How To Fix Cyberpunk 2077 PC Mods That Aren't Working, Crashing, Conflicting & Making Game Flat-Line

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everybody welcome back to the wonderful world of cyberpunk 2077 and we're on PC and um what I'm going to be talking about here is what to do when your mods stop working or don't work on cyberpunk 2077 and even if the whole game stops working as well you know what steps can you follow to kind of get them working in and even just to get the game working again and because that could be a bit of a problem now I'm kind of assuming that you're using Vortex to install uh your multi-factor let's just go back here with some stop cyberpunk chatting away that'd be better um yeah so I'm kind of assuming you're using Vortex um and what I'll do is I'll put a link in the description below the video too of the vortex mod uh down manager and my video on how to install Vortex so here we are in Vortex so you've got a mod and let's say it was working but it stopped working and the first question is have you installed another mod and if you have what you maybe want to do is is is disable that mod because there's plenty of mods within cyberpunk that can interfere with with each other especially the ones that are anything to do with changing the view so like third person views first person views stopping camera centering views all these sorts of things free fly ones they could they can stop each other working and stop the game working as well so first thing um disable the last mod that you've been using the next thing you want to do if there was a mod that was working that isn't you want to click on check for updates as well and see if there's an update to the mod I guess they will May well have been an update to the game that's broken the mod and the modder is then going to do an update and you can get that also remember that when there are big updates to the game that break mods it can take models quite a long time to get to a situation where they can fix their mod test it and then push it out for everybody else to use a common mistake that people make as well is when they're installing mods is that they forget about the requirements that particular mods May well have so for example the free fly clip um if you go down from the description you'll see in the requirements it says it needs cyber engine tweaks and Native settings UI so make sure you do have those installed because it could be if you don't well the mod isn't going to work the other classic problem that people forget is that especially mods that use cyber engine tweaks is that many mods need to be activated within cyber engine tweets you need to allocate a hotkey in order to turn them on and so what you do with that is you'll be in um you'll be in the game you could bring up cyber engine tweaks and you'll go to hotkeys and you'll bind a key for it to work and it won't work before them and normally there's a hotkey to activate the mod and there might be some input Keys you need to bind as well so that's another thing that can potentially um go wrong that way let's say you're in a situation where you've kind of done these things and the mod still isn't working or there's something odd going on with the game what you can then do what I do is Then I then basically disable all of the mods um apart from the ones that I really need so for example like on PC for cyberpunk I really like freefly because I can take my character wherever I like and I can have a look around the the night City and the environments I really enjoyed that and I like the simple menu so you can Muck around with your character um and what you need to do is you disable all your mods apart from the ones you want but then what you do is you go down here and you go open on Nexus mods and you just look at those requirements and you say okay so I need cyber engine tweaks for that one and then for free flight what do I need uh open on Nexus mods requirements I need uh cyber Industries a native settings UI so then we go back to Vortex and I disable everything apart from those particular mods and then I'll restart the game and and again sometimes that will work and then you can start adding the mods back in again and that way you can see where the problems might be another thing you can do is just on the particular mod that you're working on just go down and re-read the installation has this changed the tool has there been an update which changed the way it works another good place for that is within the posts section as well so this is where people have posted stuff so it doesn't work for me what do I do and quite often the mod Creator will write things in there and say look you want to do this or they'll give you suggestions of where to start looking just remember they get hundreds if not thousands of questions about these mods because cyberpunk is incredibly popular these days and sometimes they don't have the time to answer and then you also have um if you do a Google search for cyberpunk 2077 models Discord there is a Discord that you can go to and you can ask for help um but again just bear in mind that quite a lot of people who are in these discords they're very busy and they're not always that patient so make sure you do a search for the problem that you're after within the Discord and also also on Google as well if you've got a problem why does free fly cyberpunk 27 mod not work do a Google search to bring it up now with all those things you may well um solve your mod problem but also you kind of have to accept that sometimes when you are modding in cyberpunk 27 or any other game it will they will just stop working and they will just won't work you know sometimes mods become out of date and they never get updated by by the uh by the mod Creator and that's just a factor like that's just kind of what happens there's a survival mod that I really wanted to try out where you have to eat and drink but the guy who's written it has kind of stopped supporting it and has said look hopefully someone else will bring this up but I just haven't got the time and that does happen and you know it is a bit sad but the way it is now the final thing that sometimes can happen is your game will just break cyberpunk just won't come up you'll get an error message saying cyberpunk is flatlined um you know please sort it out so how do you do that well if that happened you want to go into your launcher in this case I'm using the Gog launcher and you'll want to go to the game so go to cyborg 277 so own games cyberpunk 2077 go into the settings that you see up here going to manage installation and go to verify repair so you click on that and then you go to your downloads and a bit like on Steam when you can verify local uh files this is the same thing so the game is going to go through it's going to look at your 0.27 7 files and then download the changes this is a real common problem that you'll get where you'll do a mod a mod will change something in the game the game will break and it will just Flatline all the time and it won't run and you've got to go and you've got to do this it can take a while to do it it'll download the files and then you can restart the game remember disable those mods that you think might be having the problem and then you can start going through the whole process once more of getting the game and getting the game working right so there we go um hopefully you found that useful if you have it like if you want to see more of the same price subscribe and I will of course see you again soon
Channel: Scalespeeder Gaming
Views: 58,228
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Id: NswRw4gGetY
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Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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