How To Fix Controller Not Working in Wuthering Waves | PS4 and XBOX Controller

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hey there chat it's me Niche internet micro celebrity EXO solo here to do what I do best in wine so as you can currently tell I'm playing weing ways for the first time great game so far a lot of things that I enjoy about it but there there is one problem that's kind of taking a sledgehammer to my experience and that is uh the lack of controller support So as you can clearly tell by the indications in the bottom I am on a keyboard right now which is fine if you like torturing yourself and having authori at the age of 25 but I don't you know me personally uh I like controllers and what's really funny about weaing waves is they said the game would have controller support which it does but it also doesn't so so if you go to your settings over here you'll notice that here's controller supp board right and I don't have a camera but you you can hear it right that's a controller hear that and you'll notice the immediate lack of tactical response from from anything that I do and um I I just can't help but wonder why they decided to promote that in live stream if it's not in the game you know maybe be fixing a day one patch the sources are here but again I have to ask what the and it's not just me um if you go on YouTube this this video right here and by the way these two of these codes don't work he you go right here it's it's really funny is you'll notice a lot of people are having the same issue so just be very mindful of that when playing weathering waves that just know that wallet says it has controller support it doesn't it might on mobile but as far as PC you know the only thing that matters goes no hey there chat I'm back so I did a little bit more digging before uploading this video you're welcome thank me later and it turns out the what's actually happening is that you can't use a controller on the phone version of the game and you can't use it on the computer version of the game if it is a PS4 controller so if you're using a Xbox controller or a PS4 controller it won't work because for some reason the devs thought to make the only controller that is supportive the one that no one has the PS5 from from what I can gather at least from this thread that seems to be the common consensus it has to be a wired PS5 controller if I sort this by I think it's best or new you'll see it yeah so right here is a commentary from four minutes ago can't use PS4 controller in this game I saw many people saying that they can use the PS5 so if you have a PS5 controller and it's wired you might be able to get it to work if you're on PS4 it won't work if you're on Xbox it won't work if you're on mobile it just won't work so they said the game would have controller support that was a lie maybe like 2% of the people who use controllers in this world are actually going to be able to use it because let's be honest if you're rich enough to afford A PS5 you're not playing this game on launch for starters because I'm pretty sure it's not even on consoles yet and secondly um why buy a PS5 when they've been scalp then you can just get a computer instead though we're all on the same page controllers don't work as of 11:00 p.m. my time so for reference the game came out at like 9:30 hey there chat welcome back a third time you know talking about an issue without giving you a solution is bit cringe so I'm not going to do that to you because I have a temporary one if the game's not working for you on a PS for controller at the time of you watching this video here's the steps you can take in order to make it work I'm not going to baby you you know how to use Google so all I need you to do is go to the search bar DS4 enter this right here get it download it download it for whatever version you have really doesn't matter once that bad boy is done open it take it drag it to your desktop right here yeah just go Ahad and do it it's fine I've downloaded so much porn on this device there's no shot this is going to be more harmful we're going to open this right here pink one I'm going to click it open up up program folder all right and it's just it's automatically going to detect I have it whatever controller you have if it's on this list pick it close it open it right here no controller detected wait there it goes immediately it should immediately detect it if it doesn't tough luck look up another tutorial man it it mines a wired controller and now if this is working you should immediately be able to log in and weathering waves will work you won't have to set anything else up it works as it is now I can show you all right cool so we are currently in the game now I am not on my controller but watch I'm I'm going to press the controller button boom easy working just like that now it's going to be a bit weird um I don't think it's one to one but if you really want to set the settings be it it works like every controller you need every bind it's here it's already predetermined if you really want to change it you just go here to controller settings then you can pull up this thing right here profile right here going to click that edit and then you can just manually change it here by just clicking click this and then just change it to whatever it needs to be as long as it corresponds to this you don't need to do that though just make sure you keep this open if you don't it will stop and I can show you how it will stop so watch if you press this button right here it stops the controller from working within the software if I press it all of a sudden my controller doesn't work anymore we go back turn it on and we're in business and it really is that easy boys I hope you guys are going to go and enjoy weathering those waves me personally it's like what 1:00 in the morning no it's it's not even midnight yet but I'm tired I got a big stream tomorrow come catch me live at exos solo I'll be there playing the game for like 8 hours straight because I have nothing else going on um but I'm going to bed in the meantime I just want to get this video out as soon as possible so those of you who are having the same issue don't have to suffer and wait for a day one patch this is solo signing off later nerds very
Channel: XgoSolo
Views: 53,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WutheringWaves, Wuthering Waves Controller Not working, Wuthering Waves How to fix controller, Wuthering Waves Controller not detected, Fix Wuthering Waves Controller PC, WuWa Controller not working, WuWa Xbox Controller not working, WuWa PS4 controller not working, Wuthering Waves Controller not working
Id: 2i_GdDYIm9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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