I'm going to cut this drywall back about a half an inch right here all the way around just going to use a knife you could use a sawall make this quicker and easier but this should work fine the trim will definitely cover this just make sure that is the case the stud is right here so I'm probably not going to be able to get any insulation in there I'm going to check the other side to see if I can there we go there's a nice Gap in there that we can fill in with insulation 3/4 of an inch foam board right there that's interesting there's the stud okay there is there's a large gap here that um is unfortunate but I'm glad that I'm taking this back so we can fill that in that's what we're looking to fix so now I'm going to create the extension jams which are just the pieces that are going to go from here to make up the difference between the jam and the drywall so first measurement I'm going to take is from the floor right here up to as high as I can go basically 82 in and then I'm going to check the other side make sure it's going to work over there and they're going to be longer than I need them to be and 82 in will work over there as well now I need to figure out the width and if you're lucky this will all be the same from here to the drywall and then if you look over here from here to the drywall all the way around in order to check that I'm going to use a speed square and I'm going to hold it kind of like this and I can take my tape measure and hold it from the jam to the speed square so the speed square represents the wall and I'm measuring out to the wall right here and it looks like about 7/8 of an inch little strong so I'm just going to check that all the way around and this one a little bit smaller this is about 136 let's keep checking you got to watch out for stuff like this this is the old cocking and the paint seems like it's starting to come away um but I'm just going to cut the cocking here just to get that out of there so I can go flush to where I need to be right here and that is 7/8 will work now on this side if I hold my Square you just take a look at the square and see this Gap right here and that shows that this is way out so if I was to put a piece of 7/8 in here this is about 5/8 right now from the jam to the drywall I would be comfortable with bringing this out to 7/8 it'll be tight here and there would just be a little Gap behind the trim that you'll never see I would just nail it tight right here so I am okay with 7/8 right there I'm not going to make it square like this just because that that will never be right I'd have to redo this whole side we're just trying to do the trim here so the same thing right here 78 would work a little more than 3/4 here in the middle the top that is about 7/8 so my measurements are anywhere from 3/4 of an inch to 7/8 of an inch around the whole door I think that's going to work if I just rip it at 7/8 of an in inch if you wanted to you can rip it by hand say from 3/4 of an inch to 7/8 over the span of 82 in or you could sand it down to make it perfect it's totally up to you but having maybe an eighth of an inch past this dryw wall isn't going to be a big deal this is what I'm going to be using for the extension Jam this is 3/4 pre-primed Pine and I have ripped this at 78 and this from here to here is 3/4 so to show you this is what it'll be like if I rip it all at 7/8 that trim will sit nice and flush or flat against the drywall and nice and tight against the extension Jam if I was to take the measurement on the other side of the door and use that over here say I wanted to rip everything shorter then what would happen is I'll either have a gap right here or I'll have to hold this at an angle so once I do that this 45 is going to start to separate and it's going to look terrible but if I have 7/8 it's going to be nice and flat over here and then on the other side even though it's coming out further there'll be a gap behind here that you'll never see and this will actually be nice and straight I wouldn't want to do this because then the trim is more angled in I'd rather just be able to rip everything at 7/8 and I think it'll work all the way around I didn't bring my stand for my table saw couldn't fit it in my truck I need a bigger truck 78 I have my two side measurements I'm just going to square and end these are going to be 82 in I'm not going to put the top piece in yet I'm going to put these two side pieces in and then take a measurement but before I put these in because they're going in and staying in I'm going to sand them make them [Music] nice only need two good sides [Music] I'm going to pick pick my two good sides sure this [Music] one before I install this piece and this piece I'm going to fix this reveal here from the door to the jam you can see the Gap it's much bigger right here and much less right here so I'm going to open the door I'm going to take a 3in exterior screw and I'm going to put it in this hinge and try and bring that door in a little bit try and get into that stud okay let's see how that did he there we go now that Gap and that Gap is even I'm going to start with the hinge side and I'm going to put the jam right in here like this the reason I'm doing the hinge side is because I want this to determine the reveal which is going to be this space from here to here and another option here is to mortise out for these hinges and bring it even but I think this actually adds a little bit to it having it like this a little step but totally up to you that's a that's a preference so this is where this one is going and then I'm going to make this even all the way around do one nail into the jam that all the way [Music] down so now I can take a combination Square you could also just measure this but this makes it easier and hold it to the door jam and to the extension jam and now I know that I can take this measurement and flip it up here and use that all the way around the door and that way that reveal will be nice and even all the way around and then actually opening the door will make it easier so this will sit nice and flat get an accurate Mark over here and I'll be passed on the catch here just barely going measure it for the top 36 and 38 [Music] okay if you watch my channel regularly you'll know that I'm not a huge fan of spray foam but this is a perfect situation for it so I'm GNA use it but I need to make sure that I can get this tube in here without getting tripped up so unfortunately I'm going to have to cut this drywall back all the way around again cuz I really want to get in here to insulate all this and right here it's not bad but once I hit one little snag there's a little tip for you you're going to end up trying to get through here and then it's going to go like that and it's going to make a mess and that's why I'm not a huge fan of spray foam so I'm going to try and contain the mess as much as possible and I'm going to cut this back to make it easy that's a nail there there's nothing I can do about that okay okay I'm going to be very careful and only put a tiny bit of this in my main concern is the top here and a couple spots on the side and then I'm going to try and just very carefully fill in here to replace some of that foam that I took out this about as much as I'm willing to do let that expand I got the big gaps so it's been about an hour and as you can see the foam has expanded outwards and I didn't make too much of a mess I was very careful so now I can go along and cut this out I'm going to use a coping saw blade that I took off the coping saw and I'm just going to carefully cut this so it's flush so we can put our trim on still a little wet actually oh that's good so it's going to look something like that all the way around you could also use something like fishes line or dental floss that would probably work this really works well now I'm going to grab my combination Square again again and I'm going to use that same reveal that this has and I'm going to mark all the way around right here and that's where my trim is going to go it's going to be like a little step up I think it makes it look nice you can do whatever you want I'm just going to sand this down a little bit these are my pieces of trim uh this came it was not primed so I primed it so I'm just sanding it down a little bit cleaning it up and then put a p coat of paint on after it's all prepped cocked in all the nail holes are filled so I'm just going to sand this cut two square ends and bring in the two sides obviously use whatever trim matches your trim this is what is existing in the house so this is what I'm using I'm put it flat on the floor first and then Mark my line right here this is actually going to be pretty close but I always mark my orientation that's the way I want the 45 to go mark it up high so I don't end up having a line do the same thing with the other side put my piece in here and then hold it to the line make sure it's good then I'm going to take an 18 gauge nailer and shoot into the extension Jam like that all the way down here I can see my line perfect now my top piece put it in like this and right here on each side Mark that and the orientation is going to be opposite going to go this way it's a little trick instead of measuring and this way and I can cut those 45s I want to check make sure this fits good nice that will be good too I'm going to glue these 45s okay so I'm going to put this in place I'm going to try and get a nail going this way if I can a little awkward Angle now the other side I'm not going to be able to get a nail in the 45 just want to match the up so it's good and then when I nail this I'll just be careful make sure it lines up and then the glue will hold it together now I can take my finish gun and shoot all the way around here I'm going to be filling in all these nail holes that's not bad that into [Music] okay make sure this 45 is good we nail it now I'm just going to fill these nail holes in the whole thing in and it'll be ready for paint so we have all brand new trim that matches the rest of the house a new extension Jam everything is prepped and ready for paint and I'm confident in saying that this is going to last a long time we were also able to add a lot of insulation that was missing so I think it's sealed up nice and tight if you had a project similar to this I hope the video helps you and I have a ton of home repair videos on my channel so check them out and if you haven't subscribed yet definitely consider it thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next one on the door that you're doing you're not necessarily doing the door and this isn't just a regular yeah it is a regular door this door is meant for to this is oh my God a bunch of doors nail it to the door then the actual Jam is meant for damn I was doing good too sure if that's what happened here what am I trying to say but RI but it's going to work my god with this door but the this might be a a door what's known as 2x4 framed house just start just start start from the what could happen What could have happened is actually the reason that did I just say that that is the reason that this is happening mhm okay so now I'm going to create the ex let me know in the comments below let me know in the comments below is stupid I talking too much at 78 whoops tight or damn it pre-primed Pine ain't what it used to be oh damn it oh God that's what it's going to be like ow but the glue's Frozen Hello Mr Mister what if it exploded everywhere no it didn't no I said if it oh definitely need a new blade I got to go real slow so it doesn't chip this stuff out cut
Channel: The Fixer
Views: 33,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fixer, home repair, extension jamb, extension door jamb, jamb extensions, extend the jamb, interior door fix, exterior door, reveal, door not flush with drywall, door jamb not flush with drywall, door trim not even with wall, door trim, how to install door trim
Id: RlT5vYovTSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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